GNU GSL BLAS library, undefined symbols - c

Is there anyone that can give me a simple run down of how to install the GSL library so that it'll work with XCode (5.1) on a Mac (Mavericks, 10.9)? I keep getting this error:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_gsl_matrix_add", referenced from:
_myProject in main.o
I initially installed GSL 1.16 in /Library/gsl-1.16
I did the whole ./configure, make, and make install
1) Going to "Build Settings" in XCode and adding "/Library/gsl-1.16"
to both the library and header search paths
2) Creating a symbolic link from the ...usr/include path (... being the SDK (MacOSX 10.9) location XCode is using) to the Library path.
3) Adding "-lgsl" to the "Arguments passed on Launch" section of my project's scheme
4) Adding "-Wall -I/Library/include" to the "Arguments passed on Launch" section of my project's scheme
Nothing has worked. Xcode reports that it can find the headers, but it can't reference the methods associated with the header files. Truly interesting. I have no idea, I've done everything I can think of and Google.

From your description it is difficult to locate whether you set the build settings correctly. I installed GSL using macports and not sure how it would be like if installed directly from source. But I believe you need to figure out where the make install installs the GSL library and header to, since typically they are installed into different paths, which are not the path you run make install.
And since typically make install will install headers to /usr/local/include and libraries to /usr/local/lib, I guess it is possible that you set the wrong path to the libraries. Assume you figured out that your GSL library is in /usr/local/lib (and typically they should), you just need to do one of the two things (not both):
Change Library search path to /usr/local/lib. (and header search path to /usr/local/include as you did)
Change compiler arguments to -Wall -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib. (last two arguments start with capital i and capital L).
Here is the procedure how I install GSL using macports and set up it in Xcode to run a matrix addition:
Install macports if you haven't done it. Refer to .
In terminal, type sudo port install gsl and have several cups of coffee.
By default, macports installs librarys to /opt/local/lib and headers to /opt/local/include. So after you create a C++ project in Xcode, go to build settings, add the three settings below:
Library search paths: /opt/local/lib
Header search paths: /opt/local/include
Other linker flags: -lgsl (depending on what you want to do, you may also need to add -lgsl -lgslcblas and other flags.)
Now it is up and running. Include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h> and gsl_matrix is ready to use.


How to modify CMakeList.txt: library found, but there are linking errors

I am creating a C library which is to be built with cmake, using Mac OS for development. In the CMakeList.txt, I have the following
find_package(htslib REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(projectname ${HTSlib_LIBRARIES})
which outputs upon cmake ..
Found hstlib
However, upon make, I'm getting linker errors:
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) can find the library, and the library is definitely installed with sudo make install, but there are linking errors only with this library.
(1) I'm guessing that find_package(htslib REQUIRED) is finding something else. How do I find out what?
(2) How do I explicitly write in CMakeList.txt to find the library which I know has been installed correctly?
Use VERBOSE=1 make to see the linker output. Search for -lhtslib
Read the documentation for the specific Find<LIB>.cmake.
Your specific questions:
"How do I find what CMake found": Use cmake-gui or ccmake. They both show the same info, but one is a GUI and the other is a Curses interface. In the advanced mode ("t" on ccmake) you will find all the variables for the searched packages. Additionally, you may use MESSAGE(STATUS "Found htslib at: ${htslib_LIBRARIES}").
"How to explicitly write in CMakeLists.txt where the library is?" Please, do not do that! CMake is meant for abstracting exactly this kind of information away. You have two options, first the good one: configure cmake on the command line (or in the GUIs mentioned above) to get a CMAKE_MODULES_PATH or a more specific hint to the library -D htslib_PATH=/usr/local/.../ (pointing to the dir where libhts.dylib resides). The worse solution would be to provide a HINT to find_package. find_package(htslib REQUIRED PATH /usr/local/lib) or find_package(htslib REQUIRED HINT /usr/local/lib /some/second/path/where/it/may/be).
Your linked project has a custom FindHTSlib.cmake link. This one uses pkg_config to configure the library. To replicate your problem, I used brew to install htslib. The pkg-config file can be found (for me, but brew info htslib tells you) under /usr/local/Cellar/htslib/1.8/lib/htslib.pc. So, let's give CMake the required hint.
I couldn't test this, because for me it found the htslib package directly with no further hints.
git clone # I am using version f5f03d0
mkdir -p bamdb/build; cd bamdb/build
brew install ck htslib lmdb
cmake .. # -G Ninja recommended, but needs brew install ninja
make # lot's of missing symbols
I would recommend to change in CMakeLists.txt the minimum required version of CMake from 2.8 to 3.10 (or at least 3.6).
This is the error I get:
[ 62%] Linking C shared library libbamdb.dylib
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.11.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/libbamdb.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/cc -Wall -g -std=gnu99 -fPIC -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -o libbamdb.dylib -install_name #rpath/libbamdb.dylib CMakeFiles/libbamdb.dir/src/bam_api.c.o CMakeFiles/libbamdb.dir/src/bam_lmdb.c.o CMakeFiles/libbamdb.dir/src/bamdb.c.o
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_bam_destroy1", referenced from:
_get_bam_row in bam_api.c.o
_deserialize_func in bam_lmdb.c.o
This can be fixed by adding the following line in the CMakeLists.txt, after the line add_library(libbamdb ${SOURCES}):
target_link_libraries(libbamdb ${LIBS})
Some further notes: you now have a library with a main function. This is because ${SOURCES} is used to build the executable and the library. That can have unexpected side effects. Unless it's needed, don't do it.

