I have the following snippet of code:
uint8_t *ptrconfig;
uint8_t *ptrspi;
ptrconfig = &TempDeviceConfig.ConfigSize;
ptrspi = &spi_out_array[0];
for ( Count = 0U; Count < DEVICE_USER_SETTINGS_WORDCOUNT +1U; Count++ )
*ptrspi++ = *ptrconfig++;
However it is not working as expected breakpointing on the second line shows that the address of TempDeviceConfig.ConfigSize is 0x2BD5 however the address the pointer points to is 0x216F.
Why do I get an unexpected value of pointer?
A bit of clarification, I can't say exactly what is inside TempDeviceConfig because I need to be careful how much code appears on the internet, but yes it is a struct and it contains a total of 50+ bytes which are to be written to an external flash chip over SPI. My aim here is to copy the struct into the SPI array which sends the data out.
uint8_t *ptrconfig;
ptrconfig = &TempDeviceConfig.ConfigSize;
Apparently TempDeviceConfig is a struct (or union?), and ConfigSize is a member which is of type uint8_t.
*ptrspi++ = *ptrconfig++;
ConfigSize is a single uint8_t object. You can advance the pointer only once; it then points just past the object, and cannot be dereferenced. Your code assumes that ptrconfig points to an element of an array of uint8_t. It doesn't. It doesn't make sense to loop over a single object.
I can't guess what the code should be doing without seeing the declarations of the objects you're using. But if your intent is to copy the entire structure (including any padding) into spi_out_array, a call to memcpy() is a much simpler way to do it. (Copying raw structure contents to an external interface can be quite error-prone, but if the written data is only read by the current system it could be ok.)
If memcpy() is not available because you're programming for a small embedded system, you can easily implement it yourself, either as a function or as inline code. For example:
struct foo { /* ... */ } obj;
unsigned char out_array[sizeof obj]; // or perhaps bigger
unsigned char *from = (unsigned char*)&obj;
unsigned char *to = out_array; // or &out_array[0]
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof obj; i ++) {
*to++ = *from++;
I've defined out_array as an array of unsigned char, because that's the most portable 1-byte type in C; an object's representation is defined as a sequence of unsigned char values. But you can almost certainly use uint8_t instead.
If your goal is to copy the entire representation of the structure as raw bytes, it doesn't make sense to refer to a particular member; just treat the entire structure as a byte sequence.
But first check whether your implementation supports memcpy (if so, it should be declared in <string.h>). "Freestanding implementations" aren't required to support any standard library functions, but yours might support some subset of the hosted standard library.
In a C program, having an array that is meant to work as a buffer FooBuffer[] for storing the contents of a data member of a struct like this:
struct Foo {
uint64_t data;
I was told that this line might cause unaligned access:
uint8_t FooBuffer[10] = {0U};
I have some knowledge that unaligned access depends on the alignment offset of the processor and in general, it consumes more read/write cycles. Under what circumstances would this cause unaligned memory access and how could I prevent it?
A variable of type struct Foo would be stored in the buffer. Particularly, its member data would be split up into eight bytes that would be stored in the array FooBuffer. See attached code with some options for this.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef unsigned long uint64;
typedef unsigned char uint8;
struct Foo
uint64 data;
int main()
struct Foo foo1 = {0x0123456789001122};
uint8 FooBuffer[10] = {0U};
FooBuffer[0] = (uint8)(foo1.data);
FooBuffer[1] = (uint8)(foo1.data >> 8);
FooBuffer[2] = (uint8)(foo1.data >> 16);
FooBuffer[3] = (uint8)(foo1.data >> 24);
FooBuffer[4] = (uint8)(foo1.data >> 32);
FooBuffer[5] = (uint8)(foo1.data >> 40);
FooBuffer[6] = (uint8)(foo1.data >> 48);
FooBuffer[7] = (uint8)(foo1.data >> 56);
struct Foo foo2 = {0x9876543210112233};
uint8 FooBuffer2[10] = {0U};
memcpy(FooBuffer2, &foo2, sizeof(foo2));
return 0;
However, it is not clear how this process is done since a piece of privative software performs the operation. What would be the scenarios that could result in unaligned memory access after the "conversion"?
