I can´t configure the SSL for a custom domain - google-app-engine

Hello people and GAE/Google Apps for Business support,
We can´t configure SSL for our custom domain. Our project number is 340915567134
We follow https://support.google.com/a/answer/2644334?hl=en ; but the "show more" link do not appear.
We follow https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/ssl but again; we do not see it in the Google Apps for Business new control panel (security).
We have the DNS ready and verify; we have the GAE project runnig, we have billing in Google Apps and GAE.
We do not know what can be. The only thing we see in the official documentation of GAE is
"You must have an App Engine application with billing enabled that has
cleared at least one billing charge; use this application when
enabling SSL."
The question is: must we wait for the first month to pay and then the option will be enabled (show)??
Thank you in advance,

I carlos.
To do that I use a cluodflare account Pro. It cost 20$ per month for the first domain and 5$ per month by supplementary domain. You benefit of SSL encryption with your domain name without bye a personal certificate. In more Cloudflare provide services like DDOS protection, SPDY protocol, caching system for your site, ...


How does DNS domain verification work?

Im reading this google doc on how to hook up app engine to a custom domain (a domain I purchased through a different registrar)
I get to a point where I have to "Supply the domain name ("example.com") and click Verify. This opens up a new tab titled Webmaster Central." and walk through some prompts to prove I own the domain.
After doing this "domain verification is automatically re-confirmed about every 30 days".
What exactly is "domain verification"? Is there like a domain verification protocol that all DNS registrars must support? What communication is happening between google and say godady or AWS (route53)? Is there a special type of DNS record specifically for verification?
I don't understand whats actually happening to prove I own the domain and if this process is standardized or each DNS provider has their own solution/quirks for doing this.
From Verify your site ownership (also accessible via the Webmaster Central help menu):
What is verification?
Verification is the process of proving that you own the site or app
that you claim to own. We need to confirm ownership because once you
are verified for a site or app you have access to its private Google
Search data, and can affect how Google Search crawls it.
No, it's not a standard. Each hosting provider asking for it had their own method/algorithm of doing it.
Google actually has several such optional methods so that you can choose one that best works for your case. They're listed in the Verification methods chapter further down in the above-mentioned doc, together with some explanation of how each of them operates. Not all of them are based on DNS registrar actions.
Also keep in mind that Webmaster Central is used for other sites as well, not only for GAE-based sites - just in case some things might not make sense in a GAE context. This includes sites not even hosted on/using Google infrastructure/services.

How do I enable SSL for custom domains on appengine?

How do I activate SSL for custom domains on Google Appengine?
The instructions I have read, at https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/ssl or https://support.google.com/a/answer/2644334?hl=en , seem to refer to an old version of the admin console for Google Apps.
I looked at https://support.google.com/a/answer/2644334?hl=en , but on the current console, if I do Security > Advanced Settings > Set up SSO, there is no place where it asks for the AppEngine Application ID.
I looked at https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/ssl . It directs me to go to the Admin Console of my App domain, and to find a Domain Settings tab and then go to the SSL subtab. There is no Domain Settings tab, however, and the "Domains" tab only allows me to add domains (without http / https mention).
So, how do I setup SSL for my appengine app that uses a custom domain?
Note: this question has been asked already on StackOverflow, some years ago, but the google dashboards have changed since then, and the information I could find is no longer relevant.
Ok, so that other people can avoid wasting as much time as I did.
When you go to the admin console for your domain, you need to click on Security, but NOT on Advanced settings. Rather, pay attention to the small "Show more" below the other options. If you click that, "SSL for Custom Domains" will magically appear.
No thanks to Google for this horrible user interface.
Hallelujah to Luca. I've wasted a day on this. I had already added the custom domain in the GAE app engine console and was getting the cryptic "We are unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later. (Error #1000)" message.
I wasn't able to assign the certificate to my custom domain. The custom domain wouldn't show in the list in the GAE Security Settings (custom domain) until after removing the custom domain from the GAE console.
AppEngine Introducing managed SSL for Google App Engine for customs domains and it will be got activated automatically, for already added domains please remove it and add once again
More Information-

Using App Engine with a custom domain, without paying for Google Apps?

