ng-click different behaviour when clicking second time - angularjs

Below is my HTML
<div id="alertmap-buttons" class="span2 no-margin">
<button id="alert-add-location" class="btn btn-default pull-left" ng-click="displayMap = !displayMap"><span ng-if="!displayMap">Add Location</span><span ng-if="displayMap">Done</span></button>
<button id="alert-cancel-location" class="btn btn-danger" ng-if="displayMap" ng-click="alert.latitude = !alert.latitude; alert.longitude = !alert.longitude;">Cancel</button>
<div ng-if="alert.latitude && alert.longitude" id="latlng-label" class='span3 pull-right no-margin'>
<div class="pull-left"><label class="latlng-label">lat: {{alert.latitude}}</label></div>
<div class="pull-right"><label class="latlng-label">long: {{alert.longitude}}</label></div>
Here am trying to hide lat & long when clicking on Cancel button, but when I clicked on Cancel button second time it is again showing as
lat:true lang:true
What should be done here to remove this?
And one more thing, here displayMap is diplaying a map to choose lat and lang, after choosing when we click Done map will be disappeared and a form will be shown to the user. All these things will happen in a modal dialog box. Here when I click on Cancel I need to clear the values of lat & long also I need to do this
displayMap = !displayMap
But this combination is not working? Any ideas on this?

You are reversing the value. Stop reversing it and set the value to false.
ng-click="alert.latitude = false; alert.longitude = false;"
ng-click="displayMap = !displayMap; alert.latitude = false; alert.longitude = false;"
But as this is getting a bit verbose I would probably create a function in my controller to reset these values. As far as I know with ng-click you can make it do as many things as you want as long as they are semi-colon separated.


Cannot click on the button inside span based on the text in sibling Protractor

I'm trying to click on a button based on the sibling text.
<li ng-repeat="list in lists" ng-if="!includes(list)" class="ng-scope">
<span class="ng-binding">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="useList(list)">Use</button>
<span class="ng-binding">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="useList(list)">Use</button>
As shown in the above code, based on test or test2 I want to click on the button accordingly. How can I achieve that?
I'll write some code that takes takes a variable myText and clicks the button; this should work no matter how many span elements you repeat as long as they are in the format shown in your question.
let buttons = element.all(by.css('button'));
for (var button in buttons) {
WebElement parent = (WebElement) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(
"return arguments[0].parentNode;", button);
if (parent.getText() == myText) {};
Try the below one
const ele = element.all(by.css('li > span > button');
for(i=0;i< ele.count();i++){
if(ele.get(i).getText() === text){
Pass the value of the button you wish to click to the above function.
Hope it helps you

Upgrade a simple select/unselect into a proper array I can call on

I have an ng-repeat that shows a list of items a user can 'select' and I am using the following code (stripped down example) for the selection process
<div class="panel" ng-class="{'titleSelected': titleSelected[$index]}" ng-repeat="item in listofitems">
<button class="btn btn-success" ng-click="titleSelected[$index] = !titleSelected[$index]">
<span ng-hide="titleSelected[$index]">Add to Buy List</span>
<span ng-show="titleSelected[$index]">Remove from Buy List</span>
Now this is working fine (I have also had this working using to track rather than $index. i click an item, background changes colour thanks to ng-class and the button dynamically becomes a remove button
However I was expecting titleSelected to be an array of stored info, but I was clearly wrong. What I actually need is a live array that stores / removes on click and I have approached this all wrong.
Also when I use filters (not shown in the code), if any item is selected and then hidden by the filters.. and brought back it loses its 'selected' status.
This is the case with both $index and
I suspect little functions with push and splice are required but I also still need the simple functionality of the add remove in place as well. and in perfect sync with what has actually been selected
Any pointers appreciated
EDIT 1 : Ok by simply adding
$scope.titleSelected = [];
into my controller, and using instead of $index my app is now 1) remembering the selected items between filter changes AND createing an array I can call on. However the array contains (on the first selection) an entry for every single item.
So I have 503 items, and on first click the array length jumps to 912 (no idea where this number comes from).. most of which are null, but if I click on the item with id=4 then the fourth entry becomes true i.e
Done with a couple of functions bound to ng-click
$scope.addToBasket = function(item) {
$scope.removeFromBasket = function(item) {
var index = $scope.basket.indexOf(item);
if (index > -1) {
$scope.basket.splice(index, 1);
and in the HTML
<button ng-hide="titleSelected[]" class="btn btn-success"
ng-click="addToBasket(;titleSelected[] = !titleSelected[]">
Add to Buy List
<button ng-show="titleSelected[]" class="btn btn-success"
ng-click="removeFromBasket(;titleSelected[] = !titleSelected[]">
Remove from Buy List

