"Copy" does not create independent copy of Dynamic Array - arrays

With reference to on-line documentation found at http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE6/en/Structured_Types#Dynamic_Arrays.
It is quite clearly written that to make an independent copy of a dynamic array, use the Copy() function. Example code found at that link also illustrates that after the copy, if you change one array, it is not reflected into the other array as both are independent copies. It does not work for me, however. After the copy as well, if I change one array, the other array automatically changes to receive the same value thus implying that Copy() just did what X := Y would have done. Per documentation, "X := Y" and "X := Copy(Y)" are NOT same.
Here is my code:
TTestArray = array of TMyType; //Note: TMyType is a class and not a record.
X, Y, Z: TTestArray;
SetLength(X, 1); //create first array
X[0].testString := 'Test Y';
Y := copy(X);
X[0].testString := 'Test Z'; //re-assign another value
Z := copy(X);
X[0].testString := 'Test X';
at this time, testString field should contain different text. So,
X[0].testString should be 'Test X'
Y[0].testString should be 'Test Y'
Z[0].testString should be 'Test Z'
However, all three just have 'Test X' as the value in testString thus implying that Copy() did not create independent copies of the array X. Rather, all three arrays are pointing to the same memory location.
Any way to reliably create independent copies of dynamic arrays (i.e. accomplish what I am trying to do above)?
NOTE (added later): TMyType is a class and not a record. So, per very helpful comments below, this is an expected behavior in case of a CLASS. So, how would I make independent copy of the X into Y and Z in this case?
NOTE 2: Removed "Bug" from subject line. Sorry, Embarcadero...
Note 3: TMyType has to be a class. I have no control over it. It is being created from a web service definition (WSDL) which exposes some functionality of PeopleSoft.

The problem is that you've defined TMyType as:
TMyType = class(SomeObject)
testString: string;
When you create the initial TestArray, it does not get filled with the objects itself, but only with pointers to these objects.
What's going on...
The array thus looks like this:
Array contents of array contents of the heap
X[0] |-> pointer_to_MyType1 |-> MyType1
X[1] |-> pointer_to_MyType2 |-> MyType2
When you copy the array this is what happens:
Array contents of array contents of the heap
Y[0] |-> copy_of_pointer_to_MyType1 |-> MyType1
Y[1] |-> copy_of_pointer_to_MyType2 |-> MyType2
What you would like to see...
This is what you expected to happen:
Array contents of array
X[0] or Y[0] |-> (copy of)MyType1
X[0] or Y[0] |-> (copy of)MyType2
How to make that happen
However in order for that to be possible you have to define TMyType as:
TMyType = record
TestString: string;
Now the record itself will be stored in the array and not a pointer to data stored elsewhere.
how would I make independent copy of the X into Y and Z in this case?
If you want to retain the use of classes then you'd have to write your own version of Copy; something like:
System.SysUtils, system.classes, Generics.Collections;
TMyList<T: TPersistent, constructor > = class(TList<T>)
function CloneArray: TMyList<T>;
function TMyList<T>.CloneArray: TMyList<T>;
i: integer;
temp: T;
Result:= TMyList<T>.Create;
for i:= 0 to SizeOf(self) -1 do begin
temp:= T.Create;
end; {for i}
Obviously the above code assumes that you can get away with using a parameterless constructor.
See also: Correct way to duplicate Delphi object

You should rather create a new question instead of changing or adding to your question/
To answer the second part of your question, the easiest thing would be to create you own CopyMyTypeArray function. Your code for the this would probably be something like this:
function CopyMyTypeArray(ASource: TTestArray): TTestArray;
newObject: TMyType;
SetLength(Result, Length(ASource));
for cntr := Low(ASource) to High(ASource) do
// You could put the lines below into a clone method
newObject := TMyType.Create;
newObject.testString := ASource[cntr].testString;
Result[cntr] := newObject;
Please note that you would need to free the objects if you free the dynamic array.
If you are happy with this solution please accept Johan's solution as that answers your initial question.

If you need independent copies of objects, the easiest way is to write a Copy Constructor. A copy constructer takes one argument - a reference to the existing object to be copied - and then initializes its internal fields to the same values as in the original object. This can be done with simple code, or using RTTI.
See also: Correct way to duplicate Delphi object
A configurable TMyTypeFactory (or TMyTypeBuilder) might be also an alternative solution.


