I have two fractions I like to compare. They are stored like this:
struct fraction {
int64_t numerator;
int64_t denominator;
Currently, I compare them like this:
bool fraction_le(struct fraction a, struct fraction b)
return a.numerator * b.denominator < b.numerator * a.denominator;
That works fine, except that (64 bit value) * (64 bit value) = (128 bit value), which means it will overflow for numerators and denominators that are too far away from zero.
How can I make the comparison always works, even for absurd fractions?
Oh, and by the way: fractions are always stored simplified, and only the numerator can be negative. Maybe that input constraint makes some algorithm possible...
Here's how Boost implements it. The code is well-commented.
template <typename IntType>
bool rational<IntType>::operator< (const rational<IntType>& r) const
// Avoid repeated construction
int_type const zero( 0 );
// This should really be a class-wide invariant. The reason for these
// checks is that for 2's complement systems, INT_MIN has no corresponding
// positive, so negating it during normalization keeps it INT_MIN, which
// is bad for later calculations that assume a positive denominator.
BOOST_ASSERT( this->den > zero );
BOOST_ASSERT( r.den > zero );
// Determine relative order by expanding each value to its simple continued
// fraction representation using the Euclidian GCD algorithm.
struct { int_type n, d, q, r; } ts = { this->num, this->den, this->num /
this->den, this->num % this->den }, rs = { r.num, r.den, r.num / r.den,
r.num % r.den };
unsigned reverse = 0u;
// Normalize negative moduli by repeatedly adding the (positive) denominator
// and decrementing the quotient. Later cycles should have all positive
// values, so this only has to be done for the first cycle. (The rules of
// C++ require a nonnegative quotient & remainder for a nonnegative dividend
// & positive divisor.)
while ( ts.r < zero ) { ts.r += ts.d; --ts.q; }
while ( rs.r < zero ) { rs.r += rs.d; --rs.q; }
// Loop through and compare each variable's continued-fraction components
while ( true )
// The quotients of the current cycle are the continued-fraction
// components. Comparing two c.f. is comparing their sequences,
// stopping at the first difference.
if ( ts.q != rs.q )
// Since reciprocation changes the relative order of two variables,
// and c.f. use reciprocals, the less/greater-than test reverses
// after each index. (Start w/ non-reversed # whole-number place.)
return reverse ? ts.q > rs.q : ts.q < rs.q;
// Prepare the next cycle
reverse ^= 1u;
if ( (ts.r == zero) || (rs.r == zero) )
// At least one variable's c.f. expansion has ended
ts.n = ts.d; ts.d = ts.r;
ts.q = ts.n / ts.d; ts.r = ts.n % ts.d;
rs.n = rs.d; rs.d = rs.r;
rs.q = rs.n / rs.d; rs.r = rs.n % rs.d;
// Compare infinity-valued components for otherwise equal sequences
if ( ts.r == rs.r )
// Both remainders are zero, so the next (and subsequent) c.f.
// components for both sequences are infinity. Therefore, the sequences
// and their corresponding values are equal.
return false;
// Exactly one of the remainders is zero, so all following c.f.
// components of that variable are infinity, while the other variable
// has a finite next c.f. component. So that other variable has the
// lesser value (modulo the reversal flag!).
return ( ts.r != zero ) != static_cast<bool>( reverse );
If you are using GCC, you can use __int128.
I didn't understand the code in Kos's answer so this might be just duplicating it.
As other people have mentioned there are some easy special cases e.g. b/c > -e/f and -b/c > -e/f if e/f > b/c. So we are left with the case of positive fractions.
Convert these to mixed numbers i.e. a b/c and d e/f. The trivial case has a != d so we assume a == d. We then want to compare b/c with e/f with b < c, e < f. Well b/c > e/f if f/e > c/b. These are both greater than one so you can repeat the mixed number test until the whole number parts differ.