Defining either a structure such as struct Foo { uint64_t data; } or an array such as uint8_t FooBuffer[10]; and using them in normal ways will not cause an unaligned access. (Why did you use 10 for FooBuffer? Only 8 bytes are needed for this example?)
A method that novices sometimes attempt that can cause unaligned accesses is attempting to reinterpret an array of bytes as a data structure. For example, consider:
// Get raw bytes from network or somewhere.
uint8_t FooBuffer[10];
// Reinterpret bytes as original type.
struct Foo x = * (struct Foo *) FooBuffer; // Never do this!
The problem here is that struct Foo has some alignment requirement, but FooBuffer does not. So FooBuffer could be at any address, but the cast to struct Foo * attempts to force it to an address for a struct Foo. If the alignment is not correct, the behavior is not defined by the C standard. Even if the system allows it and the program “works,” it may be accessing a struct Foo at an improperly aligned address and suffering performance problems.
To avoid this, a proper way to reinterpret bytes is to copy them into a new object:
struct Foo x;
memcpy(&x, FooBuffer, sizeof x);
Often a compiler will recognize what is happening here and, especially if struct Foo is not large, implement the memcpy in an efficient way, perhaps as two load-four-byte instructions or one load-eight-byte instruction.
Something you can do to help that along is ask the compiler to align FooBuffer by declaring it with the _Alignas keyword:
uint8_t _Alignas(Struct Foo) FooBuffer[10];
Note that that might not help if you need to take bytes from the middle of a buffer, such as from a network message that includes preceding protocol bytes and other data. And, even if it does give the desired alignment, never use the * (struct Foo *) FooBuffer shown above. It has more problems than just alignment, one of which is that the C standard does not guarantee the behavior of reinterpreting data like this. (A supported way to do it in C is through unions, but memcpy is a fine solution.)
In the code you show, bytes are copied from foo1.data to FooBuffer using bit shifts. This also will not cause alignment problems; expressions that manipulate data like this work just fine. But there are two issues with it. One is that it nominally manipulates individual bytes one by one. That is perfectly legal in C, but it can be slow. A compiler might optimize it, and there might be built-ins or library functions to assist with it, depending on your platform.
The other issue is that it puts the bytes in an order according to their position values: The low-position-value bytes are put into the buffer first. In contrast, the memcpy method copies the bytes in the order they are stored in memory. Which method you want to use depends on the problem you are trying to solve. To store data on one system and read it back later on the same system, the memcpy method is fine. To send data between two systems using the same byte ordering, the memcpy method is fine. However, if you want to send data from one system on the Internet to another, and the two systems do not use the same byte order in memory, you need to agree on an order to use in the network packages. In this case, it is common to use the arrange-bytes-by-position-value method. Again, your platform may have builtins or library routines to assist with this. For example, the htonl and ntohl routines are BSD routines that take a normal 32-bit unsigned integer and return it with its bytes arranged for network order or vice-versa.
I'm trying to create a C client for dalmatinerdb but having trouble to understand how to combine the variables, write it to a buffer and send it to the database. The fact that dalmatinerdb is written in Erlang makes it more difficult. However, by looking at a python client for dalmatinerdb i have (probably) found the necessary variable sizes and order.
The erlang client has a function called "encode", see below:
encode({stream, Bucket, Delay}) when
is_binary(Bucket), byte_size(Bucket) > 0,
is_integer(Delay), Delay > 0, Delay < 256->
(byte_size(Bucket)):?BUCKET_SS/?SIZE_TYPE, Bucket/binary>>;
According to the official dalmatinerdb protocol we can see the following:
-define(STREAM, 4).
