Hex remove leading digits - c

When you do something like 0x01AE1 - 0x01AEA = fffffff7. I only want the last 3 digits. So I used the modulus trick to remove the extra digits. The displacement gets filled with hex values.
int extra_crap = 0;
int extra_crap1 = 0;
int displacement = 0;
int val1 = 0;
int val2 = 0;
displacement val1 - val2;
extra_crap = displacement % 0x100;
extra_crap1 = displacement % 256;
printf(" extra_crap is %x \n", extra_crap);
printf(" extra_crap1 is %x \n", extra_crap1);
Unfortunately this is having no effect at all. Is there another way to remove all but the last 3 digits?

'Unfortunately this is having no effect at all.'
That's probably because you do your calculations on signed int. Try casting the value to unsigned, or simply forget the remainder operator % and use bitwise masking:
displacement & 0xFF;
displacement & 255;
for two hex digits or
displacement & 0xFFF;
displacement & 4095;
for three digits.
EDIT – some explanation
A detailed answer would be quite long... You need to learn about data types used in C (esp. int and unsigned int, which are two of most used Integral types), the range of values that can be represented in those types and their internal representation in Two's complement code. Also about Integer overflow and Hexadecimal system.
Then you will easily get what happened to your data: subtracting 0x01AE1 - 0x01AEA, that is 6881 - 6890, gave the result of -9, which in 32-bit signed integer encoded with 2's complement and printed in hexadecimal is FFFFFFF7. That MINUS NINE divided by 256 gave a quotient ZERO and Remainder MINUS NINE, so the remainder operator % gave you a precise and correct result. What you call 'no effect at all' is just a result of your lack of understanding what you were actually doing.
My answer above (variant 1) is not any kind of magic, but just a way to enforce calculation on positive numbers. Casting values to unsigned type makes the program to interpret 0xFFFFFFF7 as 4294967287, which divided by 265 (0x100 in hex) results in quotient 16777215 (0xFFFFFF) and remainder 247 (0xF7). Variant 2 does no division at all and just 'masks' those necessary bits: numbers 255 and 4095 contain 8 and 12 low-order bits equal 1 (in hexadecimal 0xFF and 0xFFF, respectively), so bitwise AND does exactly what you want: removes the higher part of the value, leaving just the required two or three low-order hex dgits.


Extract k bits from any side of hex notation

int X = 0x1234ABCD;
int Y = 0xcdba4321;
// a) print the lower 10 bits of X in hex notation
int output1 = X & 0xFF;
printf("%X\n", output1);
// b) print the upper 12 bits of Y in hex notation
int output2 = Y >> 20;
printf("%X\n", output2);
I want to print the lower 10 bits of X in hex notation; since each character in hex is 4 bits, FF = 8 bits, would it be right to & with 0x2FF to get the lower 10 bits in hex notation.
Also, would shifting right by 20 drop all 20 bits at the end, and keep the upper 12 bits only?
I want to print the lower 10 bits of X in hex notation; since each character in hex is 4 bits, FF = 8 bits, would it be right to & with 0x2FF to get the lower 10 bits in hex notation.
No, that would be incorrect. You'd want to use 0x3FF to get the low 10 bits. (0x2FF in binary is: 1011111111). If you're a little uncertain with hex values, an easier way to do that these days is via binary constants instead, e.g.
// mask lowest ten bits in hex
int output1 = X & 0x3FF;
// mask lowest ten bits in binary
int output1 = X & 0b1111111111;
Also, would shifting right by 20 drop all 20 bits at the end, and keep the upper 12 bits only?
In the case of LEFT shift, zeros will be shifted in from the right, and the higher bits will be dropped.
In the case of RIGHT shift, it depends on the sign of the data type you are shifting.
// unsigned right shift
unsigned U = 0x80000000;
U = U >> 20;
printf("%x\n", U); // prints: 800
// signed right shift
int S = 0x80000000;
S = S >> 20;
printf("%x\n", S); // prints: fffff800
Signed right-shift typically shifts the highest bit in from the left. Unsigned right-shift always shifts in zero.
As an aside: IIRC the C standard is a little vague wrt to signed integer shifts. I believe it is theoretically possible to have a hardware platform that shifts in zeros for signed right shift (i.e. micro-controllers). Most of your typical platforms (Intel/Arm) will shift in the highest bit though.
