Cakephp SaveAssociated and Save - Using same Model Validation code - cakephp

Question: How can I use the same code in the model validation (in particular for child models) for both SaveAssociated and Save function calls in CakePHP,... given that SaveAssociated implementations expect the form data array to contain a numeric index [0] for data fields belonging to a child model?
Assuming I have a parent model with a hasMany relationship to several child models.
Typically if you use SaveAssociated to save data to all models at once, you would need to specify an index number (typically 0) on the view form input. Example:
echo $this->Form->input('MerchantControl.0.startdate', array('type' => 'text', 'class' => 'datepicker_start'));
As a result, any custom child model validation code will need to be written with [0] as well. See function urlParamNotUsedByOtherMerchants in the code sample below.
public $validate = array(
'urlparam' => array(
'In Use by other Merchants' => array(
'rule' => 'urlParamNotUsedByOtherMerchants',
'message' => 'URLPARAM belongs to another Merchant'
public function urlParamNotUsedByOtherMerchants($data) {
$searchfilter = array(
//Because of SaveAssociated, need to refer to index [0]
' !=' => $this->data['MerchantControl'][0]['merchant_id'],
'MerchantControl.urlparam ' => $data,
$merchantcontrol = $this->find('all', array('conditions' => $searchfilter));
if (sizeof($merchantcontrol) > 0) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
The problem is there are many other instances where I will also be using a "Save" and not a "SaveAssociated" in maintainence views where i directly update or create the child model only. In this case, this model validation code is going to fail with an error saying index "[0]" not defined or something similar.
How can I use the same code in the model validation (in particular for child models) for both SaveAssociated and Save function calls in CakePHP?

If I understand you correctly you want to check whether the urlparam is already used by another merchant or in other words whether it is unique.
Why don't you use the built-in validation rule isUnique?
public $validate = array(
'urlparam' => array(
'In Use by other Merchants' => array(
'rule' => 'isUnique',
'message' => 'URLPARAM belongs to another Merchant'


how to give CAKEPHP validation?

If condition is true it should show an error message "already exits" or else a message "successful" should be displayed.
Is it possible to add a validation like this to the model part:
$name = $_POST["name"];
$validation_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM college WHERE status='2' AND name='$name'";
You can use hasAny() as the solution:
$conditions = array(
if ($this->XXXXXXX->hasAny($conditions)){
//do something
hasAny will return true if found else false.
NOTE: hasAny is not available in version 3.x
You can add server validation in model like:
public $validate = array(
'name' => array(
'rule' => array('isUnique', array('name'), false),
'message' => 'This name has already been used.'
It is not recommended to use $_POST in CakePHP at all, rather use the Request Object in the controller to access the data given by a POST request:
This information can then be passed to the model where it is validated.
If the post request has been created by the CakePHP form helper you don't need to access it - you can directly pass the data to the save method of the model instance (see CakePHP Handbook - Saving your data).
if ($this->College->save($this->request->data)) {
// handle the success (Normally success flash)
debug($this->College->validationErrors); //Normally error flash - if FormHelper is used the error messages are automatically shown beside the input elements
The validations can be added with the Bake Console or manually by adding validation rules to the College Model code:
public $validate = array(
'name' => array(
'rule' => 'isUnique',
'message' => 'This username has already been taken.'

cake populate a dropdown from model

I am trying to populate a dropdpwn with some options. I am trying to have a dropdown with name title and country list for my input form.
For example:
Titles I need 'Mr', 'Mrs', 'Miss'
I have tried to ways:
// Built a list of search options (unless you have this list somewhere else)
public function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null) {
$this->titles = array(
0 => __('Mr', true),
1 => __('Mrs', true),
2 => __('Miss', true));
parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds);
public function add() {
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
if ($this->Member->save($this->request->data)) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The member has been saved'));
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The member could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
<?php echo $this->Form->input('title',array('class' => 'span10', 'options' => $titles )); ?>
I get the error Undefined variable: titles
I have also tried in the model
public $validate = array(
'member_no' => array(
'notempty' => array(
'rule' => array('notempty'),
//'message' => 'Your custom message here',
//'allowEmpty' => false,
//'required' => false,
//'last' => false, // Stop validation after this rule
//'on' => 'create', // Limit validation to 'create' or 'update' operations
'title' => array(
'titlesValid' => array(
'rule' => array('multiple', array(
'in' => array('Mr', 'Mrs', 'Miss'),
'min' => 1
What I am missing and what would be the best solution for a longer list such as countries, it is only on form so i didnt think I would nees a title and countries table and link ids?
I find really weird that you have to create a variable in a construct of a model for a dropdown. Specially if you're only going to use it once.
But first things first. You're getting that error because you haven't set the variable to the view. In your controller, there needs to be something like this:
public function add() {
$this->set('titles', $your_titles_array);
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
Now, please please get the dropdown array away from there. There are two possible nicer places to put that. I'm not going to get picky and say you need to have this values as a table in you database. If you say it's just for one place and you want to have it hardcode, so be it.
One option is to put it in one model, like
class YourModel extends AppModel {
//all your other definitions
public function getTitles() {
return array(
0 => __('Mr', true),
1 => __('Mrs', true),
2 => __('Miss', true));
And in the controller do
public function add() {
$this->set('titles', $this->YourModel->getTitles());
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
But, I don't think you have an appropriate model to add that function. Where did you plan to add it? User model maybe? It can't be like Post model, for example, that wouldn't make any sense... So, give it a thought, if there's a logical place in a model you can put that function, then go ahead.
Otherwise, and if it's just for one form in one place just that one time, why not hardcode it to the view or the controller?
For larger lists, my recommendation is to do it in a model like I showed (but I insist, put it in the model where is logical to have it). Well, I rather have a table and reference the values, but it's not mandatory (though give it a thought, is really not that much work, is it? for larger lists, I mean).

