Calculated View Object Attribute not able to be used in JSPX page - oracle-adf

Hello I have a View Object "Validationerrortallygroupsview" In this VO I have a calculated attribute that is generated by a join in the query. The calculated attribute is RuleName1 (RULE_NAME alias).
Here is where I show the attributes:
The SQL query that backs this View Object has a join with another table and this join is what generates this extra RULE_NAME attribute:
The SQL Query tests fine and everything but when I go to my JSPX page to actually reference this attribute using EL, the new attribute doesn't show up in the variable.
I have a row variable that is simply used to iterate through the bindings for a table Control, ruleName1 is not an element that I can choose off of that variable, I can only choose the Attributes that were defined originally as part of the Entity:

Can you check the tree binding whether the attribute "RuleName1" is present or not ? If not , you may need to refresh the data control once and add it to attribute list of the tree binding .

Drag&Drop that property from your DataControl, or better the whole form/table in a clean page to see what is going on.


How to propagate changes from Entity row to View row

Normally, if we update an attribute in a View row, we can easily see the updated value in the Entity row as changes are propagated down the hierarchy.
My question is if we instead update an attribute on the Entity level, is there a way that we can get the new value on a current View row of a View object that was built using that Entity.
If you update an attribute on EO level, it will automatically update the VO attribute as well. It goes both ways.
Seeing you are asking this makes me think you tried it and it didn’t look like working. If that’s the case, you are probably having a Partial Refresh problem in your screen. You can try using a partialTrigger.

Bind ng-options to form from a custom directive within a ng-repeat

Showing an example will likely make more sense than trying to explain this. Please reference this as it ALMOST does exactly what I need.
In the example, click Add to create a new select menu and choose an option. This should add it to the parent form. Currently I'm handling this aspect with an $emit. The core problem is that I can't find a way to assign $index to each select. I'd like to attach it to the model name in order to make each one unique. However, simply doing something like ng-model="selectNum{{$index}} causes an error when passed through attrs.ngModel. As is, the ngModel is repeated for each dropdown that's added and thus, every time the form gets overwritten. I WANT to add each select as a unique object to the form - and update that specific instance should the associated select change.
Can anyone provide some insight on how to either attach the $index or perhaps another way of updating the form?
Not a direct answer to getting the values into the form object, but here's an option similar to something I'm doing for a very similar situation:
Basically storing the values within the elements of the array being repeated on, then I use that object from the model for a post to the server.

Can't see custom CCK field in view

I created a content type a while ago, and a view to filter it. I just added a field to that content type. When I try to add a filter to the view, the field that I just created isn't in the list. If I create new content of that type, I can see the new field, but not from the view. I deleted and recreated the field, changing the type of field, and have cleared cache. I've also tried creating another view, and still can't see that field. I can see all other custom fields, though.
Is the field you added a taxonomy or node reference? You may need to add a relationship to the referenced entity in order to get it to show up under the view fields.
Click "Add" beside "Relationships", and see if the entity type you are referencing is in that list... add the reference, then go back to adding fields and see if it shows up in your list.

ADF LOV Not Refreshing

I have an interesting situation. Working on an ADF Application.
I have an editable table, which uses an LOV. The respective LOV has a maintenance page, where we populate a database table with data that the LOV uses.
If i'm inserting new records into the LOV Database Table, the corresponding LOV does not get those changes. However, if there is an UPDATE of existing records, it seems to work ok.
It appears the iterator is not updating. Because if i start up a new application session in a new browser window, i'll see the new changes.
The LOV doesn't have it's own iterator in the Page Bindings (Its using a View Accessor in my view object), so i'm not sure how to tell the iterator to refresh or executeQuery()...
Thank you!
Right now, my only solution is this. I don't like it, but it works...
Exposed View Row Impl class, and included accessors on my Editable ADF Table's View Object. This way i have programmatic access to my accessors that run the LOV.
Then i located my view accessor, getter method. And told it to re-execute the query. Worked like a charm:
public RowSet getAllSmsModules() {
RowSet rs = (RowSet)getAttributeInternal(SMSMODULESALL);
return rs;
//return (RowSet)getAttributeInternal(ALLSMSMODULES);

Change ADF Query Panel's Default Component

In my JSPX page, I created a search page by drag-n-dropping the View Criteria (VC) to the page. By default the component's are text box. What I want to do is change some of them to use other components, such as the selectOneChoice component, with binding from another Entity Object (EO), or maybe add a date picker to it.
Is this possible? Or do I have to stick with the defaults?
This is all stuff that can be done in your view object under Attributes. For date attributes, make sure that the type is set to date. I've'nt done this one but for the selectOneChoice component, I'm assuming you can define a list of values on the desired attribute that is based on another view object. Also look in the Control Type field of the Control Hints when you edit an attribute. If you are using bind variable with your search I believe you can define these properties there also.