-define(DELAY_SIZE, 8). /bits
-define(BUCKET_SS, 8). /bits
Let's say i would like to create this kind of structure in C,
would it look something like the following:
struct package {
unsigned char[1] mode; // = "4"
unsigned char[1] delay; // = for example "5"
unsigned char[1] bucketNameSize; // = "5"
unsigned char[1] bucketName; // for example "Test1"
I realized that the dalmatinerdb frontend (web interface) only reacts and updates when values have been sent to the bucket. With other words just sending the first struct won't give me any clue if it's right or wrong. Therefore I will try to create a secondary struct with the actual values.
The erland code snippet which encodes values looks like this:
encode({stream, Metric, Time, Points}) when
is_binary(Metric), byte_size(Metric) > 0,
is_binary(Points), byte_size(Points) rem ?DATA_SIZE == 0,
is_integer(Time), Time >= 0->
(byte_size(Metric)):?METRIC_SS/?SIZE_TYPE, Metric/binary,
(byte_size(Points)):?DATA_SS/?SIZE_TYPE, Points/binary>>;
The different sizes:
-define(SENTRY, 5)
-define(TIME_SIZE, 64)
-define(METRIC_SS, 16)
-define(DATA_SS, 32)
Which gives me this gives me:
(byte_size(Metric)):?16/?SIZE_TYPE, Metric/binary,
(byte_size(Points)):?32/?SIZE_TYPE, Points/binary>>;
My guess is that my struct containing a value should look like this:
struct Package {
unsigned char sentry;
uint64_t time;
unsigned char metricSize;
uint16_t metric;
unsigned char pointSize;
uint32_t point;
Any comments on this structure?
The binary created by the encode function has this form:
(byte_size(Bucket)):?BUCKET_SS/?SIZE_TYPE, Bucket/binary>>
First let's replace all the preprocessor macros with their actual values:
<<4, Delay:8/unsigned-integer,
(byte_size(Bucket):8/unsigned-integer, Bucket/binary>>
Now we can more easily see that this binary contains:
a byte of value 4
the value of Delay as a byte
the size of the Bucket binary as a byte
the value of the Bucket binary
Because of the Bucket binary at the end, the overall binary is variable-sized.
A C99 struct that resembles this value can be defined as follows:
struct EncodedStream {
unsigned char mode;
unsigned char delay;
unsigned char bucket_size;
unsigned char bucket[];
This approach uses a C99 flexible array member for the bucket field, since its actual size depends on the value set in the bucket_size field, and you are presumably using this structure by allocating memory large enough to hold the fixed-size fields together with the variable-sized bucket field, where bucket itself is allocated to hold bucket_size bytes. You could also replace all uses of unsigned char with uint8_t if you #include <stdint.h>. In traditional C, bucket would be defined as a 0- or 1-sized array.
Update: the OP extended the question with another struct, so I've extended my answer below to cover it too.
The obvious-but-wrong way to write a struct corresponding to the metric/time/points binary is:
struct Wrong {
unsigned char sentry;
uint64_t time;
uint16_t metric_size;
unsigned char metric[];
uint32_t points_size;
unsigned char points[];
There are two problems with the Wrong struct:
Padding and alignment: Normally, fields are aligned on natural boundaries corresponding to their sizes. Here, the C compiler will align the time field on an 8-byte boundary, which means there will be padding of 7 bytes following the sentry field. But the Erlang binary contains no such padding.
Illegal flexible array field in the middle: The metric field size can vary, but we can't use the flexible array approach for it as we did in the earlier example because such arrays can only be used for the final field of a struct. The fact that the size of metric can vary means that it's impossible to write a single C struct that matches the Erlang binary.
