Deleting content of the folder using VC++ - file

I am using the following code to create a directory using the following code.
TCHAR dir_path[] = TEXT("C:\Users\Temp\abc");
if (!CreateDirectory(dir_path,NULL)) {
//directory already exists
I want to add the logic to delete all the content of the folder(Files and folders recursively if any are there) if the folder C:\Users\Temp\abc already exists.
Any idea how I can delete the content of the folder recursively?
Thanks in Advance,
I am new to this site. Apologies in advance if I am mistaken anywhere.

Firstly find the entries in the directory:
See if they are directory or not:
If yes, change to it and call the function again
Then delete it:


How to read a text file from resources without javaClass

I need to read a text file with readLines() and I've already found this question, but the code in the answers always uses some variation of javaClass; it seems to work only inside a class, while I'm using just a simple Kotlin file with no declared classes. Writing it like this is correct syntax-wise but it looks really ugly and it always returns null, so it must be wrong:
val lines = object {}.javaClass.getResource("file.txt")?.toURI()?.toPath()?.readLines()
Of course I could just specify the raw path like this, but I wonder if there's a better way:
val lines = File("src/main/resources/file.txt").readLines()
Thanks to this answer for providing the correct way to read the file. Currently, reading files from resources without using javaClass or similar constructs doesn't seem to be possible.
// use this if you're inside a class
val lines ="file.txt")?.bufferedReader()?.readLines()
// use this otherwise
val lines = object {}.javaClass.getResourceAsStream("file.txt")?.bufferedReader()?.readLines()
According to other similar questions I've found, the second way might also work within a lambda but I haven't tested it. Notice the need for the ?. operator and the lines?.let {} syntax needed from this point onward, because getResourceAsStream() returns null if no resource is found with the given name.
Kotlin doesn't have its own means of getting a resource, so you have to use Java's method Class.getResource. You should not assume that the resource is a file (i.e. don't use toPath) as it could well be an entry in a jar, and not a file on the file system. To read a resource, it is easier to get the resource as an InputStream and then read lines from it:
val lines ="file.txt").bufferedReader().readLines()
I'm not sure if my response attempts to answer your exact question, but perhaps you could do something like this:
I'm guessing in the final use case, the file names would be dynamic - Not statically declared. In which case, if you have access to or know the path to the folder, you could do something like this:
// Create an extension function on the String class to retrieve a list of
// files available within a folder. Though I have not added a check here
// to validate this, a condition can be added to assert if the extension
// called is executed on a folder or not
fun String.getFilesInFolder(): Array<out File>? = with(File(this)) { return listFiles() }
// Call the extension function on the String folder path wherever required
fun retrieveFiles(): Array<out File>? = [PATH TO FOLDER].getFilesInFolder()
Once you have a reference to the List<out File> object, you could do something like this:
// Create an extension function to read
fun File.retrieveContent() = readLines()
// You can can further expand this use case to conditionally return
// readLines() or entire file data using a buffered reader or convert file
// content to a Data class through GSON/whatever.
// You can use Generic Constraints
// Refer this article for possibilities
// Then simply call this extension function after retrieving files in the folder.
listOfFiles?.forEach { singleFile -> println(singleFile.retrieveContent()) }
In order to have the same url that work for both Jar or in local, the url (or path) needs to be a relative path from the repository root.
..meaning, the location of your file or folder from your src folder.
could be "/main/resources/your-folder/" or "/client/notes/"
The url must be a relative path from the repository root.
it must be "src/main/resources/your-folder/" or "src/client/notes/"
Now you get the drill, and luckily for Intellij Idea users, you can get the correct path with a right-click on the folder or file -> copy Path/Reference.. -> Path From Repository Root (this is it)
Last, paste it and do your thing.

Create folder in explicit directory AIR

Like the title says I want to create a folder in a specific directory with Adobe Air.
If I use static methods of File like File.userDirectory works fine but I need to give the choice to select the directory.
I am trying this:
file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, dirSelected);
file.browseForDirectory("Select a directory");
function dirSelected(e:Event):void {
Nothing happens
"resolvePath: Creates a new File object with a path relative to this File object's path, based on the path parameter (a string)."
var newDir:File = file.resolvePath("new_folder");

Deleting images from a folder programmatically

i want to delete images from public:// sub folder pro grammatically. i have paths like this below.
$path = 'http://localhost/Drupal/dbquery/sites/default/files/take_snap/20140713110549.jpg';
i want to delete like this,
$path = 'http://localhost/Drupal/dbquery/sites/default/files/take_snap/20140713110549.jpg';
$del = unlink($path);
but it doesn't delete image. i try to do this from menu call back function. how do i do that?.
In Drupal 7 you can use the file_delete to delete the file and its DB records as well.
these codes work. i just changed the path to relative path like below.
$path = 'sites/default/files/take_snap/20140713110549.jpg';
$del = unlink($path);
Now it deletes file from public sub folder.

How to get the latest file from a directory using groovy?

I have a directory that contains a list of files. I wanted to get the latest file out of all the contents of the said directory. How will I do that?
I am using this code, but I am not getting the latest file out of it. Please help.
def fileDir = new File("A/B").listFiles().first()
As simple as:
new File( 'A/B' ).listFiles()?.sort { -it.lastModified() }?.head()
(taking the negative lastModified, as we want the newest file first)

Gradle - Add single file to JAR

I have the file "license.txt" in the root directory of my project. In the jar-task, I want to add this file to the (root folder of the) JAR file.
I tried
jar {
from '.' include 'license.txt'
but this replaces the other content (.class files) instead of adding a file.
And I do not want to add the license.txt to the resources folder, because I do not want to change my project structure just because of the build tool.
Who can help? Thank you!
To add a single file, you can simply do:
jar {
from "license.txt"
Your solution should also work if you scoped your include to your from by enclosing it in curly braces.
If you would like to add multiple files, you can do:
You would add multiple files to output jar as under:
jar {
// Update jar name according to Ascertia conventions
* archiveFileName
* The archive name. If the name has not been explicitly set, the pattern for the name is:
* [archiveBaseName]-[archiveAppendix]-[archiveVersion]-[archiveClassifier].[archiveExtension]
archiveFileName = 'database_postgresql.jar'
All contents in below directories will be added:
