Odd WinForm behavior after introduction of WPF control - wpf

I recently introduced a WPF control to my VB.net WinForms application. The control looks good and works great. However, depending on which environment I run the application, I will get different behavior. The two machines that differ are both running Windows 8.1 with the default theme.
I have read a few questions about adding proper theme settings and I don't believe that is the issue.
In the environment that is incorrect I have observed the following behavior:
Upon loading the form containing the WPF control, the calling form will resize and move around the screen
Controls contained within the form that also contains the WPF control will often "ghost" upon resizing the application
Both the calling form and the form containing the WPF control shrank upon loading the containing form. By shrank I mean window size, control size of all controls, font size, etc...
I'm wondering if the application was built against one version of the library and the DLL versions differ on the deployment environments. But I'm not sure how to look for this.
Has anyone encountered this before?

I found the problem.
This was the result of DPI scaling. The application was acting out anytime the DPI settings were set to anything other than 100%. WPF controls scale differently from Winform controls causing the strange behavior. The following stackoverflow Q/A explains how to remove the DPI dependency
Disable DPI awareness for WPF application


A window with no taskbar icon, no appearance in Alt-Tab and *without* using the ToolWindow extended style

I have a problem that appears to be new to Windows 10.
I want to create a form that is visible to the user, but with no task bar icon and that does not appear in Alt+Tab.
This is perfectly doable if one is happy to sacrifice the normal styling of a window by following the accepted solutions here for either WPF or Windows Forms.
The general advice for both WPF and Windows Forms is:
Set ShowInTaskbar to false
Enable the ToolWindow styling (either through setting the border style in WinForms or the WindowStyle in WPF)
However, this has a new, practical problem in Windows 10 when using Virtual Desktops: the moment you do the above, the WPF or WinForms window will appear in every virtual desktop. See my example application with a red background:
This affects both the Task View switching screen and the actual desktop itself. No matter where you go, the form is there!
Is there any way to show a form - or even just a bitmap - on Windows without anything appearing in the taskbar, without anything appearing in Alt+Tab and without duplicating the window on every virtual desktop?
I have spent two days researching every possible option, trying every example online, reading MSDN documentation on window styles etc. but all resort to the same method, either through P/Invoke calls or directly, but either way the result is the same.

When using the WinForms designer, do I always need to have DPI set to 96?

With my current monitor I prefer a DPI setting of 120 pixels per inch (which windows suggests as the default). However, after designing a form, it often lays out incorrectly on systems that don't use 120 pixels per inch.
I'm wondering, is it necessary that I should set my display settings to 96 pixels per inch for whenever I use the designer?
Also, there are some problems when other developers have different DPIs. They open a form in the designer and move something like a text edit control, and suddenly find that it automatically resizes itself too. Then, there's one control that's a different size to the others and we're in a mess.
P.S. I've read related posts. They're all interesting, but didn't answer my question.
How to control the font DPI in .NET WinForms app
C# WinForms disable DPI scaling
WinForms Different DPI Layouts
DPI not scaling properly
Visual Studio and DPI issue
No. You don't need to always have the DPI set to 96 when using the WinForms designer.
If you set the AutoScaleMode property to Dpi then the designer will write the current system DPI into the designer.cs file in the AutoScaleDimensions property for the form. When the designer is used on a system with a different DPI, this information will be used to rescale the form and the designer can be used at a different DPI.
When I tried other scaling modes, this didn't seem to work well. 'None' meant that controls wouldn't scale at runtime, 'Font' seemed to suffer from rounding errors and when the display settings DPI changed, the control sizes could change slightly causing errors.
I also found that for UserControls that are added to forms it is best to set their AutoScaleMode to Inherit. If you use Dpi, then the controls on it get re-scaled twice and will end up being laid out incorrectly.
I came up with the guidelines above after a few hours of experimentation and internet searching where I found the following two articles:
Automatic scaling in Windows Forms
Child controls on a UserControl may get clipped in a system with a lower Font Dpi
I don't think setting your dpi to a different value permanently will help you. The problem is that there are problems when you change the dpi, i.e. the form layout you have isn't able to deal with different dpi's.
I don't have an absolute solution for you, except that you should test with different dpis and see if it produces problems with the form display. It isn't hard to work out what causes problems and you'll learn what to avoid fairly quickly.

Winforms Richtextbox not properly rendered in WPF project

I have a very strange issue in my WPF project. The main window contains several wpf controls and winforms RichTextbox(don't ask me why) within WindowsFormsHost element.
Richtextbox contains text. In some cases Richtextbox is not properly rendered when loading window (the right part is white like somebody uses erase tool and clears a rectangle).
This situation is not so common (~20 users / 30 000) and it probably depends on hw. It occurs on XP machines. I have tried to force sw rendering, but it didn't help.
Application is built in .net 3.5 SP1.
Any idea?
The problem was caused by user's unusuall dpi settings in Window. Strange, but with normal values, it works

Controls available on WPF tab are not getting displayed

I am new to WPF and facing some wierd issue. I have designed a screen having a tab control. Tab control has two tabs and each tab item has few controls on it.
The issue is; When I open same solution from different machine I am not able to navigate between these two tabs in design time but on machine (on which I have designed screen) it works perfectly fine and allows me to view controls on both tabs.
So my question is; do I need to explicitely intall any plug-in to view the controls available on tab controls or is there any setting needs to be done for same.
Only an idea: Check the .net framework-versions of the different machines. Maybe you use a control that is not available with the installed framework version. For example if you have on your machine 3.5Sp1 and on the other machines only 3.5. This can lead to such effects.

Is there a WPF equaivalent to System.Windows.Forms.Screen?

I'm trying to create a WPF window that will encompass the entire Desktop working area. In WinForms I'd do this by getting the Union of all the bounds in System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens.
Is there an equivalent type or other mechanism to get the bounds of the entire desktop in WPF or do I need to use the WinForms type?
Try SystemParameters.VirtualScreen* (Top, Left, Height, and Width) properties. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.systemparameters.virtualscreenheight(v=VS.100).aspx
Don't use winforms api because it doesn't take into account the fact that WPF's measurement units are not pixels. I came across this issue just recently because I'm losing my vision and have my monitor set to a higher dpi. The codebase I was working on used the Winforms Settings and the UI was larger than my screen.
If you're going to use the winforms api. Look at this blog post on calculating the DPI factor.
I have successfully used WpfScreenHelper, currently on Github or Nuget,
It does what the .NET framework should have done so many years ago.
I needed to check if some coordinates exist on any screen in WPF, as in these:
Very germane: Determine if an open WPF window is visible on any monitor
Forms-only and inadequate WPF suggestions: Determining if a form is completely off screen
Just use WinForms. I do not think there is a direct WPF equivalent.
You could try SystemParameters.VirtualScreenWidth and associated parameters. That might not provide as good as a result as continuing with the WinForms API.
The only downside I can see with the WinForms type is an extra dependency and the larger working set related to that.