Assuming 32 bit int, then you have the following problems:
0xcdba4321 is too large to fit inside an int. The hex constant itself will actually be unsigned int in this specific case, because of an oddball type rule in C. From there you force an implicit conversion to int, likely ending up with a negative number.
Y >> 20 right shifts a negative number, which is non-portable behavior. It can either shift in ones (arithmetic shift) or zeroes (logical shift), depending on compiler. Whereas right shifting unsigned types is well-defined and always results in logical shift.
& 0xFF masks out 8 bits, not 10.
%X expects an unsigned int, not an int.
The root of all your problems is "sloppy typing" - that is, writing int all over the place when you actually need a more suitable type. You should start using the portable types from stdint.h instead, in this case uint32_t. Also make a habit of always ending you hex constants with a u or U suffix.
A fixed program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main (void)
uint32_t X = 0x1234ABCDu;
uint32_t Y = 0xcdba4321u;
printf("%X\n", X & 0x3FFu);
printf("%X\n", Y >> (32-12));
The 0x3FFu mask can also be written as ( (1u<<10) - 1).
(Strictly speaking you need to printf the stdint.h types using specifiers from inttypes.h but lets not confuse the answer by introducing those at the same time.)
Lots of high-value answers to this question.
Here's more info that might spark curiosity...
int main() {
uint32_t X;
X = 0x1234ABCDu; // your first hex number
printf( "%X\n", X );
X &= ((1u<<12)-1)<<20; // mask 12 bits, shifting mask left
printf( "%X\n", X );
X = 0x1234ABCDu; // your first hex number
X &= ~0u^(~0u>>12);
printf( "%X\n", X );
X = 0x0234ABCDu; // Note leading 0 printed in two styles
printf( "%X %08X\n", X, X );
return 0;
234ABCD 0234ABCD
print the upper 12 bits of Y in hex notation
To handle this when the width of int is not known, first determine the width with code like sizeof(unsigned)*CHAR_BIT. (C specifies it must be at least 16-bit.)
Best to use unsigned or mask the shifted result with an unsigned.
#include <limits.h>
int output2 = Y;
printf("%X\n", (unsigned) output2 >> (sizeof(unsigned)*CHAR_BIT - 12));
// or
printf("%X\n", (output2 >> (sizeof output2 * CHAR_BIT - 12)) & 0x3FFu);
Rare non-2's complement encoded int needs additional code - not shown.
Very rare padded int needs other bit width detection - not shown.

Convert integer in a new floating point format

This code is intended to convert a signed 16-bit integer to a new floating point format (similar to the normal IEEE 754 floating point format). I unterstand the regular IEEE 754 floating point format, but i don't understand how this code works and how this floating point format looks like. I would be grateful for some insights into what the idea of the code is respectively how many bits are used for representing the significand and how many bits are used for representing the exponent in this new format.
#include <stdint.h>
uint32_t short2fp (int16_t inp)
int x, f, i;
if (inp == 0)
return 0;
else if (inp < 0)
i = -inp;
x = 191;
i = inp;
x = 63;
for (f = i; f > 1; f >>= 1)
for (f = i; f < 0x8000; f <<= 1);
return (x * 0x8000 + f - 0x8000);
This couple of tricks should help you recognize the parameters (exponent's size and mantissa's size) of a custom floating-point format:
First of all, how many bits is this float number long?
We know that the sign bit is the highest bit set in any negative float number. If we calculate short2fp(-1) we obtain 0b10111111000000000000000, that is a 23-bit number. Therefore, this custom float format is a 23-bit float.
If we want to know the exponent's and mantissa's sizes, we can convert the number 3, because this will set both the highest exponent's bit and the highest mantissa's bit. If we do short2fp(3), we obtain 0b01000000100000000000000, and if we split this number we get 0 1000000 100000000000000: the first bit is the sign, then we have 7 bits of exponent, and finally 15 bits of mantissa.
Float format size: 23 bits
Exponent size: 7 bits
Mantissa size: 15 bits
NOTE: this conclusion may be wrong for a different number of reasons (e.g.: float format particularly different from IEEE754 ones, short2fp() function not working properly, too much coffee this morning, etc.), but in general this works for every binary floating-point format defined by IEEE754 (binary16, binary32, binary64, etc.) so I'm confident this works for your custom float format too.