Solving the padding and alignment issue requires using a packed struct, which you can achieve with compiler support such as the gcc and clang __packed__ attribute (other compilers might have other ways of achieving this). The variable-sized metric field in the middle of the struct can be solved by using two structs instead:
typedef struct __attribute((__packed__)) {
unsigned char sentry;
uint64_t time;
uint16_t size;
unsigned char metric[];
} Metric;
typedef struct __attribute((__packed__)) {
uint32_t size;
unsigned char points[];
} Points;
Packing both structs means their layouts will match the layouts of the corresponding data in the Erlang binary.
There's still a remaining problem, though: endianness. By default, fields in an Erlang binary are big-endian. If you happen to be running your C code on a big-endian machine, then things will just work, but if not — and it's likely you're not — the data values your C code reads and writes won't match Erlang.
Fortunately, endianness is easily handled: you can use byte swapping to write C code that can portably read and write big-endian data regardless of the endianness of the host.
To use the two structs together, you'd first have to allocate enough memory to hold both structs and both the metric and the points variable-length fields. Cast the pointer to the allocated memory — let's call it p — to a Metric*, then use the Metric pointer to store appropriate values in the struct fields. Just make sure you convert the time and size values to big-endian as you store them. You can then calculate a pointer to where the Points struct is in the allocated memory as shown below, assuming p is a pointer to char or unsigned char:
Points* points = (Points*)(p + sizeof(Metric) + <length of Metric.metric>);
Note that you can't just use the size field of your Metric instance for the final addend here since you stored its value as big-endian. Then, once you fill in the fields of the Points struct, again being sure to store the size value as big-endian, you can send p over to Erlang, where it should match what the Erlang system expects.
I've read all other questions but response aren't helping me so much.
Once again, I'm not a developer but a wood worker trying to make something far too complicated for his own brain.
I work on a PIC its alignment is 4 bytes, all structures are define with attribute((packed)).
I've found a way to do it but it uses malloc and str/mem-cpy, methods that aren't safe for interrupt, or for malloc that I shouldn't be using at all (cf. my previous question)
Said structure contains 16 unsigned char, one s16 (2 bytes) et three s32 (4 bytes), so its 30 bytes long, with 4bytes alignement making it 32bytes long.
(char are coded on 8bits).
1) Am I wrong until here?
int len =sizeof(data_out.point[i]);
unsigned char* raw;
raw = malloc(len);
memcpy(raw, &data_out.point[i], len);
Data_res[count].pData = malloc(len);
for (int k = 0; k<len; k++)
Data_res[count].pData[k] = (uint8_t)(raw[k]);
data_out is a stucture (members are not relevant except following one)
point is the structure described before.
Data_res is a structure that store an uchar buffer (pData) and contains lenght and status (locked, writing, etc to avoid multi-access).
1) its not working 100%, sometimes result are really strange.
2) since yesterday I understand why its bad (malloc on not shared memory, casting malloc, interruption safety, etc).
How to do the same thing without mallocs/memcpy ?
note: I need this for debug output, I was going to just let it go, but I don't like to keep things unfinished...
Don't cast the result of malloc in C. If you have to cast, you're using a C++ compiler, and you should be using new instead of malloc.
sizeof is an operator (not a function) that determines the size of objects of that type (as a size_t, not an int), so if data.point[i] is a char * for example, sizeof data.point[i] is the same value as sizeof (char *). It is a common mistake to assume sizeof determines the size of the object pointed at by a pointer; that hold true for array types, but not pointer types.
You're leaking memory pointed at by raw when your function returns. You should be using automatic storage duration rather than dynamic allocation there. i.e. unsigned char raw[len];.
You should be performing machine-independent serialisation, e.g. translating each field to a value that doesn't depend upon machine architecture, if you're planning on transporting this data to other machines.
Finally, to answer your question, the only way you can substitute Data_res[count].pData = malloc(len); seems that you need some other object (see automatic storage duration above) to point to instead, i.e. Data_res[count].pData = raw;... You might need to declare raw in the caller function, to avoid it being destroyed when the function you provided returns.
According to this,
It is said that the benefit is
They are very useful as the last element of a structure that is really
a header for a variable-length object
What does it mean?