Xeditable form is saving form without even displaying it

I am trying to create an xeditable form as demonstrated here:
I have followed the instructions exactly but my form is not working. I want to save a resource, but when I click the Edit button, which should display the form, it seems to skip the editing stage and immediately triggers the saveResource function - which should only happen when the form gets saved.
I've compared my code to the documentation again and again and can't work out what I am doing wrong.
<form editable-form name="editResourceForm" onaftersave="saveResource()">
<strong editable-text="resource.title" e-name="title">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4">
<button ng-click="editResourceForm.$show()" ng-show="!editResourceForm.$visible">Edit</button>
<!-- buttons to submit / cancel form -->
<span ng-show="editResourceForm.$visible">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" ng-disabled="editResourceForm.$waiting">Save</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-disabled="editResourceForm.$waiting" ng-click="editResourceForm.$cancel()">Cancel</button>
app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope, $filter) {
$scope.resource = {
title: 'awesome resource'
$scope.saveResource = function() {
console.log("Save resource");
You can see that it is trying to save the form, because every time the Edit button is clicked, the console logs "Save resource". This should not happen when the edit button is clicked.
#ckosloski answered this on Github:
I think it's because your edit button does not specify a button type.
By default, the button type is submit. So you are clicking on the
button and it's submitting the form since it's a submit button. Try
adding type="button" to your edit button.
Adding this solved it, as you can see from the updated JSFiddle.

wj-popup in ng-repeat, Wijmo5 and AngularJS

I'm trying to make use of wj-popup inside an ng-repeat in an AngularJS application, but am having difficulty.
Basically, I've used the demo example for wj-popup and wrapped it in an ng-repeat as follows. I have an array of posts, each has a property that is its indexValue (post.indexValue).
Each button needs to have a different ID, so I expect that using post.indexValue should work, and it does set the button ID on each repetition correctly, but the calling function doesn't work and the popup doesn't appear, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
<div ng-repeat="post in posts">
Click to open, move focus away to close:
<button id="{{post.indexValue}}" type="button" class="btn">
<wj-popup class="popover" owner="#{{post.indexValue}}" show-trigger="Click" hide-trigger="Blur">
<ng-include src="'includes/popup.htm'"></ng-include>
Issue is with id. Pop up is not working even if there is no ng-repeat and owner id starts with any number. Changing button id to "btn{{post.indexValue}}" worked for me. Try this fiddle.
<div ng-repeat="post in posts">
Click to open, move focus away to close:
<button id="btn{{post.indexValue}}" type="button" class="btn">
<wj-popup class="popover" owner="#btn{{post.indexValue}}" show-trigger="Click" hide-trigger="Blur">
<ng-include src="'includes/popup.htm'"></ng-include>