Case intrigued me, so here is an implementation of Neil's answer, possibly with bugs :)
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
int64_t num, den;
} frac;
int cmp(frac a, frac b) {
if (a.num < 0) {
if (b.num < 0) {
a.num = -a.num;
b.num = -b.num;
return !cmpUnsigned(a, b);
else return 1;
else if (0 <= b.num) return cmpUnsigned(a, b);
else return 0;
#define swap(a, b) { int64_t c = a; a = b; b = c; }
int cmpUnsigned(frac a, frac b) {
int64_t c = a.num / a.den, d = b.num / b.den;
if (c != d) return c < d;
a.num = a.num % a.den;
swap(a.num, a.den);
b.num = b.num % b.den;
swap(b.num, b.den);
return !cmpUnsigned(a, b);
main() {
frac a = { INT64_MAX - 1, INT64_MAX }, b = { INT64_MAX - 3, INT64_MAX };
printf("%i\n", cmp(a, b));
Alright, so only your numerators are signed.
Special cases:
If the a.numerator is negative and the b.numerator is positive, then b is greater than a.
If the b.numerator is negative and the a.numerator is positive, then a is greater than b.
Both your numerators have the same sign (+/-). Add some logic-code or bit manipulation to remove it, and use multiplication with uint64_t to compare them. Remember that if both numerators are negative, then the result of the comparison must be negated.
Why not just compare them directly as floating point numbers?
bool fraction_le(struct fraction a, struct fraction b)
return (double)a.numerator / a.denominator < (double)b.numerator / b.denominator;
I'm looking to for a reasonably efficient way of determining if a floating point value (double) can be exactly represented by an integer data type (long, 64 bit).
My initial thought was to check the exponent to see if it was 0 (or more precisely 127). But that won't work because 2.0 would be e=1 m=1...
So basically, I am stuck. I have a feeling that I can do this with bit masks, but I'm just not getting my head around how to do that at this point.
So how can I check to see if a double is exactly representable as a long?
I think I have found a way to clamp a double into an integer in a standard-conforming fashion (this is not really what the question is about, but it helps a lot). First, we need to see why the obvious code is not correct.
uint64_t double_to_uint64 (double x)
if (x < 0.0) {
return 0;
if (x > UINT64_MAX) {
return UINT64_MAX;
return x;
The problem here is that in the second comparison, UINT64_MAX is being implicitly converted to double. The C standard does not specify exactly how this conversion works, only that it is to be rounded up or down to a representable value. This means that the second comparison may be false, even if should mathematically be true (which can happen when UINT64_MAX is rounded up, and 'x' is mathematically between UINT64_MAX and (double)UINT64_MAX). As such, the conversion of double to uint64_t can result in undefined behavior in that edge case.
Surprisingly, the solution is very simple. Consider that while UINT64_MAX may not be exactly representable in a double, UINT64_MAX+1, being a power of two (and not too large), certainly is. So, if we first round the input to an integer, the comparison x > UINT64_MAX is equivalent to x >= UINT64_MAX+1, except for possible overflow in the addition. We can fix the overflow by using ldexp instead of adding one to UINT64_MAX. That being said, the following code should be correct.
/* Input: a double 'x', which must not be NaN.
* Output: If 'x' is lesser than zero, then zero;
* otherwise, if 'x' is greater than UINT64_MAX, then UINT64_MAX;
* otherwise, 'x', rounded down to an integer.
uint64_t double_to_uint64 (double x)
double y = floor(x);
if (y < 0.0) {
return 0;
if (y >= ldexp(1.0, 64)) {
return UINT64_MAX;
return y;
Now, to back to your question: is x is exactly representable in an uint64_t? Only if it was neither rounded nor clamped.
/* Input: a double 'x', which must not be NaN.
* Output: If 'x' is exactly representable in an uint64_t,
* then 1, otherwise 0.
int double_representable_in_uint64 (double x)
return (floor(x) == x && x >= 0.0 && x < ldexp(1.0, 64));
The same algorithm can be used for integers of different size, and also for signed integers with a minor modification. The code that follows does some very basic tests of the uint32_t and uint64_t versions (only false positives can possibly be caught), but is also suitable for manual examination of the edge cases.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
uint32_t double_to_uint32 (double x)
double y = floor(x);
if (y < 0.0) {
return 0;
if (y >= ldexp(1.0, 32)) {
return UINT32_MAX;
return y;
uint64_t double_to_uint64 (double x)
double y = floor(x);
if (y < 0.0) {
return 0;
if (y >= ldexp(1.0, 64)) {
return UINT64_MAX;
return y;
int double_representable_in_uint32 (double x)
return (floor(x) == x && x >= 0.0 && x < ldexp(1.0, 32));
int double_representable_in_uint64 (double x)
return (floor(x) == x && x >= 0.0 && x < ldexp(1.0, 64));
int main ()
printf("Testing 32-bit\n");
for (double x = 4294967295.999990; x < 4294967296.000017; x = nextafter(x, INFINITY)) {
uint32_t y = double_to_uint32(x);
int representable = double_representable_in_uint32(x);
printf("%f -> %" PRIu32 " representable=%d\n", x, y, representable);
assert(!representable || (double)(uint32_t)x == x);
printf("Testing 64-bit\n");
double x = ldexp(1.0, 64) - 40000.0;
for (double x = 18446744073709510656.0; x < 18446744073709629440.0; x = nextafter(x, INFINITY)) {
uint64_t y = double_to_uint64(x);
int representable = double_representable_in_uint64(x);
printf("%f -> %" PRIu64 " representable=%d\n", x, y, representable);
assert(!representable || (double)(uint64_t)x == x);
Here's one method that could work in most cases. I'm not sure if/how it will break if you give it NaN, INF, very large (overflow) numbers...
(Though I think they will all return false - not exactly representable.)
You could:
Cast it to an integer.
Cast it back to a floating-point.
Compare with original value.
Something like this:
double val = ... ; // Value
if ((double)(long long)val == val){
// Exactly representable
floor() and ceil() are also fair game (though they may fail if the value overflows an integer):
floor(val) == val
ceil(val) == val
And here's a messy bit-mask solution:
This uses union type-punning and assumes IEEE double-precision. Union type-punning is only valid in C99 TR2 and later.
int representable(double x){
// Handle corner cases:
if (x == 0)
return 1;
// -2^63 is representable as a signed 64-bit integer, but +2^63 is not.
if (x == -9223372036854775808.)
return 1;
// Warning: Union type-punning is only valid in C99 TR2 or later.
double f;
uint64_t i;
} val;
val.f = x;
uint64_t exp = val.i & 0x7ff0000000000000ull;
uint64_t man = val.i & 0x000fffffffffffffull;
man |= 0x0010000000000000ull; // Implicit leading 1-bit.
int shift = (exp >> 52) - 1075;
// Out of range
if (shift < -52 || shift > 10)
return 0;
// Test mantissa
if (shift < 0){
shift = -shift;
return ((man >> shift) << shift) == man;
return ((man << shift) >> shift) == man;
You can use the modf function to split a float into the integer and fraction parts. modf is in the standard C library.
#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>
double val = ...
double i;
long l;
/* check if fractional part is 0 */
if (modf(val, &i) == 0.0) {
/* val is an integer. check if it can be stored in a long */
if (val >= LONG_MIN && val <= LONG_MAX) {
/* can be exactly represented by a long */
l = val;
How to check if float can be exactly represented as an integer ?
I'm looking to for a reasonably efficient way of determining if a floating point value double can be exactly represented by an integer data type long, 64 bit.
Range (LONG_MIN, LONG_MAX) and fraction (frexp()) tests needed. Also need to watch out for not-a-numbers.
The usual idea is to test like (double)(long)x == x, but to avoid its direct usage. (long)x, when x is out of range, is undefined behavior (UB).
The valid range of conversion for (long)x is LONG_MIN - 1 < x < LONG_MAX + 1 as code discards any fractional part of x during the conversion. So code needs to test, using FP math, if x is in range.
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define DBL_LONG_MAXP1 (2.0*(LONG_MAX/2+1))
#define DBL_LONG_MINM1 (2.0*(LONG_MIN/2-1))
bool double_to_long_exact_possible(double x) {
if (x < DBL_LONG_MAXP1) {
double whole_number_part;
if (frexp(x, &whole_number_part) != 0.0) {
return false; // Fractional part exist.
