Array.Clear throwing out of bounds exception - arrays

I'm having trouble with a clear statement. I've got an array that gets sized dynamically, filled, and then passed to a function to be converted to some custom objects.
After that conversion I want to clear the array. I use
Array.Clear(FileData, 0, FileData.Length)
as this thread suggests (reset-an-array-to-default-in-visual-basic). However, every time I get to that point in the script the try-catch wrapping the Clear catches an out of bounds exception on the Clear.
The array is not empty (actually it's got ~34900 items) so it's not that the array has zero length. The one thing that it might be that isn't discussed in the question I referenced above is that my array is 2 dimensional.
All that said, I'm fairly well stumped. Any help would be appreciated.
UPDATE: For those experiencing this issue, I ultimately just left the step commented out, so that instead of clearing and then setting the array to Nothing, I just set it to Nothing. Doesn't really solve the underlying issue, but (should) free up memory all the same.


How do I get my Julia code to assign the scalar value of a variable to an array without changing it as they variable mutates later on?

For my simulation, I have a field that is called particle.current_theta. When this field is a single variable, I assign it a new value that is called just "theta" on my line 177. This theta has its value changed further down within my code, on lines 202 and 206. I want what I have printed in my terminal as tree_theta and current_theta to be very similar to each other but not quite identical (This part of the code basically detects whether or not my particle is entering or exiting a region). You can see all this in the image below:
Now, I need to make the field I have called particle.current_theta a [1x1] array, and assign the entry in my [1x1] array the "theta" value, as usual. However, simply making particle.current_theta a [1x1] array radically changes its value within the terminal and causes my simulation to break. You can see how the value for particle.theta (printed in terminal as "current theta") is now drastically different in the code below:
I suspect that making particle.currenttheta an array is making it mutate whenever theta is changed in some of those lines below. How do I prevent that from happening, and get results that are identical to using just a single variable. To be precise, I want particle.current_theta to save the numerical information that theta has at line 177 of code but not be changed afterwards. Because of the large size of my code now and the function calls within function calls, it would be infeasible for me to be able to create a mwe that replicates this issue. However, all help and advice is appreciated, and I will respond to and clarify any questions that people may have.
If theta is a scalar (and it appears to be), then it's unlikely that changing its value is what is changing particle.currenttheta. What is more likely is that you're passing the currenttheta to some function, and changing the value of the passed argument inside the function. Julia arrays are passed to functions "by reference", in the sense that a copy is not made, and instead any changes made inside the function change the original array. When you had currenttheta as a scalar (which are passed "by value" instead), when you pass that to a function, changes made inside the function do not affect the original currenttheta's value.
So if you're passing currenttheta to a function somewhere and don't want it to be modified inside the function, pass copy(particle.currenttheta) in that call instead.
If you're not doing that, or that doesn't solve the problem, we need more of the code to figure out where the change might actually be happening. If not the whole of it, at least the parts that handle currenttheta, and the parts that print it. (Also, it would massively help with clarity if you would use consistent names in the output. Sometimes it's treetheta and current theta, other times it's theta and particle.currentheta, and it's not clear where these are being printed from and what the difference - if any - is.)

Array (class) filled with non nil values stays empty

I am currently having trouble filling up an array of customClass.
I try to fill it with a jsonFile. During my json parsing (using swiftyJSON) i loop and fill my array.
The problem is, at the end of my loop, it is still empty. I tested it in different ways, and here is my code:
That's the file where the problem is. In my loop I fill an Annotation, that I add with append to my array. The problem is what my print return. Here is a part of it:
It's just a small part of a huge jsonfile. And, my is correctly printed every iteration. But when it comes to my Array, nothing.
So I'm completly lost and hope you could help me ^^
(And for the information, here is my custom class) :
And btw, I tried to print my array.count, and it's nil too
Im so sorry if the question has been posted. I couldn't find it in the entire website.
Change your JSONAnnotationList declaration to be an non-optional and assign it an empty array
var JSONAnnotationList: [UGOAnnotation] = []
You see, you have never created an array so there was nothing to be printed.
The whole point of optionals is to use them sparingly, not everywhere.