cakePHP virtualField within condition of another model

I have 2 models, User and Entity. I need to on my entities page, have pagination, and a simple search function. The search function will filter the entities, but the data it filters is a virtualField within the User model.
The Entity model:
public $belongsTo = array(
'User' => array(
'className' => 'User',
'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => ''
The virtual field in the User model:
public $virtualFields = array("searchFor" => "CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ',User.last_name, ' ',");
And the condition within the entity controller:
$conditions["User.searchFor LIKE"] = "%".str_replace(" ","%",$this->passedArgs["searchFor"])."%";
$this->paginate = array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
'order' => array('Re.created' => 'DESC'),
'limit' => 20
From what I can read this is not possible because I cannot use virtualFields within a query of an associative model, and it says I must use it in "run time", but I really do not understand how to do that, or how to do that in this instance. Any ideas or a way I can get this to work?
You could try attaching the virtualField to the Entity model like so
$this->Entity->virtualFields['searchFor'] = $this->Entity->User->virtualFields['searchFor'];
But you have to make sure that a join is done and not 2 queries.
I believe its discussed in the book.
Edit: Book page
For this purpose I needed to do a search on a concatinated string from an associated model. Normally this can be done using Virtualfields in cake, but cake does not support using a virtualField from an associated model in the search.
Seeing that the 2 models were already linked with the belongsTo, I merely changed the condition to:
"conditions" => "CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ',User.last_name, ' ', LIKE" => "%".str_replace(" ","%",$this->passedArgs["searchFor"])."%"
Probably not the most elegant solution, but it works.

Using HtmlHelper on Model to insert links in returned errors

I'm working with CakePHP and trying to understand the best ways to make my application consistent and logical.
Now I'm trying to working with Model data validation and handling validation errors in the view, I have a doubt on how should I do if I like to insert some link inside the returned error, for example for a forgotten password.
Is it good to use (if it's possibile) HtmlHelper inside the Model to return consistent links inside my application, or should I think about another way?
App::import('Helper', 'Html');
class User extends AppModel {
var $name = 'User';
var $validate = array (
'email' => array (
'checkEmail' => array (
'rule' => array('email', true),
'message' => 'Email not valid message.'
'checkUnique' => array (
'rule' => 'isUnique',
'message' => 'This email is allready in the db, if you forgot the password, '.(string)$this->Html->link('click here', array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'password-recover')).'.'
// the rest of the code...
This doesn't work because it seems I can't chain the message string with HTML string.
Does exist e smartest way to do that, or should I simply insert the html string without the HtmlHelper?
If you really want HTML in your validation messages CakePHP provides a way to do this, no breaking Cake, no writing a lot of code.
In your $validation just use whatever HTML you would like to have presented to the user.
In your view when you create your FormHelper::input($fieldName, array $options) pass the following array to $options:
$options = array('error' => array(
'attributes' => array('escape' => false)
See this page to learn more about the $options['error'] ...options.
Alternatively, if you want all inputs with no HTML escaping you can pass $options['inputDefaults'] when you create the form.
this is a difficult topic because
you might need to break MVC
validation is as in your case usually in $validate and cannot contain dynamic stuff
for 1)
you can also use Router::url() with manual HTML
you can use BBcode or pseudo-markup and translate this into real links in the view/element of the flashmessage
for 2)
use __construct() and $this->validate to use dynamic elements if needed
In PHP, properties of a class (such as $validate) have to be initialized with constant values.
class User extends AppModel {
public $validate = array(
'email' => array(
'checkUnique' => array(
'rule' => array('isUnique'),
'message' => 'This email address has already been claimed, possibly by you. If this is your email address, use the reset password facility to regain access to your account'
public function beforeValidate($options = array()) {
$this->validate['email']['checkUnique']['message'] = String::insert(
array('link' => Router::url(array('action' => 'password-recover')))
return true;
You are making it hard on yourself. The helpers are not accessible in the model and controller. And for good reason: the M and C shouldn't be concerned with the V.
There are ways to do exactly as you want (but involves considerably more code). Since you ask for the smartest way: What's wrong with just echo the reset password link in the view, after the login form? Just echo 'Forgot your password? '.$this->Html->link('Click here', array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'password-recover'));
I don't agree on breaking the MVC logic. I also tried all the array('escape' => false) possible ways (in Form->input, in Form->error and even in the model) and none of them worked with me! (cakephp 2.0)
"Anh Pham" answer is the easiest and simplest way. In addition to that, I returned empty error message from model validation ('errorMessage' => false ; doesn't work in cakePhp 2.0).
Because I wanted to pass a variable to the view to build the link there (MVC), in the controller I check if the field is invalidated:
$invlaidFields = array_keys($this->Model->validationErrors();
if ( in_array('myField', $invalidFields) ){
In the view, I check if the field was invalidated, I then echo my error message giving it class error-message so it looks the same as the rest error messages.
if ($this->Form->('myFields')) { ... echo '<span class="error-message">error message'. $this->Html->link(...).'</span>'; }
Hope it helps somebody out there.
P.S. It's always a good practice to mention what cakePHP version you are using...
To cakephp2 you can use the following:
//model validation
'company' => array('notempty' => array('rule' => array('notempty'),'message' => "select one company o send email to contact",),)
<?php if ($this->Form->isFieldError('')): ?>
<span class="text-danger"><?php echo $this->Form->error('', null, array('escape'=>false)); ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>

