How do I create a bitcoin payment request? - request

I'd like to be able to programmatically create a bitcoin payment request per BIP 0070 and email it to someone for payment.
What are the libraries, web services, or code samples I should be looking at to figure this out?

I haven't implemented it yet, but Gavin Andresen has a repository with what looks like a c++ and PHP implementation. I'll check it out later and post a code sample here when I get it working.
This has both a c++ and php implementation. the c++ code has a paymentrequest-create and a paymentrequest-dump. create creates the payment and dump verifies it. Use the project Readmes to compile and to understand usage.


2SXC/DNN - Delete ADAM Files in Entity

We're designing a system for a client where they are allowing authenticated users to upload images. We've created an API to upload the files but the client only wants the latest file and delete all previous ones so that there would only ever be one.
We've looked through the docs and can't come across a way for ADAM to handle this in both 2SXC and DNN's file system.
Internally when deleting images we see API calls like the following to the internal 2SXC API, but we're wondering if this is exposed somewhere within the public API?
We could probably use the same endpoint above, but we'd likely run into permission issues or changes to the APIs that could be problematic.
Thank you for any advice you can give! Perhaps #iJungleBoy can provide some thoughts on this.
As a solution from a completely different direction, if you are on the later release of 2sxc (v12.8+, v13+), and comfortable programming in C#, you might consider doing this as a "cleanup" from a Dnn Scheduled Task. This can be done with a relatively easy setup. We have a Gist in place that we use as a starter. You simply put the code in the /App_Code folder then setup a normal Dnn Scheduled Task. NOTE that you can scroll down to the first comment on the Gist to see a screenshot of a complete working setup.
Accuraty's AccuTasks template on GitHub Gists
There are two more key things to note:
You need to install Dnn's CodeDom 3.6 because the example uses the later versions C#'s string interpolation - OR remove the few $"ASL2021 - {this.GetType().Name}, Task Scheduled Email", bits or convert to string.Format() or something.
Since your task's code is NOT running in a (2sxc) module, if needed, you'll do stuff like this: 2sxc Docs - Use 2sxc Instance or App Data from External C# Code
So, if you are comfortable writing code that "finds and deletes stuff older than NN days" - this might be the way to go.

how to code a chat bot to use Alchemy data

Apologies for posting a basic question and not a detailed programming problem! Alas, IBM send people here for BlueMix support.
We're evaluating different AI Bots, and with Watson what we want to do, I think, is use Alchemy to analyze our web site, and have a chat bot that can answer random questions using general knowledge as well as what Alchemy has learnt from our site.
But, I can't find an example of how to hook up Alchemy to a chat bot. Could any of you point me in the right direction? I'll try to come back with more difficult questions another day!
I think, is use Alchemy to analyze our web site, and have a chat bot that can answer random questions using general knowledge as well as what Alchemy has learnt from our site.
There is two ways to do this.
You can create a controller that sits in front of Alchemy API + Dialog. The user talks to the controller and it sends the information to Dialog. Dialog can then request a lookup to the controller. This option is only useful if you don't expect Dialog to be maintained at a later date (or you are using earlier versions of WEA).
The better option is to use the FUNCTION call within Dialog. This will allow you to talk to a third party system and get information back to work with.
Once you have your data returned, you can use your tags or keywords within the returned data to activate a particular process flow using SEARCH.
One thing to be aware of is that depending on the answer you need to determine how to present it.
If your corpus is stored as conversational, then you can use the content as-is. If it is stored from documentation, then you should have Dialog talk as if it is reviewing the content and coming back with an answer. The latter should be visible in a way that distinguishes it as separate from the conversation.

Integrating CakePHP and Sage Pay (Protx)

I am needing to integrate Sage Pay on our website to accept online payments.
I have downloaded and tested the PHP kit provided by Sage and have run a few successful tests, however, I don't know where to start when it comes to integrating this with Cake PHP.
If anybody has some initial pointers or ideas, or even links (multiple, varied Google searches yielded nothing) that would be great ...
Many thanks,
Hi there,thanks for the reply, and apologies for the delayed replying myself. I have it all working now, except my final issue as that I need to parse the final response returned from SagePay. The demo has the following code in the final step that gets posted to my site (to an action), The code they have is as follows:
Obviously this won't work due to Cake's routing. How do you suggest I parse these value>
Thanks again.
Haven't used Sagepay but a few pointers anyway:
Third party PHP classes should be loaded as vendors, so that is what I would do with their PHP kit.
This guy thinks SagePay's kit is a mess so you might find using his classes is easier to grok.
Although some might say payments belong in the business layer (your model), you might find it easier to initially perform payments from the controller layer. As such, I would start by creating a simple component with the inputs and outputs you need (methods/parameters/return values) and use it as a wrapper for the SagePay vendor of your choice. This will help keep your controller actions skinny. You can refactor later to your taste once you get things working.

Receiving / retrieving email in CakePHP

I am developing a basic yet highly customized CRM for a small training centre which has the ability to store student records and also send emails to them. I'm using SwiftMailer following this excellent tutorial in CakePHP to accomplish the sending part.
Of course, students are sometimes going to reply to emails and I'd like to retrieve them within my CRM and store them along with the student record.
However, I cannot find a single reference to doing this. I've tried the following Google searches: "receiving email cakephp" , "retrieving email cakephp" and even "email client cakephp" but all of these queries give results relating to sending mail rather than receiving it -- very frustrating!
Finally, I broadened my search to non-cake solutions and found someone recommending a library called ezComponents. It doesn't seem to have had any active development for about a year, but it includes an email receiving class which is exactly what I want. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to add this to CakePHP and the only post I've been able to find on the entire web on the matter doesn't exactly go into much detail. It's certainly not a step-by-step tutorial on using ezComponents on CakePHP like the SwiftMailer tutorial I mentioned above.
I also found a class on Google Code called php-imap which looks like it would do the job but, again, I haven't the slightest clue how to get it working happily in Cake like SwiftMailer is.
I realize that I may have to learn how to package classes for use in Cake by myself but I'm asking this question first on the off-chance that there is already a Cake-friendly solution to this problem that I just haven't realized :-)
Thanks to everyone for your answers, but I've been doing some more searching and it looks like the solution is actually incredibly simple.
Basically, with the help of a plugin, I can set up the mail server in databases.php as a datasource and then write a Model and Controller to interact with it.
Here's the example I found:
Edit: the repo has been deprecated and is now available at
You will want to pipe your email to PHP and use stdin:// to read the contents of the email and add the e-mail to your database.
I've done this with cake and the simplest way is to make a Cake console application to handle the parsing. Also using cpanel's account level filtering to generate the pipe is really simple.
Sounds like you want to include SwiftMailer as a Cake plugin, amirite?
-- if you want to package it yourself. Otherwise, a cursory search of the Bakery yielded this result:
Hopefully it will at least get you pointed in the right direction. HTH. :)

Crosswords Puzzle Database or Web Service

I would like to obtain an existing db dump of a collection of crossword puzzles or a web service through which I can get one. Is any one aware of any web sites that provide you with free dumps?
Thanks in advance
You need to design a bot for this. You can use open source toold like snoopy, or more easy approach is to use FF plugins. If you need have a very complex algo in mind to get data , use Kapaoo.