The zero-length array is a GCC extension (read as: not standard) which you should not use.
While recent versions of C allow for someting similar (flexible array member with empty brackets), C++ knows no such thing. As people often mix C and C++, this is a possible source of confusion.
Instead, an array of length 1 should be used, which is standards-compliant under both C and C++, and which just works with every compiler.
What is this useful for at all?
Sometimes you need to access "invalid" out-of-bounds data knowing that it is valid in reality. In the strictest sense, this is undefined behavior (since you are accessing out-of-bounds values which are indeterminate, and using indeterminate values is UB), but that is only for what the compiler knows, not for what it fact, so it nevertheless "works fine".
For example, you might receive framed data on the network consisting of a tag word, a length, and an amount of data corresponding to the length given. Or an operating system function might return a variable amount of results to you (a couple of Win32 API functions work that way, for example).
In either case, you have a unknown (unknown at compile time) number of elements at the end of this structure, so it is not possible to define a single legitimate structure to hold everything.
That is what flexible array members are for. And with this, it is explained why they must be the last member as well. It doesn't make sense for something that could have "any size" to be anywhere but at the end -- it's impossible for the compiler to lay out any members after it, not knowing its size.
(In case you wonder how the compiler can ever free the storage not knowing the objects's size... it cannot! There normally exists an explicit function for freeing such an object as part of the API, which takes care of this exact problem.)
It's probably best to demonstrate with a small example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct blob {
/* Part of your object header... perhaps describing the type of blob. */
int type;
/* This is actually the length of the "data" field below */
unsigned length;
/* The data */
unsigned char data[];
struct blob *
create_blob(int type, size_t size)
/* Allocate enough space for the "header" and "size" bytes of data. */
struct blob *x = calloc(1, sizeof(struct blob) + size);
x->type = type;
x->length = size;
return x;
/* Note that sizeof(struct blob) doesn't include the data field. */
printf("sizeof(struct blob): %zu\n", sizeof(struct blob));
struct blob *x = create_blob(BLOB_TYPE_FOO, 1000);
You can manipulate data here, but be careful not to exceed the
allocated size.
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
x->data[i] = 'A' + (i % 26);
Since data was allocated with the rest of the header, everything is
return 0;
The nice part about this setup is that sizeof(struct blob) represents the size of the "object header" (on my machine, that's 8 bytes), and that since you allocate the whole object together, a single free() is all that is needed to release the memory.
Like others have stated here, this is a non-standard extension and you should really consider using it with care. Damon's answer is the better way to go, though the sizeof() operation is not quite the right size (it's a bit too large to represent the size of the actual header). It's not too hard to workaround that problem though.
You cannnot have the array of 0 length because if you try to make a zero length array then it would mean that you are trying to create a pointer to nothing which is not correct. The C standard says:
Flexible array members are written as contents[] without the 0.
Flexible array members have incomplete type, and so the sizeof operator may not be applied. As a quirk of the original implementation of zero-length arrays, sizeof evaluates to zero.
Flexible array members may only appear as the last member of a struct that is otherwise non-empty.
A structure containing a flexible array member, or a union containing such a structure (possibly recursively), may not be a member of a structure or an element of an array. (However, these uses are permitted by GCC as extensions.
I'm coding a network layer protocol and it is required to find a size of packed a structure defined in C. Since compilers may add extra padding bytes which makes sizeof function useless in my case. I looked up Google and find that we could use ___attribute(packed)___ something like this to prevent compiler from adding extra padding bytes. But I believe this is not portable approach, my code needs to support both windows and linux environment.
Currently, I've defined a macro to map packed sizes of every structure defined in my code. Consider code below:
typedef struct {
} a_t;
typedef struct {
} b_t;
#define SIZE_a_t 8;
#define SIZE_b_t 10;
#define SIZEOF(XX) SIZE_##XX;
and then in main function, I can use above macro definition as below:-
int size = SIZEOF(a_t);
This approach does work, but I believe it may not be best approach. Any suggestions or ideas on how to efficiently solve this problem in C?
