Has the JCA Ever Worked? It can't according to its documentation - jackrabbit

I am working on a JCA implementation of Jackrabbit with a custom JAAS login module. The idea is to integrate Apache Shiro authentication and authorization via the login module, using a RepositoryLoginContext that simply furnishes user name and password from a Shiro token for the callback functions.
(I have only a small number of users, which are configured with a shiro.ini file.)
All the pieces seem to fit until I try connecting to the repository. One attempt is
SimpleCredentials userJCACredentials = new SimpleCredentials(username,shriroUserCreds.getPassword().toString());
but I cannot seem to find a build path JAR that makes it happy. The Jackrabbit API docs have me flummoxed. If I look for SimpleCredentials, I get a Day Software page (!) however if I look for CryptedSimpleCredentials, I get an Apache page. Thinking that perhaps only the crypted version can be used with the resource adapter, I tried changing to that but run into the same problem with
connInfo = new JCAConnectionRequestInfo(cryptedCreds,workspaceName)
which only wants SimpleCredentials in the first argument. I keep finding dead ends in the API, such as JCAConnectionRequestInfo(Credentials creds, String workspace). If you click on the Credentials link, it times out. Another gem is one of JCAManagedConnectionFactory's constructors, which has text about IBM Websphere (!!).
I tried writing my own class (based onsimple credentials) implementing Credentials interface and the error with
new JCAConnectionRequestInfo(cryptedCreds,workspaceName)
turned into inability to resolve javax.jcr.Credentials. With a Jackrabbit installation, the javax.jcr path does not exist (at least for the resource adapter version).
Failing to make any sense of the foregoing, I tried a second approach.
repoMan = JCARepositoryManager.getInstance();
repo = repoMan.createRepository(repoParameters);
The last line, using a Map argument, was prompted by Eclipse auto completion, in conflict with the documentation showing createRepository( string, string ). In any case, an error about resolution of javax.jcr.Repository appears. Back to the same stuff.
I've explored every bottom up path in the libraries to get a Session. It seems to be impossible, ultimately failing for a non-existent definition.
Looking the source code, I've assembled the following
JCAManagedConnectionFactory mcf = new JCAManagedConnectionFactory();
try {
connectionFactory = mcf.createConnectionFactory();
} catch (ResourceException rex) {
logger.error("client session failed to create connection factory");
} finally {
success = false;
if (success) {
repo = (RepositoryImpl) connectionFactory;
session = repo.login( needs Credentials Here );
The login call needs Credentials and a workspace name. If the login is going to be handled by JAAS, I'd expect to find a login() with no arguments wherein the JAAS login would take over.

I used jackrabbit a couple of years ago in a project and had some small success with it but then moved from jackrabbit to modeshape which is an alternative implementation of the JCR (JSR-283. This is a very active project in which I have had a (very small) involvement. Development continues at a great rate with new releases regularly coming out.
I started with version 2.8 which wasn't bad but the 3.0 release was an almost complete rewrite with a focus on performance and was a delight to use. 4.0 is now in the last stages of being released.
The changeover from Jackrabbit (2.2.7) to Modeshape (2.8.1) was relatively painless with most of the effort in setting up the configuration and runtime.
I'm not saying you won't find problems like you are seeing in Jackrabbit but if you ask a question in the modeshape forums you will get a good answer and plenty of ongoing help.

