Accessing the methods of a preprocessor name dataset in Progress 4GL - dataset

I'm trying to access the methods of a dataset in Progress, where the dataset is defined as a preprocessor item. I'm just learning 4GL... maybe this isn't even possible? Here is the scenario in code:
/*My Procedure*/
def var hReceipt as handle no-undo.
def var hDataSet as handle no-undo.
run Receipt/Receipt.p persistent set hReceipt.
run GetData in hReceipt ({&input-output_dataset_ReceiptDataSet}).
/* do some stuff */
/* get the handle to the dataset??? Obvious syntax issue here. */
hDataSet = DATASET {&input-output_dataset_ReceiptDataSet}:HANDLE.
/* Empty the DataSet (this is what I want to do)*/
and here's my include file:
define dataset ReceiptDataSet for
data-relation for ttRcvHead, ttRcvDtl relation-fields(
stuff, stuff
&global-define input-output_dataset_ReceiptDataSet input-output dataset ReceiptDataSet
Clearly my code does not have the correct syntax as mentioned in my comment. Does anyone know what the right way of doing this would be?

This piece:
hDataSet = DATASET {&input-output_dataset_ReceiptDataSet}:HANDLE
is doing this:
hDataSet = DATASET input-output dataset ReceiptDataSet:HANDLE
which isn't working as you've discerned. You need to get to this form instead:
hDataSet = DATASET ReceiptDataSet:HANDLE
If you put a
&GLOBAL-DEFINE pdsName ReceiptDataSet
in your include file and then referenced that where appropriate, then this construct would work:
hDataSet = DATASET {&pdsName}:HANDLE

For starters you need to define a pre-processor before you attempt to use it.
Not at the end of the file.
The next thing that comes to mind is why? Why are you trying to use a pre-processor for this purpose? It clearly isn't to make the code any shorter or more understandable. One reason might be because your code snippet is some sort of common template but that doesn't seem to be the case here.


Want to pass in a string array into a WS.sendRequest using groovy

I am new to API testing and am using Katalon to develop the tests. I've Googled any question I could think of and couldn't find anything to answer my question.
We have an API with the following Body
I believe the purpose of this one is to delete multiple records at once by id. The script that we have in the step definition is
response = WS.sendRequest(findTestObject('EquipmentAPI/data-objects/DELETE Equipment By Ids', [('host') :, ('idValues') : GlobalVariable.equipId]))
GlobalVariable.equipId = WS.getElementPropertyValue(response, 'data[0].id')
There are other step definitions that run before this one to set the Global Variables for use. I was able to generate the string array without issue.
Is this something that's possible? Please help!
Please let me know if further information is needed. Thanks.

How to set a context variable with dot in name?

I am trying to add a context data variable (CDV), which has a dot in its name. According to Adobe site this is correct:
s.contextData['myco.rsid'] = 'value'
Unfortunately, after calling s.t() the variable is split into two or more:
Context Variables
rsid: value
How can I set the variable and prevent splitting it into pieces?
You are setting it properly already. If you are referring to what you see in the request URL, that's how the Adobe library sends it. In your example, "myco" is a namespace, and "rsid" is a variable in that namespace. And you can have other variables in that namespace. For example if you have
s.contextData['myco.rsid1'] = 'value';
s.contextData['myco.rsid2'] = 'value';
You would see in the AA request URL (just showing the relevant part):
I assume you are asking because you want to more easily parse/qa AA collection request URLs from the browser network tab, extension, or some unit tester? There is no way to force AA to not behave like this when using dot syntax (namespaces) in your variables.
But, there isn't anything particularly special about using namespaces for your contextData variables; it's just there for your own organization if you choose. So if you want all variables to be "top level" and show full names in the request URL, then do not use dot syntax.
If you want to still have some measure of organization/hierarchy, I suggest you instead use an underscore _ :
s.contextData['myco_rsid1'] = 'value';
s.contextData['myco_rsid2'] = 'value';
Which will give you:
Side Note: You cannot do full object/dot notation syntax with s.contextData, e.g.
s.contextData = {
foo:'bar', // <--- this will properly parse
myco:{ // this will not properly parse
rsid:'value' //
} //
AA library does not parse this correctly; it just loops through top level properties of contextData when building the request URL. So if you do full object syntax like above, you will end up with:
foo would be okay, but you end up with just myco with "[object Object]" as the recorded value. Why Adobe didn't allow for full object syntax and just JSON.stringify(s.contextData) ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Accessing data from a structure returned by C function in Python using ctypes

I know the subject has already been treated, but I've failed to find anything that works for me, so I guess my problem is slightly different from the others.
What I do, basically, is that I use a C function wrapped into a python code using ctypes.
My goal is to compute some quantities in the C function, store them into a single structure, and return the structure in Python where I could read all the different data in the structure.
So :
To define my structure in python, I use :
class BITE(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("lum", ctypes.c_int),
("suce", ctypes.c_int)
I compile like that :["gcc","-shared","-Wl,-install_name,","-o","","-fPIC","ex.c"])
lum = ctypes.CDLL('')
lum = lum.lum
I declare the arguments and result types like this :
lum.restype = ctypes.POINTER(BITE)
lum.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.c_int,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.c_int,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.c_int,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.c_int,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.c_float,ctypes.c_float,ctypes.c_float,ctypes.c_float,ctypes.c_float]
Then, I call the C function "lum" in the python code
out = lum(all the different variables needed)
The problem begins here. I have my structure, but impossible to read the data stored in each fields.
A partial solution I found is to do :
out = out[0]
But then, when doing
I have a segmentation fault 11. DOn't know why. I tried to understand how to used create_string_buffer, but I didn't really understand how it works and what it supposed to do. Moreover, I tried to using as a black box, and still, nothing works.
I also tried some other solutions mentionned in other threads such as using out.contents or something like that, but it has no .contents attributes. Nor out.suce.value, which is also something I saw somewhere during my desperate research.
Of course, I checked in the C code that the structure exists and that each field of the structure exists, and has the right data in it.
Suppose you have a C-structure like this :
typedef struct _servParams
unsigned short m_uServPort;
} ServerParams_t;
To use it within ctypes you should create a wrapper like this :
class ServerParams_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [ ("m_uServPort", c_ushort),
("m_pInetAddr", (c_char * 16)) ]
Later on inside your python you can use the following snippet :
servParams = ServerParams_t()
servParams.m_uServPort = c_ushort(int(port))
servParams.m_pInetAddr = ip.encode()
If you need to pass it by value, simply pass servParams variable to you api. If you need to pass a pointer use byref(servParams).

MATLAB extract data from mat-files using logical conditions

I have a lot of data in several hundred .mat-files where I want to extract specific data from. All the names of my .mat-files have specific numbers to identify the content like Number1_Number2_Number3_Number4.mat:
Now I want to extract for example all the data from files with Number1=01 or Number1=02 and Number2=33.
Before I start to write a program from scratch, I would like to know, if there is a simple way to do this with Matlab. Does anybody know how I can solve this problem in a fast way?
Thanks a lot!
There are multiple ways you can do this; on top of my head following can work:
Obtain all the file names into an array
allFiles = dir( 'folder' );
allNames = { };
Loop through your file names and compare against the condition using the regex
for i=1:size(allNames)
if regexp(allNames, pattern, 'match')

How can i achieve dictionary type data access in Chromium embedded CEF1

I would like to achieve dictionary like data pattern that can be accessed from the
java script. Something like this:
pseudo Code:
for all records:
rec = //Get the Record
I am trying to achieve with CefV8Accessor, but i am not getting near to the solution.
Kindly provide few links for the reference, as i see the documentation is very less from chromium embedded.
If I understand correctly, you're trying to create a JS "dictionary" object for CEF using C++. If so, here's a code snippet that does that:
CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> GetDictionary(__in const wstring& sName, __in const wstring& sAddress)
CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> objectJS = CefV8Value::CreateObject(NULL);
objectJS->SetValue(L"Name", sName, V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE);
objectJS->SetValue(L"Address", sAddress, V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE);
return objectJS;
The CefV8Accessor can also be used for that matter, but that's only if you want specific control over the set & get methods, to create a new type of object.
In that case you should create a class that inherits CefV8Accessor, implement the Set and Get methods (in a similar way to what appears in the code above), and pass it to the CreateObject method. The return value would be an instance of that new type of object.
I strongly suggest to browse through this link, if you haven't already.