P.S.: the short2fp() function is written very poorly, you may try improve its clearness if you want to investigate the inner workings of the function.
The two statements x = 191; and x = 63; set x to either 1•128 + 63 or 0•128 + 63, according to whether the number is negative or positive. Therefore 128 (27) has the sign bit at this point. As x is later multiplied by 0x8000 (215), the sign bit is 222 in the result.
These statements also initialize the exponent to 0, which is encoded as 63 due to a bias of 63. This follows the IEEE-754 pattern of using a bias of 2n−1−1 for an exponent field of n bits. (The “single” format has eight exponent bits and a bias of 27−1 = 127, and the “double” format has 11 exponent bits and a bias of 210−1 = 1023.) Thus we expect an exponent field of 7 bits, with bias 26−1 = 63.
This loop:
for (f = i; f > 1; f >>= 1)
detects the magnitude of i (the absolute value of the input), adding one to the exponent for each power of two that f is detected to exceed. For example, if the input is 4, 5, 6, or 7, the loop executes two times, adding two to x and reducing f to 1, at which point the loop stops. This confirms the exponent bias; if i is 1, x is left as is, so the initial value of 63 corresponds to an exponent of 0 and a represented value of 20 = 1.
The loop for (f = i; f < 0x8000; f <<= 1); scales f in the opposite direction, moving its leading bit to be in the 0x8000 position.
In return (x * 0x8000 + f - 0x8000);, x * 0x8000 moves the sign bit and exponent field from their initial positions (bit 7 and bits 6 to 0) to their final positions (bit 22 and bits 21 to 15). f - 0x8000 removes the leading bit from f, giving the trailing bits of the significand. This is then added to the final value, forming the primary encoding of the significand in bits 14 to 0.
Thus the format has the sign bit in bit 22, exponent bits in bits 21 to 15 with a bias of 63, and the trailing significand bits in bits 14 to 0.
The format could encode subnormal numbers, infinities, and NaNs in the usual way, but this is not discernible from the code shown, as it encodes only integers in the normal range.
As a comment suggested, I would use a small number of strategically selected test cases to reverse engineer the format. The following assumes an IEEE-754-like binary floating-point format using sign-magnitude encoding with a sign bit, exponent bits, and significand (mantissa) bits.
short2fp (1) = 001f8000 while short2fp (-1) = 005f8000. The exclusive OR of these is 0x00400000 which means the sign bit is in bit 22 and this floating-point format comprises 23 bits.
short2fp (1) = 001f8000, short2fp (2) = 00200000, and short2fp (4) = 00208000. The difference between consecutive values is 0x00008000 so the least significant bit of the exponent field is bit 15, the exponent field comprises 7 bits, and the exponent is biased by (0x001f8000 >> 15) = 0x3F = 63.
This leaves the least significant 15 bits for the significand. We can see from short2fp (2) = 00200000 that the integer bit of the significand (mantissa) is not stored, that is, it is implicit as in IEEE-754 formats like binary32 or binary64.

How is float to int type conversion done in C? [duplicate]

I was wondering if you could help explain the process on converting an integer to float, or a float to an integer. For my class, we are to do this using only bitwise operators, but I think a firm understanding on the casting from type to type will help me more in this stage.
From what I know so far, for int to float, you will have to convert the integer into binary, normalize the value of the integer by finding the significand, exponent, and fraction, and then output the value in float from there?
As for float to int, you will have to separate the value into the significand, exponent, and fraction, and then reverse the instructions above to get an int value?
I tried to follow the instructions from this question: Casting float to int (bitwise) in C.
But I was not really able to understand it.
Also, could someone explain why rounding will be necessary for values greater than 23 bits when converting int to float?
First, a paper you should consider reading, if you want to understand floating point foibles better: "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic," http://www.validlab.com/goldberg/paper.pdf
And now to some meat.
The following code is bare bones, and attempts to produce an IEEE-754 single precision float from an unsigned int in the range 0 < value < 224. That's the format you're most likely to encounter on modern hardware, and it's the format you seem to reference in your original question.
