UI-Router modal changes existing views - angularjs

I'm trying to use ui-router to trigger a modal for a certain state, rather than changing the entire view. To do this, I implemented a slightly adapted form of what is given in the FAQ, as I'm using angular-foundation rather than bootstrap. When I trigger the state, the modal is shown, however it also clears out the existing views even though no views are specified in my state:
onEnter: ($modal, $state, $sessionStorage) ->
templateUrl: 'views/select_modal.html'
windowClass: 'tiny'
controller: 'SelectCtrl'
options: (Restangular) -> Restangular.all('options').getList()
.result.then (result) ->
$sessionStorage.selected = result
$state.go 'resource', id: result.id
Should I be configuring views/parents for this state e.g. <div ui-view='modal'></div> or parent:'main' (I'd like it to be accessible from any state without changing that state when toggled)?

specify that it has a parent state by using the "." naming convention. (replace "parentState" with the name of the actual parent): .state('parentState.selectModal',...

Have you considered putting the modal code into a service and just calling that service in each controller that uses the modal?
angular.module('app').service('modal', function(){
function open(){
templateUrl: 'views/select_modal.html',
windowClass: 'tiny',
controller: 'SelectCtrl',
resolve: {
options: function(Restangular) { Restangular.all('options').getList() }
) // .result... if it's generic, otherwise put it in the controller
angular.module('myapp').controller('main', function($scope, modal){
modal.open().result.then(function(result) {
$sessionStorage.selected = result;
$state.go('resource', id: result.id);


How to get $stateParams in parent view?

I want to make tabs with tab-content.
tab-content has it's own view.
Here is code sample
(function () {
.module('infirma.konfiguracja', ['ui.router'])
routeConfig.$inject = ['$stateProvider'];
function routeConfig($stateProvider) {
.state('app.konfiguracja', {
url: 'konfiguracja/',
views: {
'page#app': {
templateUrl: 'app/konfiguracja/lista.html',
controller: 'konfiguracjaListaCtrl',
controllerAs: 'vm'
ncyBreadcrumb: {label: "Ustawienia systemu"}
.state('app.konfiguracja.dzial', {
url: '{dzial:.*}/',
views: {
'dzial#app.konfiguracja': {
templateUrl: 'app/konfiguracja/dzial.html',
controller: 'konfiguracjaDzialCtrl',
controllerAs: 'vm'
ncyBreadcrumb: {label: "{{vm.nazwaDzialu}}"}
I want to mark selected tab which is in parent state (app.konfiguracja).
Problem is that when entering url like /konfiguracja/firmy/ there is no $stateParams.dzial in app.konfiguracja controller
How to fix it?
I created working example for your scenario here. I would say, that there at least two ways.
The first, general way, how we should use the UI-Router and its selected params in parent views (to mark selected tab/link), should be with a directive **ui-sref-active**:
So this could be the usage:
<a ui-sref="app.konfiguracja.dzial({dzial: item.id})"
The second approach (my preferred) would be to use a reference Model, created in parent $scope, and filled in a child:
.controller('konfiguracjaListaCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope, )
$scope.Model = {};
.controller('konfiguracjaDzialCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope)
$scope.Model.dzial = $scope.$stateParams.dzial;
// we should be nice guys and clean after selves
$scope.$on("$destroy", function(){ $scope.Model.dzial = null });
usage could be then like this
<span ng-if="item.id == Model.dzial">This is selected</span>
How is the second approach working? check the DOC:
Scope Inheritance by View Hierarchy Only
Keep in mind that scope properties only inherit down the state chain if the views of your states are nested. Inheritance of scope properties has nothing to do with the nesting of your states and everything to do with the nesting of your views (templates).
It is entirely possible that you have nested states whose templates populate ui-views at various non-nested locations within your site. In this scenario you cannot expect to access the scope variables of parent state views within the views of children states.
Check that all in action here

