Can't connect to SQL Server using the configuration manager - sql-server

After installing sql server I can't seem to connect to the server. I found a very similar question.
However, when I open SQL Server Configuration Manager and Click on SQL Server Services there aren't any services there!
So how can I find my server name?
P.S. when I enter the server name .\sqlexpress it doesn't connect.

Open SQL Server Management Studio:
Server Type : Database Engine
Server Name : .
Authentication : Windows Authentication

Are you have management studio. Then just simply open sqlserver. If try with first "Window Authentication" and not connect then connect with "SqlServer Authentication".
Or in "Server Name" option, just which search your entire network sql server.
If you don't have sqlserver management studio, then you can connect with Visualstudio too.
It might be your firewall block or service is stopped.
Connection to SQL Server Database inside Visual Studio 2012 C#
Here is one usefull link to connect sqlexpress.
How to connect to local instance of SQL Server 2008 Express


Connect to your sql server without credentials

I created a project in visual studio and I want to use SQL Server Management Studio to see database. What should be the server name?
On connecting to sql server, it gives error:
I tried finding server name using cmd so the result was:
My sql server configuration manager doesn't contain any sql server services. I was using sql server 2012 so now I downloaded sql server 2017 but same, so services are shown.
How can I connect to sql server?
You will not be able to connect to the SQL server if the SQL Server service is not running. Once you have verified your service is running, you can use the option in the Server name to select your SQL Server Name.
You can connect to SQLServer with two ways:
Usually you run SQLServer instance as service and connect using server credentionals
Sqlexpress "embedded" style - connect to mdf/mdb-file. Behind the scenes it will start localdb service and attach db-file.
First way is recommended in most cases.
Run services.msc and look for sqlserver instances. If they are down - start one. If they are notexistent - rerun installation and check options.

Connect to SQL Server in VM via local SQL Server Management Studio

I do have a database running in VM and I would like to connect to it using my local SQL Server Management Studio. I have my Windows authentication and I have SQL Server authentication. I don't know what the server name is supposed to be?
Could you please provide me an example, and if there's any way to get the info from the server.
Open up SQL Server Configuration Manager (search for it in the Start menu of your VM ). Click on SQL Server Services. The instance name of SQL Server is in parenthesis inline with SQL Server service. If it says MSSQLSERVER, then it's the default instance. To connect to it in Management Studio, just type . (dot) OR (local) and click Connect. If the instance name is different, then use .[instance name] to connect to it (for example if the instance name is SQL2008, connect to .\SQL2008).
Also make sure SQL Server and SQL Server Browser services are running, otherwise you won't be able to connect.
If SQL server and SQL Server Browswer are started, than you should connect to your VM Sql management studio.
I hope this helps :)

Unable to login to sql server

I dont know much about sql server.
I have just re-installed windows 7 on my laptop. After that I installed Visual Studio 2012 Express Edition. I also Installed SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2.
Now when I try to log in to sql server management studio by using server name as . or (local) or .\SQLEXPRESS or PC-Name\SQLEXPRESS and using Windows Authentication I get the error as below.
Please dont mark this question as negative as I have searched on google for last 4 hours but did not understand the problem.
There are many reasons that may cautioning the problem:
SQL Server is not running
SQL Server is not properly configured
You try to connect with a worng instance Name
You can try the following:
Go to Mycomputer->Rigt Click->Manage->Application and Services
And from there check that SQL Server Express is running
2.From there also, gCheck the Instance name of your SQL Express and be sure when you log on to Management Studio you Provide the same Instance name
Confirm that the service is installed and running. Under Computer Management, drill-down into Services and Applications -> Services.
There should be a service named "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)". Try a restart or start of the service.
If any other instance of SQL Server is installed it will be listed - try connecting to LOCALHOST(whatever the instance is listed as) to verify the installation is functional.
UPDATED following further information from comments:
You may have only installed the client tools (management studio), and have not installed the database service. Ensure you have the correct installer which includes the database services engine.
First check that the SQL Server parameters are set accordingly.
Go to Start -
All Programs — Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 — Configuration tools —
SQL Server Configuration Manager
Under SQL Server Services, make sure that the instance is running :
SQL Server ()
SQL Server Browser
Under SQL Server Network Configuration - Protocols for (), these are enabled:
Named Pipes
Do the same under SQL Native Client 10.0 under Client Protocols

I can't connect to SQL Server locally

I have just installed Visual Studio 2010. It comes with SQL Server Express (if am I correct). The problem is: when I try to connect via SQL Server Management Studio Express using Servername-->BrowseForServer. There is no SQL Server Express instance just appears SERVERPC
So I can't connect this way .\SERVERPC or typing or this way .\SQLEXPRESS. I checked some protocols like TCP/IP, NamedPipes if they work properly. SQL Server is also running but I can't start SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Browser because all the buttons restart, start and stop are disabled
Start->All Programs->Sql Server _your version_->Configuration Tools->SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Go to sql server services and check if there are Sql Server at all (or is it running)

Unable connect DNN6 to SQL Server 2012 developer edition

I have SQL Server 2008 Express and SQL Server 2012 Developer edition installed.
When I want to connect to SQL Server from Visual Studio 2010 I have only option to connect to VISTAUSER-PC/SQLEXPRESS but I know that the name of 2012 Developer edition is VISTAUSER-PC so I just write that name, test connection and its working.
DotNetNuke just gives me option to connect to express edition and when I enter VISTAUSER-PC for the name of the server it cannot connect. I know that DNN works with SQL Server 2012
If your DotNetNuke install is on the same box as IIS/SQL2012/VS2012 then you just select "SQL Server 2005/2008 (Express) File".
You need to make sure other SQL instances, except SQL 2012, are NOT running on your machine when you do this....
DotNetNuke ships with a database.mdf file which is used by default by SQLExpress.
To recap..
Do not edit your SQL connection strings in your web.config
Stop any other SQL instance but SQL2012
Select the radio button beside "SQL Server 2005/2008 (Express) File".
I have noticed that SQL2012 uses a different account to run under so you may need to go in and change to "Network Service" so you can cleanly connect to SQL20102
Good luck...
