Drupal Domain Access module Settings Tab White Screen of Death WSOD - drupal-7

In the Drupal 7.x project I'm developing, I'm using Domain Access module.
Somehow, when I try to access the Settings tab (admin/structure/domain/settings) I get a WSOD.
[Wed May 07 11:20:08 2014] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function object_log() in /var/www/MYDRUPALPROJECT/sites/all/modules/custom/domain_bonus/domain_bonus_login_restrict/domain_bonus_login_restrict.module on line 55, referer: http:// MYDRUPALPROJECT/en/admin/structure/domain
Content from the file in question:
*Implements hook_form_alter().
function domain_bonus_login_restrict_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
switch ($form_id) {
// Provide option to enable / disable restriction on domain settings form.
case 'domain_configure_form':
(LINE 55:) object_log('form_id ' . time(), $form_id);
This custom module is a copy of the contrib module with just some simple modifications that don't involve the line in question.
Anyone have any idea what can be the cause of this?
Should I share any other relevant information to help you understand this?
Thank you!

The problem was that the contrib module Domain Bonus: Login Restrict comes with the following lines of code:
object_log('form_id ' . time(), $form_id);
object_log('form_state ' . time(), $form_state);
object_log('form ' . time(), $form);
Those lines are used to debbug, probably during the module development.
object_log() function is a function from the object log module that can be used to debbug, more specifically to check variables value in a specific part of the code.
Since in the module .info file isn't defined that the Domain Bonus: Login Restrict module depends on the Object Log module, the Object Log module wasn't even installed in our project... In that conditions when reading that line, Drupal crashes.
So, for this function to work Object Log module needs to be installed, this module needs Devel module to work. Or simply just comment or delete those lines.


Android Manifest merger error in Codename One

In a bare bones project, I added these build hints:
android.gradleDep=compile 'com.erikagtierrez.multiple_media_picker:multiple-media-picker:1.0.5'
I would like to import the following Android library to make a CN1Lib (that requires at least Android SDK 23):
To be short: I spent one day trying to import that, I also experimented with Android Studio and with suggestions found on Stack Overflow (trying to make a custom .aar), without success.
Could you help me to import that library? There is manifest merger error.
In fact, the issue reported by the build server is:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':processReleaseManifest'.
> Manifest merger failed : Attribute application#label value=(BareBones) from AndroidManifest.xml:15:17-42
is also present at [com.erikagtierrez.multiple_media_picker:multiple-media-picker:1.0.5] AndroidManifest.xml:23:9-41 value=(#string/app_name).
Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:label"' to <application> element at AndroidManifest.xml:15:3-43:103 to override.
I also tried to add the build hint:
as suggested by the previous error, without success.
In the last case, I get:
Merging result: ERROR
/tmp/build1659178556337293135xxx/Test/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:15:3-43:103 Error:
tools:replace specified at line:15 for attribute android:label, but no new value specified
/tmp/build1659178556337293135xxx/Test/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml Error:
Validation failed, exiting
-- Merging decision tree log ---
The last full log is here: https://gist.github.com/jsfan3/dd6c23f86a2ac949f996910c8cece62b
Thank you
This is happening because our code things you injected android:label on your own and doesn't inject it to avoid collision...
Change the code to this:
android.xapplication_attr=tools:replace="android:label" android:label="App Name"

error ReferenceError: System is not defined file:///E:/PetsDemoAj/index.html Line 17

I am new in angular JS2 and tried this sample project provided in the given link http://embed.plnkr.co/eBv3hZZSk9Tx3joykvSQ/ I have tried this example , and getting error ReferenceError: System is not defined file:///E:/PetsDemoAj/index.html Line 17,in console; PetsDemoAj is my project name. Thanks in adavance
Its about your systemjs.config.js file, you need to declare 'System', because compilator doesnt recognize this, add this line upon line where System is called:
declare var System: any;
this should fix the problem

