How can I compare two values in angularjs in HTMl - angularjs

How can I compare two scope values using angularjs in HTML only?
for example:
<div ng-if=" ="> show if equals</div>
I want this to cover certain scanrios

You are assigning something this way...
To check for equality you need == or ===, but 3 should be used as Doug says -
"If there is every anything that causes unwanted effects and can be
solved by something else, use the something else..."
Ok maybe he didnt say that exactly but you get the point....
<div ng-if=" ==="> show if equals</div>


AngularJS getting value from function in ng-if and using that value in element

My question lies in the following code. Though the code is not working now. I wan't to rewrite it in proper way so that it works.
<span ng-if="community = vm.getCommunity(invite.community_id)!=null" grv-icon-comm-type="vm.communityViewHelper.getTypeIcon(community)" ng-class="vm.communityViewHelper.getColorClass(community)"></span>
In the above code vm.getCommunity(invite.community_id) returns either null or community object. If community object is returned then I wish to call two more function in the same element where I wish to use the recently receivedcommunity value on those two function.
It's just killing my time. Please help.
Alternatively, you could use a watcher on "invite.community_id" to set community inside a controller function. Could look a bit cleaner depending on the rest of the code.
This function could even set all three values if you like.

In XDocReport, how to handle null value?

Is there a way to handle null value for a field in XDocReport? or do I need to manipulate it on my own? example:
if (thisVar == null)
context.put("sampleText", "");
context.put("sampleText", thisVar);
or is there an option in docx quick parts?
I found this line in the error message of XDocReport. However I could not understand where to apply this, in the template or in the code.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to
something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default
value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use [#if
myOptionalVar??]when-present[#else]when-missing[/#if]. (These only
cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression,
use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (
In docx, append ?if_exists to the field name
you may also append !
Please refer to this link for those who uses freemarker. How to check if a variable exists in a FreeMarker template?

AngularJS arrays, proto and .length - Why can't i get a valid number?

Sometimes you need to ng-if or ng-show an item in html based on some choices made earlier. One of these for me is "Additional Item". You can enter one set of information, and also if you want, an additional set. This creates an array of 2 similar objects. With this setup, you can only have 1 or 2 objects in this array. (important, since the scope of this question needs to be limited this way)
I want to ng-show an html directive based on "myItemsArray.length > 1". Since the array can (read should) only be 1 or 2 in length (not 0), this should work. However, it does not, because AngularJS seems to be adding an item "proto" to the array which adds to the count. See the image.
The problem is, proto makes the array length equal 2. I am not going to just look for length > 2 because i really don't know if i can count on proto always being there, and i just think thats bad practice anyway.
Also, i know there are MANY other ways of doing this (setting a boolean, or using another var to indicate etc, but i really just want to work with count of items in the array because "business logic"..
After doing a little debugging, i'm seeing that i have an array of "Object, undefined". How is this even possible :)
Some search lead me to this. Why are some values ​​in my array undefined
Seems that using a delete may cause this problem

Expect two elements to be equal

I want to test if two elements in two different pages are equal. The reason for this is that I need to check a "copy" function that already works in my page, so both elements (divs in this case) have to be indentical:
I found that there's a method in protractor for element objects called "clone" but doesn't explains its purpose that much. Anyway I tried this:
// In the first page:
var clone1 = element("firstElem")).clone();
// then navigating to the other page
var clone2 = element("secondElem")).clone();
// then the expectation of them to be equal
but the expectation fails with a very heavy stacktrace. Also tried comparing:
expect(clone1 == clone2).toBeTruthy();
which fails again.
What is "clone()" supposed to be used for? and,
How do I compare two divs in two separate pages for being identical?
What is "clone()" supposed to be used for?
I've recently created a closely related question, you can follow the updates there:
Cloning element finders
How do I compare two divs in two separate pages for being identical?
Depending on your end goal, you may compare "outer HTML" representations of the elements using getOuterHtml() , example:
element("firstElem")).getOuterHtml().then(function(value) {
Can you try this:
expect(angular.equals(clone1, clone2).toBe(true));
Read more about angular.equals here:
try without clone
var clone1 = element("firstElem"));
var clone2 = element("secondElem"));

Is the Angular orderBy documentation wrong? Or am I confused?

I'm a bit confused after reading Angular's orderBy documentation:
In HTML Template Binding:
{{ orderBy_expression | orderBy : array : expression : reverse}}`
This shows orderBy being used with 3 additional parameters (reverse is listed as optional), but I cannot find any examples of it being used with more than 2, and when it is 2, it appears to be in the form {{ orderBy_expression | orderBy : expression : reverse}} (ommitting array)
array is defined as "The array to sort.", but what does that make orderBy_expression? Shouldn't that be the array the filter acts upon?
I was actually going to Improve this doc and modify this (what I assume is a documentation error), but it wasn't at all clear to me what exactly was generating the template binding example (the docs are generated with JavaDoc-like comments right in the .js)
So, hopefully this is a valid SO question:
Is the documentation in fact incorrect? Or am I somehow confused
Filters have 2 modes of use. Programmatically, as a function, in which case the first param IS the array to act upon, and inline with | where the array on the left hand side is the array to act upon. So while it may not be immediately clear that is what is going on, the docs are not incorrect. Not saying it shouldn't be cleaned up. It would certainly be nicer if they showed both modes and clearly explained it. But I still stand by it being "correct." And, as Mikke pointed out, the current style of explanation IS consistent through the docs.
