I have noticed the behavior of a Dynamic view is different than a web view with the following config spec:
element * CHECKEDOUT
element * MYLABEL
element * /main/latest
With a web view, my view is filtered by MYLABEL.
But in Dynamic views, I always get the "latest" files.
What am I doing wrong?
It depends on:
the config spec of the dynamic view
(you need to double-check if it is the same than the web view, with a cleartool catcs)
the files you are considering (that LABEL might not be applied on all those files)
how long the web view was updated: a web view is basically like a snapshot view: you might see those versions now, but if the label was moved, then a refresh might give you different result.
Beside that, there is no differences in the selected versions a web view or a dynamic view would return.
The OP Kevin Zamora adds in the comments:
I got it to work.
The problem is that Clearteam explorer is slowwww... and if you work remotely, it could take forever (and we reportedly have a fast connection).
Even at work, it takes many seconds.
Also, I notice that you have to kill the show version tree window and restart it completely. Sometimes the window doesn't update properly.
I want to make a new icon and a fuction for clearcase, i want to activate and deactivate the element * MAIN/LATEST function without to change manually the config spec.
I would like to have also the icon on my toolbox so i could know every time if MAIN/LATEST is active. My question is if someone could manipulate the clearcase's Toolbox. I was searching in google without to find out an answer!
The usual customization I see is through the ClearCase Context Menu Editor for Windows Explorer.
That would apply for Windows client only, and for ClearCase 7.x, not ClearTeam Explorer 8 though:
The tool that allows you to change the behavior of existing dialog boxes in Windows and ClearCase Explorer is ClearCase Context Menu Editor (tool called clearmenuadmin typical found in C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\bin\clearmenuadmin.exe) which is available on all ClearCase Windows installations.
With the Context Menu Editor it is possible to:
Create new commands and other menu items available to ClearCase context menus.
Change properties of built-in and custom ClearCase context menu items.
Add items to or remove items from ClearCase context menus.
Test the changes to ClearCase context menus.
It would be good to know why you want to "disable /main/LATEST" and how you plan on doing that. Completely removing the line may cause problems if you need to create new elements, for example.
Whatever script that you're planning on using would need to:
Grab the current view configspec using cleartool getcs
Edit it to make the desired changes
use cleartool setcs {filename} to apply the changes
Some key "gotchas".
Removing /main/LATEST completely will break mkelem, unless have a "element * /main/0 -mkbranch {some branch}" rule.
If you use "-time now" to prevent seeing stuff on /main that others may still be checking in, that will work up to a point. This "now" means "when the configspec is recompiled" which can happen: on starting the view server process or if "cleartool setcs -current" is used to clear view caches.
Not having a configspec line for /main is intentionally introducing "no version selected by configuration" errors. As is using "element ... -none" rules. If you use snapshot or snapshot-derived view types (Web views, and likely Automatic views), you may see error messages on updating/loading views. You can ignore these messages, but only if you're aware they will happen. If you're doing automated updates (say as part of a build process) that tooling needs to be set up to ignore the "spurious" errors and catch the "real" ones.
Using clear case reporting wizard how could i retreive the list of unlabelled files in a branch from a specific date?
You would need first a view configured to select element on that specific date: use a time-based selection rule config spec:
element /myPath/... /main/{!created_since(16-Sep-2009)}
element /myPath/... /main/LATEST
I would recommend a dynamic view for that, as you can easily tweak said config spec until you see the versions you want, and quickly refresh the view after each config spec modification.
Once the view is properly set, you can use:
a simple find query to list all version not labelled with a specific label
or try the ClearCase reporting wizard, after having to select first the appropriate script (which are in C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\reports\scripts, like mentioned in this thread).
I suspect it is easy to configure those scripts to report all labelled versions, I don't know if you can report the "negative" form (all non-labelled version for a given label).
My company has recently switched from using Perforce to Rational ClearCase for version control.
In the P4Win client it was possible to select View -> Entire Depot and browse depot files that were outside my client spec and this was useful for figuring out exactly what I needed to add to my client spec.