IEEE-754 single-precision floats are divided into three fields: A single sign bit, 8 bits of exponent, and 23 bits of significand (sometimes called a mantissa). IEEE-754 uses a hidden 1 significand, meaning that the significand is actually 24 bits total. The bits are packed left to right, with the sign bit in bit 31, exponent in bits 30 .. 23, and the significand in bits 22 .. 0. The following diagram from Wikipedia illustrates:
The exponent has a bias of 127, meaning that the actual exponent associated with the floating point number is 127 less than the value stored in the exponent field. An exponent of 0 therefore would be encoded as 127.
(Note: The full Wikipedia article may be interesting to you. Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_precision_floating-point_format )
Therefore, the IEEE-754 number 0x40000000 is interpreted as follows:
Bit 31 = 0: Positive value
Bits 30 .. 23 = 0x80: Exponent = 128 - 127 = 1 (aka. 21)
Bits 22 .. 0 are all 0: Significand = 1.00000000_00000000_0000000. (Note I restored the hidden 1).
So the value is 1.0 x 21 = 2.0.
To convert an unsigned int in the limited range given above, then, to something in IEEE-754 format, you might use a function like the one below. It takes the following steps:
Aligns the leading 1 of the integer to the position of the hidden 1 in the floating point representation.
While aligning the integer, records the total number of shifts made.
Masks away the hidden 1.
Using the number of shifts made, computes the exponent and appends it to the number.
Using reinterpret_cast, converts the resulting bit-pattern to a float. This part is an ugly hack, because it uses a type-punned pointer. You could also do this by abusing a union. Some platforms provide an intrinsic operation (such as _itof) to make this reinterpretation less ugly.
There are much faster ways to do this; this one is meant to be pedagogically useful, if not super efficient:
float uint_to_float(unsigned int significand)
// Only support 0 < significand < 1 << 24.
if (significand == 0 || significand >= 1 << 24)
return -1.0; // or abort(); or whatever you'd like here.
int shifts = 0;
// Align the leading 1 of the significand to the hidden-1
// position. Count the number of shifts required.
while ((significand & (1 << 23)) == 0)
significand <<= 1;
// The number 1.0 has an exponent of 0, and would need to be
// shifted left 23 times. The number 2.0, however, has an
// exponent of 1 and needs to be shifted left only 22 times.
// Therefore, the exponent should be (23 - shifts). IEEE-754
// format requires a bias of 127, though, so the exponent field
// is given by the following expression:
unsigned int exponent = 127 + 23 - shifts;
// Now merge significand and exponent. Be sure to strip away
// the hidden 1 in the significand.
unsigned int merged = (exponent << 23) | (significand & 0x7FFFFF);
// Reinterpret as a float and return. This is an evil hack.
return *reinterpret_cast< float* >( &merged );
You can make this process more efficient using functions that detect the leading 1 in a number. (These sometimes go by names like clz for "count leading zeros", or norm for "normalize".)
You can also extend this to signed numbers by recording the sign, taking the absolute value of the integer, performing the steps above, and then putting the sign into bit 31 of the number.
For integers >= 224, the entire integer does not fit into the significand field of the 32-bit float format. This is why you need to "round": You lose LSBs in order to make the value fit. Thus, multiple integers will end up mapping to the same floating point pattern. The exact mapping depends on the rounding mode (round toward -Inf, round toward +Inf, round toward zero, round toward nearest even). But the fact of the matter is you can't shove 24 bits into fewer than 24 bits without some loss.
You can see this in terms of the code above. It works by aligning the leading 1 to the hidden 1 position. If a value was >= 224, the code would need to shift right, not left, and that necessarily shifts LSBs away. Rounding modes just tell you how to handle the bits shifted away.
Have you checked the IEEE 754 floating-point representation?
In 32-bit normalized form, it has (mantissa's) sign bit, 8-bit exponent (excess-127, I think) and 23-bit mantissa in "decimal" except that the "0." is dropped (always in that form) and the radix is 2, not 10. That is: the MSB value is 1/2, the next bit 1/4 and so on.
Joe Z's answer is elegant but range of input values is highly limited. 32 bit float can store all integer values from the following range:
[-224...+224] = [-16777216...+16777216]
and some other values outside this range.
