Reducing the memory assigned to an array - c

Let's say I have an array of char containing a sentence, and I want to copy that sentence in a different array but filtering a certain character:
char a[] = "hello everybody";
char b[sizeof(a)];
char idontwantyou = 'e';
int it = 0;
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(a); ++i)
if (a[i]!=idontwantyou)
b[it++] = a[i];
I had to allocate the same amount of memory for b than the size of a because I don't know the size of the sentence without the undesired characters right?
Now, I have my b array with the sentence hllo vrybody'#·&¡` right? I mean, there is "trash" at the end of the array.
Is there any way I could "cut" the trash in the tail so the size of b is the same value than it?
I just copied b in a new array I defined as char c[sizeof(b)] but this doesn't seem like a good practise.
Maybe realloc in b would do what I want?

In-place elimination of unwanted character, and allocated array size reduction:
char *a = strdup("hello everybody");
char idontwantyou = 'e';
char *b = a;
char *c = a;
Eliminate unwanted character:
if(*b != idontwantyou)
Reduce the size of the allocated array:
b=realloc(a, strlen(a) + 1);
if(NULL == b)
/*Handle error... */;
Test results:
printf("array = \"%s\"\n", a);
Output should be:
array = "hllo vrybody"

sizeof(b) would be equal to sizeof(a), because that is the actual size of b. To use realloc, you have to allocate b using malloc in the first place.
That would be done in a way similar to this:
char a[] = "hello everybody";
/* better use strlen here -- it will also work with char*, and not only with
statically allocated arrays */
char *b = malloc(strlen(a)+1);
/* your code here */
char *tmp = realloc(b, it);
if (!tmp) {
/* some error here! */
} else {
b = tmp;
/* continue working with b */
There are some important bits in here:
You have to manually free b after you’re done, because it is allocated on the heap instead of the stack, and thus you have to release the memory on your own instead of it getting released automatically on the function exit.
The return value of realloc may be NULL. In that case, the old memory is still allocated and you have to do some kind of error handling (as sketched with the if).
If realloc succeeds, tmp points to the new memory area and b is invalid, which is why we override b with tmp.

Another way to do it is to run two passes over the string, one to count and one to copy.
You should evaluate the problem in terms of how much this operation matters in the
overall cost and cpu+memory profile of the program. Most likely, it hardly matters at all.
In which case, the simplest is probably the best.