Angularjs Dropdown closes when $ parameters are changed

I'm building an ecommerce site. I have a directive called "horizontalShoppingByCategoriesLayout" that watches the current filter criteria (to filter products being returned) and as the user changes those filter criteria the directive sets the search parameters $
filterParameters['searchtext'] = $scope.searchText;
filterParameters['order'] = searchorder;
filterParameters['page'] = page;
filterParameters['limit'] = limit;
On that same directive my code is set up to watch the url, and if it changes (due to changes in filter criteria) then to do a search to return products.
$scope.$watch(function () { return $location.url(); }, function (url){
if (url){
$timeout(function() {
The filter criteria are defined in a directive called "filterCriteriaVarietyCategoriesHorizontal" that is defined in the template of "horizontalShoppingByCategoriesLayout".
<div class="pull-leftt" ng-if='numberProducts != undefined && numberProducts > 0'>
<filter-criteria-horizontal execute-criteria-search=$parent.executeCriteriaSearch category-id=$parent.categoryId search-criteria-list=$parent.searchCriteriaList></filter-criteria-horizontal>
When a user hovers over the filter criteria category button, this triggers an angular event that causes an Angular-UI Bootstrap dropdown to drop down and show the options for that filter criteria category. The user can then click on the filter criteria option, which "horizontalShoppingByCategoriesLayout" detects and then calls a change on the $location search parameters (which changes the url and a webservice call for products is initiated).
The filter criteria options in the dropdown are a set of checkboxes. My problem is when the user clicks on one of these checkboxes, it causes the dropdown to close, which should only happen when the user hovers off of the button that initiated the dropdown opening. I already fixed the problem where the clicking on the checkbox it's self causes the dropdown to close by calling ng-click="$event.stopPropagation()" on the checkbox. Here is my code for the filtercriteria category, dropdown, and checkboxes.
<div class="coll-md-12" ng-mouseleave="closeAll()">
<div class="btn-group" dropdown is-open="status.isopen">
<button ng-mouseleave="close()" ng-mouseenter="open()" type="button" ng-class="{'filter-criteria-variety-category-name-hover': filterCriteriaCategoryActive}" class="btn btn-link dropdown-toggle filter-criteria-variety-category-name" dropdown-toggle ng-disabled="disabled">
{{searchCriteria.criteriaName}}<span class="caret"></span>
<div class="dropdown-menu">
<div class="search-criteria-values" ng-mouseleave="close()" ng-mouseenter="keepOpen()">
<div ng-if="searchCriteria.imageBasedFilter == true">
<filter-criteria-options-visual filter-criteria-options=$parent.searchCriteria.criteriaOptionValues></filter-criteria-options-visual>
<div ng-if="searchCriteria.imageBasedFilter == false">
<div class="col-md-12 no-padding" ng-repeat="searchCriteriaOption in searchCriteria.criteriaOptionValues">
<div class="pull-left filter-criteria-checkbox-item">{{searchCriteriaOption.criteriaOption}} <input ng-click="$event.stopPropagation()" id="{{searchCriteriaOption.criteriaOption}}" type="checkbox" ng-model="searchCriteriaOption.checked"/></div>
I'm sure that it is adding search parameters to the url with $ that is causing the dropdown to close because if I comment out the line that adds the (filter criteria to the) search parameters to the url in the directive "horizontalShoppingByCategoriesLayout", then the dropdown does not close.
filterParameters['searchtext'] = $scope.searchText;
filterParameters['order'] = searchorder;
filterParameters['page'] = page;
filterParameters['limit'] = limit;
With the checkboxes in the dropdown I was able to stop the dropdown from closing by calling stopPropagation() on the click event, but for a change in the $location search parameters I don't know how to stopPropogation for that change.
Does anyone have an idea how to cause the dropdown to not close when changes are made to the $ parameters?
I had the same issue then I looked into the source code of angular boostrap ui and found:
$scope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function() {
scope.isOpen = false;
And a hacky solution would be remove the listener
$scope.$$listeners.$locationChangeSuccess = [];
in your dropdown controller
The solution from user3217868 worked well for me but I had to execute the code once the document was fully loaded like on my code below.
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
$scope.$$listeners.$locationChangeSuccess = [];
Posting here in case it may be helpful to someone else.