Getting the first element in an array/any collection

So the other day I had my colleague review my code and he saw that I was using array[0], in Java terms this is basically getting the first element of the array. I did this several times for different purposes, all of which is to get the first element in an array/collection, for example list.get(0), to which he strongly disagreed with.
His argument was that somebody from non-programming background would have problem understanding it and using 0 in such cases is basically hard-coding, which is bad practice. I google-ed several times and all suggestions to getting the first element in an array or any collection is providing them the index, which is 0 in this case.
Could anyone provide me with a suggestion on getting the first element in a meaningful way?
Try using linkedlist's getfirst method to get the first element of the list.
If you were to use an ArrayList is backed by an array and hence its perfectly valid to use index as 0 to get first element.

Do arrays in AS2 have to be reset to the beginning when re-used?

I am working with an older and undocumented set of ActionScript (AS2) and I have found that an array, when looping through it the second time, does not give the proper results. It has been a while since I used ActionScript - does the array need to be reset before the second time through another for loop?
For instance PHP has reset() which returns the array's pointer back to the first item in the array.
There's is no such thing as pointers in ActionScript.
You can target each and every item in an Array by simply targeting it with myArray[index], and no pointer needs to be reset to be able to re-read it.
If your two loops produce different results, I would suggest looking into code that could change anything in it between the two loops or in the first one.
Maybe you could post it here ?

Arrays in PowerBuilder

I have this code
n_userobject inv_userobject[]
For i = 1 to dw_1.Rowcount()
inv_userobject[i] = create n_userobject
dw_1.rowcount() returns only 210 rows. Its so odd that in the range of 170 up, the application stop and crashes on inv_userobject[i] = create n_userobject.
My question, is there any limit on array or userobject declaration using arrays?
I already try destroying it after the loop so as to check if that will be a possible solution, but it is still crashing.
Or how can i be able to somehow refresh the userobject?
Or is there anyone out there encounter this?
Thanks for all your help.
First, your memory problem. You're definitely not running into an array limit. If I was to take a guess, one of the instance variables in n_userobject isn't being cleaned up properly (i.e. pointing to a class that isn't being destroyed when the parent class is destroyed) or pointing to a class that similarly doesn't clean itself up. If you've got PB Enterprise, I'd do a profiling trace with a smaller loop and see what is being garbage collected (there's a utility called CDMatch that really helps this process).
Secondly, let's face it, you're just doing this to avoid writing a reset method. Even if you get this functional, it will never be as efficient as writing your own reset method and reusing the same instance over again. Yes, it's another method you'll have to maintain whenever the instance variable list changes or the defaults change, but you'll easily gain that back in performance.
Good luck,
I'm assuming the crash you're facing is at the PBVM level, and not a regular PB exception (which you can catch in your code). If I'm wrong, please add the exception details.
A loop of 170-210 iterations really isn't a large one. However, crashes within loops are usually the result of resource exhaustion. What we usually do in long loops is call GarbageCollect() occasionally. How often should it be called depends on what your code does - using it frequently could allow the use of less memory, but it will slow down the run. Read this for more.
If this doesn't help, make sure the error does not come from some non-PB code (imported DLL or so). You can check the stack trace during the crash to see the exception's origin.
Lastly, if you're supported by Sybase (or a local representative), you can send them a crash dump. They can analyze it, and see if it's a bug in PB, and if so, let you know when it was (or will be) fixed.
What I would normally do with a DataWindow is to create an object that processes the data in a row and call it for each row.
the only suggestion i have for this is to remove the rowcount from the for (For i = 1 to dw_1.Rowcount()) this will cause the code to recount the rows every time it uses one. get the count into a variable and then use the variable. it should run a bit better and be far more easy to debug.
