I've implemented a linked list using structs and pointers in C as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* these arrays are just used to give the parameters to 'insert',
* to create the 'people' array */
#define HOW_MANY 7
char * names[HOW_MANY] = {"Simon", "Suzie", "Alfred", "Chip", "John", "Tim", "Harriet"};
int ages[HOW_MANY] = {22, 24, 106, 6 ,18, 32, 24};
/* declare your struct for a person here */
struct p {
char *peopleName;
int age;
struct p* next;
} person;
struct p* insert_end (struct p *people,char *name, int age) {
/* put name and age into nthe enxt free place in the array parameter here */
/* modify nextfreeplace here */
struct p *nextPerson;
nextPerson = (struct p*)malloc(sizeof(struct p));
if (nextPerson == NULL) {
printf("Error performing malloc.\n");
} else {
nextPerson -> peopleName = name;
nextPerson -> age = age;
if (people == NULL) {
nextPerson -> next = people;
return nextPerson;
} else {
struct p* temp = people;
while ((temp -> next) != NULL) {
temp = temp -> next;
temp -> next = nextPerson;
nextPerson -> next = NULL;
return people;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
/* declare the people array here */
struct p *people = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < HOW_MANY; i++) {
people= insert_end(people, names[i], ages[i]);
while (people != NULL) {
people = people -> next;
return 0;
This works fine, but what I don't understand is why it doesn't work when insert_end is declared as follows:
struct p* insert_end (struct p *people,char *name, int age) {
/* put name and age into nthe enxt free place in the array parameter here */
/* modify nextfreeplace here */
struct p *nextPerson;
nextPerson = (struct p*)malloc(sizeof(struct p));
if (nextPerson == NULL) {
printf("Error performing malloc.\n");
} else {
nextPerson -> peopleName = name;
nextPerson -> age = age;
if (people == NULL) {
nextPerson -> next = people;
return nextPerson;
} else {
while ((people -> next) != NULL) {
people= people-> next;
people-> next = nextPerson;
nextPerson -> next = NULL;
return people;
As you can see, the memory is not being freed correctly when this implementation is used. Could anyone help me in understanding why this does not work?
The function is apparently supposed to return a pointer to the first entry in the list. The second implementation does not, instead returning a pointer to the next-to-last entry in the case where there's already at least one thing on the list.
Not the answer to your question, but even when you use the first version of insert_end which works fine, you have undefined behaviour in this piece of code :
while (people != NULL) {
people = people -> next; // << you are using people after it has been freed
On your platform the code may seem to work correctly, but this is only by chance.
This works in all cases on all platforms :
while (people != NULL) {
struct p *temp = people ;
people = people -> next;
For context, I'm a new programmer to C and I wanted to make a toy implementation of a dictionary/map from a 'Person' struct to an integer. I'm using separate chaining, so I have a hash table of linked list pointers.
So far, I've been able to add one value to the linked list just fine, but when I call the function to get the value for the Person key I'm using, the memory at one of my nodes seems to get overwritten.
More info if it's helpful, using a singly linked list with one sentinel node at the head and a tail reference.
New to StackOverflow, so I can't actually embed the image, but pictured on left is the HashTable at the beginning of the function call, when nothing has been changed. The relevant stuff is the expanded part of the Variables menu, which shows that at position 58 is a pointer to 0x61f8e0, the linked list. The linked list has a head pointer to 0x61f760, which is the sentinel value, and a tail pointer to 0x61f864, currently pointing to a Node with the value (3) for a Person named Robert who's 36 years old. The tail pointer's next field points to 0x0 (not pictured), like intended. The picture follows: https://i.stack.imgur.com/F9EJ9.png
This is what happens as soon as the first statement (which hashes the Person pointer very naively) is executed: https://i.stack.imgur.com/UJvGy.png. As you'll see, the value is now some random long number, the intrinsic age is now 1 instead of 36, the saved name is now gibberish, and worst of all the next pointer now points somewhere completely random (0x61fb10).
The function in question follows.
int tableGet(HashTable t, Person key) {
int position = hash(&key) % 100;
List* listLoc = t.table[position];
if ((int) listLoc == 0) {
return -1;
Node curr = *(listLoc -> head);
while (curr.next != NULL) {
if (curr.savedAge == key.age && curr.savedName == key.name) {
return curr.val;
curr = *curr.next;
return -1;
Here is the hash function, in case that's what's causing the problems.
int hash(Person* p) {
int sum;
Person person = *p;
int i = 0;
char nameChar = person.name[i];
while (nameChar != '\0'){
sum += (int) nameChar;
i += 1;
nameChar = person.name[i];
return (int) (person.age + sum);
And just because why not, here's all of the short amount of code I've written for this.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct Node {
int val;
int savedAge;
char savedName[100];
struct Node* next;
} Node;
typedef struct {
int age;
char name[100];
} Person;
typedef struct {
Node* head;
Node* tail;
} List;
typedef struct {
List* table[100];
} HashTable;
int hash(Person*);
Person person(int age, char name[]) {
Person p;
p.age = age;
strcpy(p.name, name);
return p;
Node node(int val, Person p, Node* next) {
Node n;
n.val = val;
strcpy(n.savedName, p.name);
n.savedAge = p.age;
n.next = next;
return n;
List list() {
List l;
Node head = node(-1, person(0, "SENTINEL"), NULL);
l.head = &head;
l.tail = l.head;
return l;
void listAdd(List* l, Node n) {
Node* newTailPtr = &n;
l -> tail -> next = newTailPtr;
l -> tail = newTailPtr;
HashTable table() {
int table[100] = {0};
HashTable t;
memcpy(t.table, table, sizeof table);
return t;
HashTable tableAdd(HashTable t, Person key, int val) {
int num = hash(&key) % 100;
List* loc = t.table[num];
if ((int) loc == 0) {
List newList = list();
t.table[num] = &newList;
listAdd((List*) t.table[num], node(val, key, NULL));
return t;
int tableGet(HashTable t, Person key) {
int position = hash(&key) % 100;
List* listLoc = t.table[position];
if ((int) listLoc == 0) {
return -1;
Node curr = *(listLoc -> head);
while (curr.next != NULL) {
if (curr.savedAge == key.age && curr.savedName == key.name) {
return curr.val;
curr = *curr.next;
return -1;
int hash(Person* p) {
int sum;
Person person = *p;
int i = 0;
char nameChar = person.name[i];
while (nameChar != '\0'){
sum += (int) nameChar;
i += 1;
nameChar = person.name[i];
return (int) (person.age + sum);
int main() {
Person bob = person(36, "Robert");
HashTable tab = table();
tab = tableAdd(tab, bob, 3);
printf("Added Robert to table as 3\n");
int val = tableGet(tab, bob);
if (val == 3) {
} else {
printf("Failure, val is %d\n", val);
return 0;
I'm writing a function that places new nodes alphabetically into a linked list structure by sorting them by the name field. Here is my program, intended to test that it can successfully insert a new node into an existing structure:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 100
#define MAX_JOB_LENGTH 100
struct Employee
/* Employee details */
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; /* name string */
char sex; /* sex identifier, either ’M’ or ’F’ */
int age; /* age */
char job[MAX_JOB_LENGTH+1]; /* job string */
/* pointers to previous and next employee structures in the linked list
(for if you use a linked list instead of an array) */
struct Employee *prev, *next;
void place_alpha(struct Employee *new, struct Employee **root);
int main(){
struct Employee *a;
struct Employee *c;
struct Employee *b;
a = malloc(sizeof(struct Employee));
c = malloc(sizeof(struct Employee));
b = malloc(sizeof(struct Employee));
strcpy(a->name, "A");
a->sex = 'F';
a->age = 42;
strcpy(a->job, "Optician");
a->prev = NULL;
a->next = c;
strcpy(c->name, "C");
c->sex = 'F';
c->age = 22;
strcpy(c->job, "Nurse");
c->prev = a;
c->next = NULL;
strcpy(b->name, "B");
b->sex = 'M';
b->age = 34;
strcpy(b->job, "Rockstar");
b->prev = NULL;
b->next = NULL;
place_alpha(b, &a);
if(a->prev == NULL)
printf("a->prev is correct\n");
printf("a->prev is INCORRECT\n");
if(a->next == b)
printf("a->next is correct\n");
printf("a->next is INCORRECT");
if(b->prev == a)
printf("b->prev is correct\n");
printf("b->prev is INCORRECT\n");
if(b->next == c)
printf("b->next is correct\n");
printf("b->next is INCORRECT\n");
if(c->prev == b)
printf("c->prev is correct\n");
printf("c->prev is INCORRECT\n");
if(c->next == NULL)
printf("c->next is correct\n");
printf("c->next is INCORRECT\n");
void place_alpha(struct Employee *new, struct Employee **root) //Places a new node new into the database structure whose root is root.
if(*root==NULL) //If there is no database yet.
*root = new;
(*root)->prev = NULL;
(*root)->next = NULL;
if(strcmp(new->name, (*root)->name)<=0) // if the new node comes before root alphabetically
new->next = *root;
new->prev = (*root)->prev;
if((*root)->prev != NULL)
(*root)->prev->next = new;
(*root)->prev = new;
*root = new;
else if((*root)->next == NULL) // If the next node is NULL (we've reached the end of the database so new has to go here.
new->prev = *root;
new->next = NULL;
(*root)->next = new;
else if(strcmp(new->name, (*root)->name)>0) // If the new node comes after root alphabetically
place_alpha(new, &(*root)->next);
Sadly, the program is unsuccessful, as showcased by the output:
a->prev is correct
a->next is correct
b->prev is INCORRECT
b->next is correct
c->prev is INCORRECT
c->next is correct
Program ended with exit code: 0
I can't figure out why, as I've clearly set b->next to c and c->prev to b.