// rare non-2's complement machine
return x > DBL_LONG_MINM1;
return x - LONG_MIN > -1.0;
return false; // Too large or NaN
Any IEEE floating-point double or float value with a magnitude at or above 2^52 or 2^23 will be whole number. Adding 2^52 or 2^23 to a positive number whose magnitude is less than that will cause it to be rounded to a whole number. Subtracting the value that was added will yield a whole number which will equal the original iff the original was a whole number. Note that this algorithm will fail with some numbers larger than 2^52, but it isn't needed for numbers that big.
Could you use the modulus operator to check if the double is divisible by one... or am I completely misunderstanding the question?
double val = ... ; // Value
if(val % 1 == 0) {
// Val is evenly divisible by 1 and is therefore a whole number
What is the most efficient way given to raise an integer to the power of another integer in C?
// 2^3
pow(2,3) == 8
// 5^5
pow(5,5) == 3125
Exponentiation by squaring.
int ipow(int base, int exp)
int result = 1;
for (;;)
if (exp & 1)
result *= base;
exp >>= 1;
if (!exp)
base *= base;
return result;
This is the standard method for doing modular exponentiation for huge numbers in asymmetric cryptography.
Note that exponentiation by squaring is not the most optimal method. It is probably the best you can do as a general method that works for all exponent values, but for a specific exponent value there might be a better sequence that needs fewer multiplications.
For instance, if you want to compute x^15, the method of exponentiation by squaring will give you:
x^15 = (x^7)*(x^7)*x
x^7 = (x^3)*(x^3)*x
x^3 = x*x*x
This is a total of 6 multiplications.
It turns out this can be done using "just" 5 multiplications via addition-chain exponentiation.
n*n = n^2
n^2*n = n^3
n^3*n^3 = n^6
n^6*n^6 = n^12
n^12*n^3 = n^15
There are no efficient algorithms to find this optimal sequence of multiplications. From Wikipedia:
The problem of finding the shortest addition chain cannot be solved by dynamic programming, because it does not satisfy the assumption of optimal substructure. That is, it is not sufficient to decompose the power into smaller powers, each of which is computed minimally, since the addition chains for the smaller powers may be related (to share computations). For example, in the shortest addition chain for a¹⁵ above, the subproblem for a⁶ must be computed as (a³)² since a³ is re-used (as opposed to, say, a⁶ = a²(a²)², which also requires three multiplies).
If you need to raise 2 to a power. The fastest way to do so is to bit shift by the power.
2 ** 3 == 1 << 3 == 8
2 ** 30 == 1 << 30 == 1073741824 (A Gigabyte)
Here is the method in Java
private int ipow(int base, int exp)
int result = 1;
while (exp != 0)
if ((exp & 1) == 1)
result *= base;
exp >>= 1;
base *= base;
return result;
An extremely specialized case is, when you need say 2^(-x to the y), where x, is of course is negative and y is too large to do shifting on an int. You can still do 2^x in constant time by screwing with a float.
struct IeeeFloat
unsigned int base : 23;
unsigned int exponent : 8;
unsigned int signBit : 1;
union IeeeFloatUnion
IeeeFloat brokenOut;
float f;
inline float twoToThe(char exponent)
// notice how the range checking is already done on the exponent var
static IeeeFloatUnion u;
u.f = 2.0;
// Change the exponent part of the float
u.brokenOut.exponent += (exponent - 1);
return (u.f);
You can get more powers of 2 by using a double as the base type.
(Thanks a lot to commenters for helping to square this post away).
There's also the possibility that learning more about IEEE floats, other special cases of exponentiation might present themselves.
power() function to work for Integers Only
int power(int base, unsigned int exp){
if (exp == 0)
return 1;
int temp = power(base, exp/2);
if (exp%2 == 0)
return temp*temp;
return base*temp*temp;
Complexity = O(log(exp))
power() function to work for negative exp and float base.
float power(float base, int exp) {
if( exp == 0)
return 1;
float temp = power(base, exp/2);
if (exp%2 == 0)
return temp*temp;
else {
if(exp > 0)
return base*temp*temp;
return (temp*temp)/base; //negative exponent computation
Complexity = O(log(exp))
If you want to get the value of an integer for 2 raised to the power of something it is always better to use the shift option:
pow(2,5) can be replaced by 1<<5
This is much more efficient.
int pow( int base, int exponent)
{ // Does not work for negative exponents. (But that would be leaving the range of int)
if (exponent == 0) return 1; // base case;
int temp = pow(base, exponent/2);
if (exponent % 2 == 0)
return temp * temp;
return (base * temp * temp);
Just as a follow up to comments on the efficiency of exponentiation by squaring.
