Using bsxfun with an anonymous function - arrays

after trying to understand the bsxfun function I have tried to implement it in a script to avoid looping. I am trying to check if each individual element in an array is contained in one matrix, returning a matrix the same size as the initial array containing 1 and 0's respectively. The anonymous function I have created is:
myfunction = #(x,y) (sum(any(x == y)));
x is the matrix which will contain the 'accepted values' per say. y is the input array. So far I have tried using the bsxfun function in this way:
dummyvar = bsxfun(myfunction,dxcp,X)
I understand that myfunction is equal to the handle of the anonymous function and that bsxfun can be used to accomplish this I just do not understand the reason for the following error:
Non-singleton dimensions of the two input arrays must match each other.
I am using the following test data:
dxcp = [1 2 3 6 10 20];
X = [2 5 9 18];
and hope for the output to be:
dummyvar = [1,0,0,0]
Cheers, NZBRU.
EDIT: Reached 15 rep so I have updated the answer

Thanks again guys, I thought I would update this as I now understand how the solution provided from Divakar works. This might deter confusion from others who have read my initial question and are confused to how bsxfun() works, I think writing it out helps me understand it better too.
Note: The following may be incorrect, I have just tried to understand how the function operates by looking at this one case.
The input into the bsxfun function was dxcp and X transposed. The function handle used was #eq so each element was compared.
%%// Given data
dxcp = [1 2 3 6 10 20];
X = [2 5 9 18];
The following code:
compared every value of dxcp, the first input variable, to every row of X'. The following matrix is the output of this:
dummyvar =
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
The first element was found by comparing 1 and 2 dxcp = [1 2 3 6 10 20]; X' = [2;5;9;18];
The next along the first row was found by comparing 2 and 2 dxcp = [1 2 3 6 10 20]; X' = [2;5;9;18];
This was repeated until all of the values of dxcp where compared to the first row of X'. Following this logic, the first element in the second row was calculating using the comparison between: dxcp = [1 2 3 6 10 20]; X' = [2;5;9;18];
The final solution provided was any(bsxfun(#eq,dxcp,X'),2) which is equivalent to: any(dummyvar,2). seems to explain the any function in detail well. Basically, say:
A = [1,2;0,0;0,1]
If the following code is run:
result = any(A,2)
Then the function any will check if each row contains one or several non-zero elements and return 1 if so. The result of this example would be:
result = [1;0;1];
Because the second input parameter is equal to 2. If the above line was changed to result = any(A,1) then it would check for each column.
Using this logic,
result = any(A,2)
was used to obtain the final result.
which if needed could be transposed to equal
Performance- After running the following code:
dummyvar = ~any(bsxfun(#eq,dxcp,X'),2)'
It was found that the duration was:
Elapsed time is 0.000085 seconds.
The alternative below:
arrayfun(#(el) any(el == dxcp),X)
using the arrayfun() function (which applies a function to each element of an array) resulted in a runtime of:
Elapsed time is 0.000260 seconds.
^The above run times are averages over 5 runs of each meaning that in this case bsxfun() is faster (on average).

You don't want every combination of elements thrown into your any(x == y) test, you want each element from dxcp tested to see if it exists in X. So here is the short version, which also needs no transposes. Vectorization should also be a bit faster than bsxfun.
arrayfun(#(el) any(el == X), dxcp)
The result is
ans =
0 1 0 0 0 0


Matlab read last entry of vector unequal to zero

Is there a way to read the last entry of a matlab vector that is not zero?
I have a matrix 1x20 and write values on it dependent on the iterations of a while loop in it. I tried creating a matrix the size of the counter of the while loop but that doesn't work as the zero command overwrites it in every loop.
Thanks for any proposals
The find function looks for nonzero entries in an array, and it takes options that let you say "just one, looking from the end".
Is there a way to read the last entry of a matlab vector that is not
a = [3 5 2 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 2 3 6 0 0 0 0]
ind = find(a ~= 0, 1, 'last')
val = a(ind)

Octave group statistic computation with accumarray and user defined function returning a third column's value