Delphi dynamic array

I'm using Delphi 10.0 Seattle.
Suppose I have a record like this:
TmyRecord = record
a,b : string;
ar : array of string
And a variable like this:
v : array of TmyRecord;
and some code like this:
v[0].ar[0][0] := 'aaaa';
v[0].ar[0][1] := 'bbbb';
v[1].ar[1][0] := 'xxxx';
Will this statement:
free all of the occupied memory, or do I have to free it manually?
Dynamic array memory is automatically managed by Delphi and is released when they go out of scope.
If you need to release array memory sooner you can explicitly clear the array v and that will automatically release all memory including the ones occupied by ar member of your record.
You don't have to do anything else.
There are several ways to clear the dynamic array in Delphi:
Setting array length to 0 is one way to clear the array.
You can also clear v array by setting it to nil
v := nil;
or by using the intrinsic Finalize:
All of these have identical meaning.

Two records sharing the same values?

I asked another question about using records with operators. During testing, I've discovered an anomaly where two instances of this type seem to share the same memory.
The record has an array of Integer...
TVersion = record
Values: array of Integer;
function Count: Integer;
class operator implicit(aVersion: TVersion): String;
class operator implicit(aVersion: String): TVersion;
class operator TVersion.implicit(aVersion: TVersion): String;
X: Integer;
Result:= '';
for X := 0 to Length(aVersion.Values)-1 do begin
if X > 0 then Result:= Result + '.';
Result:= Result + IntToStr(aVersion.Values[X]);
class operator TVersion.implicit(aVersion: String): TVersion;
S, T: String;
I: Integer;
S:= aVersion + '.';
SetLength(Result.Values, 0);
while Length(S) > 0 do begin
I:= Pos('.', S);
T:= Copy(S, 1, I-1);
Delete(S, 1, I);
SetLength(Result.Values, Length(Result.Values)+1);
Result.Values[Length(Result.Values)-1]:= StrToIntDef(T, 0);
function TVersion.Count: Integer;
Result:= Length(Values);
Now I try to implement this...
V1, V2: TVersion;
V1:= '';
V2:= V1;
V2.Values[2]:= 8;
I expect that the V2 should be and V1 to remain However, V1 also changes to
How do I keep these records independent when I assign them?
This behaviour is by design. A dynamic array variable is a pointer. When you assign a dynamic array variable you take a copy of the pointer and increase the reference count. Of course this also happens when you assign compound structures that contain dynamic arrays.
The documentation covers this:
If X and Y are variables of the same dynamic-array type, X := Y points X to the same array as Y. (There is no need to allocate memory for X before performing this operation.) Unlike strings and static arrays, copy-on-write is not employed for dynamic arrays, so they are not automatically copied before they are written to.
To get a mental model for this, this of dynamic arrays as being references in the same way as classes and interfaces. This is in contrast to simple types (integer, double etc.), strings, records, etc.
The standard way to deal with this is as follows:
Make the dynamic array private.
Expose the contents of the array through properties.
In the element setter, make sure that the reference to the dynamic array is unique.
That last step is the tricky part. Make a dynamic array reference unique by calling SetLength:
SetLength(arr, Length(arr));
One of the promises that SetLength makes is that it will always make its first argument be unique.
This has the effect of implementing copy-on-write. To the best of my knowledge it is not possible to implement copy-on-assign because the compiler gives you no hook into the assignment operator.
So the answer to:
How do I keep these records independent when I assign them?
is that you cannot. You need to use copy-on-write instead.

