I would like to create a server-client program in which the two processes pass information between each other using shared memory
information to be passed:
typedef struct shared_mem{
int goal;
shared_mem *msg;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int shmid;
key_t key=ftok("2048_client", 42);
if(key == -1) {
printf("ftok failed");
return -1;
shared_mem *shm;
msg=(shared_mem *)malloc(sizeof(shared_mem));
* Create the segment
if ((shmid = shmget(key, sizeof(msg), IPC_CREAT)) < 0) {
* Now we attach the segment to our data space.
if ((shm = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0)) == (char *) -1) {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int shmid;
key_t key=ftok("2048_client", 42);
if(key == -1) {
printf("ftok failed");
return -1;
shared_mem *shm;
msg=(shared_mem *)malloc(sizeof(shared_mem));
* Create the segment.
if ((shmid = shmget(key, sizeof(msg), 0)) < 0) {
* Now we attach the segment to our data space.
if ((shm = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0)) == (char *) -1) {
printf("dscsadc: %d",msg->goal);
I am new to shared memory and i would like to understand why it doesn't work and how it is supposed to work. I am getting "shmat: Permission denied"
The problem is that you create the shared memory segment with 0000 permissions, so no-one can read or write it.
Change the shmget() call from:
if ((shmid = shmget(key, sizeof(msg), IPC_CREAT)) < 0) {
if ((shmid = shmget(key, sizeof(msg), IPC_CREAT|0600)) < 0) {
Only the user running the program can access the shared memory that is created.
Note that POSIX shmget()
The low-order nine bits of shm_perm.mode are set to the low-order nine bits of shmflg.
If you're not limited to C only, look at the boost library. It enables you to create shared memory segments for interprocess communication.
using boost::interprocess;
shared_memory_object shm_obj
(create_only, //only create
"shared_memory", //name
read_write //read-write mode
Other then that, you can always use pipes, or if you're thinking about windows - COM.
I want to create a shared memory with the size of this structure. Two processes should have access to this struct that is why I put it into shm. There are a few ways to create a shared memory and I´m not sure if my code is correct.
typedef struct {
char *gamename;
int numberofplayer;
int player;
} gamedata;
int shm () {
int shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, sizeof(gamedata), IPC_CREATE | 0644);
if (shmid<0){
perror("shmget failed \n"),
gamedata* data = (gamedata*) shmat(shmid, 0, 0);
if(data == NULL){
perror("shmat failed \n");
shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
I have a program where I want to set up a pointer to a struct as shared memory. I think I've set up the shared memory correctly in the main method; then I call a function to initialize the struct, and fork. However, the child process can't access the shared memory; the parent process works as expected, which isn't that big of a surprise. I know for sure that the child process executes and works, but it cannot access the shared memory, so the function doesn't really do much besides print out printf statements.
struct OverSharedData{
struct SharedData ** rep;
int rop;
void initialize( struct OverSharedData * bill){
bill->rep = (struct SharedData**)malloc(sizeof(struct SharedData*)*consumerthreads);
int on =0;
for (on=0; on<consumerthreads; on++) {
*(bill->rep+on) = (struct SharedData *)malloc(sizeof(struct SharedData));
init(*(bill->rep + on), on); //
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
databases(argv[1]); /* Takes care of setting up the database*/
categories(argv[2]); /*Takes care of setting up the book categories*/
bookorders = argv[3];
key_t key = ftok("garbage.txt", 71);
int eyedee = shmget(key, sizeof(struct OverSharedData ),
if (eyedee == -1)
struct OverSharedData *remp = (struct OverSharedData *) shmat(eyedee, 0, 0);
if (remp == (void *) -1)
struct SharedData * d = *(remp->rep + 0);
shmctl(eyedee, IPC_RMID, 0);
pid_t forkk = fork();
if (forkk==0) {
printf("Entered consumer check: %d\n", remp->rop);
int z = 0;
pthread_t Consumer_Threads[consumerthreads];
for (z=0; z<consumerthreads; z++) {
remp->rop = z;
d = *(remp->rep + z);
d->da = z;
pthread_create((Consumer_Threads+z), 0, Consumer, d);
for (z = 0; z<consumerthreads; z++) {
pthread_join(Consumer_Threads[z], NULL);
printf("Entered Producer: %d\n",remp->rop);
pthread_t Produc;
pthread_create(&Produc, 0, Producer, remp);
pthread_join(Produc, NULL);
printf("Hey guys: %d\n", remp->rop);
My guess is that I didn't initialize the struct correctly, but I'm not all too clear what I'm doing wrong. I left out some of the other initializing code but I figured since I can't even access the int in the OverSharedData struct, it's more of a matter where I can't access the struct in the first place.