Can you use Google App Engine with your own custom domain, without paying for the whole Google Apps business package?
The setup instructions suggests this is not possible. Has anyone found a work around?
You no longer need google apps for using custom domain with GAE. you can use custom domains without signing up for Google Apps for Business.
go to https://console.developers.google.com and click on your
project and select appengine then click on settings
there you can add and verify your domain using Google Webmaster central
Once you're done verifying you're all set to go !
IF one has had a free Google Apps account prior to the December 2012 deadline, there does seem to be an easy solution to mapping a new GAE app to a newly registered domain. I happen to still have such prior account for which I do not have to pay (yet?), I believe. I suspect other long-term GAE developers are in a similar situations. So, I am adding quick instructions I found and translated from here. (There are many related threads on the topic on stackoverflow. This question seems the most relevant for adding these notes.)
Login to your existing Google Apps account
Go to "Domains" and hit "add a domain or a domain alias"
Keep "Add a domain alias of ..." selected and enter the new domain name in the field
Go through the required domain verification process
Now back on the main admin screen, hit "Google Apps" and click "add Services" (a box icon on the top right)
Under "Other Services" enter your GAE app ID
On the "Settings for " page coming up, hit "Add new URL"
Select the domain name added in Step 1+, adding a prefix such as "www" in front
Confirm and be done with it
Just done and verified. Works for me and I suspect the same procedure would work for any further domains the same way.
DISCLAIMER: Again, this is for people with a prior Google Apps account. However, it should also be relevant for people that paid for a single such account. This single account should then be sufficient to map multiple GAE apps to multiple domains, if you don't need an independent copy of the other Google apps goodies every time.
Starting June 15 and for a limited time, Google will offer a USD $50.00 App Engine credit for Google App Engine developers who have recently purchased a new Google Apps for Business domain account for their App Engine application.
To review the terms and conditions for this site and request a credit for an eligible application, please visit this site.
Here is the google groups discussion : https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/google-appengine/jC_K-YlmXhM
Quoting from the link above:
We are working on a solution that will make this process simpler for
developers and not require a paid subscription for Google Apps for
In the meantime, starting from June 15, we will offer a $50 App Engine
credit for developers who need to purchase a new Google Apps for
Business domain in order to associate a domain with an App Engine
Actually there is one free solution, for people that don't have Google Apps account yet.
Go to AppEngine -> Application Settings -> Add domain -> Sign up for Google Apps
Start a free 30 day trial - Do not add the billing options
Setup your domain
Add the domain to your app engine project
When the 30 day trial expire the domain will still work.

Google Apps Engine - verifying a domain that I own but is not currently hosted by a domain resigtrar

I am asking this question here because it is my understanding that this is the official GAE support site.
The background:
I had a website, mysite.com, hosted on somehostingsite.net. Recently, I ported the website to GAE, mysite.appspot.com. This occurred just as the renewal fee from somehostingsite.net was coming due, so I cancelled the somehostingsite.net account. I haven't transferred my domain to another registrar.
The problem:
I want to set up my domain with Google Apps so that I can have a url like myapp.mysite.com. So, the verification process to verify my ownership of the domain name presupposes mysite is currently up and running. Mine isn't right now. However, my domain title is listed at OpenSRS but they do not provide DNS support.
The main issue: mysite.appspot.com is free, which is why I ported the website to it.
What is the best way to proceed to get my domain set up with GAE given my current circumstance?
"So, the verification process to verify my ownership of the domain name presupposes mysite is currently up and running."
Not quite: all you need is DNS for your domain up and running, and then you can create a DNS TXT record to verify your domain. See: http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=60216
So it sounds to me like you need to get (configurable) DNS hosting set up somewhere. You're going to need that anyway because you need to set up a CNAME record in order to serve you App Engine App off of your domain.

How should I provide a hosted service on Google App Engine

If i want to rent space on my service which I in turn host on Google App Service, is there some Terms of Service i need to know about?
Also, if I want to provide a service that should be customized for a company, say a Wiki that the company can tailor like their own with skins and even domains. Can that be done? Will I have to provide the binaries to be installed at my customer's Google App accounts? E.g. my wiki application would run at wiki.company.com
I don't believe there is anything in the TOS that prevents you from selling your software as a service on GAE.
The domain issue is a bit trickier at the moment, however, as there are relatively limited tools for attaching large numbers of domain names to a single app instance. Your best bet at the moment would likely be to purchase Google for domains accounts for each customer and host them on these separate accounts.
(cf Issue 113)