Consider the C structure below:-
typedef struct {
uint8_t a;
uint16_t b;
} e_t;
Under Linux, sizeof function return 4 bytes instead of 3 bytes. To prevent this I'm currently doing this:-
typedef struct {
uint8_t a;
uint16_t b;
} e_t;
#define SIZE_e_t 3
#define SIZEOF(XX) SIZE_##e_t
Now, when I call SIZEOF(e_t) in my functin, it should return 3 not 4.
sizeof is the portable way to find the size of a struct, or of any other C data type.
The problem you're facing is how to ensure that your struct has the size and layout that you need.
#pragma pack or __attribute__((packed)) may well do the job for you. It's not 100% portable (there's no mention of packing in the C standard), but it may be portable enough for your current purposes, but consider whether your code might need to be ported to some other platform in the future. It's also potentially unsafe; see this question and this answer.
The only 100% portable approach is to use arrays of unsigned char and keep track of which fields occupy which ranges of bytes. This is a lot more cumbersome, of course.
Your macro tells you the size that you think the struct should have, if it has been laid out as you intend.
If that's not equal to sizeof(a_t), then whatever code you write that thinks it is packed isn't going to work anyway. Assuming they're equal, you might as well just use sizeof(a_t) for all purposes. If they're not equal then you should be using it only for some kind of check that SIZEOF(a_t) == sizeof(a_t), which will fail and prevent your non-working code from compiling.
So it follows that you might as well just put the check in the header file that sizeof(a_t) == 8, and not bother defining SIZEOF.
That's all aside from the fact that SIZEOF doesn't really behave like sizeof. For example consider typedef a_t foo; sizeof(foo);, which obviously won't work with SIZEOF.
I don't think, that specifying size manually is more portable, than using sizeof.
If size is changed your const-specified size will be wrong.
Attribute packed is portable. In Visual Studio it is #pragma pack.
I would recommend against trying to read/write data by overlaying it on a struct. I would suggest instead writing a family of routines which are conceptually like printf/scanf, but which use format specifiers that specify binary data formats. Rather than using percent-sign-based tags, I would suggest simply using a binary encoding of the data format.
There are a few approaches one could take, involving trade-off between the size of the serialization/deserialization routines themselves, the size of the code necessary to use them, and the ability to handle a variety of deserialization formats. The simplest (and most easily portable) approach would be to have routines which, instead of using a format string, process items individually by taking a double-indirect pointer, read some data type from it, and increment it suitably. Thus:
uint32_t read_uint32_bigendian(uint8_t const ** src)
uint8_t *p;
uint32_t tmp;
p = *src;
tmp = (*p++) << 24;
tmp |= (*p++) << 16;
tmp |= (*p++) << 8;
tmp |= (*p++);
*src = p;
char buff[256];
uint8_t *buffptr = buff;
first_word = read_uint32_bigendian(&buffptr);
next_word = read_uint32_bigendian(&buffptr);
This approach is simple, but has the disadvantage of having lots of redundancy in the packing and unpacking code. Adding a format string could simplify it:
#define BIGEND_INT32 "\x43" // Or whatever the appropriate token would be
uint8_t *buffptr = buff;
read_data(&buffptr, BIGEND_INT32 BIGEND_INT32, &first_word, &second_word);
This approach could read any number of data items with a single function call, passing buffptr only once, rather than once per data item. On some systems, it might still be a bit slow. An alternative approach would be to pass in a string indicating what sort of data should be received from the source, and then also pass in a string or structure indicating where the data should go. This could allow any amount of data to be parsed by a single call giving a double-indirect pointer for the source, a string pointer indicating the format of data at the source, a pointer to a struct indicating how the data should be unpacked, and a a pointer to a struct to hold the target data.