Default app generated successfully but not working - extjs

I am new to Sencha Touch and Sencha Command. I downloaded the requisite tools to build a Sencha Touch app. When I use the following command in Sencha Command, the app is generated fine but when I try to access it using the browser I see only the loader.
sencha -sdk touch-2.3.1 generate app MyApp ./MyApp
When viewed on Firefox, it shows following errors in the console.
TypeError: Ext.Loader is undefined bootstrap.js: 7
TypeError: Ext.application is not a function app.js: 50
On some investigation, I found that it is looking for the above mentioned files in a directory named touch directly under http://localhost/. Whereas I have Sencha framework and my app under http://localhost/sencha/touch-2.3.1 and http://localhost/sencha/MyApp.
Some files under MyApp directory have the path mentioned to touch directory as ../../../../touch. If I copy the framework in http://localhost/touch it works fine.
Why should this happen? Shouldn't my app refer to http://localhost/sencha/touch-2.3.1 folder for dependencies?
I am using the default configuration to build a default application. Can someone guide me what I might be doing wrong?

Sencha Cmd assumes that your app runs at the root of the web server... so if you're running it from a subfolder, you might see problems like this.
You can set the correct paths manually to your resources in app.js
//at the very top, before Ext.appliction()
enabled: true,
paths: {
'Ext' : '../touch',
'My' : 'app' //or wherever
I think that should solve your problem, if I understand it correctly.


Sencha touch app remains on blue loading screen when viewing on Android device or emulator

I just created a basic sencha app by
sencha generate app --name AndroidDemo --path ../demo
and I viewed it in browser and everything is perfect.
I then followed the instructions here:
and compiled the app with Sencha Cmd and when the emulator opens I only get a blue loading screen.
I also tried compiling/building the app with phonegap on phonegap build site and the build finishes successfully and after loading the app in my andoid device, again I only see the loading page and it stays on this page and the app does not launch.
I'm completely clueless. Need your help friends.
In your app code may be miner syntax error or other error so while app run in emulator check log cat or other option run or app in chrome and check console log. Because loading screen display in case of error as my expression with this.
i'm having the exact same problem..
(currently on windows, btw)
while it's not exactly a solution,
a workaround that i did (out of desperation to see the rest of my app on the emulator):
is to just install it directly to the emulator using the "adb" command.
haven't tried this on a mac, but i'm guessing it's almost the same thing?
after building the app using "sencha" cmd, open cmd/terminal to the build directory.
-assuming you did not change the output location, the apk will be created in your
project root folder under this folder:
make sure the emulator is already running
run the following in command/terminal at the folder where the apk is located:
adb install -r MYAPPNAME.apk
wait for awhile and it should say successfully installed.
run the app in the emulator and hopefully it will go beyond the loading screen.
I don't know why this issue is happening though.
(only started tinkering with android dev/sencha yesterday and it seems to be doing all in it's power to prevent me from running my app. haha)
please share if you find the correct fix for this :)
This usually happens when you build your version and you did not imbed all needed components.
For example, when you use ...
... in your code.
While running without ...
Sencha app build xxx
... Sencha will grab the component from the touch/src components folder.
But at the time you build the app, it cannot reference to that folder any longer and Sencha will stall.
Please open the console and look out for a warning like this:
[WARN][Anonymous] [Ext.Loader] Synchronously loading 'Ext.MessageBox';
consider adding 'Ext.MessageBox' explicitly as a require of the
corresponding class
You need to add these to the requires section of either App.js or a class where you use the item (here Ext.Messagebox).
Another way to find out what is happening is to run the build code inside the browser and look into the console (so instead of localhost/myapp/index.html you run localhost/myapp/build/{package}/{myapp}/index.html).
There is one other thing that might happen. It’s the scope of async operations.
Like this:
Ext.defer(function() {this.log(‘all good’);}, 500);
this is not the scope of your class.
You need to use:
Ext.defer(function() {this.log(‘all good’);}, 500, this);
Or you might even use ...
Ext.bind() bind the scope to the function.