malloc() to concatenate 2 strings into third string - crash after compilation

So I'm working through "Sams Teach Yourself C Programming in One Hour a Day, Seventh Edition" Lesson 10 Exercise 7 which asks to "Write a function that accepts two strings. Use the malloc() function to allocate enough memory to hold the two strings after they have been concatenated (linked). Return a pointer to this new string."
I am sure there are much more elegant ways to go about this than what I have attempted below. I am mostly interested in why my solution doesn't work. I have only been learning C for a few months and have no significant programming background. Please let me know why this crashes on compilation. I am using Code Blocks on Win 7 with GNU GCC Compiler if that makes a difference. Thank you :)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char * concatenated(char array1[], char array2[]);
int ctrtotal;
int main(void)
char *comboString;
char *array1 = "You\'re the man ";
char *array2 = "Now Dog!";
comboString = (char *)malloc(ctrtotal * sizeof(char));
concatenated(array1, array2);
if (comboString == NULL)
puts("Memory error");
return 0;
char * concatenated(char array1[], char array2[])
char *array3;
int ctr;
int ctr2;
for (ctr = 0; array1[ctr] != '\0'; ctr++)
array3[ctr] = array1[ctr];
ctr2 = ctr;
for (ctr = 0; array2[ctr] != '\0'; ctr++)
array3[ctr2 + ctr] = array2[ctr];
array3[ctr2 + ctr + 1] = '\0';
ctrtotal = (ctr2 + ctr + 2);
return array3;
Thank you for the help. After reviewing everyone's feedback on my errors I revised the code to the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char * concatenated(char array1[], char array2[]);
int main(void)
char *array1 = "Testing Testing One Two ";
char *array2 = "Three. Finally, not crashing the mem o ry.";
char *comboString = malloc( (strlen(array1)+strlen(array2) + 1)*sizeof(char));
comboString = concatenated(array1, array2);
if (comboString == NULL)
puts("Memory error");
return 0;
char * concatenated(char array1[], char array2[])
char *array3;
array3 = malloc( (strlen(array1)+strlen(array2) + 1)*sizeof(char) );
strcat(array3, array1);
strcat(array3, array2);
return array3;
If anyone sees any redundancies/unnecessary remaining code the could/should be deleted, please let me know. I recognize the benefit of being as concise as possible.
Your code has a bunch of issues:
int ctrtotal is never initialized, so you are mallocing 0 bytes
concatenated() is copying characters to an uninitialized array3. This pointer should point to a mallocd buffer.
If concatenated is allocating the memory, then main doesn't need to. Instead it should use the result of concatenated.
I don't want to give you the full code, and let you to miss out on this learning opportunity. So concatenated should look like this, in psuedo-code:
count = length_of(string1) + length_of(string2) + 1
buffer = malloc(count)
copy string1 to buffer
copy string2 to buffer, after string1
set the last byte of buffer to '\0' (NUL)
return buffer
In C, strings are represented as a NUL-terminated array of characters. That's why we allocate one additional byte, and terminate it with \0.
As a side-note, when dealing with strings, it is far easier to work with pointers, instead of treating them as arrays and accessing them via indices.
There's a lot of code here that just doesn't make any sense. I suggest that you first write this program on paper. Then, "execute" the program in your head, stepping through every line. If you get to something you don't understand, then you need to either fix your understanding, or your incorrect code. Don't try to write code that looks like some other bit of code.
There's also a library function called strcat which will make this task even easier. See if you can figure out how to use it here.
Spoiler --> #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char *concatenate2(const char* s1, const char* s2);
int main(void)
char *comboString;
char *array1 = "You're the man ";
char *array2 = "Now Dog!";
comboString = concatenate2(array1, array2);
if (comboString == NULL)
puts("Memory error");
return 0;
char *concatenate2(const char* s1, const char* s2)
char *result;
result = malloc(strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 1);
*result = '\0';
strcat(result, s1);
strcat(result, s2);
return result;
You forgot to allocate memory for third, concatenated, array of chars (in function)
You should do something like this:
char *array3;
array3 = (char *)malloc( (strlen(array1)+strlen(array2) + 1)*sizeof(char) ); // +1 for '\0' character.
and then write chars from first and second array into third.