Can't Get GAE + GWT + Objectify to Work

As the title says, I'm trying to create a GAE + GWT project using Objectify but I can't even get it off the ground. I'm sure I'm missing something simple but doesn't seem to be working.
Here is what I've done so far:
Create a new project and added guava-17.0.jar, guava-gwt-17.0.jar, objectify-5.0.3.jar, and objectify-gwt-1.1jar to my WEB-INF\lib folder. These are all the latest versions of these jars.
Run the application. Send a simple RPC command, server responds, and client successfully receives response (onSuccess() is called).
Add the line <inherits name="com.googlecode.objectify.Objectify" /> to my gwt.xml file per Objectify-GWT's website which is supposed to enable Objectify in GWT.
Run the application. The application starts, same RPC command is sent, server receives and responds, but the client says the command was a failure (onFailure() is called).
I am using the boiler-plate code that is pre-populated when first create a new web application. For reference, here is the RPC command:
private void sendNameToServer() {
// First, we validate the input.
String textToServer = nameField.getText();
if (!FieldVerifier.isValidName(textToServer)) {
errorLabel.setText("Please enter at least four characters");
// Then, we send the input to the server.
new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// Show the RPC error message to the user
.setText("Remote Procedure Call - Failure");
public void onSuccess(String result) {
dialogBox.setText("Remote Procedure Call");
This is the error I receive after I try to make the RPC call:
[DEBUG] [my_app] - Validating units:
[INFO] [my_app] - Module my_app has been loaded
[ERROR] [my_app] - Errors in 'com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/SourceOrigin.java'
[ERROR] [my_app] - Line 77: The method synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<SourceOrigin,SourceOrigin>(){}) is undefined for the type Collections
[ERROR] [my_app] - Errors in 'com/google/gwt/dev/util/StringInterner.java'
[ERROR] [my_app] - Line 29: No source code is available for type com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Interner<E>; did you forget to inherit a required module?
[ERROR] [my_app] - Line 29: No source code is available for type com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Interners; did you forget to inherit a required module?
To me it looks like Objectify is interfering with GWT. I know they're supposed to work together so not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any advice would be appreciated.
Use objectify-gwt 1.2. It's possible that 1.1 has some issues from merging a bad PR.
You can see a sample application that uses objectify-gwt to pass a GeoPt back and forth from the client here: https://github.com/stickfigure/objectify-gwt-test
You should use objectify on the server side before trying to do this kind of stuff. Objectify is a server side peristence technology. Call it in your server code
add try catch in your service methods and print the stack trace of the exception on your server console, if you receive onFailure() on GWT that means there is a failure on the server side. You have to find what is that failure.
Now the second part is an advice:
<inherits name="com.googlecode.objectify.Objectify" />
Is a weired line for me. GWT doesn't have to know about your persistence layer.
Unless it's a revolutionary concept, I would recommend you d'ont use this type of technology that removes your hand from the controle of your db access...

How can I get AppEngine to log info level only for my app?

So I've tried configuring AppEngine logging according to this guide, ensuring I've configured the logging.properties file to be used in web.xml. I've configured logging.properties the following way:
.level = WARNING
nilsnett.chinese.backend.level = INFO
The package name of my logging wrapper is nilsnett.chinese.backend. The problem is that even with this configuration, info-level log output from my app is filtered. Evidence:
I've also tried the following config, which yielded the same result (including the logger class name at the end of the package name):
.level = WARNING
nilsnett.chinese.backend.JavaUtilLogger.level = INFO
To demonstrate that the logging.properties-file is actually read, and that I actually do write info-level logging data to app-engine in this service call, let me show you what happens when I set.level=INFO:
So my desired result is to have INFO and higher-level log outputs from my packages, while other packages, like org.datanucleus, only shows output if WARNING or more severe. In the example above, I want only the two lines marked with the purple star. Am I doing anything wrong?
change your config to:
.level = WARNING
# Set the default logging level for the datanucleus loggers
# FinalizableReferenceQueue tries to spin up a thread and fails. This
# is inconsequential, so don't scare the user.
this is are coming from logging config template, so to set datanucleus to warning you have todo like in this template.
and then just add your own logging config:
nilsnett.chinese.backend.level = INFO
this should solve it

CakePHP 2.1 new install Missing Controller Error

I am completely new to CakePHP and installed 2.1. I am getting this error:
Missing Controller
Error: Index.phpController could not be found.
Error: Create the class Index.phpController below in file: app\Controller\Index.phpController.php
class Index.phpController extends AppController {
Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\View\Errors\missing_controller.ctp
Stack Trace
APP\webroot\index.php line 96 → Dispatcher->dispatch(CakeRequest, CakeResponse)
ROOT\index.php line 40 → require(string)
I followed their guide at http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/installation/advanced-installation.html and tried everything it stated:
I enabled mod_rewrites (they were already enabled from something else)
I have all the .htaccess files in the directories
I have cake installed under my document root so I access it at localhost/cakephp/index.php
I do not know where to proceed from here. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Update: I just re-read your question and realized you're loading http://localhost/cakephp/index.php. Don't do that. Since you appended "index.php", it is trying to load a controller called "index.php" and the action "index" for that controller. Resulting mapped path to the "index.php controller" is app\Controller\Index.phpController.php.
Since you have the rewrites enabled, browse to http://localhost/cakephp without appending any filename.
Original answer:
Assuming you're using Apache, double-check the .htaccess in your /app/webroot directory. It should include the following:
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [QSA,L]
Based on your error, it doesn't look like it's properly appending the path after your index.php file.
If you are using cakephp 2.0 or greater than rename the controller file name as the class name.
ie TaskController.php
class TasksController extends AppController {
--Your code inside class
I hope this will help you
the easiest solution is to stick to the "live environment" as close as possible.
this means using vhosts to use a "domain" and correctly root down to your webroot dir:
this leaves almost no room for error and also helps with other potential problems like "absolutely linked asset files" etc