Missing libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll

I have a Windows 7 64bit system with the latest MinGW (32bit) installed along with the Qt 5.5 SDK (again 32bit) which also ships with its own MinGW. Due to the fact that I'm not the only one using the system I can't remove the standalone MinGW.
My project is using qmake and is a plain C project (not C++). Everything builds fine but when I try to execute my binary in the command line I get that the application was unable to start due to a missing libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll on the system.
After looking into the issue I found that both the standalone MinGW and the one shipped alongside the Qt SDK have the mentioned DLL.
Standalone MinGW - libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is located inside the bin subdirectory of the MinGW installation where the binaries are located (gcc, g++, gdb etc.)
Qt MinGW - libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is located inside C:\Qt\Tools\mingw492_32\i686-w64-mingw32\lib subdirectory while the MinGW components' binaries are inside C:\Qt\Tools\mingw492_32\i686-w64-mingw32\bin.
I would like to know how to properly set my PATH variable so that:
The application starts properly
No conflicts with the standalone MinGW installation occur
Just a side-note: I've already checked other posts here on SO but was unable to find a solution (perhaps I've missed it). I have also tried LIBS += -static but the result is the same.
You just need to copy this dll with your executable, i.e.:
cp <path-to-qt-install-dir>\qt5.7.0\5.7\mingw53_32\bin\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll <path-to-dest-dir>
You mat find that you have other dependencies, to see which other deps you have you can use: ldd <your-executable>. You only need to copy the qt specific dlls you can see these by:
ldd <executable> | grep -i qt
You can statically link it with:
linker commands like -static-libgcc or -static, but I think you start to hit LGPL issues and also you may need to statically compile qt from source - can't recall for this particular file.
Sorry ldd is for linux, just realized you have windows, in which case you can use one or both of:
dependency walker: from here
<path-to-qt-bin-folder>\windeployqt.exe <path-to-your-executable>
I have mixed results with windeployqt, but if you have any plugins its quiet good for getting that part sorted.

CMake keeps linking to libraries under /usr/lib64 even full paths to another libraries are given

