Just learning atk4. (4.2.4, I believe. Installed through curl -sS http://agiletoolkit.org/install | sh)
How do I modify and load shared.html in atk4? I can only edit atk4/templates/shared/shared.html?
I tried copying shared.html to the following locations and edit them:
and none seems to be loaded at all.
It should work at least from /templates/shared/shared.html.
Please try to use latest ATK4 version from master branch from GitHub https://github.com/atk4/atk4. Current fully working version is 4.2.5.
If you start to learn ATK4 or start completely new project based on ATK4 framework, then you better look into 4.3 branch in GitHub and learn and use it. There are quite a lot of things changed in 4.3 (not yet released) version so you better use them now and you'll not need to "convert" your project from 4.2.x to 4.3 later on when 4.3 will be officially released.
I need to deploy and launch 2sxc module source code locally on my pc. Which release version is stable and has correct references? I tried it with version 11.05.00, but didn't succeed so far.
What problems did you find, and which version of DNN are you using?
I have 2sxc 11.4.0 running in a DNN 9.7.2 installation. No problems.
Looking at GitHub, I see 11.07.01 for LTS and a couple of "minor bugfix" releases following it. It looks like I should consider updating ...
Basically almost all releases are stable - and we recommend LTS releases.
I don't understand what you mean with correct references - could you elaborate?
I want to start a project with Symfony3 and SonataAdmin
I was trying a lot of versions of symfony and sonataAdminBundle
But I always get errors when updating composer
What's the correct composer.json to start my project
According to packagist the current v3.3.1 of SonataAdminBundle should be compatible with Symfony ^3.0.
You can just run composer require sonata-project/admin-bundle and it will automatically look for the newest compatible version. If that fails you could try allowing development-versions as well.
composer require sonata-project/admin-bundle:dev-master
That should be your last resort though as it pulls in an unstable dependency. Feel free to add composer's error to your question and maybe I or someone else can give a more precise answer.
Is there a way to see when a composer package has an available update that is higher than its composer.json requirement allows?
My composer.son file has require statements like this:
"require" : {
"components/bootstrap" : "~3.3.4",
"components/jquery" : "~1.11.2",
"erusev/parsedown" : "~1.5.2",
Imagine parsedown has just had a big jump in functionality, and moved to version 2.0.0. When I run a composer update, as expected, my app will not be updated to version 2.0.0 (if one existed). Is there a way I can see that 2.0.0 is available with a composer command?
I am worried I might miss some updates, because I have locked down my required versions so much, and hope there is some command or way to see all of the available updates for my composer packages.
Is there a way to see when a composer package has an available update that is higher than its composer.json requirement allows?
Yes, there is a way. It's basically the comparison of the defined version constraint in your composer.json with the version numbers of composer show for the specific package.
composer show --self
This shows you the output of composer.json of your project.
You get the defined version constraints.
Alternatively, just open composer.json.
composer show --installed
This shows you the resolved and installed versions.
composer show package/package
This shows you all available version numbers.
Sidenote: composer show erusev/parsedown says there is no v2.0.0 release, yet.
There isn't a table display for this, yet, but it's a nice feature request, because it eases project maintenance. But assembling the infos automatically is quite resource intensive, especially when there are a lot of packages.
| package | defined constraint | current version | available versions |
| erusev/parsedown | ~1.0 | 1.5.2 | dev-master, v1.5.2, ...|
First I'd recommend relaxing your version requirements to only have tilde-two-numbers instead of three, and see how it goes. It will allow you to not only get patch updates, but also compatible feature updates.
Composer currently has no way to signal to you the presence of incompatible versions beyond the original package being flagged "abandoned". You have to monitor the release announcement of the packages you use manually, or you could try and see what happens if you add the next major version to the requirement: "erusev/parsedown" : "~1.5.2|~2.0"
This however looks strange if you haven't even tried to update to the latest 1.x version using "erusev/parsedown" :"^1.5.2". Note that the caret is a shortcut for ~1.5,>=1.5.2 for major versions >= 1 (major versions 0.x are handled more strictly).
I was trying to look at the OGR api in GDAL, and was following the tutorial here: http://www.gdal.org/ogr_apitut.html. I kept getting an undefined reference to pretty much everything. I've installed from source the latest version (1.11) on my linux distro from here: http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/DownloadSource. Looking through the header file, specifically in gcore/gdal.h, I see for example that GDALOpenEx is not there, nor is it in the version before that. It is, however, in the subversion repository. So, what gives?
There is no GDALOpenEx function for GDAL 1.11. You are looking at documentation for GDAL 2.x.
The documentation for 1.11 is found at http://gdal.org/1.11/
Or, you can make the documentation for the version you are using locally, e.g.:
make docs
sudo make install-docs
Then view them locally from your web browser, e.g.:
chromium /usr/local/doc/ogr/ogr_apitut.html
This is the error message I get:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Google App Engine Tools for Android 3.1.0.v201208080121-rel-r42 (com.google.gdt.eclipse.mobile.android.feature.feature.group 3.1.0.v201208080121-rel-r42)
I've tried numerous things including manually downloading the file from here and also I snooped around StackOverflow and I tried just moving all the plugins from the manual download into the plugins folder of my Eclipse. That didn't help me though because my perspective did not update with the plugins and I couldn't find the "Create New Web Application" option. I've also read some things about the XML file being wrong but I can't find it and those were for other Eclipse versions so I don't know if it applies to me.
I also tried excluding Google App Engine Tools for Android 3.1.0 but then it just says the next one in the list can't be found.
I'll be more than happy to provide anymore information. I am running Eclipse Juno 4.2 and Java 1.7 (I also have 1.6 installed though). I am using a Windows 7 PC. Thank you guys so much! I just want to code :[
I did not work for me with this URL: http://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/4.2
It worked with this one: http://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/3.8
I just changed 4.2 to 3.8.
I faced a similar problem I was downloading with 120 kb/s every time the download breaks down
when I moved to another place and downloaded the plugin with highest speed 400 kb/s It successfully downloaded and no problems found
You might think that issue is out of logic but that what I reached so far
Hope that Helps
I know this is a very old question but recently I found a solution to my problem so I am going to personally update the answer. For some reason, Eclipse Classic 4.2.2 Juno does not come with some of the required packages. After talking to some people, they recommended simply downloading Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers which simply comes with most of the packages necessary. From there, it just worked!
My friend also mentioned you could try to manually download the packages on Eclipse Classic but that is far more of a hassle.
Hope this helps!