The advantage of that approach is that it runs in log(n) time. For example, if you were going to calculate something huge, such as x^1048575 (2^20 - 1), you only have to go thru the loop 20 times, not 1 million+ using the naive approach.
Also, in terms of code complexity, it is simpler than trying to find the most optimal sequence of multiplications, a la Pramod's suggestion.
I guess I should clarify before someone tags me for the potential for overflow. This approach assumes that you have some sort of hugeint library.
Late to the party:
Below is a solution that also deals with y < 0 as best as it can.
It uses a result of intmax_t for maximum range. There is no provision for answers that do not fit in intmax_t.
powjii(0, 0) --> 1 which is a common result for this case.
pow(0,negative), another undefined result, returns INTMAX_MAX
intmax_t powjii(int x, int y) {
if (y < 0) {
switch (x) {
case 0:
return INTMAX_MAX;
case 1:
return 1;
case -1:
return y % 2 ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
intmax_t z = 1;
intmax_t base = x;
for (;;) {
if (y % 2) {
z *= base;
y /= 2;
if (y == 0) {
base *= base;
return z;
This code uses a forever loop for(;;) to avoid the final base *= base common in other looped solutions. That multiplication is 1) not needed and 2) could be int*int overflow which is UB.
more generic solution considering negative exponenet
private static int pow(int base, int exponent) {
int result = 1;
if (exponent == 0)
return result; // base case;
if (exponent < 0)
return 1 / pow(base, -exponent);
int temp = pow(base, exponent / 2);
if (exponent % 2 == 0)
return temp * temp;
return (base * temp * temp);
The O(log N) solution in Swift...
// Time complexity is O(log N)
func power(_ base: Int, _ exp: Int) -> Int {
// 1. If the exponent is 1 then return the number (e.g a^1 == a)
//Time complexity O(1)
if exp == 1 {
return base
// 2. Calculate the value of the number raised to half of the exponent. This will be used to calculate the final answer by squaring the result (e.g a^2n == (a^n)^2 == a^n * a^n). The idea is that we can do half the amount of work by obtaining a^n and multiplying the result by itself to get a^2n
//Time complexity O(log N)
let tempVal = power(base, exp/2)
// 3. If the exponent was odd then decompose the result in such a way that it allows you to divide the exponent in two (e.g. a^(2n+1) == a^1 * a^2n == a^1 * a^n * a^n). If the eponent is even then the result must be the base raised to half the exponent squared (e.g. a^2n == a^n * a^n = (a^n)^2).
//Time complexity O(1)
return (exp % 2 == 1 ? base : 1) * tempVal * tempVal
int pow(int const x, unsigned const e) noexcept
return !e ? 1 : 1 == e ? x : (e % 2 ? x : 1) * pow(x * x, e / 2);
//return !e ? 1 : 1 == e ? x : (((x ^ 1) & -(e % 2)) ^ 1) * pow(x * x, e / 2);
Yes, it's recursive, but a good optimizing compiler will optimize recursion away.
One more implementation (in Java). May not be most efficient solution but # of iterations is same as that of Exponential solution.
public static long pow(long base, long exp){
if(exp ==0){
return 1;
if(exp ==1){
return base;
if(exp % 2 == 0){
long half = pow(base, exp/2);
return half * half;
long half = pow(base, (exp -1)/2);
return base * half * half;
I use recursive, if the exp is even,5^10 =25^5.
int pow(float base,float exp){
if (exp==0)return 1;
else if(exp>0&&exp%2==0){
return pow(base*base,exp/2);
}else if (exp>0&&exp%2!=0){
return base*pow(base,exp-1);
In addition to the answer by Elias, which causes Undefined Behaviour when implemented with signed integers, and incorrect values for high input when implemented with unsigned integers,
here is a modified version of the Exponentiation by Squaring that also works with signed integer types, and doesn't give incorrect values:
#include <stdint.h>
#define SQRT_INT64_MAX (INT64_C(0xB504F333))
int64_t alx_pow_s64 (int64_t base, uint8_t exp)
int_fast64_t base_;
int_fast64_t result;
base_ = base;
if (base_ == 1)
return 1;
if (!exp)
return 1;
if (!base_)
return 0;
result = 1;
if (exp & 1)
result *= base_;
exp >>= 1;
while (exp) {
if (base_ > SQRT_INT64_MAX)
return 0;
base_ *= base_;
if (exp & 1)
result *= base_;
exp >>= 1;
return result;
Considerations for this function:
(1 ** N) == 1
(N ** 0) == 1
(0 ** 0) == 1
(0 ** N) == 0
If any overflow or wrapping is going to take place, return 0;
I used int64_t, but any width (signed or unsigned) can be used with little modification. However, if you need to use a non-fixed-width integer type, you will need to change SQRT_INT64_MAX by (int)sqrt(INT_MAX) (in the case of using int) or something similar, which should be optimized, but it is uglier, and not a C constant expression. Also casting the result of sqrt() to an int is not very good because of floating point precission in case of a perfect square, but as I don't know of any implementation where INT_MAX -or the maximum of any type- is a perfect square, you can live with that.
I have implemented algorithm that memorizes all computed powers and then uses them when need. So for example x^13 is equal to (x^2)^2^2 * x^2^2 * x where x^2^2 it taken from the table instead of computing it once again. This is basically implementation of #Pramod answer (but in C#).
The number of multiplication needed is Ceil(Log n)
public static int Power(int base, int exp)
int tab[] = new int[exp + 1];
tab[0] = 1;
tab[1] = base;
return Power(base, exp, tab);
public static int Power(int base, int exp, int tab[])
if(exp == 0) return 1;
if(exp == 1) return base;
int i = 1;
while(i < exp/2)
if(tab[2 * i] <= 0)
tab[2 * i] = tab[i] * tab[i];
i = i << 1;
if(exp <= i)
return tab[i];
else return tab[i] * Power(base, exp - i, tab);
Here is a O(1) algorithm for calculating x ** y, inspired by this comment. It works for 32-bit signed int.
For small values of y, it uses exponentiation by squaring. For large values of y, there are only a few values of x where the result doesn't overflow. This implementation uses a lookup table to read the result without calculating.
On overflow, the C standard permits any behavior, including crash. However, I decided to do bound-checking on LUT indices to prevent memory access violation, which could be surprising and undesirable.
If `x` is between -2 and 2, use special-case formulas.
Otherwise, if `y` is between 0 and 8, use special-case formulas.
Set x = abs(x); remember if x was negative
If x <= 10 and y <= 19:
Load precomputed result from a lookup table
Set result to 0 (overflow)
If x was negative and y is odd, negate the result
C code:
#define POW9(x) x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x
#define POW10(x) POW9(x) * x
#define POW11(x) POW10(x) * x
#define POW12(x) POW11(x) * x
#define POW13(x) POW12(x) * x
#define POW14(x) POW13(x) * x
#define POW15(x) POW14(x) * x
#define POW16(x) POW15(x) * x
#define POW17(x) POW16(x) * x
#define POW18(x) POW17(x) * x
#define POW19(x) POW18(x) * x
int mypow(int x, unsigned y)
static int table[8][11] = {
{POW9(3), POW10(3), POW11(3), POW12(3), POW13(3), POW14(3), POW15(3), POW16(3), POW17(3), POW18(3), POW19(3)},
{POW9(4), POW10(4), POW11(4), POW12(4), POW13(4), POW14(4), POW15(4), 0, 0, 0, 0},
{POW9(5), POW10(5), POW11(5), POW12(5), POW13(5), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{POW9(6), POW10(6), POW11(6), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{POW9(7), POW10(7), POW11(7), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{POW9(8), POW10(8), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{POW9(9), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{POW9(10), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
int is_neg;
int r;
switch (x)
case 0:
return y == 0 ? 1 : 0;
case 1:
return 1;
case -1:
return y % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1;
case 2:
return 1 << y;
case -2:
return (y % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1) << y;
switch (y)
case 0:
return 1;
case 1:
return x;
case 2:
return x * x;
case 3:
return x * x * x;
case 4:
r = x * x;
return r * r;
case 5:
r = x * x;
return r * r * x;
case 6:
r = x * x;
return r * r * r;
case 7:
r = x * x;
return r * r * r * x;
case 8:
r = x * x;
r = r * r;
return r * r;
is_neg = x < 0;
if (is_neg)
x = -x;
if (x <= 10 && y <= 19)
r = table[x - 3][y - 9];
r = 0;
if (is_neg && y % 2 == 1)
r = -r;
return r;
My case is a little different, I'm trying to create a mask from a power, but I thought I'd share the solution I found anyway.
