How to detect has user installed an app by mobile website - mobile

Some mobile website will recommend you install some app, I think it's just bring out the app information if detected you are using mobile device, but some website will note bring out the information if you already installed the app, how to do that?

You can store information in a database, a cookie, the localStorage or a native app. Let's suppose that you have a FooInstalled which might be null or true. You prompt your user to install foo and when you see it was installed, you set FooInstalled to true. Later, when he visits your site, you read FooInstalled from your database/cookie/localStorage/native app storage and see that it is true. So you don't ask your user to install foo.


create an external install link for a PWA

I have converted my website into a PWA. Right now when the users visit my website they get an install prompt on the browser's search bar on the desktop device and on the mobile device screen, add to home screen prompt appears. What I want is to create an external link for the PWA for the respective devices, which one shared over any messaging system or email will directly let the users install the PWA on their devices. Or, I can create a button on a webpage that on click lets users install the PWA. Please guide me if it is possible by any chance.
Right now, one way that I have figured out is to publish it on the play store or apple store and then share the link. But I want to upload it to cloud storage like Google Drive/Dropbox, etc. and share the link.

Is it possible to create an icon on the home screen of a phone using reactJS?

I built a website with reactjs and the client wants that the web automatically creates a link on the phone home screen that opens chrome to the specific url of my website.
Is this possible without wrapping the reactjs with another framework like Cordoba, Ionic or React Native?
Thank you so much
A web application has no access to the device's internal APIs. Web applications are naturally subject to the browser's features, restrictions and limitations in which it is running on. Even native applications has to request access from the user to have such permissions. What your client asks is, regretably, impossible.
I agree with the above answer by #Lux Ilustre. You can't add the application link to the phones homepage without the users permission. But it is possible to make your website installable with a PWA. You can create a PWA with a manifest file and a service-worker file which makes possible to install the website to the users phone and load assets from cache which makes it possible to make some parts of your website function offline.

Deploy ClickOnce Application from random locations

Having a WPF app we've got a server that lets the user to install using ClickOnce distribution. The issue here is the link we provide changes to hide real filesystem.
First time the user tries to install the app, everything goes well; the .application gets launched remotely and the app gets installed.
Next time the user wants to update the app, if the link provided is differente (because of a token or a differente sub-path) the user will receive a DeploymentException saying that the same app is already installed from a different location.
Is there a way to allow the app to be installed from any location we provide?
Let me explain what we've got so far:
We have a web server that publishes a folder where the app lives. The path depends on some factors so it may change. if the user wants to install the same app from a different url path, it will fail.
Something like:
being app_15 and app_16 the same app but installed on different dates and admin sites.

Using Heroku database and Shared Preferences for Android Social Networking App

Hi I am developing a social Networking app. I have an online heroku database where i can push and pull information. According to my research i would need to do this through a web service like REST and then retrieve the any info i want through JSON to my app; in a nut shell. My question is will I need to use android's Shared Preferences if I want to store a user's info like name,password,etc which would obviously be sent to my heroku database anyway. What is the point of Shared Preferences then?
There are a few reasons. These would include:
Unless you are going to make the user enter all his credentials every time he starts the app, you will need to store some of these locally (you could potentially avoid this by just keying off the device id, but what if the user has multiple devices?)
Save bandwidth. Local preferences (what things to show, theme options, which tab to start on), should be stored locally - especially if the user may have multiple devices which use your service. e.g. I might want my tablet to show a different default page on open to my phone.

GAE Launcher enforce Google account signin in app.yaml

Firstly, just letting you know I have searched a fair bit here and I am aware of some of the other questions on this topic but none answer my question.
The authentication of the Local GAE differs from the appspot deploy and I need it not to with minimal work-around code.
I'm writing an HTML5 app and I can do the google authentication via a button and it updates all the correct tokens so I can access the profile in either GAE Launched apps or appspot deployed ones.
I need the google account details of the logged in user within the app
I am writing (for API calls to calendar and contacts for example)
, and I'd rather not have to write a login handler only for my local development platform - automated for simplicity or otherwise.
I've read that adding login:required forces a login, and on appspot this works perfectly. Locally it does nothing useful.
I've read that you can write a Python decorator to use #login_required - but I'm not writing in Python (It's php generating an HTML5 page). I could write a bit of a PHP wrapper to handle it, or automate a call in Javascript on page load - but this is the workaround I don't want to write because it's handled in the production environment for me.
I want the login:required option as everything is handled for me in
. I have googled the options for the login tag and nothing there suggests I can force a google login in the locally launched app. I have googled the launcher and settings, but nothing seems apparent.
I suppose I could live with the dev workaround, and the app could assume I'm authenticated and the JSON request handlers in my app would just use the login:required with the correct google tokens being passed once I am authenticated.
Do I have any other options?
This sounds like it could be a PHP runtime bug. login:required works fine on the python local dev server. Have you checked the issues page to see if it's been reported?
Otherwise it's possible that it's bypassing the login on your dev server because you have some cookie in your browser indicating that you're already logged in. You might try clearing cookies
Alternatively (at least on the python devserver), you can go to your login page via http://localhost:8000/_ah/login to force a logout (obviously fix the hostname and port number)
There appears to be no way round this other than to write the whole OAuth handler yourself (or get one elsewhere) - significant overkill for a development environment only 'issue'.
I have written the app to handle the getting of the google profile details as it starts and force an authenticate if they are not present.
This means that the login:required will work as expected in the production world and force you to authenticate to google before you even get to the application... then the app just gets the profile details because the tokens are already present.
login:required in the dev environment just puts up a screen which you just 'ok', then the app attempts to gets the profile details but forces the authentication itself because there are no authentication tokens present.
It's unfortunate, but it's a single step in a development that users will not have to use, but it works.