Significantly this avoided the need to synch the files from the depot before viewing them, and was therefore quicker.
I'm now using ClearTeam Explorer and can't seem to find an equivalent. I'd like to have this for a similar purpose, to figure out exactly what I need in the load rules for my snapshot view and also to decide what views I need to create.
Does anyone know if it is possible to view what files exist under a project in ClearTeam Explorer without first creating a view on the project / joining it?
ClearTeam Explorer is basically a trimmed down Eclipse with ClearCase specific plugins.
The easiest way would be to create a dynamic view (you need to add -stream yourStream#\yourPvob to the mkview command, I know it looks like you "joining a project", but still, dynamic view are quick to setup).
The idea is to configure your config spec with the right selection rules (a dynamic view will display the files instantly), and then make your snapshot view with those same selection rules (and the appropriate load rules, specific to a snapshot view)
Note that, according to the CCRC wiki:
With the Release of v8.0, the ClearTeam Explorer is the common Eclipse UI client that supports MVFS on native clients, as well as webviews.
CM Server in 7.1.x was renamed to CCRC Wan Server in v8.
If you don't have cleartool installed, that means you are using webviews (which are snapshot views with web access to the CCRC Wan server).
In that case, there is no easy way to browse any code from any Baseline (other than joining a project)
FWIW now, wanted to suggest a different solution here.
I would create a web view on the stream with empty load rule.
This will ensure a faster view creation.
Then from ClearTeam Navigator menu, I will enable the options to show
Unloaded VOBs
Unloaded Elements
This will ensure that the unloaded elements chosen from my element rules are displayed in ClearTeam Details and ClearTeam Navigator.
Note: You need to be connected to the CCRC server to view the unloaded elements.
Then I can browse the file structure and decide which files needs to be added to my view's load rule.
Or I can just right click on any unloaded/partially loaded resource and select "Load Resource..." which will load the item to my view.
I have a clearcase view which I have not updated in quite some time. It has some view private files and I am sure a lot of other things as well. Is there anyway I can delete all the content of the view and force clearcase to give me everything again?
When i try to build the project from my view (After a rebase) I get a lot of build errors, but if I build the project from the actual stream, I get no build errors at all, so I am guessing my view is a bit messed up, and as I have no files I need to keep there, i would very much like to just reset it.
I am using a snapshot view
First of all, you need to make sure that that your config spec reflect the config of your UCM Stream.
If we are talking about a snapshot view, simply delete everything in it (except the hidden view.dat file), and type (at the root directory of your snapshot view):
cleartool setcs -stream
That will force the view to:
rewrite its config spec in accordance with its associated Stream
launch an update of your snapshot view.
One of the shops I'm working at relies on dynamic views in ClearCase. The established norm has been to create a new view for each project effort. Over time I've found that I've only needed to have one or two views concurrently active. I've taken to "reusing" a view by changing the config spec (subsequent to check-in, label, release, etc.). So far, it has worked out. Is there any long-term problem with doing that? If not, is there anyway I can re-name the view (change the view tag) to better reflect what the purpose of the view is?
For base ClearCase dynamic views, the only side-effect you can have when recycling a config spec are private files:
Those are store within the dynamic view storage, and not always removed when the config spec is reset.
You also need to make sure no files were left checked-out: they also are stored in the view storage, and once the config spec has changed, they may not be visible/reachable any more (but you should still be able to unco them through the 'find co' GUI).
You cannot rename (change the tag) of a view (dynamic or snapshot)
And, just to be complete, you cannot recycle the config spec of an UCM dynamic view (which reference a stream).
You can try to change the foundation baselines of said stream, but again, that is not always possible.
I vote for scrapping old views and creating views afresh. Besides all teh great inputs from VonC, from the disk space point of view, old views tend to get bulky over time and you soon you wont be a favorite with your sysadmins :-)
From my experience there is no log term affect for using only 2 dynamic views instead of one for each "project". If you don't need the views active concurrently its a good method, thats the beauty if dynamic views they can be updated very fast and very frequently.
For the renaming part, why rename? make a similar new dynamic view (or two) and give it a new name (view tag).