what happens if a program receives as an argv[1] argument a string with a null terminator in the middle? for example:
./program test'\0'example
what is the value of argv[1]? is it test? is it test\0example? I have these lines of code
max = sizeof(filename);
len = strlen(argv[1]);
if (len > max) goto error;
strcpy(filename, argv[1]);
I need to build an exploit for this program and what I wanted to do, is making argv[1] worth test'\0'example so strlen(argv[1])=strlen("test")=4 and strcpy(filename, argv[1])=strcpy(filename, "test") so I can use the rest of the string (the example part) to put my exploit. is it possible? thank you very much?
argv[1] is a pointer object of type char*. Its value is an address, not a string. Specifically, its value is the address of a char object whose value is 't'.
The C standard (in section 7.1.1) has the following definitions:
A string is a contiguous sequence of characters terminated by and including the first null
A pointer to a string is a pointer to its initial (lowest addressed) character. The length of a string is the number of bytes preceding the null character and
the value of a string is the sequence of the values of the contained characters, in order.
Since argv[1] points to the first of a contiguous sequence of characters, one of which is a null character, it's a pointer to a string. The value of that string is "test" (which includes the terminating '\0'), and the length of the string is 4.
It's common to say, as a kind of verbal shorthand, that the value of argv[1] is "test", but that's imprecise -- especially in a case like this where the distinction between the value of a string and the value of the array containing that string is significant.
argv[1] also points to the first character of an array of characters. The first 5 bytes of that array contain the string "test". The entire array contains the character values:
{ 't', 'e', 's', 't',
'e', 'x', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e',
'\0' }
If you pass the value of argv[1] to a string function, that function will only see "test", and will not access anything past the terminating '\0'. The rest of the contents of the array are still perfectly valid, and can be accessed using functions (like memcpy) that don't just operate on strings.
Whether it's possible to invoke your main program in such a way that argv[1] will point to the first element of an array with those particular contents is another matter, one that depends on your operating system.
The value of argv[1] will be "test", assuming you actually manage to get a real NULL character on the terminal and not just the literal characters \ and 0.
As RedAlert's comment mentioned, strlen and strcpy both stop on a null character, so getting a null character will not help for most exploits.
You most likely need to find a way to do the exploit without using the character \0.
Your idea works when main() is called from within main()
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc == 1) {
char *data[] = {"", "5one\0two", "7three\0four", "6five\0six"};
main(4, data); // call main again, with exploitable data
} else {
if (!argv[0][0]) { // test for empty argv[0]
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
printf("%s ==> %s\n", argv[i] + 1, argv[i] + argv[i][0] - '0');
return 0;
I'm not sure if it will work when main() is called from the C library initialization code ... or even if you can make your shell accept a NUL character as part of an argument.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
char name1[] = {'f','o','o'};
char name2[] = "foo";
printf("%s\n", name1);
printf("%s\n", name2);
return 0;
running the code above results in :
Program ended with exit code: 0
So, what's the difference between these 2 initializers?
name1 is an array of three characters {'f', 'o', 'o'}.
name2 is an array of four characters {'f', 'o', 'o', '\0'}.
printf("%s", ...) expects an array terminated with a null character. Because name1 isn't, you start dereferencing characters past the end of the array which can have the traditional undefined behavior.
The first array (i.e., {'f','o','o'}) will not have the null character '\0', wheres the second (i.e., "foo") will.
The printf specification when using the %s says the following:
If no l modifier is present: The const char * argument is expected to
be a pointer to an array of character type (pointer to a string).
Characters from the array are written up to (but not including) a
terminating null byte ('\0'); if a precision is specified, no more
than the number specified are written. If a precision is given, no
null byte need be present; if the precision is not specified, or is
greater than the size of the array, the array must contain a
terminating null byte.
Since, your printf did not include the precision, it will write up characters from the array until reaching the null byte ('\0'). Consequently, in the case of the char name1[] = {'f','o','o'}; resulting in the printf write up characters out of the memory that was allocated for the name1 array. Such behaviour is considered to be undefined.