To be clear the following is not my original problem which has data that is much larger and this code is in the context of a larger application and code base. I have reduced my work to the simplest example that’s now at toy or didactic size for clarity and dev and unit testing because that helps a lot for these purposes as well as for sharing on stackexchange. I am experienced in R but not in octave (Matlab). This is code for octave version 4.0.0. I seem to be stuck on translating group computations such as R’s tapply() or by() as well as writing and calling user defined functions (plus a bit of additional processing than those built-ins), but now written in the octave language.
Starting state is an array a as shown:
a = [5 1 8 0; 2 1 9 0; 2 3 3 0; 5 3 9 0]
a =
5 1 8 0
2 1 9 0
2 3 3 0
5 3 9 0
The process I need to do is essentially just this: Group by column 1, find the min statistic in column 3, return the value stored in column 2 of the same row, and write the value to column 4. I want no optional packages to be used. The built-in accumarray and min functions together get me pretty close but I’ve not found the needed syntax. Matlab seems to have many versions of parameter passing syntaxes developed over different releases and please note my code needs to run in Octave 4.0.0.
Final state desired is same array a, but column 4 is updated as shown:
a =
5 1 8 1
2 1 9 3
2 3 3 3
5 3 9 1
My best few code snippets of near-misses and most interesting things among all my failed attempts (not shown, as there are many pages of attempts that do not work) are:
[x,y] = min(a(a(:,1)==5,3),[],1)
x = 8
y = 1
Notice that y is index of row within the group, but not row within the a array, which is fine and good as long as I later do a computation to translate indexes from group-relative to global-relative, and inside there read the value of a(y,2) which is the correct answer value for each row.
>> [x,y] = min(a(a(:,1)==2,3),[],1)
x = 3
y = 2
>> [~,y] = min(a(a(:,1)==2,3),[],1);
>> y
y = 2
Notice that y is all I need from min() since it’s the index of the row of interest.
>> accumarray(a(:,1), a(:,3), [], #([~,y]=min([],[],1)))
parse error:
syntax error
Notice that with some kind of syntax I need to pass to min() in its first parameter the group of values determined by parameters 1 and 2 of accumarray.
I ultimately need to have something like this happen within the group computations after min() returns row index y:
a(y,4) = a(y,2); % y is the desired row index found by min() within each group
So, I tried to write a function that’s named for possibly simpler syntax:
>> function idx = ccen(d)
>> accumarray(a(:,1), a(:,3), [], #ccen)
error: 'a' undefined near line 3 column 5
error: called from
ccen at line 3 column 4
accumarray at line 345 column 14
Seems to me, that to my surprise, a is not accessible to function ccen. Now what can I do? Thank you for reading.
When declaring functions in MATLAB / Octave, any variables declared outside the scope (by default) are not accessible. This means that even though you have a declaration for a, when you create that function, a is not accessible within the scope of the function.
What you can do is modify ccen so that a is supplied to the function so it can access the variable when the function is being called. After, wrap an anonymous function around your call to ccen when calling accumarray. Anonymous functions however do have the luxury of capturing the scope of variables that aren't explicitly declared as input variables into the function:
So first:
function idx = ccen(a, d) %// Change
And now...
out = accumarray(a(:,1), a(:,3), [], #(x) ccen(a,x)); %// Change last parameter
This call is acceptable because the anonymous function is capturing a at the time of creation. Notice how x in the anonymous function is what is piped in from the accumarray calls. You're simply forwarding that as the second parameter to ccen and keeping a constant. This doesn't change the way the function is being run.... it's just resolving a scope issue.
I get the following in Octave:
octave:10> a = [5 1 8 0; 2 1 9 0; 2 3 3 0; 5 3 9 0]
a =
5 1 8 0
2 1 9 0
2 3 3 0
5 3 9 0
octave:11> function idx = ccen(a,d)
> [~,y]=min(d,[],1);
> idx=a(y,2);
> end
octave:12> out = accumarray(a(:,1), a(:,3), [], #(x) ccen(a,x))
out =

Generating a matrix to describe a two-dimensional feature

Let's say I have a vector A = [-1,2];
Each element in A is described by the actual number and sign. So each element has a 2 dimensional feature-set.
I would like to generate a matrix, in this case 2x2 where the columns correspond to the element, and rows correspond to the presence of a feature. The presence of a feature is described by 1's and 0's. So, if an element is positive, it is 1, if the element is the number 1, then the result is 1 as well. In the case above I would get:
Element 1 Element 2
Is this a 1? 1 0
Is this a positive number? 0 1
What is the smartest way to go about accomplishing this? Obviously if statements would work, but I feel that there should be a faster, much smarter way of going about this. I am coding this in matlab by the way, and I would appreciate any help.
#Benoit_11's solution is a fine one. Here's a similar but maybe simpler solution. You could try both and see which is faster if you care about speed.
features = [abs(A) == 1; A > 0];
this assumes A is a row vector in order to get the output in the format you specified.
Simple way using ismember for the first condition and logical operation for the 2nd condition. ismember outputs a logical array which you can plug into the output you need (here called DescribeA; and likewise when you check for values greater than 0 using the > operator.
%// Test array
A = [-1,2,1,-10,5,-3,1]
%// Initialize output
DescribeA = zeros(2,numel(A));
%// 1st condition. Check if values are 1 or -1
DescribeA(1,:) = ismember(A,1)|ismember(A,-1);
%// Check if they are > 0
DescribeA(2,:) = A>0;
Output in Command Window:
A =
-1 2 1 -10 5 -3 1
DescribeA =
1 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 1 0 1
I feel there is a smarter way for the 1st condition but I can't seem to find it.

