Changing menu structure using ui-router and angular js - angularjs

I am trying to create a menu structure, where the nav bar contains some information that is selected in one of the menu options.
See the plunkr.
What I try to do
Initially the welcome state is loaded. In this state a check is being done to see if the user was previously on the site and already selected a city which was either stored in the cookie or local storage. I have removed that part of the code since it doesnt add anything. Now it just checks to see if a value is already set or not (which initially it never is). Then it redirects to the selection of the city. After the user clicked a city, the nav bar should be updated from "Soon in:" to "Soon in <your selected city> The content does show the selected city, however the navbar does not. Also when debugging, the controller that belongs to the nav bar controller is not called again, so probably that's where my error is, I have not set up the nesting of the views correctly, yet I can not see what I missed. Can someone shine some light on this for me please?

The soon in section is not updated because the way you are retrieving the selected city from the service is wrong, at the point of assignin the city to your $scope, nothing is selected, change your start.nav bar controller to:
controller: ["$scope", "CityService", function ($scope, CityService) {
$ = {city : v}
and it will work, see fork.
Which controller do you expect to see executed again? start.nav? That one isn't called again because you are never really moving out of it, all the states you go to after your app runs are children of start.nav. The way you retrieve the selected city is wrong because that line of code only runs once, and at that point nothing is assigned to city in your service.


Calling a view controller from index.html

I have an index.html that has a top bar with links and a side bar with links. I want the center to be replaced with content (ng-view). Let's say the top bar is Pictures, Stats, Chat. The side bar is Tigers, Lions, Bears.
These never change. This is why index.html holds them. The top bar of Pictures, Stats, Chat I want to actually route to different views/controllers (replaces ng-view on index.html). Easy.
However, when inside a given view controller (let's say Pictures) I now want to know what side bar was clicked (I would like to default to a given side bar animal when Pictures is first clicked in the app since that would be required) and I'd also like to be able to copy the link directly to there (ie Pictures/Bears (but this always just goes to the Pictures controller but inside there I know Bears was clicked so I can act accordingly)).
So if I click Tigers, the controller will know this and I can code it to get pictures of Tigers.
I don't want to put that side bar into each page itself since it's always the same. I just want it on index.html to avoid repeating myself even though this would be more direct in terms of coding each top bar view. This would be something I'd fall back to in the case of what I'm asking to do isn't possible.
I'm also wondering if it's possible to maintain the current side bar value when they click on a different top link animal. So if I was in Pictures/Lions and they click Bears, it would know to route Pictures/Bears. Since it's staying in Pictures would it really even need to route? Can it route and then call a method on the Pictures controller passing in the animal so it can do what it needs to with that information?
Try making a service like animalService that keeps track of the selected animal. This will act like your own route handler for just that side menu.
The controller for the side menu would then be able to call animalService.selectAnimal(selectedAnimal) to update the selection.
Each main page controller could then watch the value of the selected animal from animalService. There are a few ways to do this, but it would probably be easiest to use a subscription based approach:
Each controller would call animalService.subscribeToChange('controllerName', callback) on initialization and then on destroy it would call animalService.unsubscribeFromChange('controllerName'). The animalService would keep a list/map of all of the subscribed controllers, so it can execute the callback every time the selectAnimal function is called and detects a change.
If you provide a code sample I could try to give a more detailed solution.
You could take advantage of $rootScope. I find this a bit more hacky, but it would be probably quicker to implement. The side menu can access a root scope variable via something like $root.currentAnimal, and it can both get and set that value. Then each controller can use $rootScope.$watch('currentAnimal', function() {}) to trigger something on change ($rootScope is a service).

