I am trying write an output to a text file with added text. For example i know
executable.exe 2> output.txt
will store the output of the executable in output.txt but what if in the text file i want something like:
The output of the executable is: (add some spaces) executable.exe's output
How about two commands? First one to prepare file:
echo|set /p=The output of the executable is: > output.txt
And then:
executable.exe 2>> output.txt
Is there anyway i can print the command being executed and result of the command in batch to a file but not the console.
ls C:\Temp
I want to print ls C:\Temp and result of this command to log file but not on console
call :function "Argument 1"
I want to print call :function "Argument 1" and result of this command to log file but not on console
call perl hey.pl
I want to print call perl hey.pl and result of this command to log file but not on console
command > output.txt
Will create an output file "output.txt" (You can also use ".log"). If such a file exists, it will overwrite it.
command >> output.txt
Will also create an output file, but it will append to it (Useful when you're in a loop and want to append the results of all of the iterations).
Create your batch file, e.g. C:\YourDir\YourBatch.cmd, making sure that you have not turned Echo Off.
At your Command prompt run the batch file.
Either by navigating to the holding path:
CD /D "C:\YourDir"
then invoking
or just run it directly with:
If you intend to append to an existing Output.log change > to >>.
I have a program which runs like this on the command prompt:
astroOrbit -p #1 > 1.txt
There are about 400 output text files to be generated with #-number going from 1 to 400 and the corresponding output file from 1.txt to 400.txt. How to put this in a for-loop from 1 to 400? Thanks.
Open a command prompt window, enter for /? and read the output help.
From within command prompt window:
for /L %I in (1,1,400) do astroOrbit.exe -p #%I >%I.txt
From within a batch file:
for /L %%I in (1,1,400) do astroOrbit.exe -p #%%I >%%I.txt
Is there anyway to write the command windows output to a file? To have a transcript if you will.
Yes, for example, on the command prompt you can do this:
dir *.* > c:\temp\a.txt
This operation is called 'output redirection'. The output of the above command will go the named file and will overwrite it if it already exists with the results. You can find many examples on the net for that, example: Redirection.
In command prompt, use >> operator.
For example, If you type below command then output will be saved to output.txt file
dir > output.txt
If you type below then output will be appended to exist file.
dir >> output.txt
I have given a bat file that I should run on development server which does some updates.
It has multiple commands and I would like to keep the results in txt file.
Should I add after each command >> result.txt or I can add it somewhere in the end of bat file and everything will be written in that?
You have four options:
Run the batch file at the command line like: myBat.bat >> outPut.txt
Script the above in another batch file and run that
Insert the >> after each command ( Note: the >> appends to file, while > overrides existing text output file)
Enclose all relevant lines in parentheses and script >> result.txt once at the end of the script
I have the following problem:
I'm trying to write a script where two files (file1.txt and file2.txt) should be combined into 1 file with a text passage in between. The output should be written in another file (e.g. output.txt).
The output.txt file should be:
[content of file1.txt]
text passage
[content of file2.txt]
After some research on the internet I found the following and it works fine in the terminal:
cat file1.txt <(echo "text passage") file2.txt > output.txt
However, it does not work in my script:
cat file1.txt <(echo "text passage") file2.txt > output.txt
If I execute the script nothing happens (the output.txt isn't written).
Why doesn't this line work in a script and what can I do to make it work?
Thank you for your help!
You can just do this:
cat file1.txt > output.txt
echo "Text message" >> output.txt
cat file2.txt >> output.txt
the >> operator means add it to the end of the file, rather than overwriting the contents.
You can also group the commands using brackets:
(cat file1.txt
echo "Text message"
cat file2.txt) > output.txt