Is it possible to dedicate a gear for database usage? - database

I have a DIY app setup with nginx and php55. Is it possible to run a separate app dedicated to mysql and remotely connect to it? What would be the steps involved?

The workaround is to create another scalable application using any web cartridge and MySQL database. When you create a scalable application web cartridge eg PHP and database cartridge like MySQL are installed on separate gears. The MySQL DB would get installed on separate gear and you can access that in your DIY PHP55 application. But this would mean you will have to waste your one gear running web cartridge.


How to dockerize a Visual Studio SQL Database Project?

I have a solution consisting of different small web-services, which right now I can simply build and run each in their own container via docker-compose.
Now, another service will be added, which will need some data access. Since running a mssql server on in a docker container is rather easy and basically consists of one entry in the docker compose, I would like to do the following:
Create a SQL Database project and add it to my solution
Configure the database project, so that it fits the need of the web service
build a containerized SQL-Sever and automatically publish the database schema from my database project
build the web service and connect it up with the containerized SQL server
The goal is, that after running docker-compose, everything should be up and running.
Is this possible as described?
One additional note: The whole thing is just a hobby project, I want to get familiar with docker, APIs and access to databases.

how can i choose the right database?

I am creating a website, using mostly html and some php pages, now I have to create a database and connect it with my website, for log in and requests, my question is what database should I go for, is Microsoft access good enough? or sql server or phpmyadmin? the website isn't large, it might get 6 requests per day, I am not a professional programmer but I know a few things about programming, please help
I am an developer in Access. Access technology is a Windows application, not intended for web applications. It is not a back end database which is what a web server needs behind it. The SQL Server - Express Edition (free) would be the product from the Microsoft family. Of course there are other suitable shareware products out there, probably the best known being MySQL.
When the requirement is for internal needs, not public facing, but the users are geographically separated; then Access (and other Windows Applications) are platformed on a Remote Desktop Server (aka Terminal Services).
The other alternative to building your own web application is using one of the database centric web services: Soho, QuickBase, Knack, etc.

Deployment of ASP.NET Core Web application

I am starting to write an open source application which is intended to be deployed on premises with MS SQL Server as backend. Now I was wondering how to go about deploying the application and the SQL Server backend.
For MSSQL there is a pretty clear installation path but I was wondering how I could create an easy installer for the web application. The idea is to copy the website to some location, start it and then call a special installation controller where the user could specify a database user with elevated privileges (such as the 'sa' user). The website should then create some database users, views and tables on that database and perform the initial setup. Additionally, it should also modify the configuration of the website to use the correct database user.
Of course, other ideas are welcome as well. How do you handle the deployment of a website for a small company which doesn't have dedicated IT staff.

How To sync online database (of web application) and offline database (of Desktop Application)?

I have 2 application
1st Desktop Application – Which has database on local pc
2nd Web Application – Which has database on server
If internet is unavailable then i m storing data on desktop application and when internet is available data should be store on the server and should also update the data which was stored when internet connection is unavailable
Can you please tell me how above can be achieved
Desktop Application is C# Win form
Web Application is / C# Web application
Thanks in Advance
You don't say what your database technology is, but Microsoft makes the Sync Framework to solve problems like this.

Application Server and Web Server running on same hardware/physical server

I have a conceptual design question. I'm building an application/platform that will consist of a server, possibly running Apache Tomcat w/ a MySQL database, and several client applications (such as native iPhone apps, android apps, blackberry apps). Communication between the client applications and the server will be handled via SOAP, or XML-RPC (also trying to figure this out).
All of the above I'm reasonably comfortable with, but the last part of my plan is to create web/browser based client interface to the platform. And this is where I run into my question, should I install Apache Web Server on my same physical server and build a PHP application that invokes RPC's on the Application Server (Tomcat, running on same physical machine)? Does this type of design pattern make sense? Or should I stick with one type of server software for all possible client applications, including the web/browser based application? Thanks!
I think the web server and app server ought to be separate. I'd make the database separate from the app server too, if I could.
The reason I like the web server to be separate is that it's usually in between two firewalls. The app server lives inside the second firewall in the "safe" network.
