grunt serve:dist error with Backbone jQuery Mobile RequireJS - backbone.js

I'm new to Grunt and the distribution process. I have a Yeoman generated app using the backbone generator, require.js and jQuery Mobile. It works fine with 'grunt serve' but when I run through the build and serve:dist, clicking on the jQuery Mobile / Backbone href links does not respond. I'm using backbone routing.
If I manually type the href URL, it works. If I do an Inspect Element on the href and click on the URL in the debug window, it also works.
Something must not be getting included in the dist but I'm at at loss as to what is missing and why. I don't have any errors in the console.
Here's my Gruntfile:

Make sure almond is being used. See

The jQuery Mobile settings to disable it's own link binding handler were being set correctly when run under require.js and grunt but not with almond. I was setting these values on mobileinit:
define(['jquery'], function ($) {
$(document).on("mobileinit", function () {
But the mobileinit call was never being made under almond. I moved the settings to my Backbone main.js file and now they're being set and the Backbone routing is working
$.mobile.linkBindingEnabled = false
$.mobile.hashListeningEnabled = false


AngularJS in WebStorm

I am trying to build an application using d3js in WebStorm because I read that it is the best way to organize your AngularJS project.
However, when I start a new project, select AngularJS project there supposed to be a "hello world" example ready where you have your index.html pointing to view1 and then you click view2. But what happens in my case is that when I click run index.html view1 doesn't appear even when I click on the link leading to it or to view2.
Is there a configuration missing ? Do you know how I can correct that ?
Have you done a bower install to download all the dependencies your project needs ?

How to keep Grunt dom_munger from stripping your CDN dependencies?

I have an object, Plaid, that is provided by a drop-in module from Plaid, called Plaid Link. Locally, the code works perfectly in my AngularJS front-end.
The module is loaded via my AngularJS app's index.html file, right next to all of the other script tags loaded for my application.
<script src=""></script>
Here is the code where Plaid is called: (from an AngularJS controller)
$scope.addAccount = function(bankChosen) {
$log.debug("Plaid object: ", Plaid);
var linkHandler = Plaid.create({ // the troublesome line
env: 'tartan',
clientName: 'Example Project',
key: 'test_key',
product: 'connect',
onSuccess: function(public_token) {'plaid').customPOST(
public_token: public_token,
user_id: $,
institution_code: bankChosen
onExit: function() {
However, when I push to the production environment, currently hosted on Heroku, it gives the javascript error ReferenceError: Plaid is not defined when it tries to load. It is breaking error when deployed to production.
What could be causing this module to be unavailable during production?
The script that loads the CDN could be getting stripped away by a standard grunt task that does that sort of thing? Or maybe I am supposed to be loading the module from the CDN in some other way in a production-environment setting? I really don't know...
Update: I found one thing that might be stripping the loaded module
From the Grunt dom-munger docs
Use this task to read and transform your HTML documents. Typical use cases include:
Read the references from your script or link tags and pass those to
concat,uglify, etc automatically.
2. Update HTML to remove script
references or anything that is not intended for your production
Add, update, or remove any DOM elements for any reason.
dom_munger is part of my application's build process, which happens when it is deployed (!). Grunt is the likely culprit here.
Does anybody know how to load the script tag above, with dom_munger as still part of my app's grunt build step?
The problem was that during the build step Grunt strips away the script tags in my application. So I had to append the tag back on to my body tag using dom_munger's update --> options --> append option.
...only then could I get the CDN script to be linked to properly after the app was built using grunt build.
The line looks like this in my Gruntfile.
--> The key added line is this one
{selector:'body',html:'<script src=""></script>'},
update: {
options: {
append: [
{selector:'body',html:'<script src=""></script>'},
dest: 'dist/index.html'
Quite the mysterious error for me. I hope this helps somebody else out at some point!

Angular templates grunt not loading

I have AngularJS project with more than 20 html templates (routes, modals).
I'm using grunt-angular-templates to split tempaltes in one file templates.js.
In my Angular project I'm using angular-route 1.2.25 for routing.
When I try to use template from templates.js file, browser crashes and not responding. There is any error on console.
The problem is only with html templates with Angular stuff (ng-switch, ng-show etc.)
When I load clean html it works.
I thing the problem is with compile the templates from $templateCache, but how o manage it?
After long hours of search I found what's wrong.
In my solution I'm using Modal Boostrap for Angular.
grunt-angular-templates plugin don't compile this templates correctly. I just skip this files and all works.

Onsen-UI cannot load <ons> tags in Meteor

I am trying to move avatars pattern of Onsen UI ( into a Meteor app, but the tags do not load. Firebug logged message from Onsen:
Onsen UI require jqLite. Load jQuery after loading AngularJS to fix this error. jQuery may break Onsen UI behavior.
This message appeared even though I had jquery package installed and in order to eliminate it I have to include jquery lib into client/lib folder (do not know if that is correct).
I have also added urigo:angular package into my project because Onsen requires Angular but that did not do the trick. Now the only message I get in the log is
WARNING: Tried to load angular more than once.
Which is taken from Onsen code:
if (window.angular.bootstrap) {
//AngularJS is already loaded, so we can return here...
console.log('WARNING: Tried to load angular more than once.');
The styling is not applied to elements and they look the following:
How can I solve this?
Onsen .js files need to be loaded in a correct order together with jQuery file and Angular file. To achieve this in Meteor I loaded these files in client/lib folder like this:
|- client
|- lib
- onsen.js
|- jQuery
- jquery.min.js
|- Angular
- angular.min.js
Loading in this way solved the problem because meteor load files starting from the deepest node in the folder tree, in this case /Angular folder.
Maybe a better solution will be to create an onsen Meteor package and make a dependency to Jquery and Angular Meteor packages.

Uncaught Error: No module: myApp Plunker inside

I have a simple setup of an angularjs application. The scripts are loaded with requirejs. When loading the application, I get Uncaught Error: No module: myapp in the console.
The scripts are loaded in order scripts.js (requirejs configuration), jquery, angular and then app.
Here is the Plunker.
You need to remove the ng-app directive from the html element. See the updated Plunker.
First, the directive is not necessary, because you already manual bootstrap AngularJS (and ng-app is simply the shortcut to do that).
Second, the reason AngularJS reports the error is because when it processes ng-app (upon document ready event), the module file (in app.js) has not been loaded by RequireJS (that's why you have to do manual bootstrap in the first place).
