how to update dropdown value dynamically - angularjs

I have html code like this
<select id="userGroups" name="userGroups" ng-model="userGroups" required class="form-control">
<option value="{{grp.groupId}}" ng-repeat="grp in groups">{{grp.groupName}}</option>
and in my controller I want to set the default value but its not working
function CreateUserController($scope, grpList) {
$scope.groups = grpList.groupList; //it is loading correctly and dropdown is populating correctly
$scope.userGroups = "2";
I am trying to set the userGroups value to 2, but its always showing the first option in select

The best bet here is to use ng-options:
<select ng-model="userGroups"
ng-options="group.groupId as group.groupName for group in groups">


Select not updating when model is updated in AngularJS

When I update the model, a select box is not getting updated to the value in the model. The select has all the valid options, however, the value from the model is not being selected. In the code below, the value in the model is "FACEBOOK". The mapping to the model is correct because value from the select box saves correctly. The issue is occurring when I load the model on page display.
Here is the html:
ng-options=" for obj in contactchannels track by">
The generated html is:
<select ng-options=" for obj in contactchannels track by">
<option selected="?" value="selected"></option>
<option label="Facebook" value="FACEBOOK">Facebook</option>
<option label="Skype" value="SKYPE">Skype</option>
<option label="Instagram" value="INSTAGRAM">Instagram</option>
thanks in advance,
Use ng-selected instead of selected. You can make it true and false.
And also show how you are doing in JS file with scope.
If it doesn't work like this, then give ng-change="some_func()" and define that function in JS, $scope.some_func = function() {}

Setting value in select dropdown which is populating by ng-repeat

I have an array as below:
hunting_lands = {"1":{"name":"forest and rivers"},"2":{"name":"safari"},"3":{"name":"sea"},"4":{"name":"Mountains"}}
I have a select dropdown where I use above json:
<select id="favourite_hunting_land">
<option value ="[[key]]" ng-repeat="(key, value) in hunting_lands">[[]]</option>
Now I want to show a value selected for example sea:
For this what I tried:
I set hunting land dropdown menu ng-model = fav_hunting_land
$scope.$watch('fav_hunting_land', function() {
$scope.fav_hunting_land = 3;
But Then I had other onchange functions which is not working and neither does select dropdown works i.e I am unable to change values.
It worked and show 3 value selected.
All want is to show selected value in select dropdown which populates using ng-repeat.
I am using [[]] for expressions using interpolate.
Use this instead in the HTML
<select id="favourite_hunting_land" ng-model="selectedItem">
<option value ="{{}}" ng-repeat="item in hunting_lands">{{}}</option>
</select> <br>
Value selected is {{selectedItem}}
Use expression
<select id="favourite_hunting_land">
<option value ="key" ng-repeat="(key, value) in hunting_lands">{{}}</option>
You can set the inital value with ng-init
<select ng-init="selected='3'" ng-model="selected " ng-options="c.key as c.value for c in hunting_lands"></select>

angularjs ng-repeat selected option

How to get the object of selected option in angular js using ng-repeat? Sample fiddle is here where myself populating the dropdown as,
<select ng-model="id" ng-init="id = '-1'" ng-change="select(option)">
<option value="-1">--Select--</option>
<option ng-repeat="option in list" value="{{}}">{{}}</option>
If someone chose option with id=1, i want to get the object {id:1, name:'A' in $scope variable.
EDIT: Myself tried with ng-options but filtering is not happening as required based on previous dropdown selection. sample fiddle
Use option object in ng-value={{option}} and whenever u select an option your will have the desired object.
Basically ur ng-model gets populated with selected value.
Just you have to change your option to this
<option ng-repeat="option in list" value="{{'Id : ' + + ' Name : ' + }}">{{}}</option>
Hope this will work for you and you were looking for the same result
You have 2 option to get as Object.
option 1 :
you can use Filter to get Object
<select ng-model="id" ng-init="id = '-1'" ng-change="select((list|filter:{id:id}))">
<option value="-1">--Select--</option>
<option ng-repeat="option in list" value="{{}}">{{}}</option>
updated fiddler here
option 2 :
set your value as Object (option)
<select ng-model="id" ng-init="id = '-1'" ng-change="select(option)">
<option value="-1">--Select--</option>
<option ng-repeat="option in list" value="{{option}}">{{}}</option>

How to set default option for select in angularjs

Now I am trying to set a default value for a select dropdown. but couldn't get it down, code:
<div class='paymentmethods subcontent' ng-switch on="editpaymentmethod">{{editselection.selectedmethod=Memethods[paymethodindex]}}// This gives me what I need,but select doesn't. confused?
<select ng-model='editselection.selectedmethod' ng-init="editselection.selectedmethod=Memethods[paymethodindex]" id='methods' ng-switch-when='Y'>
<option ng-repeat="method in Memethods" value="{{method}}">{{method}}</option>
<select ng-model='editselection.selectedmethod' ng-init="editselection.selectedmethod=companies[paymethodindex]" ng-switch-when='N' style='float:left'>
<option ng-repeat='companyoption in companies' value="{{companyoption}}">{{companyoption}}</option>
$scope.paymethodindex = $scope.Memethods.indexOf(paymethod);
$scope.paymethodindex = $scope.companies.indexOf(paymethod);
I use paymethodindex to set default value for select dropdown. I can even print out in the page with {{editselection.selectedmethod=Memethods[paymethodindex]}}, I think the index part works fine, any idea?
Use ng-selected to default the selected option, see example in the doc.
Alternatively, use ng-options instead of ng-repeat to generate your options.

Angularjs - Populate select box using ng-options

I have a json object as below
keyword = {
application: ["Athena","EWindow","EWS","FACT","FTP","Hardware","PEN","Hermes","Infrastructure","LNG Tracker","M2M","Maintenance","Microsite","Oracle","","PMC","PTO Task","Sametime","Third Party Data","User Error","Vendor","Web Channels","XML-DD","Customer Request","Mark Logic","SBB","Market Engagement Form","Lotus Notes Database","Oracle11i","External News","Stringers","PRP","Kingsman","Hermes-1"],
incidentType: ["Publishing Failure","Brand Damage","Security Failure","Content Creation Failure","Internal failure","External Failure","System Failure","Operational Failure","Editorial Failure","Content inaccuracy","Process Failure","Application Issue","Infrastructure Issue","User Issue","Other","Resend","Data Send validation","Customer issue"],
incidentEnvironment: ["Production","Non-Production","Others"],
incidentPriority: ["Low","Medium","High","Critical"],
incidentLocation: ["Asia Pacific","Europe","New York","New Jersey","Houston","Washington DC","Others"],
incidentStatus: ["Initiation","Work In Progress","Completed","On Hold","Closed","Cancelled"],
incidentCategory: ["ActiveX","Checkin","Checkout","CKEditor","Corrupt Story","Delete Story","Delivering Content","Download-Upload","Filter","Graph-Rich Media","IE Cache","IE Setting","Indicia","InDesign","Infrastructure","Ingest(Table)","Other","PDF","Publish","Search","Table","User Issue"],
incidentTicketTools: ["BMC Remedy"],
<div class="col-lg-3">
<select name="txt_inc_Status" class="form-control input-sm" required>
<option selected disabled>
-- Select Status --
<option ng-repeat="incidentStatus in keywords.incidentStatus" value="{{incidentStatus}}">
I need to populate these values in select boxes. Ex: Keywords.application in application select box and so on.
Earlier I used ng-repeat to construct options. But I came to know that it is not advised to do so.
So I am trying to use ng-option but facing difficulties in populating this. Can somebody help me on this?
Also I need to select a default value (random) for these selectbox. How can that be achieved. It didn't work when I used ng-repeat
You can use
<div ng-repeat="(key, value) in keywords">
<select ng-options="item for item in value" ng-init="index = getRandomIndex(value)" ng-model="value[index]">{{item}}</select>
together with a function to get the random index for current array
$scope.getRandomIndex = function(item){
var index = Math.floor((item.length * Math.random()));
return index;