The whole range would be covered by this:
float int2float(int value)
// handles all values from [-2^24...2^24]
// outside this range only some integers may be represented exactly
// this method will use truncation 'rounding mode' during conversion
// we can safely reinterpret it as 0.0
if (value == 0) return 0.0;
if (value == (1U<<31)) // ie -2^31
// -(-2^31) = -2^31 so we'll not be able to handle it below - use const
// value = 0xCF000000;
return (float)INT_MIN; // *((float*)&value); is undefined behaviour
int sign = 0;
// handle negative values
if (value < 0)
sign = 1U << 31;
value = -value;
// although right shift of signed is undefined - all compilers (that I know) do
// arithmetic shift (copies sign into MSB) is what I prefer here
// hence using unsigned abs_value_copy for shift
unsigned int abs_value_copy = value;
// find leading one
int bit_num = 31;
int shift_count = 0;
for(; bit_num > 0; bit_num--)
if (abs_value_copy & (1U<<bit_num))
if (bit_num >= 23)
// need to shift right
shift_count = bit_num - 23;
abs_value_copy >>= shift_count;
// need to shift left
shift_count = 23 - bit_num;
abs_value_copy <<= shift_count;
// exponent is biased by 127
int exp = bit_num + 127;
// clear leading 1 (bit #23) (it will implicitly be there but not stored)
int coeff = abs_value_copy & ~(1<<23);
// move exp to the right place
exp <<= 23;
int rint;
float rfloat;
}ret = { sign | exp | coeff };
return ret.rfloat;
Of course there are other means to find abs value of int (branchless). Similarly couting leading zeros can also be done without a branch so treat this example as example ;-).

C Bit-Level Int to Float Conversion Unexpected Output

I am playing around with bit-level coding (this is not homework - just curious). I found a lot of good material online and in a book called Hacker's Delight, but I am having trouble with one of the online problems.
It asks to convert an integer to a float. I used the following links as reference to work through the problem:
How to manually (bitwise) perform (float)x?
How to convert an unsigned int to a float?
Problem and Question:
I thought I understood the process well enough (I tried to document the process in the comments), but when I test it, I don't understand the output.
Test Cases:
float_i2f(2) returns 1073741824
float_i2f(3) returns 1077936128
I expected to see something like 2.0000 and 3.0000.
Did I mess up the conversion somewhere? I thought maybe this was a memory address, so I was thinking maybe I missed something in the conversion step needed to access the actual number? Or maybe I am printing it incorrectly? I am printing my output like this:
printf("Float_i2f ( %d ): ", 3);
printf("%u", float_i2f(3));
But I thought that printing method was fine for unsigned values in C (I'm used to programming in Java).
Thanks for any advice.
* float_i2f - Return bit-level equivalent of expression (float) x
* Result is returned as unsigned int, but
* it is to be interpreted as the bit-level representation of a
* single-precision floating point values.
* Legal ops: Any integer/unsigned operations incl. ||, &&. also if, while
* Max ops: 30
* Rating: 4
unsigned float_i2f(int x) {
if (x == 0){
return 0;
//save the sign bit for later and get the asolute value of x
//the absolute value is needed to shift bits to put them
//into the appropriate position for the float
unsigned int signBit = 0;
unsigned int absVal = (unsigned int)x;
if (x < 0){
signBit = 0x80000000;
absVal = (unsigned int)-x;
//Calculate the exponent
// Shift the input left until the high order bit is set to form the mantissa.
// Form the floating exponent by subtracting the number of shifts from 158.
unsigned int exponent = 158; //158 possibly because of place in byte range
while ((absVal & 0x80000000) == 0){//this checks for 0 or 1. when it reaches 1, the loop breaks
absVal <<= 1;
//find the mantissa (bit shift to the right)
unsigned int mantissa = absVal >> 8;
//place the exponent bits in the right place
exponent = exponent << 23;
//get the mantissa
mantissa = mantissa & 0x7fffff;
//return the reconstructed float
return signBit | exponent | mantissa;
Continuing from the comment. Your code is correct, and you are simply looking at the equivalent unsigned integer made up by the bits in your IEEE-754 single-precision floating point number. The IEEE-754 single-precision number format (made up of the sign, extended exponent, and mantissa), can be interpreted as a float, or those same bits can be interpreted as an unsigned integer (just the number that is made up by the 32-bits). You are outputting the unsigned equivalent for the floating point number.