I am building a package with CMake (3.0.2). This package relies on boost_python and some others. There is an older version in /usr/lib64 and I have another newer version in my own directory /home/x/opt/boost-1.56/lib. There is an symbol link /home/x/opt/boost-1.56/lib64 to deal with the multi-arch gcc.
However, even if I set BOOST_ROOT=/home/x/opt/boost-1.56/lib, and in CMakeCache.txt there is
//Boost python library (release)
The generated link.txt contains such a line, instead of the full path:
-Wl,-Bstatic -lboost_python
And when make, it links to the one under /usr/lib64/, which is wrong.
How to make CMake to use the full path? As documented, only when libraries under system default folders are dealt with -Bstatic, which should not be my case.
Why -Wl,-Bstatic -lboost_python does not work even I have "/home/x/opt/boost-1.56/lib" in LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH? From my limited knowledge they should override the system default.
gcc --print-search-dir gives:
This will allow it to ignore everything but BOOST_ROOT
Solution (partially only):
CMake uses -Bstatic if there it thinks that the boost libraries it chooses are in the system path, including that related to enviromental variables. Else it use the full path.
I still cannot find why LIBRARY_PATH cannot override the system
So to make it work, REMOVE everything in LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH will do the trick: CMake will use full path in that case.
Add this at the beginn oingf your top level CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
and use cmake 3.3.0 or later.
Interestingly, with cmake 3.11.1 set(Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS ON) did not work for me.

"'portaudio.h' file not found" error in XCode 5.1

I've downloaded the portaudio codebase and compiled it fully with source, and installed it to my system with these commands:
sudo make install
But XCode is complaining to me, even when I put -lportaudio in the Other Linker Flags for the project settings.
I've researched this problem and tried whatever I could find on Stack Overflow, but there was no decisive answer that would work for me. Any advice on how to fix this?
I'm using an older version of XCode and haven't bothered looking at how the interface might have changed in the newer versions, but this is generally solved for me by modifying the User Search Paths under your project settings. Look at the screenshot, add /usr/local/include to Header Search Paths and make Always Search User Paths "Yes." That should do the trick
One more thing to note, this is only /usr/local/include because that's the default install directory for the portaudio.h file in the portaudio build (as it is with many libraries).
If you have a different prefix other than /usr/local/include, add that instead.

How do I link libraries in Xcode 4?

I'm a complete beginner to Apple's Xcode, but I have followed the Xcode documentation and the advice of a few related questions without success.
I installed GMP to /usr/local/bin, wrote a short program using the library, and compiled with gcc main.c -lgmp. It compiled with no warnings or errors, and the executable worked flawlessly.
I started a new Xcode project (Command Line Tool; Type: C), copied the code to the newly created main.c, and opened the project build settings. From there I set Linking > Other Linker Flags to -lgmp and Search Paths > Library Search Paths to /usr/local/bin. However, the build fails with the preprocessor error "Gmp.h: No such file or directory".
I have tried almost every header imaginable:
#include "gmp.h"
#include <gmp.h>
#include "gmp"
#include "libgmp.a" . . .
This has been my main obstacle over the last three months which has prevented me from learning C. Any help leading me to an eventual solution would be greatly appreciated.
There's a few things you have to set up in your Xcode project. For example, I have gmp installed in /opt/gmp/5.0.2 and I will use that as an example. The actual library is installed into /opt/gmp/5.0.2/lib and the header files into /opt/gmp/5.0.2/include. When installing the library setting the --PREFIX flag to /opt/gmp/5.0.2 would handle this automatically. If you don't set this flag the prefix is usually set to /usr/local by default.
The Other Linker Flags looks right, it should be the name of the library.
Set the Header Search Path to the include directory, in my case /opt/gmp/5.0.2/include.
Set the Library Search Path to the lib directory, in my case /opt/gmp/5.0.2/lib.
Since the header search path has been set, you should now be able to include the header file like this:
#include <gmp.h>
Of course, replace /opt/gmp/5.0.2 with the PREFIX path you used when you installed gmp.
Lastly, you typically don't install libraries to /usr/local/bin, you would install to /usr/localand let any binaries be installed into bin while libraries like these would be installed into lib. Of course any path scheme would work, I usually recommend /opt/<project-name>/<version-number> since it allows me to keep better track of what I have installed and have multiple versions of the same libraries and tools without having to deal with collisions.
I have updated my system from snow leopard to mountain lion and had to install gmp.
First of all I have installed Xcode CommandLineTools set.
Secondly, installed Homebrew. Then with it I have done steps in this topic:
In my last step, made changes to an xcode project as colleague Marcus Karlsson told.
It's finally working! Very big Thank You :)
