Testing AngularJS without having to build? - angularjs

I'm a beginner to Angular, and am just starting some development.
I've taken the code from https://github.com/angular-app/angular-app, but am having to 'grunt build' every time to see my front end code changes on the browser. I've tried a variety of methods but am failing.
Is there a way to make changes, hit save, refresh your browser and see the changes, without having to build all the time?

Try grunt watch instead of grunt build. The gruntfile for that project seems to indicate that it will run the build task for you automatically by watching targeted files (e.g. .js, .less, etc.) for changes and then firing.
Note that you have to let it continue to run while you work, although you can run it as a background task and either hide the output or log it to a file.

Being a beginner, you might as well start from scratch.
This post
by Leon Revill contains pretty much step-by-step guides on the basics, structure, MVC, data-binding, events and filters. Regarding your build dilemma, just use your favorite IDE. I prefer you use WebStorm or PHPStorm and install the AngularJS plugin. This way, all you need to do is just include the Angular CDN or a local copy of angular.js then you are good to go just by coding and refreshing the browser.


Gatsbyjs breakpoints not hit in any custom script during debugging

I'm trying to debug my gatsbyjs code in visual studio code. I followed the docs and and tried slightly different approaches like https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-recipes/tree/master/Gatsby-js.
I can start debugging and the site builds, but my none of my breakpoints in any of my files get hit, they get instead show up as unverified.
When pausing the debug process though, I (somewhat) randomly end up in the source code of any of the external modules, and there I am able to place breakpoints that do stop...
Is there maybe some setup step or something I'm missing to make it work on page components and other react components?
Thanks for any help!
Adding a
statement in the JS react page components definitely works for me. But be reminded that in development mode (gatsby develop), some breakpoints will get hit on startup, while others are only hit on page request. This of course depends on where you place your breakpoints.

What do Yeoman Generator's add "really" to Ionic Projects

I don't understand why the generator-ionic (along with other ionic + Yeoman project)s are so popular.
I don't see what the advantages are in using a yeomen generator in this case, this is.
I understand why the Ionic framework is useful in a Cordova project (as we all know, the UI, ngCordova plugins, it uses AngularJS, ect) but what specifically does the Yeoman component add that a basic Ionic project doesn't already have or that cannot be easily added with a bower install.
It seems to me that the Yeoman ionic projects just seem to be unnecessary bloat and can lead to more errors and library issues. I just do not see how components like karma and grunt (as opposed to ionic using gulp) fit into help with development.
True, you can set all this up by yourself. However, imagine setting this up on each and every project that you start. Kind of cumbersome, don't you think?
That's why some people tend to create these generators - to save you (if you like) the time of having to scaffold your application every time from beginning. Usually they provide some features (about which you can read on the Github pages) or they may even enforce some kind of project directory layout (which may help with big projects).
All in all, you don't have to use them, or stress about them. For instance, I personally don't use them on every project, but I appreciate the community effort and when I want to try something quick I tend to test them from time to time to see how they've evolved.
Don't hate, donate ;) (Sure sure, I know you're not hating, the statement just seemed appropriate).

Angular eclipse

Angular highlighing stopped working.(For example I get undefined attribute ng-app). Before I had an option under configure to convert the project to an angular project, but that option is now missing.
I tried reinstalling angular plugin, I even updated to luna but I lost any angular capabilities.
Great light angular.js in webstorm with angular plugin, the better ispolzuite it and I think You will like it.
Оtherwise with eclipse try Eclipse AngularJS Plugin Configuration
Eclipse seems to be falling behind when it comes to writing angular code. I had issues trying to get a legitimate plugin for es6 as well. If you're willing to try out a new editor, you might want to consider intelliJ IDEA which will also allow you to write easily in Java or Spring.
If you're just writing angular, with no server side needs, vs code is free, lightweight, and incredibly handy. Before acquiring a license for intelliJ, I just opened up the angular part of my application in vs code and edited it there. You can even download angular "snippets" to scaffold common structures like controllers or routes for you.

Is there a way I can use angular-generator without yeoman?

Basically what I want is a scaffolding tool (without bower and other stuff that it comes with) and controller, service/factory generators.
Yeoman is great but I was wondering if there's anything minimalist cli out there for angular.
Well, if all you want is a base angular app structure, that is called a boilerplate. There are a few available:
However, you seem to also want a controller, service/factory generator. This will always require:
some kind of task runner (like Grunt)
or an IDE that supports templates.
Since you don't seem to like grunt (grunt IS AWESOME), these IDEs might help you...
Eclipse supports template, you can find some here
IntelliJ's PHPStorm or WebStorm have a feature called Live Templates which, IMHO, are far better than eclipse. You can find some premade templates here, but is easy to roll your own, as explained in this tutorial.
If you want a command line interface but not Yeoman's, you might want to have a look at the "Generation" section of this collection. As of today, it has one option that uses Lineman and two that made their own CLI, but they use bower. Anyway, if what you're looking for exists, it should be in there somewhere.

Using qooxdoo desktop without having to "build" it

in qooxdoo desktop you usually have to develop using the SDK and then "build" your app.
Is there a way to generate something like a qooxdoo.js file with the whole library inside so that you can script script it as you like (like jqueryui or dojo)?
Actually it could be nice to have every widget loaded at runtime like dojo's require("dojo.button") but both the approaches would be nice, just avoiding the build phase.
I hope the question is understandable :)
Thank you everybody!
Don't use the output of the build job to run your code as you develop - as among other things - will minify your code and make debugging very difficult.
If you want to code freely without needing to rebuild when you reference new classes then source-all is the build job for you.
In the root directory of your application, type:
python generate.py source-all
If will include the entire framework in the HTML file generated (you'll find it under source/index.html). This would work well if you are composing the UI from scratch and referencing many new qooxdoo widgets with each browser refresh.
If you add a completely new class of your own, you will need to run the source-all job again to include it.
I use the source build job however for a few reasons:
Habit: source-all didn't exist when I started using qooxdoo
Speed: You can notice a bit of lag it when you refresh the browser to view
your app
References: For a mature app, enough of the framework is
included in the application and its rare to add a new reference and
when you do, its probably in a new class of your own which would
require a re-run of the source job anyway.
I suggest you also look at Default Action Jobs as all the possibilities are explained in detail. Hope this helps.
Please check that thread for a detailed answer: http://qooxdoo.678.n2.nabble.com/Using-qooxdoo-desktop-without-having-to-build-it-td7585015.html;cid=1387453759247-228