CakePHP using saveAll: How do I save extra data with the HABTM link record?

I have been able to use CakePHP's saveAll method to simultaneously create 'Members' and enroll them in an 'Event' (creating the HABTM link record), which is awesome. For example, this code creates two new 'Members' and adds a record for each of them to the 'EventsMember' table, enrolling them 'Event' 10:
$data = array(
'0' => array(
'Member' => array('email' => ''),
'Event' => array('id' => 10)
'1' => array(
'Member' => array('email' => ''),
'Event' => array('id' => 10)
However, the record in the 'EventsMember' table also has a field called 'role' that holds something like "Presenter" or "Host" or "Attendee" and I would like to save that data when I create the relationship. I tried this and it does not work (the 'EventsMember' 'role' field is always blank):
$data = array(
'0' => array(
'Member' => array('email' => ''),
'Event' => array('id' => 10),
'EventsMember' => array('role' => 'Host')
'1' => array(
'Member' => array('email' => ''),
'Event' => array('id' => 10),
'EventsMember' => array('role' => 'Attendee')
I'm wondering if this is even possible, and if maybe I have to use some kind of callback like beforeSave or afterSave to get this done? I've read that there are some problems with these callbacks when using saveAll, so I'm looking for any tips on what would be the best practice here.
EDIT: I took Adam's advice and made the following changes to my models:
// Event.php
var $hasMany = array('EventsMember');
// Member.php
var $hasMany = array('EventsMember');
// EventsMember.php
var $belongsTo = array('Event', 'Member');
Then in my controller, my code looked almost identical to my second example, except I called the saveAll() method from the EventsMember model, as described in the documentation:
$data = array(
'0' => array(
'Member' => array('email' => ''),
'Event' => array('id' => 10),
'EventsMember' => array('role' => 'Host')
'1' => array(
'Member' => array('email' => ''),
'Event' => array('id' => 10),
'EventsMember' => array('role' => 'Attendee')
The result was no Member or EventsMember records were saved at all. I tried triggering the save from the Member model ($this->Member->saveAll($data);) and this saved the Member records, but not the joining EventsMember records.
I tried removing the pre-existing HABTM associations, and it made no difference. The beforeSave method of the EventsMember model is getting triggered when I call $this->EventsMember->saveAll($data); but it looks like it won't actually save anything.
I'm stymied.
UPDATE: It turns out that no records were created because the joining records were all being created with Event ids and Member ids of 0, which goes against a unique key I have on those two fields combined (that is, no Member can enroll in an Event twice).
Does this suggest that the join model saveAll functionality is not working as documented, since the Member record isn't getting created (meaning there is no Member id to use in the joining record), and the existing Event id is not being passed to the joining EventsMember record either?
VERDICT: I changed the controller to loop on each record and attempt to $this->EventsMember->saveAll($data) for each index of the array, instead of passing the entire array at once. It worked, but was significantly slower than my first example (at the very top). Mind you, I am using transactions, so perhaps using the atomic => false; option would speed things up, while still allowing me to recover from any invalid records.
Bottom line, if you need to save extra data in join table records, you have to process them one at a time. If not, use the method at the top for the best performance.
You can use The Join Model in this case.