Generate extjs 4.2 app with sencha cmd, default theme name did not work

i use flow command :
sencha -sdk D:\dev\ext\ext- generate app -t ext-theme-neptune msg .\
then i check the /.sencha/app/sencha.cfg file, the app.theme still like this app.theme=ext-theme-classic,
and the bootstrap.css still is #import 'ext/packages/ext-theme-classic/build/resources/ext-theme-classic-all.css'.
how could i change the app theme by using sencha cmd?
I haven't tried generating an app which includes specifying a theme. Anyway, you can always change the theme of your app by editing the app.theme=ext-theme-classic to app.theme=ext-theme-neptune found on your project directory .sencha/app/sencha.cfg
then, execute
sencha app refresh
maybe it will help smbd. For ExtJs 5 you only have to
1) change in app.json:
"theme": "ext-theme-crisp-touch"
2) cmd:
sencha app build

SenchaTouch Error while Building with SenchaCmd: Failed to find file(s) for depdency reference

When I want to build my app with SenchaCmd I get the following error:
Failed to find file(s) for depdency reference /workspace/SmartphoneClient/app.js::ExtRequire::Ext.ux.picker.DateTime
This is how my app.js looks:
'Ext': 'touch/src',
'CatchMyPain': 'app',
'Ext.ux': 'extensions/ux'
The two files DateTime and DateTimePicker are in the correct folders under extension/ux/field/DateTimePicker.js and extensions/ux/picker/DateTime.js
The app works fine with the Chrome Browser and on Safari mobile Browser. There I get no Messages or Errors in the Console.
Where could be my error?
Because Sencha CMD build cannot automatically resolve the paths from the loader. However it uses classpath. This should be defined in the config file (as as comma seperated list). I haven't tested it thought because I use the sencha compile command (see bellow)
From the docs:
The sencha app build command knows where to find the source of your application due to the app.classpath configuration value stored in ".sencha/app/sencha.cfg". By default, this value is:
Adding directories to this comma-separated list informs the compiler where to find the source code required to build the application.
Yours should be: app.classpath=${app.dir}/app, ${app.dir}/extensions/ux
If you use the sencha compile command:
sencha compile -classpath=./extensions/ux -classpath=./app page -in index.html -out test.html
I had to add the directory into the classpath of .sencha/app/sencha.cfg
this way the senchaCMD found all the files.

sencha cmd extjs build does not include MVC controllers

When I 'compile' my extjs MVC app (version 4.1.1a, CMD ver, an all-classes.js file gets created however none of my custom code (controllers, views etc) gets included. They get dynamically loaded when I load the html page. I have another app that works fine. I can't post my hundreds of lines of code. What can I look for?
I tried the CMD build in debug mode and it seems to process and find all my app files, it just doesn't include in all-classes.js.
I tried
sencha -d app build
sencha compile -classpath=app/app.js,app,ext/src page -in=index.html -out=build/index.html
I used 'sencha generate app' to create the original directory structure etc.
I have exactly the same issue.
Maybe as a hint, I've got another project where I generated the whole application, and the build. And here, with the build-impl.xml, I've got everything I need in all-classes : my controllers, models, etc
Not sure why but it seems if I explicitly do a 'requires' on my controllers in my app.js file then the compile works
Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true });
, 'AM.controller.myController2'

Sencha touch build error when native packaging for ios !AMDeviceSecureInstallApplication

When i try to package my application natively for IOS in Sencha Touch 2.1 it gives me this error:
Sencha Cmd v3.0.0.250
The application was successfully packaged
The application was successfuly signed
[ERR] stbuild exited with non-zero code : 1
It's not working with Xcode please any help will be appreciated.
This is my packager.json
"icon": {
"certificateAlias":"iPhone Developer",
"provisionProfile":"/Users/palapa1/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/CA412FD2-60D6-407E-B7AD-A34637A8FF55.mobileprovision",
"minOSVersion": "4.2.1",
"orientations": [
I'm running a more recent version of Sencha Cmd (3.1), and I believe the command syntax has changed slightly, but I hit this same error so I figured I'd put an answer out just in case it helps someone.
If I run the following command:
sencha app package run myConfigFile.json
Then it fails with the same error, and I don't know what the problem is. However if I change the config file so it is targeting the iOS Simulator (the 'platform' property) then it works fine (the simulator opens automatically).
If I run this command instead:
sencha app package build myConfigFile.json
Then it completes successfully, and I end up with a file in the output folder.
If I have the XCode Organizer window open, I can then drag this file onto the 'Applications' folder underneath my attached phone and it will deploy/install the app for me.
If you use a provisioning profile you need to set
instead of Debug in packager.json. That's a bug in the docs.
Also, see this post for a good tutorial:
