Mongoose: Browser should not open - chromium-embedded

The application that I'm developing right now uses Chromium Embedded
Framework to handle multiple display webapp.
The Mongoose executable is ran by the framework at run time. At the same
time however, Mongoose runs an instance of Google Chrome.
As much as possible, I want to avoid this scenario.
Is there a way to disable Mongoose from opening a browser but continue with
the webserver execution?

Add start_browser no line to the mongoose.conf file. Make sure that mongoose.conf file lives in the same directory as mongoose.exe.


How to see if gatsby-plugin-offline is working

I am new to Gatsby so please bear with me.
I want to add offline support to my app such that if a user were to try access it while offline (after having visited it online) it would still show up.
Would gatsby-plugin-offline help me achieve this?
If so, how can I try this out? So far I have tried using the plug-in in my app (all default settings), building the app and then serving it locally on my computer at http://localhost:9000/. When I stop the dev server and try access http://localhost:9000/, it does not show up. How can I test to see if this plugin works?
After gatsby build the public folder should include sw.js file.
Otherwise, you can find whether the service worker is registered on not at Chrome Dev Console over Application > Service Workers.

from development to production - uploading a webpage

First of all, I will excuse myself for possibly making vague questions.
I am a newby freelancer webdeveloper, and I recently created a webapplication which works fine on my own computer, running it on localhost.
More recently, using A2Hosting, i bought a domain and some server space, and my objective is to upload my application in order to make it online for anyone.
However, right now, I am having a few problems.
Specifically, I do not know how to upload my web application.
Basically, what I did was upload all the folders and files I had on my local machine into the server, and I was hoping that would work.
Unfortunatly, the server continues to display the "initial" site I uploaded. a simple, static, htlm file saying hello world. This file is the index.html that is inside the "www" folder.
The directory of the server is presented in the following figure.
My question is how do I make the server display the content of react/redux page, instead of the simple static html initialy uploaded.
I am not familiar with react however with Angular you would have to run through the same process on the server as you would to run the app locally but with the server variables in place of the local variables.
For example on angular I have to compile and run my front/back ends and ensure my database is also live for it to run at all otherwise nothing would work on the server .
Check what configs need changing to process the change from local to dev
Hopefully that is at least a little bit helpful, the below article should be useful to you.

How to do performance testing for multiple user using Chrome Dev Tool for angular JS Web Site

I have developed an Angular JS Web Console. Web Console is basically creating, deleting, retrieving and deleting Users.
I want to do its performance testing using Chrome Dev Tool or Jmeter
If I use Jmeter how can I actually monitor the behavior of web console itself because from Jmeter I can only check the response time of API.
If I use chrome dev tool then how can I test it for multiple users against post and get operations.
For Example I have a Scenario that 10 Users are registering or signing in at a time. How can I test this behaviour.
50 Persons are creating or deleting or retrieving a user using a form at a time.
What will be the behavior of web console if 50 users are using web console at a time.
NOTE: Web Console is deployed on server. I want to test it locally and on server as well.
Need help. Thanks in advance!
Server side performance and client-side performance are different beasts so you can break down your performance testing requirements into 2 major parts:
Conduct the required load onto your web console using JMeter HTTP Request samplers. Make sure you configure JMeter properly to handle cookies, cache, headers, embedded resources (scripts, styles, images). See How To Make JMeter Behave More Like A Real Browser article for comprehensive explanation with regards to how to configure JMeter properly. If you need the requests to be fired in exactly the same moment of time also consider Synchronizing Timer
As JMeter neither actually render pages nor executes client-side JavaScript you can check client-side performance using one of below approaches (or any combination)
Using YSlow software
Using aforementioned Chrome Dev Tools
Using WebDriver Sampler (which provides Selenium and JMeter integration) so you will be able to measure page rendering time. If necessary you can add custom scripting logic using Navigation Timing API to get some extended information on page loading events in automated manner

Is it possible to make my app open and run in a server? If yes, how?

I am using AngularJs to develop a tool for the company I work for. My issue is that unless the app is running on a server, it will not allow me to make use of things like routing or ng-include—it does not let me request resources from the same directory.
My goal is that, without having to be connected to the internet, the user can just open the html file for the tool using a browser and a server will be created.
I cannot ask for the user to use the command line to make a port listen to the app using things like the http-server in npm. It is assumed that they do not have the ability to do that.

Why we need web server to run Extjs4 projects?

As Extjs4 is made with .js files then Why we need web server to run extjs4 project ? I read in sencha documentation that....
"You must need: A web server running locally on your computer, for example, XAMPP (Recommended)".
Can we run extjs4 project on a local machine without installing web server (XAMPP/ Apache)? If so please tell me how?
Thanks in advance.
Web-server needs for process http-request (listening 80 port), as is: get data(JSON/XML), refresh parts of pages and etc.
If you open index.html in browser (without web server), you need using packager (sencha command) or include the whole framework js and all your project files into your index.html, either in form of a bunch of script tags or concatenated into a single file.
Otherwise, the Loader is using XHR requests that can only be completed through a web server (security issue - imagine loading client's system files though Ajax)
A Webserver is required only if you are using components which require dynamic data e.g. Grid Panel showing stock quotes. As stock quotes keep on changing, you will require a server to send the data.
You will not required webserver, if you are using static data. See DataStore Component for more details.
Web server is not required to run any extjs code because javascript runs in browser engine and extjs is purely javascript framework. But when we think of developing an application which should be dynamic in nature(most of the apps)deployed on server so that server request/response can be handled. And in most of the cases we write business logics in server which returns some dynamic data that can be shown in UI through extjs.
