Initialise SQLite Database in Yesod Scaffolding Site - database

I created a yesod project with yesod init dans chose SQLite database.
My question : How do we initialise the SQLite Database with initial entries in the Yesod Scaffoled Site at the launch? Where do we put our insert instructions in this Yesod Templace Site?
I'm talking about actually adding records to some existing tables.
The Persistence chapter in the Yesod book explains how to insert a line in the database in the Handler of a ressource, but it doesn't explain how to add database entries at the start of the Yesod site (when the Yesod site is launched using yesod devel for example).
This is probably not an efficient way to proceed, so any suggestions on the completion of this task would be helpful.
Thank you.

I've never done this before since in my usual use case the DB is used for persistence across runs.
However I think the most appropriate place to do this would be in the makeFoundation function inside the Application module
Thats where your DB resources (connection pool etc...) are initialised.
Theres a line that looks something like this:
-- Perform database migration using our application's logging settings.
(Database.Persist.runPool dbconf (runMigration migrateAll) p)
(messageLoggerSource foundation logger)
That sets up your tables, its probably just after this that you want to add your records.
I think the link in your question needs to be corrected, but the Persistent chapter of the Yesod book that you referred to does have valid examples for inserting records in an IO () action, so it should be able to get you the rest of the way.
Hope this helped


Create and make analysis CortexDB

I expose my problem: I have recently started using CortexDB, a NoSQL software to database analysis. I have read the (poor) documentation on, and purchased a free license to evaluate the operation of the program. As the documentation is unclear I would have some questions to ask you:
1) How do I create a database?
2) how can I import a database contained in an excel file (.csv)?
3) how do I create charts or analyzes regarding the data entered?
because the question is very old I hope I can still help you.
First of all: you should download the latest release of the free version (simple registration and download)
if you downloaded the free version you got the server and two databases. A server process handles one database. For a second database you have to start a second server (different port of course). If you start the free version you should have an empty database (or the filled and configured demo db). If you want to create a complete new one without any predefined configuration, you have to start the server process with the command line and the parameter -n (ctxserver64 -n). If you did that you have to configure everything by hand with the tool ‘remote admin’.
the question is not clear for me. Do you mean how to import a csv file into a CortexDB or do you mean how to import the database content into an excel file?
If you want to import the csv file into a CortxDB, the easiest way is to use the tool CortexImplex. It’s completely explained in the online docs (
If you want to export datasets as csv file the only thing you have to do is to configure a list in the CortexUniplex as a view for your datasets and export them as csv (you find the export function in the list menu).
I would do the charting with d3j. For this you can use the so called ‘DataService’ of the CortexUniplex. It’s a kind of an API for posting requests and getting JSON objects. If you have a completely configured UniPlex you can use all of your configuration as json objects for other apps (for example charts or an individual application).
The full version has a simple dashboard inside of the CortexUniplex. Maybe the vendor offers it in the free free version.
By the way: it’s always good to write an email to the info address. Because this database is not so famous and known, the guys are very helpful. Or contact them via twitter or other channels (see at the bottom of the cort webpage).

Design Datatabase tables structure

I am new in this and try to found information in the web have not got any success. I need to create some log tables but have no idea what information should this table contains and how to organize them.
For example:
LogErrorTabble, LogChangesTable, etc..
Could anyone give me some articles about this or link to site with example solutions that he has used?
First of all what log library do you use? If you're on java got for log4j, if you're on .NET go for log4net. Both of these frameworks provide db log appenders that log to the database out of the box.
In case you're not using a log library: use a log library :)
In case you really want to do that on your own I can recommend a layout I used in a project where log messages were stored in a table logs and exceptions associated with an entry in the logs table were stored in an exceptions table but that highly depends on your platform.
You can find a lot of useful information on how to design your log tables in the log4net and log4j documentation. For example take a look at the log4net AdoNetAppender Class.

Best strategy to initially populate a Grails database backend

I'd like to know your approach/experiences when it's time to initially populate the Grails DB that will hold your app data. Assuming you have CSVs with data, is is "safer" to create a script (with whatever tool fits you) that:
1.-Generates the Bootstrap commands with the domain classes, run it in test or dev environment and then use the native db commands to export it to prod?
2.-Create the DB's insert script assuming GORM's version = 0 and incrementing manually the soon-to-be autogenerated IDs ?
My fear is that the second approach may lead to inconsistencies for hibernate will have the responsability for the IDs generation and there may be something else I'm missing.
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at this link. This allows you to run groovy scripts in the normal grails context giving you access to all grails features including GORM. I'm currently importing data from a legacy database and have found that writing a Groovy script using the Groovy SQL interface to pull out the data then putting that data in domain objects appears to be the easiest thing to do. Once you have the data imported you just use the commands specific to your database system to move that data to the production database.
Apparently the updated entry referenced from the blog entry I link to no longer exists. I was able to get this working using code at the following link which is also referenced in the comments.
Finally it seems that the simplest solution is to consider that GORM as of the current release (1.2) uses a single sequence for all auto-generated ids. So considering this when creating whatever scripts you need (in the language of your preference) should suffice. I understand it's planned for 1.3 release that every table has its own sequence.

Web-App : Keeping trace of the version of the application in database?