You can confirm with a simple union. For example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef union {
uint32_t u;
float f;
} u2f;
int main (void) {
u2f tmp = { .f = 2.0 };
printf ("\n u : %u\n f : %f\n", tmp.u, tmp.f);
return 0;
Example Usage/Output
$ ./bin/unionuf
u : 1073741824
f : 2.000000
Let me know if you have any further questions. It's good to see that your study resulted in the correct floating point conversion. (also note the second comment regarding truncation/rounding)
I'll just chime in here, because nothing specifically about endianness has been addressed. So let's talk about it.
The construction of the value in the original question was endianness-agnostic, using shifts and other bitwise operations. This means that regardless of whether your system is big- or little-endian, the actual value will be the same. The difference will be its byte order in memory.
The generally accepted convention for IEEE-754 is that the byte order is big-endian (although I believe there is no formal specification of this, and therefore no requirement on implementations to follow it). This means if you want to directly interpret your integer value as a float, it needs to be laid out in big-endian byte order.
So, you can use this approach combined with a union if and only if you know that the endianness of floats and integers on your system is the same.
On the common Intel-based architectures this is not okay. On those architectures, integers are little-endian and floats are big-endian. You need to convert your value to big-endian. A simple approach to this is to repack its bytes even if they are already big-endian:
uint32_t n = float_i2f( input_val );
uint8_t char bytes[4] = {
(uint8_t)((n >> 24) & 0xff),
(uint8_t)((n >> 16) & 0xff),
(uint8_t)((n >> 8) & 0xff),
(uint8_t)(n & 0xff)
float fval;
memcpy( &fval, bytes, sizeof(float) );
I'll stress that you only need to worry about this if you are trying to reinterpret your integer representation as a float or the other way round.
If you're only trying to output what the representation is in bits, then you don't need to worry. You can just display your integer in a useful form such as hex:
printf( "0x%08x\n", n );

How to sign extend a 9-bit value when converting from an 8-bit value?

I'm implementing a relative branching function in my simple VM.
Basically, I'm given an 8-bit relative value. I then shift this left by 1 bit to make it a 9-bit value. So, for instance, if you were to say "branch +127" this would really mean, 127 instructions, and thus would add 256 to the IP.
My current code looks like this:
uint8_t argument = 0xFF; //-1 or whatever
int16_t difference = argument << 1;
*ip += difference; //ip is a uint16_t
I don't believe difference will ever be detected as a less than 0 with this however. I'm rusty on how signed to unsigned works. Beyond that, I'm not sure the difference would be correctly be subtracted from IP in the case argument is say -1 or -2 or something.
Basically, I'm wanting something that would satisfy these "tests"
//case 1
argument = -5
difference -> -10
ip = 20 -> 10 //ip starts at 20, but becomes 10 after applying difference
//case 2
argument = 127 (must fit in a byte)
difference -> 254
ip = 20 -> 274
Hopefully that makes it a bit more clear.
Anyway, how would I do this cheaply? I saw one "solution" to a similar problem, but it involved division. I'm working with slow embedded processors (assumed to be without efficient ways to multiply and divide), so that's a pretty big thing I'd like to avoid.
To clarify: you worry that left shifting a negative 8 bit number will make it appear like a positive nine bit number? Just pad the top 9 bits with the sign bit of the initial number before left shift:
diff = 0xFF;
int16 diff16=(diff + (diff & 0x80)*0x01FE) << 1;
Now your diff16 is signed 2*diff
As was pointed out by Richard J Ross III, you can avoid the multiplication (if that's expensive on your platform) with a conditional branch:
int16 diff16 = (diff + ((diff & 0x80)?0xFF00:0))<<1;
If you are worried about things staying in range and such ("undefined behavior"), you can do
int16 diff16 = diff;
diff16 = (diff16 | ((diff16 & 0x80)?0x7F00:0))<<1;
At no point does this produce numbers that are going out of range.
The cleanest solution, though, seems to be "cast and shift":
diff16 = (signed char)diff; // recognizes and preserves the sign of diff
diff16 = (short int)((unsigned short)diff16)<<1; // left shift, preserving sign
This produces the expected result, because the compiler automatically takes care of the sign bit (so no need for the mask) in the first line; and in the second line, it does a left shift on an unsigned int (for which overflow is well defined per the standard); the final cast back to short int ensures that the number is correctly interpreted as negative. I believe that in this form the construct is never "undefined".