Preventing parent state from reloading on child state change

I am trying to implement a tabbed interface akin to this: http://odetocode.com/blogs/scott/archive/2014/04/14/deep-linking-a-tabbed-ui-with-angularjs.aspx
However, on my state change, the controller of the parent state seems to be reinitialized (or a new $scope is created?)
There are two major differences between the example plunkr and my project.
I use a parameter in my url
I resolve different data on the state change for each tab (removing this does nothing).
I am not using ui-bootstrap for the tabs but am triggering a $state.go on ng-click of the tab.
I experimented with the above plunkr and added a dropdown to the parent state; however the parent dropdown values seem to persist when the child states change. I am not too concerned with the child states and will probably end up using sticky states anyways.
I am using wondering if I am doing something fundamentally wrong before I try and add another package to my project.
here is a rough plunkr of what I am trying to do: http://plnkr.co/edit/TmRQN5K8OEc8vHG84G5z?p=preview
here is my config:
app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){
function ($state) {
$state.go('parent.tab1', { main_id: '00008' });
//Handle States Here
.state('parent', {
abstract: true,
url: '/parent?main_id',
templateUrl: "main.html",
controller: 'Main_Controller',
resolve: {
//Calls to API
.state('parent.tab1', {
url: "/applications",
templateUrl: "tab1.html",
resolve: {
//Get some different data from an API
.state('parent.tab2', {
url: "/phasing",
templateUrl: "tab2.html",
controller: 'Tab2Ctrl',
resolve: {
//More API Data
I've made your plunker working here
function ($state) {
$state.go('parent.tab1', { main_id: '00008' })
Also there is a change in main.html, which does not use ng-controller any more. We just have to pass the proper Controller name
//Handle States Here
.state('parent', {
abstract: true,
url: '/parent?main_id',
templateUrl: "main.html",
controller: 'MainController',
resolve: {
//Calls to API
// MainController
// these two names should fit
app.controller("MainController", function($rootScope, $scope, $state) {
So now, it is working, and let's discuss
I use a parameter in my url
I resolve different data on the state change for each tab (removing this does nothing).
I am not using ui-bootstrap for the tabs but am triggering a $state.go on ng-click of the tab.
Quick answers:
parameter in url exists, e.g. #/parent/tab1?main_id=8000
resolve is trigerred for each controller if controller is reinstantiated. That happens when we navigate to that state (among tabs)
no need to use $state.go, I used:
a snippet:
<a ui-sref="parent.tab1({main_id:'00008'})"> go to tab1 with main_id '00008'</a><br />
<a ui-sref="parent.tab2({main_id:'00008'})"> go to tab2 with main_id '00008'</a><br />
<a ui-sref="parent.tab3({main_id:'00008'})"> go to tab3 with main_id '00008'</a><br />
Check it here

Refresh ui-router view when state parameters change?

What's the correct way to update a ui-router view when state parameters change?
For example, if I've got a state like:
.state("page.view", {
url: "/pages/:slug",
views: {
"": {
controller: "PageCtrl",
templateUrl: "page-view.html",
And an (incorrect) controller which looks like this:
.controller("PageCtrl", function($scope, $state) {
$scope.page = loadPageFromSlug($state.params.slug);
How can I correctly load a new $scope.page when the $state.slug changes?
Note that the above does not work when moving from page to another because the controller is only run once, when the first page loads.
I would do something like this:
.controller("PageCtrl", function($scope, $state) {
$scope.$on("$stateChangeSuccess", function updatePage() {
$scope.page = $state.params.slug;
I'd be curious if you find a better way - there may be some way to just watch the value of the state slug, but this is clean and clearly articulates what it is that you're watching for.
I am really not fully sure, if I do not miss something here - but, based on the snippets shown in your question:
PageCtrl is related to state "page.view" and will be run as many times as "page.view" state is triggered
"page.view" state has declared param slug - url: "/pages/:slug",, which will trigger state change - whenever it is changed
If the above is true (if I do not oversee something) we can use stateConfig setting - resolve
there is no need to use $state.params. We can use $stateParams (more UI-Router way I'd personally say)
Well if all that is correct, as shown in this working plunker, we can do it like this
var slugResolver = ['$stateParams', '$http'
, function resolveSlug($stateParams, $http){
return $http
var index = $stateParams.slug;
return response.data[index];
Adjusted state def:
.state("page.view", {
url: "/pages/:slug",
views: {
"": {
controller: "PageCtrl",
templateUrl: "page-view.html",
resolve: { slug : slugResolver },
And the PageCtrl:
.controller('PageCtrl', function($scope,slug) {
$scope.slug = slug;
Check it all in action here
I had this problem in ui-router 0.2.14. After upgrading to 0.2.18 a parameter change does fire the expected $stateChange* events.

