how to select values from two tables - sql-server

I have two tables arts and artsdetails.. artsId is the primary key in arts table foreign key in artdetails table. I am selecting values from both table but my query is giving error as
"Invalid object name 'artdetails'"
My query is:
SELECT arts.artsId, artdetails.mainImage
FROM artdetails
INNER JOIN arts ON artdetails.artsId = arts.artsId;
Please help.

You're probably not running the query in the database where these tables live.
If you're using SQL Server Management studio, look in the top left for a drop down containing the database names. It probably says 'master' (as that's the default). Select the one containing the tables you're using and re-run your query.
Failing that, check they're both running in the same schema as Tom suggests.
You can fully quality table names in your query like this:
SELECT a.artsId, ads.mainImage
FROM [DBNAME].[SCHEMA].artdetails ad
INNER JOIN [DBNAME].[SCHEMA].arts a ON ad.artsId = a.artsId;
Also using table abbreviations tidies things up a bit.


Select from one table where not in another in SQL Server

I have a SQL Server database on my computer, and there are two tables in it.
This is the first one:
and this is the second one
Now I need to write a T-SQL query that can return
Participant.ParticipantID = Participation.ParticipantID;
and I'm going to be thankful
SQL Server performs sort, intersect, union, and difference operations using in-memory sorting and hash join technology. Using this type of query plan, SQL Server supports vertical table partitioning, sometimes called columnar storage.
SQL Server employs three types of join operations:
Nested Loops joins
Merge joins
Hash joins
Join Fundamentals
By using joins, you can retrieve data from two or more tables based on logical relationships between the tables. Joins indicate how Microsoft SQL Server should use data from one table to select the rows in another table.
A join condition defines the way two tables are related in a query by:
Specifying the column from each table to be used for the join. A typical join condition specifies a foreign key from one table and its associated key in the other table.
Specifying a logical operator (for example, = or <>,) to be used in comparing values from the columns.
Inner joins can be specified in either the FROM or WHERE clauses. Outer joins can be specified in the FROM clause only. The join conditions combine with the WHERE and HAVING search conditions to control the rows that are selected from the base tables referenced in the FROM clause.
Follow this link to help you understand joins better in mssql:
link to joins

How to get a list of all tables in two different databases

I'm trying to create a little SQL script (in SQL Server Management Studio) to get a list of all tables in two different databases. The goal is to find out which tables exist in both databases and which ones only exist in one of them.
I have found various scripts on SO to list all the tables of one database, but so far I wasn't able to get a list of tables of multiple databases.
So: is there a way to query SQL Server for all tables in a specific database, e.g. SELECT * FROM ... WHERE databaseName='first_db' so that I can join this with the result for another database?
In order to compare the two lists, you can use FULL OUTER JOIN, which will show you the tables that are present in both databases as well as those that are only present in one of them:
You can also add WHERE db1.TABLE_NAME IS NULL OR db2.TABLE_NAME IS NULL to see only the differences between the databases.
As far as I know, you can only query tables for the active database. But you could store them in a temporary table, and join the result:
use db1
insert #TableList select (...) from sys.tables
use db2
insert #TableList2 select (...) from sys.tables
select * from #TableList tl1 join Tablelist2 tl2 on ...
Just for completeness, this is the query I finally used (based on Andriy M's answer):
To find out which tables exist in db2, but not in db1, replace the LEFT OUTER JOIN with a RIGHT OUTER JOIN.

sql server: looking for table usage through out database

How would I figure out what type of sql code such as procs, functions, views etc. are interacting with my table called TABLE1 through out a given database. Sample code would be very helpful for me.
select, so.xtype
from sysobjects so (nolock)
inner join syscomments sc (nolock) on =
where sc.text like '%tablename%'
This code will search all SQL Server objects for a reference to your table. You have to run this query for each database.
If a stored procedure uses your table it will appear in this query. The same is true of functions, views, and triggers.
xtype tells you the type of object.
Here are the possible xtype values:
D = Field names
F = Foreign Key
FN = Function
P = Stored Procedures
PK = Primary Key
S = System Tables
U = User tables
V = Hidden tables
Not enough info in your question, but one thing you can do is use SQL Profiler to profile where INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs are coming from.
I assume you are talking about how an app is interacting with data and what name (of say a sproc) is doing the insert / update / delete.
Look at SQL Profiler, it comes with your client tools install. Filter it to only show connections to your database (either db name or ID).
If you've been good and created your SPs/views/functions after your table was created, sp_depends will tell you evertyhing referencing the table. Exept for dynamic sql that is.

TSQL: Create a view that accesses multiple databases

I have a special case,
for example in table ta in database A, it stores all the products I buy
table ta(
in table tb in database B, it contain all the product that people can buy
table tb(
Can I create a view in database A to list all the products that I haven`t bought?
Yes you can - the t-sql syntax is the same as within any other cross database call (within a stored procedure for example).
To reference your tables in the second database you simply need:
So you would end up with something like
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[YourView]
from TableInA a
join DatabaseB.dbo.TableInB b
on -- your join logic goes here
Note that this will only work on the same server - if your databases are on different servers them you will need to create a linked server.
As the other answers indicate, you can use the {LINKED_SERVER.}DATABASE.SCHEMA.OBJECT notation.
You should also be aware that cross-database ownership chaining is disabled by default.
So within a database, granting SELECT on a view allows a user who may not have SELECT on the underlying tables to still SELECT from the view. This may not work across to another database where the user does not have permissions on the underlying table.
Yes, views can reference three part named objects:
create view A.dbo.viewname as
select ... from A.dbo.ta as ta
join B.dbo.tb as tb on =
where ...
There will be problems down the road with cross db queries because of backup/restore consistency, referential integrity problems and possibly mirorring failover, but those problems are inherent in having the data split across dbs.

Large sets of sql parameters in query

I have two disconnected sql servers that have to have correlated queries run between them. What is the best way to run a query such as:
select * from table where id in (1..100000)
Where the 1..100000 are ids I'm getting from the other database and are not contiguous.
The in clause doesn't support that many parameters, and creating a temp table to do a subquery on takes forever. Are there any other options? Using Sql Server 2005 as the DB, C# as my lang.
Linking the servers is not an option.
If possible, set them up as linked servers. Then you can query the other server directly.
Once you have your link setup, you should also consider that an INNER JOIN or EXISTS will likely perform better.
Syntax might be off slightly, as my server to server MSSQL is rusty, but...
Select * from table where id in (select id from [Server_Two\Some_Instance].[SomeDatabase].[user].table2)
To work around the number of IN parameters allowed without querying across servers, you can bucket them into multiple queries with subsets of the ids and connect them with a UNION. Kinda kludgy, but it should work.
You could use a function to break down the input string and return a table. There are plenty of questions on here about how to have dynamic parameters with in clauses which should have an example.
If you can link your servers you could join between the two servers.
The other option which it sounds like you've explored is creating a temp table with the id's that are going to be used as criteria for a join to the primary table.
select * from atable a
inner join #temptable t on =
Since they're ID's I'm assuming they are indexed.
How are you generating the in? If it is text, you can generate it differently. Or does this cause the same error?
WHERE id in (1..10000)
OR id in (10001..20000)
-- etc.