Obviously, it only works for powers of 2.
Mask1 = 1 << (Exponent - 1);
Mask2 = Mask1 - 1;
return Mask1 + Mask2;
In case you know the exponent (and it is an integer) at compile-time, you can use templates to unroll the loop. This can be made more efficient, but I wanted to demonstrate the basic principle here:
#include <iostream>
template<unsigned long N>
unsigned long inline exp_unroll(unsigned base) {
return base * exp_unroll<N-1>(base);
We terminate the recursion using a template specialization:
unsigned long inline exp_unroll<1>(unsigned base) {
return base;
The exponent needs to be known at runtime,
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
std::cout << argv[1] <<"**5= " << exp_unroll<5>(atoi(argv[1])) << ;std::endl;
I've noticed something strange about the standard exponential squaring algorithm with gnu-GMP :
I implemented 2 nearly-identical functions - a power-modulo function using the most vanilla binary exponential squaring algorithm,
labeled ______2()
then another one basically the same concept, but re-mapped to dividing by 10 at each round instead of dividing by 2,
labeled ______10()
( time ( jot - 1456 9999999999 6671 | pvE0 |
gawk -Mbe '
function ______10(_, __, ___, ____, _____, _______) {
__ = +__
____ = (____+=_____=____^= \
(_ %=___=+___)<_)+____++^____—
while (__) {
if (_______= __%____) {
if (__==_______) {
return (_^__ *_____) %___
_____ = (_^_______*_____) %___
_ = _^____%___
function ______2(_, __, ___, ____, _____) {
while (__) {
if (__ %____) {
if (__<____) {
return (_*_____) %___
_____ = (_____*_) %___
_= (_*_) %___
OFMT = CONVFMT = "%.250g"
__ = (___=_^= FS=OFS= "=")(_<_)
_____ = __^(_=3)^--_ * ++_-(_+_)^_
______ = _^(_+_)-_ + _^!_
_______ = int(______*_____)
________ = 10 ^ 5 + 1
_________ = 8 ^ 4 * 2 - 1
GNU Awk 5.1.1, API: 3.1 (GNU MPFR 4.1.0, GNU MP 6.2.1)
($++NF = ______10(_=$___, NR %________ +_________,_______*(_-11))) ^!___'
out9: 48.4MiB 0:00:08 [6.02MiB/s] [6.02MiB/s] [ <=> ]
in0: 15.6MiB 0:00:08 [1.95MiB/s] [1.95MiB/s] [ <=> ]
( jot - 1456 9999999999 6671 | pvE 0.1 in0 | gawk -Mbe ; )
8.31s user 0.06s system 103% cpu 8.058 total
ffa16aa937b7beca66a173ccbf8e1e12 stdin
($++NF = ______2(_=$___, NR %________ +_________,_______*(_-11))) ^!___'
out9: 48.4MiB 0:00:12 [3.78MiB/s] [3.78MiB/s] [<=> ]
in0: 15.6MiB 0:00:12 [1.22MiB/s] [1.22MiB/s] [ <=> ]
( jot - 1456 9999999999 6671 | pvE 0.1 in0 | gawk -Mbe ; )
13.05s user 0.07s system 102% cpu 12.821 total
ffa16aa937b7beca66a173ccbf8e1e12 stdin
For reasons extremely counter-intuitive and unknown to me, for a wide variety of inputs i threw at it, the div-10 variant is nearly always faster. It's the matching of hashes between the 2 that made it truly baffling, despite computers obviously not being built in and for a base-10 paradigm.
Am I missing something critical or obvious in the code/approach that might be skewing the results in a confounding manner ? Thanks.