Split vector in MATLAB

I'm trying to elegantly split a vector. For example,
vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
According to another vector of 0's and 1's of the same length where the 1's indicate where the vector should be split - or rather cut:
cut = [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0]
Giving us a cell output similar to the following:
[1 2 3] [5 6 7 8] [10]
Solution code
You can use cumsum & accumarray for an efficient solution -
%// Create ID/labels for use with accumarray later on
id = cumsum(cut)+1
%// Mask to get valid values from cut and vec corresponding to ones in cut
mask = cut==0
%// Finally get the output with accumarray using masked IDs and vec values
out = accumarray(id(mask).',vec(mask).',[],#(x) {x})
Here are some performance numbers when using a large input on the three most popular approaches listed to solve this problem -
N = 100000; %// Input Datasize
vec = randi(100,1,N); %// Random inputs
cut = randi(2,1,N)-1;
disp('-------------------- With CUMSUM + ACCUMARRAY')
id = cumsum(cut)+1;
mask = cut==0;
out = accumarray(id(mask).',vec(mask).',[],#(x) {x});
disp('-------------------- With FIND + ARRAYFUN')
N = numel(vec);
ind = find(cut);
ind_before = [ind-1 N]; ind_before(ind_before < 1) = 1;
ind_after = [1 ind+1]; ind_after(ind_after > N) = N;
out = arrayfun(#(x,y) vec(x:y), ind_after, ind_before, 'uni', 0);
disp('-------------------- With CUMSUM + ARRAYFUN')
cutsum = cumsum(cut);
cutsum(cut == 1) = NaN; %Don't include the cut indices themselves
sumvals = unique(cutsum); % Find the values to use in indexing vec for the output
sumvals(isnan(sumvals)) = []; %Remove NaN values from sumvals
output = arrayfun(#(val) vec(cutsum == val), sumvals, 'UniformOutput', 0);
-------------------- With CUMSUM + ACCUMARRAY
Elapsed time is 0.068102 seconds.
-------------------- With FIND + ARRAYFUN
Elapsed time is 0.117953 seconds.
-------------------- With CUMSUM + ARRAYFUN
Elapsed time is 12.560973 seconds.
Special case scenario: In cases where you might have runs of 1's, you need to modify few things as listed next -
%// Mask to get valid values from cut and vec corresponding to ones in cut
mask = cut==0
%// Setup IDs differently this time. The idea is to have successive IDs.
id = cumsum(cut)+1
[~,~,id] = unique(id(mask))
%// Finally get the output with accumarray using masked IDs and vec values
out = accumarray(id(:),vec(mask).',[],#(x) {x})
Sample run with such a case -
>> vec
vec =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
>> cut
cut =
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0
>> celldisp(out)
out{1} =
out{2} =
out{3} =
For this problem, a handy function is cumsum, which can create a cumulative sum of the cut array. The code that produces an output cell array is as follows:
vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
cut = [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0];
cutsum = cumsum(cut);
cutsum(cut == 1) = NaN; %Don't include the cut indices themselves
sumvals = unique(cutsum); % Find the values to use in indexing vec for the output
sumvals(isnan(sumvals)) = []; %Remove NaN values from sumvals
output = {};
for i=1:numel(sumvals)
output{i} = vec(cutsum == sumvals(i)); %#ok<SAGROW>
As another answer shows, you can use arrayfun to create a cell array with the results. To apply that here, you'd replace the for loop (and the initialization of output) with the following line:
output = arrayfun(#(val) vec(cutsum == val), sumvals, 'UniformOutput', 0);
That's nice because it doesn't end up growing the output cell array.
The key feature of this routine is the variable cutsum, which ends up looking like this:
cutsum =
0 0 0 NaN 1 1 1 1 NaN 2
Then all we need to do is use it to create indices to pull the data out of the original vec array. We loop from zero to max and pull matching values. Notice that this routine handles some situations that may arise. For instance, it handles 1 values at the very beginning and very end of the cut array, and it gracefully handles repeated ones in the cut array without creating empty arrays in the output. This is because of the use of unique to create the set of values to search for in cutsum, and the fact that we throw out the NaN values in the sumvals array.
You could use -1 instead of NaN as the signal flag for the cut locations to not use, but I like NaN for readability. The -1 value would probably be more efficient, as all you'd have to do is truncate the first element from the sumvals array. It's just my preference to use NaN as a signal flag.
The output of this is a cell array with the results:
output{1} =
1 2 3
output{2} =
5 6 7 8
output{3} =
There are some odd conditions we need to handle. Consider the situation:
vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14];
cut = [1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1];
There are repeated 1's in there, as well as a 1 at the beginning and end. This routine properly handles all this without any empty sets:
output{1} =
2 3
output{2} =
6 7 8 9
output{3} =
11 12 13
You can do this with a combination of find and arrayfun:
vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
N = numel(vec);
cut = [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0];
ind = find(cut);
ind_before = [ind-1 N]; ind_before(ind_before < 1) = 1;
ind_after = [1 ind+1]; ind_after(ind_after > N) = N;
out = arrayfun(#(x,y) vec(x:y), ind_after, ind_before, 'uni', 0);
We thus get:
>> celldisp(out)
out{1} =
1 2 3
out{2} =
5 6 7 8
out{3} =
So how does this work? Well, the first line defines your input vector, the second line finds how many elements are in this vector and the third line denotes your cut vector which defines where we need to cut in our vector. Next, we use find to determine the locations that are non-zero in cut which correspond to the split points in the vector. If you notice, the split points determine where we need to stop collecting elements and begin collecting elements.
However, we need to account for the beginning of the vector as well as the end. ind_after tells us the locations of where we need to start collecting values and ind_before tells us the locations of where we need to stop collecting values. To calculate these starting and ending positions, you simply take the result of find and add and subtract 1 respectively.
Each corresponding position in ind_after and ind_before tell us where we need to start and stop collecting values together. In order to accommodate for the beginning of the vector, ind_after needs to have the index of 1 inserted at the beginning because index 1 is where we should start collecting values at the beginning. Similarly, N needs to be inserted at the end of ind_before because this is where we need to stop collecting values at the end of the array.
Now for ind_after and ind_before, there is a degenerate case where the cut point may be at the end or beginning of the vector. If this is the case, then subtracting or adding by 1 will generate a start and stopping position that's out of bounds. We check for this in the 4th and 5th line of code and simply set these to 1 or N depending on whether we're at the beginning or end of the array.
The last line of code uses arrayfun and iterates through each pair of ind_after and ind_before to slice into our vector. Each result is placed into a cell array, and our output follows.
We can check for the degenerate case by placing a 1 at the beginning and end of cut and some values in between:
vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
cut = [1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1];
Using this example and the above code, we get:
>> celldisp(out)
out{1} =
out{2} =
2 3
out{3} =
5 6 7
out{4} =
out{5} =
Yet another way, but this time without any loops or accumulating at all...
lengths = diff(find([1 cut 1])) - 1; % assuming a row vector
lengths = lengths(lengths > 0);
data = vec(~cut);
result = mat2cell(data, 1, lengths); % also assuming a row vector
The diff(find(...)) construct gives us the distance from each marker to the next - we append boundary markers with [1 cut 1] to catch any runs of zeros which touch the ends. Each length is inclusive of its marker, though, so we subtract 1 to account for that, and remove any which just cover consecutive markers, so that we won't get any undesired empty cells in the output.
For the data, we mask out any elements corresponding to markers, so we just have the valid parts we want to partition up. Finally, with the data ready to split and the lengths into which to split it, that's precisely what mat2cell is for.
Also, using #Divakar's benchmark code;
-------------------- With CUMSUM + ACCUMARRAY
Elapsed time is 0.272810 seconds.
-------------------- With FIND + ARRAYFUN
Elapsed time is 0.436276 seconds.
-------------------- With CUMSUM + ARRAYFUN
Elapsed time is 17.112259 seconds.
-------------------- With mat2cell
Elapsed time is 0.084207 seconds.
...just sayin' ;)
Here's what you need:
function spl = Splitting(vec,cut)
for i=1:1:length(b)
if cut(i)==0
Despite how simple my method is, it's in 2nd place for performance:
-------------------- With CUMSUM + ACCUMARRAY
Elapsed time is 0.264428 seconds.
-------------------- With FIND + ARRAYFUN
Elapsed time is 0.407963 seconds.
-------------------- With CUMSUM + ARRAYFUN
Elapsed time is 18.337940 seconds.
-------------------- SIMPLE
Elapsed time is 0.271942 seconds.
Unfortunately there is no 'inverse concatenate' in MATLAB. If you wish to solve a question like this you can try the below code. It will give you what you looking for in the case where you have two split point to produce three vectors at the end. If you want more splits you will need to modify the code after the loop.
The results are in n vector form. To make them into cells, use num2cell on the results.
pos_of_one = 0;
% The loop finds the split points and puts their positions into a vector.
for kk = 1 : length(cut)
if cut(1,kk) == 1
pos_of_one = pos_of_one + 1;
A(1,one_pos) = kk;
F = vec(1 : A(1,1) - 1);
G = vec(A(1,1) + 1 : A(1,2) - 1);
H = vec(A(1,2) + 1 : end);