Perhaps a stroll through the question code is best.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char * concatenated(char array1[], char array2[]);
int ctrtotal;
Notice that the above line declares ctrtotal to be an integer, but does not specify the value of the integer.
int main(void)
char *comboString;
char *array1 = "You\'re the man ";
char *array2 = "Now Dog!";
comboString = (char *)malloc(ctrtotal * sizeof(char));
Notice that the above line allocates memory and sets 'comboString' to point at that memory. However, how much memory is being allocated?
(ctrtotal[???] * sizeof(char)[1])
What is the value of (??? * 1) ? This is a problem.
concatenated(array1, array2);
The intent of the line above is that array1["You\'re the man "] and array2["Now Dog!"] will be joined to form a new string["You\'re the man Now Dog!"], which will be placed in allocated memory and returned to the caller.
Unfortunately, the returned memory containing the string is not captured here. For example, perhaps the above line should be:
comboString = concatenated(array1, array2);
While this make sense, for this line, it begs a question of the purpose of the lines:
comboString = (char *)malloc(ctrtotal * sizeof(char));
as well as the global variable:
int ctrtotal;
and the later reference:
ctrtotal = (ctr2 + ctr + 2);
Perhaps all of these 3 lines should be deleted?
if (comboString == NULL)
puts("Memory error");
return 0;
char * concatenated(char array1[], char array2[])
char *array3;
Notice that '*array3' is now a defined pointer, but it is not pointing anywhere specific.
int ctr;
int ctr2;
The purpose of 'concatenated()' is to join array1 and array1 into allocated array3. Unfortunately, no memory is allocated to array3.
Below, the memory where array3 is pointing will be modified. Since array3 is not pointing anywhere specific, this is not safe.
Prior to modifying memory where array 3 is pointing, it is important to point array3 at memory where it is safe to modify bytes. I suggest that the following code be inserted here:
array3 = malloc(strlen(array1) + strlen(array2) + 1);
Now, array3 points to allocated memory, large enough to hold both strings plus the string termination character '\0'.
for (ctr = 0; array1[ctr] != '\0'; ctr++)
array3[ctr] = array1[ctr];
ctr2 = ctr;
for (ctr = 0; array2[ctr] != '\0'; ctr++)
array3[ctr2 + ctr] = array2[ctr];
array3[ctr2 + ctr + 1] = '\0';
ctrtotal = (ctr2 + ctr + 2);
return array3;
I am responding to your revised code. There are a few bugs in it.
char *array2 = "Three. Finally, not crashing the mem o ry.";
char *comboString = malloc( (strlen(array1)+strlen(array2) + 1)*sizeof(char));
comboString = concatenated(array1, array2);
The malloc is unnecessary here and actually a bug in your code. You are allocating a block of memory, but you then replace the value of the pointer comboString with the pointer from the call to concatenated. You lose the pointer to the block of memory allocated in main and thus never are able to free it. Although this will not be a problem in the code you have right now since main returns soon after, it could cause a memory leak in an application that ran for a longer time.
strcat(array3, array1);
This is also a bug. strcat is going to walk through array3 to find '\0' and then once it is found copy in array1 from that index on, replacing the '\0'. This works fine here since the memory block that was allocated for array3 is going to be zeroed out** as no block has yet been freed by your program. However, in a longer running program you can end up with a block that does not start with a '\0'. You might end up corrupting your heap, getting a segfault, etc.
To fix this, you should use strcpy instead, array3[0] = '\0', or *array3 = '\0'
** When the operating system starts your program it will initialize the memory segment it reserves for it with zeroes (this actually isn't a necessity but will be true on almost any operating system). As your program allocates and frees memory, you will eventually wind up with values that are not zero. Note that the same bug can occur with uninitialized local variables such as:
int i;
for (; i < 10; i++);
This loop will run 10 times whenever the space on the runtime stack where i is stored is already 0.
Overall, the takeaway is to be very careful with arrays and dynamic memory allocation in C. C offers you none of the protections that modern languages do. You are responsible for making sure you stay within the bounds of your array, initialize your variables, and properly allocate and free your memory. Neglecting these things will lead to obscure bugs that will take you hours to find, and most of the times these bugs will not appear right away.