This is the reason why printf("%s\n", name1); prints foo plus some extra symbols from the next positions in memory that should not have been accessed, whereas with printf("%s\n", name2); it prints exactly the string "foo" as it is.
There are no trailing symbols in the array.
But printf’s %s format expects a string, and the array name1 isn’t a string: by definition, C strings are zero terminated … and your array isn’t. So the behaviour is undefined, and what seems to happen in your particular case is that printf continues printing random values that happen to be in memory just behind the contents of name1.
In C language if you are initializing string with character by character initializer you need to put '\0' which is NULL/terminating character to indicate the end of string.
so name1 should be {'f', 'o', 'o', '\0'}
x\363\277\357\376 that you can see at the end of your output is just garbage value which is printed just because printf could not find '\0' at the end of your string name1.
For name2 you used double quote to initialize the string which automatically puts a '\0' at the end of string.
In an introductory course of C, I have learned that while storing the strings are stored with null character \0 at the end of it. But what if I wanted to print a string, say printf("hello") although I've found that that it doesn't end with \0 by following statement
printf("%d", printf("hello"));
Output: 5
but this seem to be inconsistent, as far I know that variable like strings get stored in main memory and I guess while printing something it might also be stored in main memory, then why the difference?
The null byte marks the end of a string. It isn't counted in the length of the string and isn't printed when a string is printed with printf. Basically, the null byte tells functions that do string manipulation when to stop.
Where you will see a difference is if you create a char array initialized with a string. Using the sizeof operator will reflect the size of the array including the null byte. For example:
char str[] = "hello";
printf("len=%zu\n", strlen(str)); // prints 5
printf("size=%zu\n", sizeof(str)); // prints 6
printf returns the number of the characters printed. '\0' is not printed - it just signals that the are no more chars in this string. It is not counted towards the string length as well
int main()
char string[] = "hello";
printf("szieof(string) = %zu, strlen(string) = %zu\n", sizeof(string), strlen(string));
sizeof(string) = 6, strlen(string) = 5
Your assumption is wrong. Your string indeed ends with a \0.
It contains of 5 characters h, e, l, l, o and the 0 character.
What the "inner" print() call outputs is the number of characters that were printed, and that's 5.
In C all literal strings are really arrays of characters, which include the null-terminator.
However, the null terminator is not counted in the length of a string (literal or not), and it's not printed. Printing stops when the null terminator is found.
All answers are really good but I would like to add another example to complete all these
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char a_char_array[12] = "Hello world";
printf("%s", a_char_array);
a_char_array[4] = 0; //0 is ASCII for null terminator
printf("%s", a_char_array);
return 0;
For those don't want to try this on online gdb, the output is:
Hello world
Is this helpful to understand what escape terminator does? It's not a boundary for a char array or a string. It's the character that will say to the guy that parses -STOP, (print) parse until here.
PS: And if you parse and print it as a char array
for(i=0; i<12; i++)
printf("%c", a_char_array[i]);
you get:
Hell world
where, the whitespace after double l, is the null terminator, however, parsing a char array, will just the char value of every byte. If you do another parse and print the int value of each byte ("%d%,char_array[i]), you'll see that (you get the ASCII code- int representation) the whitespace has a value of 0.
In C function printf() returns the number of character printed, \0 is a null terminator which is used to indicate the end of string in c language and there is no built in string type as of c++, however your array size needs to be a least greater than the number of char you want to store.
Here is the ref: cpp ref printf()
But what if I wanted to print a string, say printf("hello") although
I've found that that it doesn't end with \0 by following statement
printf("%d", printf("hello"));
Output: 5
You are wrong. This statement does not confirm that the string literal "hello" does not end with the terminating zero character '\0'. This statement confirmed that the function printf outputs elements of a string until the terminating zero character is encountered.
When you are using a string literal as in the statement above then the compiler
creates a character array with the static storage duration that contains elements of the string literal.
So in fact this expression
is processed by the compiler something like the following
static char string_literal_hello[] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0' };
printf( string_literal_hello );
Th action of the function printf in this you can imagine the following way
int printf( const char *string_literal )
int result = 0;
for ( ; *string_literal != '\0'; ++string_literal )
putchar( *string_literal );
return result;
To get the number of characters stored in the string literal "hello" you can run the following program
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char literal[] = "hello";
printf( "The size of the literal \"%s\" is %zu\n", literal, sizeof( literal ) );
return 0;
The program output is
The size of the literal "hello" is 6
You have to clear your concept first..