delphi Save and Load dynamic array

please can someone help me in saving and loading its Dynamic array from a Stream
iGlobHolderCount = 100;
TFiLeSpec = record
iSize: Integer;
TFileSpecLst = array of TFiLeSpec;
TFiLeSpecList = record
iMin: Integer;
iMax: Integer;
iCount: Integer;
FileSpecLst: TFileSpecLst;
FFileSpec: array of TFiLeSpec;
FFileSpecList: array [1 .. iGlobHolderCount] of TFiLeSpecList;
Write first the length of an array, and next the array data:
TItem = Integer;
TItemArray = array of TItem;
Stream: TStream;
Arr: TItemArray;
L: LongWord;
Arr:= TItemArray.Create(1, 2, 3);
// To save
Stream:= TFileStream.Create('C:\Temp\test.bin', fmCreate);
L:= Length(Arr);
Stream.WriteBuffer(L, SizeOf(L));
Stream.WriteBuffer(Pointer(Arr)^, L * SizeOf(TItem));
// To load
Stream:= TFileStream.Create('C:\Temp\test.bin', fmOpenRead);
Stream.ReadBuffer(L, SizeOf(L));
SetLength(Arr, L);
Stream.ReadBuffer(Pointer(Arr)^, L * SizeOf(TItem));
Another solution, working from Delphi 5 up to XE2, is to use some features of one our core OpenSource unit.
In fact, it implements:
some low-level RTTI functions for handling record types: RecordEquals, RecordSave, RecordSaveLength, RecordLoad;
a dedicated TDynArray object, which is a wrapper around any dynamic array, able to expose TList-like methods around any dynamic array, even containing records, strings, or other dynamic arrays. It's able to serialize any dynamic array.
Serialization uses an optimized binary format, and is able to save and load any record or dynamic array as RawByteString.
You can code, e.g.
FFileSpec: array of TFiLeSpec;
TFileSpecList = array of TFiLeSpecList;
FFileSpecList: TFileSpecList;
var FSL: TDynArray;
Bin: RawByteString;
// ... then you use FFileSpecList[] as usual
// ... or use some methods of FSL:
if FSL.Count>0 then
// then you can serialize the content to binary
Bin := FSL.SaveTo;
// use FSL.LoadFrom(Bin) to read the whole array content back
// or you can use a TStream
aStream.Position := 0;
// you do not need to release nor Free FSL: this is a wrapper around FFileSpecList
Note that I've replace your TFileSpecList by a dynamic array, but you may use a fixed array instead, inside a record to provide additional RTTI - then use RecordLoad / RecordSave functions. It will save the internal dynamic array content using RTTI (even with Delphi 5), handling any string or nested array within.
It's used by our mORMot framework (e.g. for serialization of dynamic arrays into the DB), but it's not part of it: just one unit, nor SQLite3 nor the whole ORM classes are needed.
See this page for additional information.

Is any way to add 2 arrays into one?