How do I make a function return a pointer to a new string in C?

I'm reading K&R and I'm almost through the chapter on pointers. I'm not entirely sure if I'm going about using them the right way. I decided to try implementing itoa(n) using pointers. Is there something glaringly wrong about the way I went about doing it? I don't particularly like that I needed to set aside a large array to work as a string buffer in order to do anything, but then again, I'm not sure if that's actually the correct way to go about it in C.
Are there any general guidelines you like to follow when deciding to use pointers in your code? Is there anything I can improve on in the code below? Is there a way I can work with strings without a static string buffer?
/*Source file: String Functions*/
#include <stdio.h>
static char stringBuffer[500];
static char *strPtr = stringBuffer;
/* Algorithm: n % 10^(n+1) / 10^(n) */
char *intToString(int n){
int p = 1;
int i = 0;
while(n/p != 0)
p*=10, i++;
for(;p != 1; p/=10)
*(strPtr++) = ((n % p)/(p/10)) + '0';
*strPtr++ = '\0';
return strPtr - i - 1;
int main(){
char *s[3] = {intToString(123), intToString(456), intToString(78910)};
int x = stringToInteger(s[2]);
printf("%d\n", x);
return 0;
Lastly, can someone clarify for me what the difference between an array and a pointer is? There's a section in K&R that has me very confused about it; "5.5 - Character Pointers and Functions." I'll quote it here:
"There is an important difference between the definitions:
char amessage[] = "now is the time"; /*an array*/
char *pmessage = "now is the time"; /*a pointer*/
amessage is an array, just big enough to hold the sequence of characters and '\0' that
initializes it. Individual characters within the array may be changed but amessage will
always refer to the same storage. On the other hand, pmessage is a pointer, initialized
to point to a string constant; the pointer may subsequently be modified to point
elsewhere, but the result is undefined if you try to modify the string contents."
What does that even mean?
For itoa the length of a resulting string can't be greater than the length of INT_MAX + minus sign - so you'd be safe with a buffer of that length. The length of number string is easy to determine by using log10(number) + 1, so you'd need buffer sized log10(INT_MAX) + 3, with space for minus and terminating \0.
Also, generally it's not a good practice to return pointers to 'black box' buffers from functions. Your best bet here would be to provide a buffer as a pointer argument in intToString, so then you can easily use any type of memory you like (dynamic, allocated on stack, etc.). Here's an example:
char *intToString(int n, char *buffer) {
// ...
char *bufferStart = buffer;
for(;p != 1; p/=10)
*(buffer++) = ((n % p)/(p/10)) + '0';
*buffer++ = '\0';
return bufferStart;
Then you can use it as follows:
char *buffer1 = malloc(30);
char buffer2[15];
intToString(10, buffer1); // providing pointer to heap allocated memory as a buffer
intToString(20, &buffer2[0]); // providing pointer to statically allocated memory
what the difference between an array and a pointer is?
The answer is in your quote - a pointer can be modified to be pointing to another memory address. Compare:
int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
int b[] = {4, 5, 6};
int *ptrA = &a[0]; // the ptrA now contains pointer to a's first element
ptrA = &b[0]; // now it's b's first element
a = b; // it won't compile
Also, arrays are generally statically allocated, while pointers are suitable for any allocation mechanism.
Regarding your code:
You are using a single static buffer for every call to intToString: this is bad because the string produced by the first call to it will be overwritten by the next.
Generally, functions that handle strings in C should either return a new buffer from malloc, or they should write into a buffer provided by the caller. Allocating a new buffer is less prone to problems due to running out of buffer space.
You are also using a static pointer for the location to write into the buffer, and it never rewinds, so that's definitely a problem: enough calls to this function, and you will run off the end of the buffer and crash.
You already have an initial loop that calculates the number of digits in the function. So you should then just make a new buffer that big using malloc, making sure to leave space for the \0, write in to that, and return it.
Also, since i is not just a loop index, change it to something more obvious like length:
That is to say: get rid of the global variables, and instead after computing length:
char *s, *result;
// compute length
s = result = malloc(length+1);
if (!s) return NULL; // out of memory
for(;p != 1; p/=10)
*(s++) = ((n % p)/(p/10)) + '0';
*s++ = '\0';
return result;
The caller is responsible for releasing the buffer when they're done with it.
Two other things I'd really recommend while learning about pointers:
Compile with all warnings turned on (-Wall etc) and if you get an error try to understand what caused it; they will have things to teach you about how you're using the language
Run your program under Valgrind or some similar checker, which will make pointer bugs more obvious, rather than causing silent corruption
Regarding your last question:
char amessage[] = "now is the time"; - is an array. Arrays cannot be reassigned to point to something else (unlike pointers), it points to a fixed address in memory. If the array was allocated in a block, it will be cleaned up at the end of the block (meaning you cannot return such an array from a function). You can however fiddle with the data inside the array as much as you like so long as you don't exceed the size of the array.
E.g. this is legal amessage[0] = 'N';
char *pmessage = "now is the time"; - is a pointer. A pointer points to a block in memory, nothing more. "now is the time" is a string literal, meaning it is stored inside the executable in a read only location. You cannot under any circumstances modify the data it is pointing to. You can however reassign the pointer to point to something else.
This is NOT legal -*pmessage = 'N'; - will segfault most likely (note that you can use the array syntax with pointers, *pmessage is equivalent to pmessage[0]).
If you compile it with gcc using the -S flag you can actually see "now is the time" stored in the read only part of the assembly executable.
One other thing to point out is that arrays decay to pointers when passed as arguments to a function. The following two declarations are equivalent:
void foo(char arr[]);
void foo(char* arr);
About how to use pointers and the difference between array and pointer, I recommend you read the "expert c programming" (
Better way to return strings from functions is to allocate dynamic memory (using malloc) and fill it with the required string...return this pointer to the calling function and then free it.
Sample code :
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#define MAX_NAME_SIZE 20
char * func1()
char * c1= NULL;
c1 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(MAX_NAME_SIZE));
return c1;
char * c2 = NULL;
c2 = func1();
printf("%s \n",c2);
And this works without the static strings.

How to copy char *a[] to char **b?

Consider char *a[] = {"abc", "xyz", "def"};
Deep copy char *a[] to char **b.
Can someone say what is deep copy? And how much memory we need assign to b?
char *a[n];
Is an array of n pointers-to-char. Each element of the array is contiguous in memory. The size in memory required is
sizeof(char *) * n
I've used the sizeof() operator here... you could assume 4 bytes for a pointer but this might not be safe... this depends on your hardware.
char **b
Is slightly different. This is a pointer to a point-to-char. **b has not allocated the array of pointers. First allocate the array...
char **b = malloc( sizeof(char *) * n);
EDIT: Thank you to interjay for pointing out my mistake... example below now uses strdup() to allocate the memory for each b[i]
**b points to the start of an array of n pointers. For each pointer in that array you could so do b[0] = a[0] for shallow copies
This is a shallow copy because b[0] will point to the same memory that a[0] points to. Thus changing the contents b[0] will change the contents of a[0].
A deep copy would imply that you have two totally independent entities... so changing the contents b[0] would not result in a change to the contents of a[0]. This means that for each b[i] you need to allocate new memory and copy the string from a[i] into that new block.
To deep copy:
char *a[n];
// ...intialise array a....
char **b = malloc( sizeof(char *) * n); // allocate array of pointers
if( b )
int i = 0;
for(; i < n; ++i)
b[i] = (char *)strdup(a[i]); // allocate memory for new string and copy string
printf("You ran out of memory!\n");
As an asside...
You've used constant strings so you shouldn't technically modify them...
char *xxx = "String";
char yyy[] = "String";
You can safely modify the contents of yyy. Normally you can modify the contents of xxx without any problem, but note, because the string memory is allocated at compile time, you could find that the compiler has, for example, placed it in read only memory.
There seems to have been debate on whether to cast return from malloc (which I've been in the habit of doing, but it seems this was a bad habit!)... see Why do we need to cast what malloc returns?
Walking on the a array, for eah a[i] request space to alloc it by using one of *alloc() family functions and put the result in the respective b[i]. The b pointers itself shall be a pointer with enough space for hold the number of string in a as pointers. Compute with something like this:
int bsize = (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])) * sizeof(char*);
char **b = malloc(bsize);
int i,len;
/* if(b == NULL) /* error: no memory */
for(i = 0,len = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]); i < len; i++) {
char *tmp = malloc(strlen(a[i])+1);
if(tmp == NULL) /* error: no memory */
strcpy(tmp, a[i]);
b[i] = tmp;
Note that you need to or hold the size of b array in memory either put a NULL at end of array.
You can just do
This will assign base address of array of pointers *a[3] to b.
Now you can access strings using b
for example string 1 can be accessed by *(b+0) gives address of string 1
string 2 " " *(b+1) " " string 2
string 3 " " *(b+2) " " string 3
Since you are assigning array of pointers to pointer to a pointer you are already assigning memory to b Hence you do not need to use malloc.
Only when you are assigning some data to a pointer at run time and you have not assigned memory to pointer in your program then only use malloc.

C Programming - Changing chars of a string array element [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Problem with processing individual strings stored in an array of pointers to multiple strings in C
Ok so I'm trying to change a char of a string to another char in C. The thing is, each string is an element of a 1D array so essentially all together its a 2D array because a string itself is an array of chars. Anyways I have a problem creating code to do this. Is it even possible to do this? Any help is appreciated.
Here's the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main ()
int i, size;
char **a;
printf("Enter the size of the array:");
scanf("%d", &size);
if(*(a[3]) == 'e'){
*(a[3]) = 'r';
printf("%s\n", a[3]);
return 0;
printf("Enter the size of the array:");
scanf("%d", &size);
Nope. You've allocated 1 char*. Then you treat it like it's size elements. You need to allocate size * sizeof(char*) bytes. (Note that this multiplication could also overflow.)
Bad times. You are overwriting a[3] (which previously pointed to an allocation of 8 chars) with the location of a string literal, "Read". This leaks the previous allocation and also puts a non-modifiable string into a[3]. You should look into strncpy et al. for this.
You didn't allocate enough space for a. Instead of
you need
and obviously this must move to be after size has been read.
Once you sort that rather mundane problem out the fundamental problem is here:
This makes the pointer a[3] point at a literal which cannot be modified. Instead you need to copy the contents of that literal into a[3]. Like this:
strcpy(a[3], "Read");
You must understand that a[3]=... assigns just the pointer a[3] and does not modify the string to which a[3] points.
Now, your code will obviously be in error if size is less than 4 since then a[3] would be out of bounds, but I guess a[3] is just transient while you debug this.
Your while loop is all wrong. Judging from your comments you want something like this:
char *p = a[3];
while (*p != '\0')
if (*p == 'e')
*p = 'r';
No need to cast the return value of malloc in C, so remove the casts. sizeof(char) is always equal to 1 so you can remove that too.
allocates space for one string. What you probably intend is something like:
char **a = NULL;
size_t number_of_strings = 8; /* for argument's sake */
a = malloc(number_of_strings * sizeof(char*));
if (!a)
At this point, you can dereference elements of a, e.g., a[3]. You'll still want to allocate space for those guys too:
char *staticStr = "Read";
a[3] = malloc(strlen(staticStr) + 1);
strncpy (a[3], staticStr, strlen(staticStr) + 1);
Start with that and see if rethinking how you're allocating memory will help you fix your other bugs.
Some notes:
You don't need to cast the result of malloc in C
You don't need to use sizeof(char) for allocating memory, which is always 1
You should be using a corresponding free() for each a[i] and for a itself, to prevent memory leaks
I see another problem, when you allocate memory for the:
a = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *));
You are allocating memory for just one position, but you are using size positions. Then your code should be:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main ()
int i, size;
char **a;
char *ptr;
printf("Enter the size of the array:");
scanf("%d", &size);
a=(char**)malloc(size * sizeof(char*));
strcpy(a[3], "Read");
if(*ptr == 'e'){
*ptr = 'r';
printf("%s\n", a[3]);
return 0;
and of course, you need to free the allocated memory.
In your while when you try to change the 'e' to 'r' you are always point to the same char. You need a new pointer to walk throw the array.
Your while loop doesn't do anything.
if(*(a[3]) == 'e'){
*(a[3]) = 'r';
It doesn't advance the pointer, it just keeps it at the first position.
A more proper-ish way would be to make a temporary pointer and use it to walk the string
char *temp = a[3];
while (*temp != '\0') {
if (*temp == 'e') *temp = 'r';

String concatenation without strcat in C

I am having trouble concatenating strings in C, without strcat library function. Here is my code
int main()
char *a1=(char*)malloc(100);
char *b1=(char*)malloc(100);
int i;
int len=strlen(a1);
printf("\n\n A: %s",a1);
return 0;
I made corrections to the code. This is working. Now can I do it without strcpy?
Old answer below
You can initialize a string with strcpy, like in your code, or directly when declaring the char array.
char a1[100] = "Vivek";
Other than that, you can do it char-by-char
a1[0] = 'V';
a1[1] = 'i';
// ...
a1[4] = 'k';
a1[5] = '\0';
Or you can write a few lines of code that replace strcpy and make them a function or use directly in your main function.
Old answer
You have
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
a1 [V|i|v|e|k|0|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_]
b1 [R|a|t|n|a|v|e|l|0|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_]
and you want
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
a1 [V|i|v|e|k|R|a|t|n|a|v|e|l|0|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_]
so ...
a1[5] = 'R';
a1[6] = 'a';
// ...
a1[12] = 'l';
a1[13] = '\0';
but with loops and stuff, right? :D
Try this (remember to add missing bits)
for (aindex = 5; aindex < 14; aindex++) {
a1[aindex] = b1[aindex - 5];
Now think about the 5 and 14 in the loop above.
What can you replace them with? When you answer this, you have solved the programming problem you have :)
char a1[] = "Vivek";
Will create a char array a1 of size 6. You are trying to stuff it with more characters than it can hold.
If you want to be able to accommodate concatenation "Vivek" and "Ratnavel" you need to have a char array of size atleast 14 (5 + 8 + 1).
In your modified program you are doing:
char *a1=(char*)malloc(100); // 1
a1 = "Vivek"; // 2
1: Will allocate a memory chunk of size 100 bytes, makes a1 point to it.
2: Will make a1 point to the string literal "Vivek". This string literal cannot be modified.
To fix this use strcpy to copy the string into the allocated memory:
char *a1=(char*)malloc(100);
Also the for loop condition i<strlen(b1)-1 will not copy last character from the string, change it to i<strlen(b1)
should be
a1[i + len]='\0';
as the new length of a1 is i+len and you need to have the NUL character at that index.
And don't forget to free your dynamically allocated memory once you are done using it.
You cannot safely write into those arrays, since you have not made sure that enough space is available. If you use malloc() to allocate space, you can't then overwrite the pointer by assigning to string literal. You need to use strcpy() to copy a string into the newly allocated buffers, in that case.
Also, the length of a string in C is computed by the strlen() function, not length() that you're using.
When concatenating, you need to terminate at the proper location, which your code doesn't seem to be doing.
Here's how I would re-implement strcat(), if needed for some reason:
char * my_strcat(char *out, const char *in)
char *anchor = out;
size_t olen;
if(out == NULL || in == NULL)
return NULL;
olen = strlen(out);
out += olen;
while(*out++ = *in++)
return anchor;
Note that this is just as bad as strcat() when it comes to buffer overruns, since it doesn't support limiting the space used in the output, it just assumes that there is enough space available.
length isn't a function. strlen is, but you probably shouldn't call it in a loop - b1's length won't change on us, will it? Also, it returns a size_t, which may be the same size as int on your platform but will be unsigned. This can (but usually won't) cause errors, but you should do it right anyway.
a1 only has enough space for the first string, because the compiler doesn't know to allocate extra stack space for the rest of the string since. If you provide an explicit size, like [100], that should be enough for your purposes. If you need robust code that doesn't make assumptions about what is "enough", you should look into malloc and friends, though that may be a lesson for another day.
Your loop stops too early. i < b1_len (assuming you have a variable, b1_len, that was set to the length of b1 before the loop began) would be sufficient - strlen doesn't count the '\0' at the end.
But speaking of counting the '\0' at the end, a slightly more efficient implementation could use sizeof a1 - 1 instead of strlen(a1) in this case, since a1 (and b1) are declared as arrays, not pointers. It's your choice, but remember that sizeof won't work for pointers, so don't get them mixed up.
EDIT: New problems:
char *p = malloc(/*some*/); p = /* something */ is a problem. = with pointers doesn't copy contents, it copies the value, so you're throwing away the old pointer value you got from malloc. To copy the contents of a string into a char * (or a char [] for that matter) you'd need to use strcpy, strncpy, or (my preference) memcpy. (Or just a loop, but that's rather silly. Then again, it may be good practice if you're writing your own strcat.)
Unless you're using C++, I wouldn't cast the return value of malloc, but that's a religious war and we don't need one of those.
If you have strdup, use it. If you don't, here is a working implementation:
char *strdup(const char *c)
size_t l = strlen(c);
char *d = malloc(l + 1);
if(d) memcpy(d, c, l + 1);
return d;
It is one of the most useful functions not in the C standard library.
You can do it using strcpy() too ;)
char *a = (char *) malloc(100);
char *b = (char *) malloc(100);
strcpy(a, "abc"); // initializes a
strcpy(b, "def"); // and b
strcpy((a + strlen(a)), b); // copy b at end of a
printf("%s\n",a); // will produce: "abcdef"
i think this is an easy one.
int xstrlen(char *);
void xstrcat(char *,char *,int);
void main()
char source[]="Sarker";
char target[30]="Maruf";
int j=xstrlen(target);
printf("Source String: %s\nTarget String: %s",source,target);
int xstrlen(char *s)
int len=0;
return len;
void xstrcat(char *t,char *s,int j)
It is better to factor out your strcat logic to a separate function. If you make use of pointer arithmetic, you don't need the strlen function:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> /* To completely get rid of this,
implement your our strcpy as well */
static void
my_strcat (char* dest, char* src)
while (*dest) ++dest;
while (*src) *(dest++) = *(src++);
*dest = 0;
char* a1 = malloc(100);
char* b1 = malloc(100);
strcpy (a1, "Vivek");
strcpy (b1, " Ratnavel");
my_strcat (a1, b1);
printf ("%s\n", a1); /* => Vivek Ratnavel */
free (a1);
free (b1);
return 0;