The problem is that your shared data (the single OverSharedData object) contains pointers to non-shared data. You need to allocate all the data that you want shared in the shared memory segment, rather than with malloc. Something like:
static void *shared_available;
static size_t shared_left;
void init_shared(size_t size) {
key_t key = ftok("garbage.txt", 71);
int eyedee = shmget(key, size,
if (eyedee == -1) {
exit(1); }
shared_available = shmat(eyedee, 0, 0);
if (shared_available == (void *) -1) {
exit(1); }
shared_left = size;
void *alloc_shared(size_t size) {
void *rv = shared_available;
if (size > shared_left) {
fprintf(stderr, "Ran out of shared memory!\n");
exit(1); }
shared_available = (char *)rv + size;
shared_left -= size;
return rv;
OverSharedData *initialize() {
init_shared(sizeof(struct OverSharedData) +
sizeof(struct SharedData *) * consumerthreads +
sizeof(struct SharedData) * consumerthreads)
OverSharedData *bill = alloc_shared(sizeof(OverSharedData));
bill->rep = alloc_shared(sizeof(struct SharedData*)*consumerthreads);
for (int on=0; on<consumerthreads; on++) {
bill->rep[on] = alloc_shared(sizeof(struct SharedData));
init(&bill->rep[on], on); }
The above will still have problems if the init routine tries to store pointers to non-shared memory into the SharedData struct (you don't show the definition of either, so we can't say).
If you want to be able to more flexibly allocate and manage shared memory across processes, you really need to use a general purpose shared memory allocator/manager, such as this
I am doing a Unix, C assignment. I am creating a Server and a Client which will interact with each other. I am not very experienced with TCP/IP programming so I apologize for being slow in advance.
First, I am trying to create a basic layout of my set up. I compile the Client and Server using a Makefile and it works perfectly. However, when I execute the Server, I get this error:
shmget: Invalid argument
I think it is a problem with IPC resources. I am supposed to remove the IPC resources using atexit() but I don't think I am doing it right.
Here is the code for server.c if it helps:
#include "server.h"
int shmid, semid;
struct Shared *shm;
int main() {
key_t shmkey = 0x6060, semkey = 0x6061;
char *s, c;
unsigned short zeros[2] = {0, 0};
int srvrFd, clntFd, clntAdrLen, i; //socket
struct sockaddr_in srvrAddr, clntAddr;
char buf[256];
if(atexit(server_exit) != 0) {
perror("failed to attach atexit()");
/* Create an array of 2 semaphores with key. */
semid = semget(semkey, 2, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
if (semid < 0) {
/* Set the values of semaphores */
argument.array = zeros;
if (semctl(semid, 0, SETALL, argument) < 0) {
printf("Cannot init semaphore 0.\n");
/* Create the segment. */
if ((shmid=shmget(shmkey, sizeof(struct Shared), IPC_CREAT|0666))<0) {
/* Attach the segment to our data space. */
if ((shm=shmat(shmid, NULL, 0))==(struct Shared *)-1) {
/* Put some things into the shared memory. */
s = shm->text;
for (c = 'a'; c<= 'z'; c++) {
*s++ = c;
*s = '\0';
shm->number = 123;
srvrFd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if(srvrFd < 0) {
srvrAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
srvrAddr.sin_port = htons(6060);
if(bind(srvrFd, (struct sockaddr *)&srvrAddr, sizeof(srvrAddr)) < 0) {
listen(srvrFd, 5);
while(1) {
clntAdrLen = sizeof(clntAddr);
clntFd = accept(srvrFd, (struct sockaddr*)&clntAddr, NULL);
if (fork() == 0) { //we're in the child
i = recv(clntFd, buf, sizeof buf, 0);
send(clntFd, buf, i, 0);
} else { //we're in the parent
void server_exit(void)
if(shm != NULL) {
if(semid != -1) {
semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID);
if(shmid != -1) {
shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
Thanks for reading.
Edit: Definition of structure..
struct Shared {
char text[27];
int number;
} ;
Looks like either the segment exists and it's smaller than what you asked for, or you're trying to create a new one, but it's smaller than the system min size (SHMMIN) or greater than max (SHMMAX)
EDIT: Turns out this was it -- it already existed and was smaller than what you were asking for. You must have created it as a size 27, 28, 29, 30, or 31, since it works for 27 but not 32. If you run the unix command line program ipcs, it will show you all your existing shared memory segments:
key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status
0x00000001 0 ec2-user 666 32 0
Then ipcrm -M <key> will delete it.
From what I'm seeing, you likely don't want to use SYS-V shared memory. Use POSIX if you can. Here is a reference for the POSIX Shared Memory interface:
also check out:
for a guide to both, but I'd prefer POSIX if it's available (and it will be unless you're on a really old system like DEC Alpha)
I am trying to write a code that shares a structure type, but im getting segmentation error when tryign to write in a structure member in the shared memory, the shared memory is between a parent and child process. as im showing in the code, im just tryin to access the struct member for now, so i can use semaphore later for synch.
Thanx in advance.
typedef struct file
char *shmPtr;
} file_entry;
int main (void)
int shmid;
int n;
file_entry *entries;
if (fork() == 0) {
/*wait for a while*/
if ((shmid = shmget(20441, sizeof(file_entry), 0666)) == -1) {
entries = (file_entry*) shmat(shmid, 0, 0);
if (entries->shmPtr == (char *) -1) {
printf("\nChild Reading ....\n\n");
printf("%s\n", entries->shmPtr[0]);
printf("%s\n", entries->shmPtr[1]);
} else {
if ((shmid = shmget(20441, sizeof(file_entry), IPC_CREAT | 0666)) == -1) {
entries = (file_entry *) shmat(shmid, 0, 0);
if (entries->shmPtr == (char *) -1) {
printf("done attachment"); /*the parent prints this statment, then segmentation fault*/
shmat returns a pointer to the shared memory area. In your code, after the call to shmat, entries points to the shared region. You are then treating the first few bytes of that shared area as a pointer to char (shmPtr). The value of shmPtr is uninitialized, and it points to some random location. Then you try to write to it and get a segfault.
As Richard suggested, you could get rid of the struct and just use a char *. However, I'm guessing the reason you are using a struct and not just a char * is that you are planning to add some extra fields to the struct in the future. If that's the case, you can use a flexible array member:
typedef struct file
int flag;
int blah;
char shmPtr[];
} file_entry;
and the allocation becomes
shmget(20441, sizeof(file_entry) + bufsize, IPC_CREAT | 0666)
Of course, if the buffer size is fixed, you could just hardcode it:
typedef struct file
int flag;
int blah;
char shmPtr[BUFSIZE];
} file_entry;
/* ... */
shmget(20441, sizeof(file_entry), IPC_CREAT | 0666)
I have a bit of an issue with one of my projects.
I have been trying to find a well documented example of using shared memory with fork() but to no success.
Basically the scenario is that when the user starts the program, I need to store two values in shared memory: current_path which is a char* and a file_name which is also char*.
Depending on the command arguments, a new process is kicked off with fork() and that process needs to read and modify the current_path variable stored in shared memory while the file_name variable is read only.
Is there a good tutorial on shared memory with example code (if possible) that you can direct me to?
There are two approaches: shmget and mmap. I'll talk about mmap, since it's more modern and flexible, but you can take a look at man shmget (or this tutorial) if you'd rather use the old-style tools.
The mmap() function can be used to allocate memory buffers with highly customizable parameters to control access and permissions, and to back them with file-system storage if necessary.
The following function creates an in-memory buffer that a process can share with its children:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
void* create_shared_memory(size_t size) {
// Our memory buffer will be readable and writable:
int protection = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
// The buffer will be shared (meaning other processes can access it), but
// anonymous (meaning third-party processes cannot obtain an address for it),
// so only this process and its children will be able to use it:
int visibility = MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS;
// The remaining parameters to `mmap()` are not important for this use case,
// but the manpage for `mmap` explains their purpose.
return mmap(NULL, size, protection, visibility, -1, 0);
The following is an example program that uses the function defined above to allocate a buffer. The parent process will write a message, fork, and then wait for its child to modify the buffer. Both processes can read and write the shared memory.
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
char parent_message[] = "hello"; // parent process will write this message
char child_message[] = "goodbye"; // child process will then write this one
void* shmem = create_shared_memory(128);
memcpy(shmem, parent_message, sizeof(parent_message));
int pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
printf("Child read: %s\n", shmem);
memcpy(shmem, child_message, sizeof(child_message));
printf("Child wrote: %s\n", shmem);
} else {
printf("Parent read: %s\n", shmem);
printf("After 1s, parent read: %s\n", shmem);
Here is an example for shared memory :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#define SHM_SIZE 1024 /* make it a 1K shared memory segment */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
key_t key;
int shmid;
char *data;
int mode;
if (argc > 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: shmdemo [data_to_write]\n");
/* make the key: */
if ((key = ftok("hello.txt", 'R')) == -1) /*Here the file must exist */
/* create the segment: */
if ((shmid = shmget(key, SHM_SIZE, 0644 | IPC_CREAT)) == -1) {
/* attach to the segment to get a pointer to it: */
if ((data = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0)) == (void *)-1) {
/* read or modify the segment, based on the command line: */
if (argc == 2) {
printf("writing to segment: \"%s\"\n", argv[1]);
strncpy(data, argv[1], SHM_SIZE);
} else
printf("segment contains: \"%s\"\n", data);
/* detach from the segment: */
if (shmdt(data) == -1) {
return 0;
Steps :
Use ftok to convert a pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC key
Use shmget which allocates a shared memory segment
Use shmat to attache the shared memory segment identified by shmid to the address space of the calling process
Do the operations on the memory area
Detach using shmdt
These are includes for using shared memory
int shmid;
int shmkey = 12222;//u can choose it as your choice
int main()
//now your main starting
shmid = shmget(shmkey,1024,IPC_CREAT);
// 1024 = your preferred size for share memory
// IPC_CREAT its a flag to create shared memory
//now attach a memory to this share memory
char *shmpointer = shmat(shmid,NULL);
//do your work with the shared memory
//read -write will be done with the *shmppointer
//after your work is done deattach the pointer
shmdt(&shmpointer, NULL);
try this code sample, I tested it, source: http://www.makelinux.net/alp/035
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int main ()
int segment_id;
char* shared_memory;
struct shmid_ds shmbuffer;
int segment_size;
const int shared_segment_size = 0x6400;
/* Allocate a shared memory segment. */
segment_id = shmget (IPC_PRIVATE, shared_segment_size,
/* Attach the shared memory segment. */
shared_memory = (char*) shmat (segment_id, 0, 0);
printf ("shared memory attached at address %p\n", shared_memory);
/* Determine the segment's size. */
shmctl (segment_id, IPC_STAT, &shmbuffer);
segment_size = shmbuffer.shm_segsz;
printf ("segment size: %d\n", segment_size);
/* Write a string to the shared memory segment. */
sprintf (shared_memory, "Hello, world.");
/* Detach the shared memory segment. */
shmdt (shared_memory);
/* Reattach the shared memory segment, at a different address. */
shared_memory = (char*) shmat (segment_id, (void*) 0x5000000, 0);
printf ("shared memory reattached at address %p\n", shared_memory);
/* Print out the string from shared memory. */
printf ("%s\n", shared_memory);
/* Detach the shared memory segment. */
shmdt (shared_memory);
/* Deallocate the shared memory segment. */
shmctl (segment_id, IPC_RMID, 0);
return 0;
Here's a mmap example:
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
* pvtmMmapAlloc - creates a memory mapped file area.
* The return value is a page-aligned memory value, or NULL if there is a failure.
* Here's the list of arguments:
* #mmapFileName - the name of the memory mapped file
* #size - the size of the memory mapped file (should be a multiple of the system page for best performance)
* #create - determines whether or not the area should be created.
void* pvtmMmapAlloc (char * mmapFileName, size_t size, char create)
void * retv = NULL;
if (create)
mode_t origMask = umask(0);
int mmapFd = open(mmapFileName, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 00666);
if (mmapFd < 0)
perror("open mmapFd failed");
return NULL;
if ((ftruncate(mmapFd, size) == 0))
int result = lseek(mmapFd, size - 1, SEEK_SET);
if (result == -1)
perror("lseek mmapFd failed");
return NULL;
/* Something needs to be written at the end of the file to
* have the file actually have the new size.
* Just writing an empty string at the current file position will do.
* Note:
* - The current position in the file is at the end of the stretched
* file due to the call to lseek().
* - The current position in the file is at the end of the stretched
* file due to the call to lseek().
* - An empty string is actually a single '\0' character, so a zero-byte
* will be written at the last byte of the file.
result = write(mmapFd, "", 1);
if (result != 1)
perror("write mmapFd failed");
return NULL;
retv = mmap(NULL, size,
if (retv == MAP_FAILED || retv == NULL)
return NULL;
int mmapFd = open(mmapFileName, O_RDWR, 00666);
if (mmapFd < 0)
return NULL;
int result = lseek(mmapFd, 0, SEEK_END);
if (result == -1)
perror("lseek mmapFd failed");
return NULL;
if (result == 0)
perror("The file has 0 bytes");
return NULL;
retv = mmap(NULL, size,
if (retv == MAP_FAILED || retv == NULL)
return NULL;
return retv;