Creating a new Starter Site - c1-cms

I'm completely new to Composite C1 and fairly new to CMS's in general. According to the documentation, the Tiny Cph Starter Site template was installed when I installed Composite C1. It sounds like what I want to use, but how do I create a new website project using that template? I'm not finding any instructions on how to get started with this.


AngularJS 2.1.0 official scaffold & style?

Google knows best… but they're inconsistent!
The official ng CLI generates a scaffold one way, whereas the official tutorial chooses a different way.
I'm not talking just directory layout, typings.json vs types in package.json choices are also particularly worrisome.
What style am I meant to work with?
Angular 2's tutorial basically just shows the quickest and easiest way to get up and running with the framework. It omits mentioning things that could scare away a potential newcomer to the ecosystem, it is meant to be simple.
angular-cli on the other hand actively incorporates best practices, latest technologies like Webpack 2 Beta and tries to give developers a piece of software to quickly scaffold and develop scalable production apps without worrying about build-tools and configuration.
This is not the perfect arrangement for your application. It is not designed for production. It exists primarily to get you started quickly with learning and prototyping in Angular
The Angular2 CLI makes it easy to create an application that already works, right out of the box. It already follows our best practices!
See also:

Creating multi project application

I'm new to Aurelia and I want to create an app that call for other apps.
Example : I want to create 3 projects, project A, project B and common and wish to call common in both projects A and B.
I've tried some examples with npm and others, but this never works.
Is there a simple way for doing that ?
Best way to utilize your common features for your 2 projects is to use an aurelia plugin.
Aurelia plugins are very good at encapsulting reusable components.
JSPM, the default package manager for Aurelia, supports private github repo and even local ones (easier during the early development phase).
So intalling your plugin in your project will be as easy as typing something like that :
jspm install github:mygithubaccount/myplugin#master
I would advise you to start reading one of plugin authoring blog post, then check the repo plugin to see how to package yours.
Check the blog post about AureliaFlux, it is worth reading.
You can also use the aurelia skeleton-plugin repository as a starting point.
Good luck.

Front end material design stack with angular.js

I am trying to get better at coding and am trying to figure out exactly what front end stack I need. I have red a lot and about a lot of tools but it is too much and I don't know which ones work good together or not.
Currently my idea is to do a web app with the design principles of Material Design from google and use angular for the logic of the front end.
I have red about and used these tools: Angular.js, Material Design Lite, Angular-material, polymer, ionic, bootstrap, Materialize and other various material design frameworks.
I am playing with this demo that I wanted to try out Material Design Lite but went too further and ended up needing Polymer for some input drop-down components. Playing further more with MDL I found out that it is not sufficient as bootstrap as I am used to work and would like to have this in it, but don't get me wrong I like MDL.
ionic has some good features for the local server and easy set up of template app as well other nice things like export to ios,android app, push notifications, but I ended up deleting ionic.css cause it was interfering with MDL and Polymer
I am asking some more experienced web app developers to help me out with this stack dilemma. I would like to get this out of my mind so I can be free and develop more.
Also tools like GRUNT, BOWER and so on? which one is the best in my case?
note: if u got interested the back end would be cakePhP and Mysql and the data type is going to be JSON (angular will send json to php into DB).
It can be overwhelming trying to learn all the tools and using them at the same time. My advice is to just use the tools when you need to.
If your web app is simple you may not even need a framework like angular. If you want to play with material design, you can do that with the css classes that MD lite offers no matter if you use angular / polymer / or plain javascript. ( If you want to use Polymer you already have some material design styles included. )
Some people prefer starting with the most simple solution and keep adding more sophisticated tools gradually. Others prefer starting with a more complex solution that has integrated the best practices, and in that case using a "Starter kit" may be useful.
Regarding Grunt/gulp... etc. You could worry about that later when you need to have a "build system" to do tasks like compressing files, optimising images and other things that are important for publishing.
After years doing frontend development i realised that is not possible to master all the tools available ( and having a life outside code ). You eventually settle for some tools (everybody have different preferences) and the important experience comes with solving real problems.
i would recommend you to use angular-material for your project if :
you have good knowledge of angularjs or if you find it interesting to learn
you have gone through google design and you want to implement it in angularjs way
try implementing missing features or take online help
Angular-material team is working on adding more and more features as already build in directives and services. Check releases on github page & demo guide
( Drop downs are already there in latest version as menu)
Few points
Google has an awesome open source guide for design.
Angular-material is a framework that helps you implement and follow that design language and principles using angularjs.
Bootstrap is just a framework which gives implementation of css, js related to front end work. Look and feel will be entirely different from google design.
Ionic is again a completely different framework which provides implementation and guide for mobile app development.
You can read about diff in angular-material/bootstrap/ionic in my post here
bower ( package manager) and grunt ( task runner) are tools which work in node environment.
if your development environment is nodejs you should use them to get work done quickly and efficiently.
Check there sites for more information.
If your backend runs on these and you have angularjs in frontend.
Angularjs can make restfull calls in JSON to your api and it would all work good.

Composite C1 CMS - Beginner video tutorial

I'm looking for a beginner level video tutorial to get me up to the level where I can create a CMS site.
I have found a lot of individual snippets - but nothing that guides you through the whole thing.
An equivalent in web or PDF would be a good second choice.
"Getting Started" Guide: Installation, Setup, Adding a blog, Adding a gallery, Customizing the design, Getting the website online (Videos for beginners)
I too have faced such a problem 1 month back when I first went through Composite c1.
Please check my blog.
I think you have already passed through these pages .
Steps are like this.
First study of installation its simple installation as given in composite then
Then go through creation of page.This can be done by creating page template and page type.
then create a page with this page type. All are listed in starter video.
Then on moving to coding you can find creation of user control, installation of new packages and all

How do I create a module in DotNetNuke 6?

How do I create a module for DotNetNuke v6 in Visual Studio 2010 which connects to a database, without using a DataSource control ?
I am a beginner in DotNetNuke and I want to fully understand how to create modules. I have referred Google and I found two links which I think are good, but I need a simple example that includes better comments and connects to the database without using a DataSource control.
Creating a DotNetNuke® Module - For Absolute Beginners!
Creating a Super-Fast and Super-Easy DotNetNuke® Module - for Absolute Beginners!
I welcome you to dotnetnuke, indeed it is a great CMS respectively the greatest CMS made with ASP.NET
I would suggest you basic module development video
And you can go through dotnetnuke official video training library clicking here
Please also have a look at dotnetnuke blog posts, I would suggest to go through Steve Fabians blog you might have a look at Peter Donker and Chris Hammond blogs too.
Last but not least you can have a look at unlimited resources for dotnetnuke at
