How to derive values from an array using the index value - arrays

I am trying to use an array in NetLogo to store my images and call the values using their index. Looks like I am getting stuck with common manner of accessing the array's value via arrayName[0].
How do I do that in NetLogo? googling doesn't seem to have the answer.
My array:
let imgArray ["easy1.png" "easy2.png" "easy3.png" "easy4.png" "easy5.png"]
I am trying to fix the image in the following manner:
clear-drawing import-drawing imgArray[1]

You're looking for item:
item 1 imgArray
Note that it's zero-indexed, so the first item is item 0 imgArray, though first imgArray is more idiomatic.
Also, arrays in NetLogo are called lists.


How can I filter large amount of JSON in OpenRefine?

I'm using OpenRefine to pull in information on publisher policies using the Sherpa Romeo API (Sherpa Romeo is a site that aggregates publisher policies). I've got that.
Now I need to parse the returned JSON so that those with certain pieces of information remain. The results I'm interested in need to include the following:
These pieces on information all fall under an array called "permitted_oa". For some reason, I can't even work out how to just pull out that array. I've tried writing grel expressions such as
but it never reutrns anything.
I wish I could share the JSON but it's too big.
I can see a couple of issues here.
Firstly the Sherpa API response items is an array (i.e. a list of things). When you have an array in the JSON, you either have to select a particular item from the array, or you have to explicitly work through the list of things in the array (aka iterate across the array) in your GREL. If you've previously worked with arrays in GREL you'll be familiar with this, but if you haven't
value.parseJson().items[0] -> first item in the array
value.parseJson().items[1] -> second item in the array
value.parseJson().items[2] -> third item in the array etc. etc.
If you know there is only ever going to be a single item in the array then you can safely use value.parseJson().items[0]
However, if you don't know how many items will be in the array and you are interested in them all, you will have to iterate over the array using a GREL control such as "forEach":
forEach(value.parseJson().items, v, v)
is a way of iterating over the array - each time the GREL finds an item in the array, it will assign it to a variable "v" and then you can do a further operation on that value using "v" as you would usually use "value" (see for an example of using forEach on an array)
Another possibility is to use join on the array. This will join all the things in an array into a string.
It looks like the Sherpa JSON uses Arrays liberally so you may find more arrays you have to deal with to get to the values you want.
Secondly, in the JSON you pasted "oa_permitted" isn't directly in the "item" but in another array called "publisher_policy" - so you'll need to navigate that as well. So:
would get you the first permitted_oa object in the first publisher_policy in the first item in the items array. If you wanted to (for example) get a list of locations from the JSON you have pasted you could use:
Which will give you a pipe ("|") separated list of locations based on the assumption there is only a single item, single publisher_policy and singe permitted_oa - which is true in the case of the JSON you've supplied here (but might not always be true)

Google Scripts: Populating Multi-Dimensional Array With Cell Values

I am learning the basics of Google Scripting after using VBA in Excel for many years, so please forgive the basic question.
I want to take a range of cells in my sheet using getValues() and then create a multi-element array.
Here is a simple example from my code:
var gameInfo = [];
gameInfo = gameMasterSheet.getRange(3, 3, 1, 9).getValues();
As you can see, the defined range is 9 cells in a single row.
My goal is to create an array from these 9 cells, and have each cell be accessible via a separate array element. However, it seems all 9 cell values are being inserted into gameInfo[0], and when I reference gameInfo[2] hoping to obtain the value of the third cell in the range, "undefined" is returned.
Is there a way to use getValues() to populate an array with separate elements? If so, how is this done? If not, what is a better alternative?
Thanks for any help you all can provide!
getValues returns a 2d array, even when it's a single row of cells. Think of it like this: gameInfo[row - 1][column - 1], so the top left is gameInfo[0][0].
All of your data is in gameInfo is in one row (gameInfo[0]), so the third element will be accessed as gameInfo[0][2] (row 1, column 3).
gameInfo[2] would be the third row, which is indeed outside of the range and undefined.
Also: to get just the values into an array from a 2d array, you could do this:
const values = [];
gameInfo.forEach(row => {
row.forEach(column => {
See the script at the bottom of the Simple Mail Merge Tutorial for some useful code to retrieve data. Copy all the code from this comment down:
// The code below is reused from the 'Reading Spreadsheet data using JavaScript Objects'
// tutorial.
// getRowsData iterates row by row in the input range and returns an array of objects.
Once you have, use getRowsData to retrieve the data as an array of objects. If I understand you correctly, this will get you want you are after.
Karl S

Access Element in Paginated Dictionary. Dictionary within a list. Python 3.6

I am trying to access and cache (set) the value element in a paginated dictionary. I want each new paginated dictionary to do this. There is a way to go through the dictionaries with "before" and "after" parameters, but I think that might be an unnecessary tidbit.
When I do this:
pag_dict = foo.get_dict()
xvalue = bar.set(pag_dict["x"])
I get "TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str" for the line with xvalue = bar.set(pag_dict["x"]). I just need it to print out 1 by accessing x.
I keep running into problems every way I try to fix this. Help would be extremely appreciated.
Thank you!
Based on discussion in comment:
pag_dict = [[{'x': 1, 'y': 2}]]
The above shows pag_dict is a list of list with 1 element. The element is of type Python's dict, which is a key-value pairs.
To get value of key x, try this:
# this gives "1"

Pass current object first Array as3

Is it possible to pass an array whilst placing the currentTarget object first in the array?
I've searched online and only found reference to index, indexOf etc but no resources on how to do this anywhere.
I can send the array no problem but it's always as first loaded, through selecting a different object it must be possible to ammend the array or splice the new object to the beginning but would really be grateful of any assistance as to how to achieve this.
Not 100% sure what you're asking, but you can use the Array::unShift(...args) method to insert an object at the beginning of an array.
From your comment below, I think I get what you're saying. You can just swap the item you're looking for with the one at the beginning:
var index = array.indexOf(event.currentTarget);
array[index] = array[0];
array[0] = event.currentTarget;
or something similar to that anyways.

Array won't refresh itself after removeChild

There is an array of objects. I'm trying to removeChild an object from that array like below. removeChild works fine but the array won't refresh itself after removing uppest object. As you can see in below, i tried to trace array items out.
Firstly, array has three items, obviously the myArray.length must be 3.
After removing a child, myArray.length must be 2, but it get 3 (Wrong).
Please tell me what am i missing here.
Assuming you're using ActionScript, removeChild() only serves to take objects off the stage. It doesn't take things out of an array. You have to take the object out of the array manually in another statement.
You could try something like:
This removes the entry from the array and returns that entry that will be used to remove it from the stage.