Look at each row separately in a matrix (Matlab)

I have a matrix in Matlab(2012) with 3 columns and X number of rows, X is defined by the user, so varies each time. For this example though I will use a fixed 5x3 matrix.
So I would like to perform an iterative function on each row within the matrix, while the value in the third column is below a certain value. Then store the new values within the same matrix, so overwrite the original values.
The code below is a simplified version of the problem.
M=[-2 -5 -3 -2 -4]; %Vector containing random values
Vf_X=M+1; %Defining the first column of the matrix
Vf_Y=M+2; %Defining the secound column of the matrix
Vf_Z=M; %Defining the third column of the matrix
Vf=[Vf_X',Vf_Y',Vf_Z']; %Creating the matrix
while Vf(:,3)<0
The result I get is
1 2 0
-2 -1 -3
0 1 -1
1 2 0
-1 0 -2
Ideally I would like to get this result instead
1 2 0
1 2 0
1 2 0
1 2 0
1 2 0
The while will not start if any value is above zero to begin with and stops as soon as one value goes above zero.
I hope this makes sense and I have supplied enough information
Thank you for your time and help.
Your current problem is that you stop iterating the very moment any of the values in the third row break the condition. Correct me if I'm wrong, but what I think you want is to continue doing iterations on the remaining rows, until the conditions are broken by all third columns.
You could do that like this:
inds = true(size(Vf,1),1);
while any(inds)
Vf(inds,:) = Vf(inds,:)+1;
inds = Vf(:,3) < 0;
Of course, for the simple addition you provide, there is a better and faster way:
inds = Vf(:,3)<0;
Vf(inds,:) = bsxfun(#minus, Vf(inds,:), Vf(inds,3));
But for general functions, the while above will do the trick.