Is there any simple univesal way to add 2 arrays into one? In the case below it is not possible simply use C := A + B statement...
I would like to avoid making algorhytm for it everytime .
TPerson = record
Birthday: Tdate;
Name, Surname:string;
Tpeople = array of TPerson;
var A, B, C:Tpeople;
C:=A+B; // it is not possible
Due to the two string fields in each TPerson record, you can't just use binary "move", since you'll mess the reference counting of string - especially in a multi-threaded environment.
You can do it manually - this is fast and nice:
TPerson = record
Birthday: TDate;
Name, Surname: string;
TPeople = array of TPerson;
var A, B, C: TPeople;
// do C:=A+B
procedure Sum(const A,B: TPeople; var C: TPeople);
var i, nA,nB: integer;
nA := length(A);
nB := length(B);
for i := 0 to nA-1 do
C[i] := A[i];
for i := 0 to nB-1 do
C[i+nA] := B[i];
Or you can use our TDynArray wrapper, which has a method for handling such cases:
procedure AddToArray(var A: TPeople; const B: TPeople);
var DA: TDynArray;
DA.AddArray(B); // A := A+B
The AddArray method can add a sub-port of the original array:
/// add elements from a given dynamic array
// - the supplied source DynArray MUST be of the same exact type as the
// current used for this TDynArray
// - you can specify the start index and the number of items to take from
// the source dynamic array (leave as -1 to add till the end)
procedure AddArray(const DynArray; aStartIndex: integer=0; aCount: integer=-1);
Note that with such records, it will use the System._CopyRecord RTL function, which is not so optimized for speed. I've written a faster version - see this blog article or this forum thread.
If you use dynamic arrays in functions/procedures, don't forget to use explicitly const or var parameters (as I coded above), otherwise it will make a temporary copy at each call, therefore it may be slow.
There is nothing built in that allows dynamic arrays to be concatenated.
You may consider using one of the generic container classes found in Generics.Collections, TList.
In your case you would have 3 instances of TList, say A, B and C. Then you could write
I think this is as close as you can get to what you want with what is delivered out of the box.
If you are prepared to do a bit of coding yourself then you could make use of operator overloading to use the exact syntax you requires. Declare a record containing an array of TPerson with private visibility. You then need to implement an Add operator, a Count property and a default Items[] property. This could be made generic too so you only need write it once.
TTurboArray = record<T>
FItems: array of T;
//property accessors here
class operator Add(a, b: TTurboArray<T>): TTurboArray<T>;
property Count: Integer read GetCount write SetCount;
property Items[Index: Integer]: T read GetItem write SetItem; default;
This idea can be extended into a very powerful data structure as you see fit.
There is a quick-and-dirty way to do this. It is a terrible hack, but it should work and even take care of reference counting:
function ConcatPeople(const A, B: TPeople): TPeople;
Temp: TPeople;
ALen, BLen: Integer;
Result := Copy(A);
BLen := Length(B);
if BLen = 0 then
ALen := Length(A);
Temp := Copy(B);
SetLength(Result, ALen + BLen);
Move(Temp[0], Result[ALen], BLen * SizeOf(B[0]));
FillChar(Temp[0], BLen * SizeOf(B[0]), 0);
In effect, the data in Temp are "swapped" with the empty records in Result, so the balance is maintained and refcounting will keep on working.
For what it is worth: This is aparently the same technique as used in this accepted SO answer and in, e.g. TList<T>.Insert. I had deleted this answer, but I still think it is valid, so I undeleted it again. It could do with a lock around the Move/FillChar block, so no one accesses the items when they are being "swapped". I'll add that.
Here's how I handled it, though it required a slight (but hopefully immaterial to you) modification to your original code to use TArray:
(tested in XE2)
TArrayExt = class(TArray)
class function Concat<T>(const First, Second: array of T): TArray<T>; overload;
class function TArrayExt.Concat<T>(const First, Second: array of T): TArray<T>;
i: Integer;
l: Integer;
l := Length(First);
SetLength(Result, l + Length(Second));
for i := Low(First) to High(First) do
Result[i] := First[i];
for i := Low(Second) to High(Second) do
Result[l + i] := Second[i];
TPerson = record
Birthday: TDate;
Name, Surname: String;
TPeople = TArray<TPerson>;
A, B, C: TPeople;
C := TArrayExt.Concat<TPerson>(A, B);
The main difference here is that I use "TArray" rather than "array of TPerson". This can be used for arrays strings, records, etc. I find the main benefit of doing it this way is that it's truly making a copy rather than a move. And I am using the "normal" Delphi functions instead of things like bulk memory copies, which can give me the willies.
Of course, if you were doing this in a tight loop and needed the performance, this way might not be best for you. But I think this is the best for most other situations, especially in terms of maintenance and readability.
(Unless someone posts a comment about how there's some horrible hidden memory leak here. Hopefully not!)
You code works fine in the newest version of delphi C := A+B;.
But for dynamic arrays in older versions you can use the function concat. Example:
C := Concat(A, B);

How to use variant arrays in Delphi

I have two Delphi7 programs: a COM automation server (EXE) and the other program which is using the automation server.
I need to pass an array of bytes from one program to the other.
After some searching I've found that using variant arrays is the way to go (correct me please if you know any better methods).
My question is:
How do I create a variant array in one program, and then how do I read its values in the other?
I know about VarArrayCreate and VarArrayLowBound/VarArrayHighBound, but I'm unsure on how to do this properly.
You create it like that:
Declarations first
VarArray: Variant;
Value: Variant;
Then the creation:
VarArray := VarArrayCreate([0, Length - 1], varVariant);
or you could also have
VarArray := VarArrayCreate([0, Length - 1], varInteger);
Depends on the type of the data. Then you iterate like this:
i := VarArrayLowBound(VarArray, 1);
HighBound := VarArrayHighBound(VarArray, 1);
while i <= HighBound do
Value := VarArray[i];
... do something ...
Finally you clear the array when you don't need it anymore. EDIT: (This is optional, see In Delphi 2009 do I need to free variant arrays? )
That is all there is to it. For another example look at the official Embracadero Help
The array should be created only once. Then just use it like shown in the above example.
For the other side:
(assuming Value is the Variant parameter and the element type is WideString)
Source: PWideStringArray;
if VarIsArray(Value) then begin
Source:= VarArrayLock(Value);
for i:= 0 to TVarData(Value).VArray^.Bounds[0].ElementCount - 1 do
