Maven tool for eclipse - maven-plugin

After installing maven (m2e) plugin for eclipse kepler I am not able to view maven in the menu (run as).
How can I get Maven visible in the "run as" menu?

If the project is already in Eclipse, right-click on the project and (if I recall) select Configure -> enable Maven nature. If it's not in Eclipse, then File -> Import -> Maven -> Import Existing Maven Projects.


Installing google app engine plugin eclipse juno

Does Eclipse juno require to have a Java EE environment pre installed to install the GAE plugin?
like everyone i get error like this
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.2 3.4.2.v201310081840-rel-r42 (
Missing requirement: Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.2 3.4.2.v201310081840-rel-r42 (
3.4.2.v201310081840-rel-r42) requires 'org.eclipse.wst.css.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
You need to update your juno releases first.
1. Then go to help-> Install new software.
Add -> this link and name it GAE .
Now you will see some packages with checkbox. select Google plugin for app engine and SDK's.
3.Click finish and now your eclipse will download and install the needed packages.
Then you will find Google->web application project in Create new project menu.

appengine-maven-plugin versus maven-android-plugin

I'm trying to use Google Cloud Endpoints with Android client, built by Maven.
The problem is that appengine-maven-plugin v1.8.3+ require Maven v3.1.0+
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal plugin:1.8.4:endpoints_get_discovery_doc (default) on project pro-gae: The plugin requires Maven version 3.1.0 -> [Help 1]
while android-maven-plugin v3.6.1 doesn't (and will not) work with Maven v3.1.0 (see devs discussion at The error
A required class was missing while executing Lorg/sonatype/aether/RepositorySystem;
So I'm kinda locked out. One plugin asks for v3.1.0+, while the other one claims Maven 3.1.0 to be fatally buggy. So I left out to generate Endpoints client sources manually.
Any other ideas, besides waiting for fixed Maven 3.1.1? It doesn't seem to happen soon, because Maven 3.1.0 was released more than two months ago.
The latest version of the Android Maven Plugin is 3.8.0 and it now requires Maven 3.1.1+. This should allow you to use the latest appengine plugin as well. And Maven 3.1.1 has been released in the meantime as well.
Update Sept 2015: Latest version of the plugin is 4.3.0 with 4.3.1 around the corner. The 4x branch works with Maven 3.0.5+ but we strongly encourage users to use the latest Maven release.
Hmm, looks resolved by just using older version (1.8.2) of appengine-maven-plugin.
One other way of building is to configure the Run Configuration to use an external Maven Runtime.
To do this in Eclipse for Windows :
Right Click Project -> Run Configuration -> Create a new configuration -> In Main tab configure Maven Runtime.
I hope this helps.

How to convert maven project to web application project?

I want to convert a maven project to a web application project, which should contain web.xml. I am using eclipse juno 4.2 with m2e (maven integration for eclipse) plugin software.
Any reply would be appreciated.
Install m2e-wtp
In your pom.xml, change or add the war packaging
right-click on project > Maven > Update project
m2e-wtp will create the src/main/webapp folder and add the Dynamic Web project Facet¤
manually add a WEB-INF folder under src/main/webapp
right-click on project > Java EE Tools > Generate Deployment Descriptor stub
It will create a web.xml under src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/
¤ By default, the web facet is set to 2.5. You should update it, if needed, under project properties > Project Facets BEFORE generating the web.xml
I assume your current project is a maven project which produces jar. Please confirm.
I have not come across any utility which can convert a jar project to a war project.
You have following two options -
Simple open the pom.xml and change jar to war. Create folder webapp under src/main and create a web.xml
Create a new web app project via maven command line choosing webapp archetype or via eclipse choosing maven webapp achetype. Define dependency to your jar project.
If you can provide more information based on my suggestion then probably I can help.

Maven is not found as a Right-Click option in EClipse

I have installed and set the Maven plugin but when I right click on a project in project explorer I cannot find the Maven option so I cannot find Build dependencies either..any things that I should check maybe I have missed some settings?
Windows, Eclipse 3.6 JavaEE edition
i had not installed th pluging correctly, removed and reinstalled it. working now.

PHP Eclipse - importing existing CakePHP projects

I'm trying to import existing Cake 1.2 projects into PHP Eclipse (latest all-in-one download on Galileo build) - I don't think I understand Eclipse properly:
1) I have created Workspace on my web root C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs
2) I have created new Project C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\EclipseCake
... how do I import my existing cake project into my new project (EclipseCake) ?
I tried Configure Include Path -> Project -> Add ... but no file browser appears. I'm obviously misunderstanding this.
There's an "Import" in the menu if you right click the new project's name.What you need to do is click it and choose "Filesystem" and click "next" button.You may read this tutorial about eclipse.