Lessons Learned:
Integrating Shiro was not a great idea, but not at all because of Shiro. The JCA requires JAAS login. "Integrating" Shiro requires enough understanding of JAAS that I might as well just adopt JAAS and be done with it. But getting further along, I realized that it was fine. There are larger issues ahead.
JAAS is, well, JAAS. I was far from able to breeze through it and pick up what I needed although I have gotten pretty far. The answer to the last dilemma in the post is simply that the login method called is not found in the JCA, it's found in the JAAS login module that you code and "register" through the Geronimo admin console by creating a new security real for you application. A large part of the JAAS learning curve is that it the model is very abstract. There is no "JAAS in a nutshell for Geronimo" to enlighten would-be programmers. Another part is that it is so widely used, information specific to everything but what I'm doing seems ubiquitous. It isn't surprising because web apps are by far it's greatest usage. And following that, it is not really surprising to find a JAAS login module with Jackrabbit as the JCR was envisioned for web content.
It turns out that burrowing into JAAS, though enlightening, was a complete waste of time.
After putting the effort into getting JAAS together, I finally had a Jackrabbit Session Handle. I immediately put it to work on a utx wrapped piece of old code.
Things stopped cold here. None of my old code worked, starting with getRootNode(). I let Eclipse show me the possible methods for a session handle and I tested each one. The list of those that work is short. Some UTX related stuff works, as does "equals", hasCapabilty, isLIve, and little else. Sixty plus methods of the Session Handle cannot work. THIS MEANS THAT THERE IS NO WAY TO GET A NODE. WHICH MEANS YOU CANNOT DO ANYTHING USEFUL WITH THE JCA.
As to my original question, I will say that at one point the JCA probably did work. After all, no one would code all that stuff just to have it lined out. And I will also say that whenever the code was modified to use JAAS, it was badly broken and rendered useless.
This really is a soapbox moment. The amount of time I invested in this was significant. One reason I wanted to use Jackrabbit was that it could run in the same JVM as my application, in Geronimo. I can understand documentation that isn't up to par and other realities of open source. But I could only speculate about how this happened, and the alternatives are all pretty negative. I smelled a rat earlier but said nothing.
One thing is clear. The JCA (and for all I know, the rest of the Jackrabbit project) has no business being touted as an Apache Project. It is a disservice to their name and an extreme disservice to developers who've been led down a dead end path.
I am not sure how to go about it, but I want to bring this to the attention of the Apache foundation if for no other reason than preventing anyone else from going through this.


2SXC/DNN - Delete ADAM Files in Entity

We're designing a system for a client where they are allowing authenticated users to upload images. We've created an API to upload the files but the client only wants the latest file and delete all previous ones so that there would only ever be one.
We've looked through the docs and can't come across a way for ADAM to handle this in both 2SXC and DNN's file system.
Internally when deleting images we see API calls like the following to the internal 2SXC API, but we're wondering if this is exposed somewhere within the public API?
We could probably use the same endpoint above, but we'd likely run into permission issues or changes to the APIs that could be problematic.
Thank you for any advice you can give! Perhaps #iJungleBoy can provide some thoughts on this.
As a solution from a completely different direction, if you are on the later release of 2sxc (v12.8+, v13+), and comfortable programming in C#, you might consider doing this as a "cleanup" from a Dnn Scheduled Task. This can be done with a relatively easy setup. We have a Gist in place that we use as a starter. You simply put the code in the /App_Code folder then setup a normal Dnn Scheduled Task. NOTE that you can scroll down to the first comment on the Gist to see a screenshot of a complete working setup.
Accuraty's AccuTasks template on GitHub Gists
There are two more key things to note:
You need to install Dnn's CodeDom 3.6 because the example uses the later versions C#'s string interpolation - OR remove the few $"ASL2021 - {this.GetType().Name}, Task Scheduled Email", bits or convert to string.Format() or something.
Since your task's code is NOT running in a (2sxc) module, if needed, you'll do stuff like this: 2sxc Docs - Use 2sxc Instance or App Data from External C# Code
So, if you are comfortable writing code that "finds and deletes stuff older than NN days" - this might be the way to go.

what is the best way to debug vCloud client REST applications?

I'm building a vClould client application via the REST APIs, however, the documentation is inconsistent an in some cases just wrong and misleading.
All I really need is a solid debug tool or even a log file. Any recommendations?
You already mentioned you have access to the message stream, which is one of the first steps. Typically if I'm using the Apache HttpClient/HttpComponents I'll go increase the log level so it logs the full HTTP requests.
My next step is usually to cheat and to log into vCD as a system administrator and see what's going on. When vCD was designed there was a very deliberate decision to not reveal infrastructure level problems to tenants of the cloud (normal org users or org admins), as that would break the cloud abstraction. Sadly, that means as an org-level user you're often going to get "contact your cloud admin" error responses. We are aware that this isn't ideal and try to find ways to make it better when we can (IIRC the new 5.5 release that was announced last month does have some improvements in that area).
The last step is usually to cheat even more and to look at the server side logs (vcloud-container-debug.log, specifically). That usually gives me a better clue as to what went wrong. Of course, you may be unlucky and not have access to the vCD cell machine.
My workaround in the latter two cases is to try the operations via the vCD UI and see (1) if they work as expected and (2) if they do, to check the system state via the API and see if I'm sending the wrong request payloads, etc. because the doc or schema reference may not have been clear enough.
In regards to the documentation, please use the feedback links () found on individual doc pages to let us know! Our technical writer reviews all the feedback and tries to address them.
My final suggestion is that you might want to post API questions to the vCloud API community forum VMware has. There are a number of experts (both users and VMware employees) that monitor it and respond to questions.