Controlling order of operations with services and controllers

I have two services - one to store user details and the other to make a call to retrieve those details:
userService stores user details to be used across the entire app (i.e. injected in controllers, services, etc.)
function userService($log) {
var id = '';
var username = '';
var isAuthenticated = false;
var service = {
id: id,
username: username,
isAuthenticated: isAuthenticated
return service;
authService is used (hopefully just once) to retrieve the user details from a Web API controller:
function authService($log, $http, userService) {
$log.info(serviceId + ': Inside authService method');
var service = {
getUserDetails: getUserDetails
return service;
function getUserDetails() {
$log.info(serviceId + ': Inside getUserDetails method');
return $http.get('api/authentication', { cache: true });
Initially, I had the call to the authService fire in a .run block like so:
.run(['$log', 'authService', 'userService', function ($log, authService, userService) {
function querySucceeded(result) {
userService.id = result.data.Id;
userService.username = result.data.username;
But the problem was that the getUserDetails-returned promise did not resolve until after I my controllers fired and, thus, too late for me. The user data was not ready.
I then looked at the resolve option in the $stateProvider (for UI-Router):
.state('dashboard', {
url: '/dashboard',
views: {
header: {
templateUrl: 'app/partials/dashboard/header.template.html',
controller: 'DashboardHeaderController',
controllerAs: 'dashboardHeaderVM',
resolve: {
user: function (authService) {
return authService.getUserDetails();
The assumption is that the view won't be rendered until the promise in the resolve section is, well, resolved. That seems to work fine.
Here's the (relevant part of the) controller where I use the returned user property:
function DashboardHeaderController($log, user) {
var vm = this;
// Bindable members
vm.firstName = user.data.firstName;
However, I have two routes (more to come) and a user can navigate to either one. Do I need to have a resolve property in each state section for the authService? I want to fire the call to authService.getUserDetails just once no matter which route is served and have it available after that for any route, controller, etc.
Is there a better (best practice) way to do this?
Not sure about better or best practice, but here is a plunker with my way.
The point is to move resolve into some parent root state. The one who is ancestor of all states in the application:
.state('root', {
abstract : true,
// see controller def below
controller : 'RootCtrl',
// this is template, discussed below - very important
template: '<div ui-view></div>',
// resolve used only once, but for available for all child states
resolve: {
user: function (authService) {
return authService.getUserDetails();
This is a root state with resolve. The only state with resolve. Here is an example of its first child (any other would be defined similar way:
.state('index', {
url: '/',
parent : 'root',
This approach will work out of the box. I just would like to mention that if the 'RootCtrl' is defined like this:
.controller('RootCtrl', function($scope,user){
$scope.user = user;
we should understand the UI-Router inheritance. See:
Scope Inheritance by View Hierarchy Only
small cite:
Keep in mind that scope properties only inherit down the state chain if the views of your states are nested. Inheritance of scope properties has nothing to do with the nesting of your states and everything to do with the nesting of your views (templates).
It is entirely possible that you have nested states whose templates populate ui-views at various non-nested locations within your site. In this scenario you cannot expect to access the scope variables of parent state views within the views of children states...
More explanation could be found in this Q & A
So, what does it mean?
Our root view can pass the resolved stuff into child state only - if their views are nested.
For example, the $scope.user will be inherited in child states/views/$scopes only if they are nested like this
.state('index', {
url: '/',
parent : 'root',
views: {
'' : { // the root view and its scope is now the ancestor
// so $scope.user is available in every child view
templateUrl: 'layout.html',
controller: 'IndexCtrl'
'top#index' : { templateUrl: 'tpl.top.html',},
'left#index' : { templateUrl: 'tpl.left.html',},
'main#index' : { templateUrl: 'tpl.main.html',},
Check it here
If I correctly understand you want that on page load you would have user info before any controller or service request it.
I had similar task in my current project.
To solve the problem I manually requested current user info before app bootstapping & store it in localStorage.
Then after app bootstrapping all controllers/services have accesss to current user info.
TIP: to get user info before app bootstrap you can still use $http service by manually injecting it:

Angular UI-Router modal removes parent state

I'm working on an angular app that has ui-router module.
When entering a certain state of the router, I show a modal dialog, which then replaces my parent view. I would like to keep the parent view and show the modal as overlay. Is there a way to do it with ui-router?
To give an example:
$stateProvider.state("clients.list", {
url: "/list",
templateUrl: "app/client/templates/client-list.tpl.html",
controller: moduleNamespace.clientListController,
resolve: {
clients: function (ClientService) {
return ClientService.all();
// This will replace "clients.list", and show the modal
// I want to just overlay the modal on top of "clients.list"
.state("clients.add", {
url: "/add",
onEnter: function ($stateParams, $rootScope, $state, ngDialog) {
controller: moduleNamespace.clientAddController,
template: "app/client/templates/client-add.tpl.html"
$rootScope.$on("ngDialog.closed", function (e, $dialog)
if ($state.current.name !== "clients.list") $state.transitionTo("clients.list");
I think the proper solution would be something like:
$stateProvider.state("clients.list", {
url: "/list",
templateUrl: "app/client/templates/client-list.tpl.html",
controller: moduleNamespace.clientListController,
resolve: {
clients: function (ClientService) {
return ClientService.all();
.state("clients.list.add", {
url: "^/add",
Important things are I made /add absolute by adding a ^. Most people would have just done /list/add because the default behavior of nested state is to add them together...the ^ bypasses this. You also would need to on state load style this thing so its a "modal" and is on top of other content.
And then inside of clients.list state you would need to update /client-list.tpl.html to have an ng-view that would style itself on top of the parent view.
I can create a plunkr if need be, but if I do that I am basically implementing everything for you.