We are building a webapp which is shipped to several client as a debian package. Each client runs his own server. But the update and support is done by us.
We make regular releases of the product, with a clean version number. Most of the users get an automatic update (by Puppet), some others don't.
We want to keep a trace of the version of the application (in order to allow the user to check the version in an "about" section, and for our support to help the user more accurately).
We plan to store the version of the code and the version of the base in our database, and to keep the info up to date automatically.
Is that a good idea ?
The other alternative we see is a file.
EDIT : The code and database schema are updated together. ( if we update to version x.y.z , both code and database go to x.y.z )
Using a table to track every change to a schema as described in this post is a good practice that I'd definitely suggest to follow.
For the application, if it is shipped independently of the database (which is not clear to me), I'd embed a file in the package (and thus not use the database to store the version of the web application).
If not and thus if both the application and the database versions are maintained in sync, then I'd just use the information stored in the database.
As a general rule, I would have both, DB version and application version. The problem here is how "private" is the database. If the database is "private" to the application, and user never modifies the schema then your initial solution is fine. In my experience, databases which accumulate several years of data stop being private, it means that users add a table or two and access data using some reporting tool; from that point on the database is not exclusively used by the application any more.
One more thing to consider is users (application) not being able to connect to the DB and calling for support. For this case it would be better to have version, etc.. stored on file system.
Assuming there are no compelling reasons to go with one approach or the other, I think I'd go with keeping them in the database.
I'd put them in both places. Then when running your about function you quickly check that they are both the same, and if they aren't you can display extra information about the version mismatch. If they're the same then you will only need to display one of them.
I've generally found users can do "clever" things like revert databases back to old versions by manually copying directories around "because they can" so defensively dealing with it is always a good idea.

Altering database tables in Django

I'm considering using Django for a project I'm starting (fyi, a browser-based game) and one of the features I'm liking the most is using syncdb to automatically create the database tables based on the Django models I define (a feature that I can't seem to find in any other framework).
I was already thinking this was too good to be true when I saw this in the documentation:
Syncdb will not alter existing tables
syncdb will only create tables for models which have not yet been installed. It will never issue ALTER TABLE statements to match changes made to a model class after installation. Changes to model classes and database schemas often involve some form of ambiguity and, in those cases, Django would have to guess at the correct changes to make. There is a risk that critical data would be lost in the process.
If you have made changes to a model and wish to alter the database tables to match, use the sql command to display the new SQL structure and compare that to your existing table schema to work out the changes.
It seems that altering existing tables will have to be done "by hand".
What I would like to know is the best way to do this. Two solutions come to mind:
As the documentation suggests, make the changes manually in the DB;
Do a backup of the database, wipe it, create the tables again (with syncdb, since now it's creating the tables from scratch) and import the backed-up data (this might take too long if the database is big)
Any ideas?
Manually doing the SQL changes and dump/reload are both options, but you may also want to check out some of the schema-evolution packages for Django. The most mature options are django-evolution and South.
EDIT: And hey, here comes dmigrations.
UPDATE: Since this answer was originally written, django-evolution and dmigrations have both ceased active development and South has become the de-facto standard for schema migration in Django. Parts of South may even be integrated into Django within the next release or two.
UPDATE: A schema-migrations framework based on South (and authored by Andrew Godwin, author of South) is included in Django 1.7+.
As noted in other answers to the same topic, be sure to watch the DjangoCon 2008 Schema Evolution Panel on YouTube.
Also, two new projects on the map: Simplemigrations and Migratory.
One good way to do this is via fixtures, particularly the initial_data fixtures.
A fixture is a collection of files that contain the serialized contents of the database. So it's like having a backup of the database but as it's something Django is aware of it's easier to use and will have additional benefits when you come to do things like unit testing.
You can create a fixture from the data currently in your DB using dumpdata. By default the data is in JSON format, but other options such as XML are available. A good place to store fixtures is a fixtures sub-directory of your application directories.
You can load a fixure using loaddata but more significantly, if your fixture has a name like initial_data.json it will be automatically loaded when you do a syncdb, saving the trouble of importing it yourself.
Another benefit is that when you run test to run your Unit Tests the temporary test database will also have the Initial Data Fixture loaded.
Of course, this will work when when you're adding attributes to models and columns to the DB. If you drop a column from the Database you'll need to update your fixture to remove the data for that column which might not be straightforward.
This works best when doing lots of little database changes during development. For updating production DBs a manually generated SQL script can often work best.
I've been using django-evolution. Caveats include:
Its automatic suggestions have been uniformly rotten; and
Its fingerprint function returns different values for the same database on different platforms.
That said, I find the custom approach handy. To work around the fingerprint problem, I suggest code like:
BEFORE = 'fv1:-436177719' # first fingerprint
BEFORE64 = 'fv1:-108578349625146375' # same, but on 64-bit Linux
AFTER = 'fv1:-2132605944'
AFTER64 = 'fv1:-3559032165562222486'
fingerprints = [
/* put your SQL code to make the changes here */
evolutions = [
If I had more fingerprints and changes, I'd re-factor it. Until then, making it cleaner would be stealing development time from something else.
EDIT: Given that I'm manually constructing my changes anyway, I'll try dmigrations next time.
django-command-extensions is a django library that gives some extra commands to One of them is sqldiff, which should give you the sql needed to update to your new model. It is, however, listed as 'very experimental'.
So far in my company we have used the manual approach. What works best for you depends very much on your development style.
We generally have not so many schema changes in production systems and somewhat formalized rollouts from development to production servers. Whenever we roll out (10-20 times a year) we do a fill diff of the current and the upcoming production branch reviewing all the code and noting what has to be changed on the production server. The required changes might be additional dependencies, changes to the settings file and changes to the database.
This works very well for us. Having it all automated is a niche vision but to difficult for us - maybe we could manage migrations but we still would need to handle additional library, server, whatever dependencies.
Django 1.7 (currently in development) is adding native support for schema migration with migrate and makemigrations (migrate deprecates syncdb).