All of my quotes come from the C standard, section Unsigned to signed is well defined when the value is within range of the signed type:
1 When a value with integer type is converted to another integer type
other than _Bool, if the value can be represented by the new type, it
is unchanged.
Signed to unsigned is well defined:
2 Otherwise, if the new type is unsigned, the value is converted by
repeatedly adding or subtracting one more than the maximum value that
can be represented in the new type until the value is in the range of
the new type.
Unsigned to signed, when the value lies out of range isn't too well defined:
3 Otherwise, the new type is signed and the value cannot be
represented in it; either the result is implementation-defined or an
implementation-defined signal is raised.
Unfortunately, your question lies in the realm of point 3. C doesn't guarantee any implicit mechanism to convert out-of-range values, so you'll need to explicitly provide one. The first step is to decide which representation you intend to use: Ones' complement, two's complement or sign and magnitude
The representation you use will affect the translation algorithm you use. In the example below, I'll use two's complement: If the sign bit is 1 and the value bits are all 0, this corresponds to your lowest value. Your lowest value is another choice you must make: In the case of two's complement, it'd make sense to use either of INT16_MIN (-32768) or INT8_MIN (-128). In the case of the other two, it'd make sense to use INT16_MIN - 1 or INT8_MIN - 1 due to the presense of negative zeros, which should probably be translated to be indistinguishable from regular zeros. In this example, I'll use INT8_MIN, since it makes sense that (uint8_t) -1 should translate to -1 as an int16_t.
Separate the sign bit from the value bits. The value should be the absolute value, except in the case of a two's complement minimum value when sign will be 1 and the value will be 0. Of course, the sign bit can be where-ever you like it to be, though it's conventional for it to rest at the far left hand side. Hence, shifting right 7 places obtains the conventional "sign" bit:
uint8_t sign = input >> 7;
uint8_t value = input & (UINT8_MAX >> 1);
int16_t result;
If the sign bit is 1, we'll call this a negative number and add to INT8_MIN to construct the sign so we don't end up in the same conundrum we started with, or worse: undefined behaviour (which is the fate of one of the other answers).
if (sign == 1) {
result = INT8_MIN + value;
else {
result = value;
This can be shortened to:
int16_t result = (input >> 7) ? INT8_MIN + (input & (UINT8_MAX >> 1)) : input;
... or, better yet:
int16_t result = input <= INT8_MAX ? input
: INT8_MIN + (int8_t)(input % (uint8_t) INT8_MIN);
The sign test now involves checking if it's in the positive range. If it is, the value remains unchanged. Otherwise, we use addition and modulo to produce the correct negative value. This is fairly consistent with the C standard's language above. It works well for two's complement, because int16_t and int8_t are guaranteed to use a two's complement representation internally. However, types like int aren't required to use a two's complement representation internally. When converting unsigned int to int for example, there needs to be another check, so that we're treating values less than or equal to INT_MAX as positive, and values greater than or equal to (unsigned int) INT_MIN as negative. Any other values need to be handled as errors; In this case I treat them as zeros.
/* Generate some random input */
unsigned int input = rand();
for (unsigned int x = UINT_MAX / ((unsigned int) RAND_MAX + 1); x > 1; x--) {
input *= (unsigned int) RAND_MAX + 1;
input += rand();
int result = /* Handle positives: */ input <= INT_MAX ? input
: /* Handle negatives: */ input >= (unsigned int) INT_MIN ? INT_MIN + (int)(input % (unsigned int) INT_MIN)
: /* Handle errors: */ 0;
If the offset is in the 2's complement representation, then
convert this
uint8_t argument = 0xFF; //-1
int16_t difference = argument << 1;
*ip += difference;
into this:
uint8_t argument = 0xFF; //-1
int8_t signed_argument;
signed_argument = argument; // this relies on implementation-defined
// conversion of unsigned to signed, usually it's
// just a bit-wise copy on 2's complement systems
// OR
// memcpy(&signed_argument, &argument, sizeof argument);
*ip += signed_argument + signed_argument;