Away3D & AwayPhysics: Content uses capabilities that require a license

Just grabbed all the Away3D branches from Github and included them in a test project I created in FlashBuilder. All runs fine, but if I run any of the files from the ‘awayphysics-examples-fp11’ collection, I get this dreaded message,
I’ve searched here and on Google, with Away3D included, for this message, but nothing relevant came up, so I’m sorry if this is already a known issue.
Is this just something I’ve just got to accept if I want to use Away3D and AwayPhysics?
The branches I'm getting the problem with are away3d-core-fp11, awayphysics-core-fp11 and awayphysics-examples-fp11.
And just to say, I understand Adobe's new models which stipulate that you must get a license to use both shared memory space (Alchemy and the like) and Stage3D. I'm questioning if there's a way to use Away3D and AwayPhysics without the Alchemy element, a lá (I've just found out) jiglibflash.
Don't use flash player. Using Stage3d in in a flash player app is a premium feature. http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/premium-features.html
Sorry for necroposting, but someone might find it useful, since google drops this link first on a few queries.

under what circumstances (if any) can I continue to run "out of date" GWT clients when I update my GAEJ version?

following on from this question:
GWT detect GAE version changes and reload
I would like to further clarify some things.
I have an enterprise app (GWT 2.4 & GAEJ 1.6.4 - using GWT-RPC) that my users typically run all day in their browsers, indeed some don't bother refreshing the browser from day to day. I make new releases on a pretty regular basis, so am trying to streamline the process for minimal impact to my users. - Not all releases concern all users, so I'd like to minimize the number of restarts.
I was hoping it might be possible to do the following. Categorize my releases as follows:
1) releases that will cause an IncompatibleRemoteServiceException to be thrown
and 2) those that don't : i.e. only affect the server, or client but not the RPC interface.
Then I could make lots of changes to the client and server without affecting the interface between the two. As long as I don't make a modification to the RPC interface, presumably I can change server code and or client code and the exception won't be thrown? Right? or will any redeployment of GAE cause an old client to get an IncompatibleRemoteServiceException ?
If I was able to do that I could batch up interface busting changes into fairly infrequent releases and notify my users a restart will be required.
many thanks for any help.
I needed an answer pretty quick so I thought I'd just do some good old fashioned testing to see what's possible. Hopefully this will be useful for others with production systems using GWT-RPC.
Goal is to be able to release updates / fixes without requiring all connected browsers to refresh. Turns out there is quite a lot you can do.
So, after my testing, here's what you can and can't do:
no problem
add a new call to a RemoteService
just update some code on the server e.g. simple bug fix, redeploy
just update some client (GWT) code and redeploy (of course anyone wanting new client functionality will have to refresh browser, but others are unaffected)
limited problems
add a parameter to an existing RemoteService method - this one is interesting, that particular call will throw "IncompatibleRemoteServiceException" (of course) but all others calls to the same Remote Service or other Remote Services (Impl's) are unaffected.
Add a new type (as a parameter) to any method within a RemoteService - this is the most interesting one, and is what led me to do this testing. It will render that whole RemoteService out of date for existing clients with IncompatibleRemoteServiceException. However you can still use other RemoteServices. - I need to do some more testing here to fully understand or perhaps someone else knows more?
so if you know what you're doing you can do quite a lot without having to bother your users with refreshes or release announcements.

1 data, many applications

I have a forum with >400 registered users. It's powered by vBulletin-4.0.4. I want to build up several websites with kohana-3.1, but keep existing forum users too. I will use seperate databases for each application (I want to keep apps as independent as possible).
So my solution is:
step 1. create special app users.mydomain.com where each user can register and update their details (birthdate/email/password). This app will catch all changes and write them to forum database and application databases.
step 2. modify default auth module to handle forum authentication. vBulletin uses algorithm: $hash=MD5(MD5($password)+$salt) for pass hashing.
Am I in the right direction? Is it OK?
Someone has already done this: Kohana vBulletin Bridge. You will need to contact the author of the module as the source code is no longer online. It wont be too difficult to upgrade it to 3 if you get it.
I haven't used vBulletin so I can't give you much advice on the subject, but you're right about the hashing algorithm. You'll also need to make sure your session is read and written as they are in vBulletin.
A quick search of vBulletin SSO to get you started.