As it will be cleared when you deal with array, The print command you are using its just counting the characters that are placed within paranthesis. Its necessary in array string that it will end with \0
A string is a vector of characters. Contains the sequence of characters that form the
string, followed by the special ending character
string: '\ 0'
char str[10] = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0'};
Example: the following character vector is not one string because it doesn't end with '\ 0'
char str[2] = {'h', 'e'};
I wanted to test things out with arrays on C as I'm just starting to learn the language. Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
int i,t;
char orig[5];
orig[i] = '.';
printf("%s\n", orig);
Here is my output:
It is exactly that. What are those mysterious characters? What have i done wrong?
%s with printf() expects a pointer to a string, that is, pointer to the initial element of a null terminated character array. Your array is not null terminated.
Thus, in search of the terminating null character, printf() goes out of bound, and subsequently, invokes undefined behavior.
You have to null-terminate your array, if you want that to be used as a string.
Quote: C11, chapter §, (emphasis mine)
If no l length modifier is present, the argument shall be a pointer to the initial element of an array of character type.280) Characters from the array are
written up to (but not including) the terminating null character. If the
precision is specified, no more than that many bytes are written. If the
precision is not specified or is greater than the size of the array, the array shall
contain a null character.
Quick solution:
Increase the array size by 1, char orig[6];.
Add a null -terminator in the end. After the loop body, add orig[i] = '\0';
And then, print the result.
char orig[5];//creates an array of 5 char. (with indices ranging from 0 to 4)
| ^memory you do not own (your mysterious characters)
^start of orig
for(i=0;i<=4;i++){ //attempts to populate array with '.'
orig[i] = '.';
| ^memory you do not own (your mysterious characters)
^start of orig
This results in a non null terminated char array, which will invoke undefined behavior if used in a function that expects a C string. C strings must contain enough space to allow for null termination. Change your declaration to the following to accommodate.
char orig[6];
Then add the null termination to the end of your loop:
orig[i] = '.';
orig[i] = 0;
Resulting in:
| ^memory you do not own
^start of orig
Note: Because the null termination results in a C string, the function using it knows how to interpret its contents (i.e. no undefined behavior), and your mysterious characters are held at bay.
There is a difference between an array and a character array. You can consider a character array is an special case of array in which each element is of type char in C and the array should be ended (terminated) by a character null (ASCII value 0).
%s format specifier with printf() expects a pointer to a character array which is terminated by a null character. Your array is not null terminated and hence, printf function goes beyond 5 characters assigned by you and prints garbage values present after your 5th character ('.').
To solve your issues, you need to statically allocate the character array of size one more than the characters you want to store. In your case, a character array of size 6 will work.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int i,t;
char orig[6]; // If you want to store 5 characters, allocate an array of size 6 to store null character at last position.
for (i=0; i<=4; i++) {
orig[i] = '.';
orig[5] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", orig);
There is a reason to waste one extra character space for the null character. The reason being whenever you pass any array to a function, then only pointer to first element is passed to the function (pushed in function's stack). This makes for a function impossible to determine the end of the array (means operators like sizeof won't work inside the function and sizeof will return the size of the pointer in your machine). That is the reason, functions like memcpy, memset takes an additional function arguments which mentions the array sizes (or the length upto which you want to operate).
However, using character array, function can determine the size of the array by looking for a special character (null character).
You need to add a NUL character (\0) at the end of your string.
#include <stdio.h>
int i,t;
char orig[6];
orig[i] = '.';
orig[i] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", orig);
If you do not know what \0 is, I strongly recommand you to check the ascii table (https://www.asciitable.com/).
Good luck
prinftf takes starting pointer of any memory location, array in this case and print till it encounter a \0 character. These type of strings are called as null terminated strings.
So please add a \0 at the end and put in characters till (size of array - 2) like this :
int i,t;
char orig[5];
for(i=0;i<4;i++){ //less then size of array -1
orig[i] = '.';
orig[i] = '\0'
printf("%s\n", orig);
I am having trouble wrapping my brain around null terminators and non-null terminating arrays.
Let's say I have two declarations:
const char *string = "mike";
const char string[4] = {'m', 'i', 'k', 'e'};
I understand the first declaration is because in C, a character array is null terminated because it is a defined to be a contiguous block of characters in memory terminated by a NULL and I can check this with strlen.
The problem that I'm having is understanding declarations like the second, with no null terminator.
How can I check for validity of a string with no null terminator? (as in, what if there are additional values in the array?)
How can I check for validity of a string with no null terminator?
You need to know array bounds in order to see if a null-terminated string is contained within the bounds. Here is how you can do that in your example:
const char string[4] = {'m', 'i', 'k', 'e'};
int good = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i != sizeof(string) ; i++) {
if (string[i] == '\0') {
good = 1;
if (good) {
printf("String '%s' is null-terminated.\n", string);
} else {
printf("String is not null-terminated; cannot print.\n");
Although C library provides support only for null-terminated strings, you could use character arrays without null termination as long as you have access to their size (i.e. it's an array, not a pointer). For example, you could print your array like this:
printf("'%.*s'\n", sizeof(string), string);
You can't. A string with no null terminator is not a string. It's just an array of characters. A C string must have a null terminator to be considered a string.
You'd have to deal with it like you would with an int[] array or any other type of array: keep track of the size separately, if it's not a known fixed size. Since it's not a string, you couldn't call string functions like strlen.
A string needs to end will a null terminator. If you tried to do printf("%s",string) on the second example or use functions like strcmp, strcpy, or strlen it would not work. It is true the a string is just an array of characters with a null terminator, but the null terminator needs to be there if is to be consider a string. So if you are not sure that you actually have an array of characters that is null terminated, you'll need to check for the null terminator.
This distinction is very important, but the similarities can be used to your advantage especially when you get to the embedded level of programming and are reviving characters across a wire. Let's just say you have a buffer that you are putting revived characters in and you are looking for the string "mike". You most likely will not receive a null terminator across a wire so when you search for the string, you'll either need to compare the characters individually or use strncmp which only compares the number of characters that you tell it to which if you have a hardcoded string you can use strlen to get the size of that string you use for strncmp.
I want to assign the first two values from the hash array to the salt array.
char hash[] = {"HAodcdZseTJTc"};
char salt[] = {hash[0], hash[1]};
printf("%s", salt);
However, when I attempt this, the first two values are assigned and then all thirteen values are also assigned to the salt array. So my output here is not:
but instead:
salt is not null-terminated. Try:
char salt[] = {hash[0], hash[1], '\0'};
Since you are adding just two characters to the salt array and you are not adding the '\0' terminator.
Passing a non nul terminated array as a parameter to printf() with a "%s" specifier, causes undefined behavior, in your case it prints hash in my case
was printed.
Strings in c use a special convetion to know where they end, a non printable special character '\0' is appended at the end of a sequence of non-'\0' bytes, and that's how a c string is built.
For example, if you were to compute the length of a string you would do something like
size_t stringlength(const char *string)
size_t length;
for (length = 0 ; string[length] != '\0' ; ++length);
return length;
there are of course better ways of doing it, but I just want to illustrate what the significance of the terminating '\0' is.
Now that you know this, you should notice that
char string[] = {'A', 'B', 'C'};
is an array of char but it's not a string, for it to be a string, it needs a terminating '\0', so
char string[] = {'A', 'B', 'C', '\0'};
would actually be a string.
Notice that then, when you allocate space to store n characters, you need to allocate n + 1 bytes, to make room for the '\0'.
In the case of printf() it will try to consume all the bytes that the passed pointer points at, until one of them is '\0', there it would stop iterating through the bytes.
That also explains the Undefined Behavior thing, because clearly printf() would be reading out of bounds, and anything could happen, it depends on what is actually there at the memory address that does not belong the the passed data but is off bounds.
There are many functions in the standard library that expect strings, i.e. _sequences of non nul bytes, followed by a nul byte.