communicating between two controller in angularjs using factory

I have created a plunker that communicates between two different controller in nested views using factory. Below is the url of plunker. .
Here is the factory.
var callbackFunctions=[];
var counter=0;
var addWidget=function(name){
var addCallback=function(callback){
if (callbackFunctions.length===0) {
addCallback: addCallback,
addWidget: addWidget
Scenario 1:
1. Click on "List" menu under the home page.
2. Click on "verify" button. notice the change in highlighted area with yellow. Text changes from "Chandan" to "singh1".
3. Click again on verify button. Text changes from "singh1" to "singh2". So i am able to communicate between two controller in this.
Scenario 2:
1. Repeat the scenario 1 till step 2.
2. Click on "PARAGRAPH" menu under home page.
3. Click on "List" menu under home page. Click verify button. The text wont change. It will remain "chandan".
Communication is not working as we change the state.
Also i have observed that the model is changing but same is not getting reflected in view. Moreover if we bind the view to rootscope, view is getting updated.
Please clarify.
When you switch between list and paragraph states, your list controller is destroyed (and recreated next time you go to list). So when it is recreated it gets a new scope.
The callbackFunction that is registered in your service, refers to the changeMyName() function on the old controller scope, so whenever you call addWidget() in your service, you're actually calling the callback in your old scope.
To make this work as expected (at least in your sample code here), you would have to change your service to allow changing the old callback in the addCallback()-function. Something like this:
var addCallback=function(callback){
callbackFunctions[0] = callback;

AngularJS: ng-model not getting applied on Controller instantiation

I am creating a web app planner using Angular and I am having some difficulties with a <select> box that is not changing value based on the variable denoted with ng-model.
My architecture is as follows:
I am using ui-router which gives me different view states, one for each page of my planner. The root HTML page has a Controller called MainController. This is where I set up my JSON model, $scope.Master = {} that I want to use throughout the planner. All pages of the planner should inherit this model and continue to modify/add to it.
I then have my 4 pages of the planner like:
Start -> Accounts -> Settings -> Review
Each page has its own Controller that gets instantiated every time I visit the page. On the Start page, I have a <select> box that has ng-model="$scope.Master.Start.selectedAccount" that gets populated dynamically using the StartController (therefore it gets populated every time I come to the Start page).
This <select> works great on the first time to the page, but if I go to Accounts and then come back, the select box is back to the default value, "Please select an account", instead of the selected account that is in the $scope.Master.Start.selectedAccount model that is bound to the <select> box
I thought I could just do something like $scope.$apply or something in order to re-apply the binding to the DOM object, but that just gave me an error saying it is already digesting.
How can I apply the binding to the <select> box after the page has been loaded 2 or more times?
This is probably because every time you go back to your original page, a new controller is instantiated since it was removed from the DOM when you left it originally. Thus $scope.Master.Start.selectedAccount. To save this, you can either
Use a service / factory singleton on the main app to save this value!
Save $scope.Master.Start.selectedAccount as a global variable$rootScope
Put that controller on the outside
Im real sorry... I realized I was populating the <select> using ng-repeat instead of ng-options no idea how I managed that... That was the problem

Can't access current $stateParams from a global controller that's not attached to one state?

I have a navigation bar with a search field in it. Searched text goes into a query param in my main content route. I would like to be able to check the $ (my search param) and set the search field model equal to the current param so if for instance a user shares a url link for a search, then that field will be populated and from a UX perspective the user will know they're in a search return. Currently my controller for navigation is bound directly to the body so.
<body ng-controller="navCtrl">
<nav><input type="text" ng-model="searchText"></nav>
If I check my $stateParams from my mainCtrl (main content controller) that is accessed from a ui-router state, I get a list of my current state params. Whenever I try to access it from my navCtrl I get an empty object.
How can I access up to date state params from a 'global' controller or how else can I keep my search bar text in sync in this way?
So I did two things to solve this. First I wrapped my to scope variable assignment in a timeout function to allow a cycle for the $stateParams to actually load. Then I additionally started doing the assignment of $stateChangeSuccess to allow help keep everything in sync.

AngularJS Save Browse History

I'm trying to solve a problem. I want that when a perform an action or function in the controller to be saved in the brose history. For example, I want to do this:
Type something in a textbox.
Click a link to call a function that will set the string I typed to a variable in $scope and save it at the browser history.
Do the same as the previous step with a different value.
If I click the "back" button from the browser, I want to display the first value I entered.
I have a very simple example of what I want but I don't know what do I have to add to be able to use the "back" and "forward" button from the browser.
Thank you very much in advance!
You should use the $location service to set the URL. I don't know how to make it work on jsFiddle, however the following should work:
