Parallel Payment through mobile native app - mobile

I am trying to find a parallel payment implementation for my mobile app, where the payment should happen with in my application and not redirected to any browser.
I have seen few options like paypal parallel payment, but this doesn't provide native app purchase support.
Can some one please point me to right direction. I am wondering am I only one trying for this option? :)
Your help is greatly appreciated.

You are looking for an API payment gateway rather than a checkout page solution. There are numerous services such as Stripe, BrainTree, BlueSnap and even PayPal that offer this.
The reason this is not popular for apps is that you'll need to become PCI compliant for that, which is a pain. Non of the above services will grant you access to the API without it, but they will be happy to give you a checkout page (browser) to drop the PCI compliance requirement.
I've successfully used a service called Zooz for my mobile checkout and it works nicely.

You can goto . This is an Indian payment startup which offers in-app payment natively.They have mobile SDK with which you can accept payments in your app.You can design your own payment page.They say you will be reduced from the PCI Scope


How we can implement security testing on banking domain mobile application?

I have one banking domain mobile application then how i will implement the security testing on that Application?
I am not a security expert but i thing at least the below things should be tested:
1- check that all services requested from the are encreptyed, at least the login services and if there is any payment or personal/company information.
2- check if the app uses any physical files to store data in a plain text.
3- if there is login/buying items/ or any functionality that gives users more things, you should check if you can create fake requests.
4- also try to test the middle man, use fiddler to edit the requests/ response going through the app, and would that edit take effect.

Paypal payments standard with mobile optimized checkout

I am running a Django app that is hooked up to paypal payments standard and that generates encrypted 'Buy Now' buttons. Everything works as it should on desktop, but when I use a mobile device (android and IOS), I do not get sent to the mobile optimized checkout page.
If I go to this non-encrypted test page, I actually get the mobile checkout page. As soon as I change that fake business email to my real one, I only get the desktop page.
This leads me to believe I have some kind of configuration issues in my merchant account, as opposed to an issue with encrypted buttons.
I looked at the documentation on They mention that the mobile checkout page is not compatible with these use cases:
Instant Update API
Buyer Supplied Price, Desc, Qty
Profile Based Shipping & Tax Discounts
Payment Type: Auth, Order
Inventory Management
I originally had shipping rules, so I deleted those. I don't think I have any of the other things enabled, but its hard to tell seeing as these unsupported use cases are really vague. I've also read this SO post, and I have disabled my tax rules, but it did not fix the issue for me.
Does anyone have experience with this? Is there a way to force the mobile version of the checkout page, using paypal payments standard?
I "fixed" this by implementing their Express Checkout flow.
Don't believe their documentation. Express Checkout can do EXACTLY what paypal payments standard can do, and the API has nice features like forcing the non-paypal account pane to open by default.

A mobile web friendly payment gateway?

Can anyone recommend a payment gateway that has been optimised for a mobile?.. I have just checked out paypal on a mobile devise and although it doesn't have a heavy amount of data to be downloaded, it is far from optimised for mobile user experience... i.e. you have to pinch zoom to fill in forms etc... Does anyone know of a payment gateway that is mobile friendly?... Kind regards J
PayPal has a great mobile experience and it will automatically switch to that if using a mobile device. How do you have PayPal integrated now? Are you just using a standard button? How long ago did you create it?
If you take a look at you'll see a good example of PayPal in a mobile experience. I developed that with jQuery Mobile, and I used the Express Checkout API with PayPal.
If you load the demo on your computer you'll see the experience you expect there, and if you load it on your mobile device you'll see the experience you'd expect there.

Is there a CakePHP PayPal plugin?

have not done any paypal integration so far.
Is any paypal plugin available for cakephp where the user can pay via paypal account or credit card ?
I don't know whether there is a plugin and if there is I don't think I'd use it. This is one of those situations where it's well worth reading up on the API and doing it yourself. That way you'll have a good knowledge of the mechanism which is vital when it comes to testing (and you need to do a lot of that) and maintenance.
The API is very well documented (, although the sheer quantity of information can be overwhelming at first, and there is a sandbox for testing (
I found the IPN sample code ( to be a very useful starting point and, to be honest, there isn't much work required beyond that.
try this one it works with paypal WPP
There are a few implementation of CakePHP Paypal integrations out there including:
WebTechNick's Paypal IPN Plugin
Or Google for: Paypal Direct Payment API Component, or Paypal Datasource
While some of these and other plugins do the job, at our website,, we use a custom built system as the Paypal API is well documented and as Leo suggests, our site is quite custom and knowing exactly how the payment system works is vital for us.

What payment gateways work well on appengine?

Well, I've been building some free apps on top of appengine, but now I want to start charging money. My question is:
What is the best way to collect payments from users. Do certain services (paypal, google checkout, etc) work better/worse with AppEngine's library restrictions? Are there any good examples or tutorials to help me learn how to do this?
You can do this any way you want, really - and there's nothing App Engine specific about it. For example, you could use Google Checkout or Paypal, and charge users on any basis you want.
Also just something to point out about the implementation, a simple boolean property on your user object should allow you to easily turn functions in your app on and off, depending on which tier your user has paid for.
Checkout or Both are billing solution SaaS apps. http based api's and easy to use. I use
If you plan to sell business apps you could integrate with the Google Apps Marketplace which uses Google Checkout for billing.