This was tricky: there is a subtile bug in your place_alpha() function: you update *root even if it is not the root node of the list. This causes the pointer b to be updated erroneously. place_alpha() should only be called with a pointer to the actual root node.
I modified your code to make it more readable and reliable:
I wrote a function to create a new node
I protected the string copies from overflow using calloc() and strncat(). Read about these functions in the manual.
I use place_alpha() to insert all 3 nodes into the list in the same order you do.
I use newp instead of new to avoid C++ keywords in C code.
Note that place_alpha() must be called with a pointer to the head pointer of the list, if you pass a pointer to an intermediary node, chaining back along the prev links would locate the first node, but if the new employee should be inserted at the head of the list, you would not have the address of the root node to update in the caller's scope. This is the reason many programmers prefer to use a specific structure for the list head.
Here is the updated code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 100
#define MAX_JOB_LENGTH 100
struct Employee {
/* Employee details */
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; /* name string */
char sex; /* sex identifier, either 'M' or 'F' */
int age; /* age */
char job[MAX_JOB_LENGTH + 1]; /* job string */
/* pointers to previous and next employee structures in the linked list
(for if you use a linked list instead of an array) */
struct Employee *prev, *next;
void place_alpha(struct Employee *new, struct Employee **root);
struct Employee *new_employee(const char *name, char sex, int age, const char *job) {
struct Employee *newp = calloc(1, sizeof(*newp));
if (!newp) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot allocate employee\n");
strncat(newp->name, name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
newp->sex = sex;
newp->age = age;
strncat(newp->job, job, MAX_JOB_LENGTH);
newp->next = newp->prev = NULL;
return newp;
int main(void) {
struct Employee *list = NULL;
struct Employee *a = new_employee("A", 'F', 42, "Optician");
struct Employee *b = new_employee("B", 'M', 34, "Rockstar");
struct Employee *c = new_employee("C", 'F', 22, "Nurse");
place_alpha(a, &list);
place_alpha(c, &list);
place_alpha(b, &list);
if (a->prev == NULL) {
printf("a->prev is correct\n");
} else {
printf("a->prev is INCORRECT\n");
if (a->next == b) {
printf("a->next is correct\n");
} else {
printf("a->next is INCORRECT");
if (b->prev == a) {
printf("b->prev is correct\n");
} else {
printf("b->prev is INCORRECT\n");
if (b->next == c) {
printf("b->next is correct\n");
} else {
printf("b->next is INCORRECT\n");
if (c->prev == b) {
printf("c->prev is correct\n");
} else {
printf("c->prev is INCORRECT\n");
if (c->next == NULL) {
printf("c->next is correct\n");
} else {
printf("c->next is INCORRECT\n");
return 0;
void place_alpha(struct Employee *newp, struct Employee **root) {
// Insert a new node newp into the database structure whose root is root.
struct Employee *ep;
if (*root == NULL) { // if there is no database yet.
newp->next = newp->prev = NULL;
*root = newp;
if ((*root)->prev) {
// invalid call, should only pass the root node address
fprintf(stderr, "invalid call: place_alpha must take a pointer to the root node\n");
if (strcmp(newp->name, (*root)->name) <= 0) {
// if the new node comes before root alphabetically
newp->next = *root;
newp->prev = NULL;
newp->next->prev = newp;
*root = newp;
for (ep = *root;; ep = ep->next) {
if (ep->next == NULL) {
// If the next node is NULL, we've reached the end of the list
// so newp has to go here.
newp->prev = ep;
newp->next = NULL;
newp->prev->next = newp;
if (strcmp(newp->name, ep->next->name) <= 0) {
// The new node comes between ep and ep->next alphabetically
newp->prev = ep;
newp->next = ep->next;
newp->prev->next = newp->next->prev = newp;
EDIT: place_alpha was a bit redundant, so I cleaned it and got a much simpler version:
void place_alpha(struct Employee *newp, struct Employee **root) {
//Places a new node newp into the database structure whose root is root.
struct Employee **link = root;
struct Employee *last = NULL;
while (*link && strcmp(newp->name, (*link)->name) > 0) {
last = *link;
link = &last->next;
newp->prev = last;
newp->next = *link;
if (newp->next) {
newp->next->prev = newp;
*link = newp;
Getting some segfault on the following algorithm to add an element to the correct bucket in a hashtable.
My structures are basic:
struct kv {
char* key;
unsigned val;
struct kv* next;
struct hashtable {
struct kv** table;
unsigned size;
And my buggy function:
struct kv* ht_find_or_put(char* word, unsigned value,
struct hashtablet* hashtable,
unsigned (*hash)(char*))
unsigned index = hash(word) % hashtable->size;
struct kv* ke = malloc(sizeof (struct kv));
for (ke = hashtable->table[index]; ke != NULL; ke = ke->next)
if (strcmp(ke->key, word) == 0)
return ke;
if (ke == NULL)
ke->key = word;
ke->val = value;
ke->next = hashtable->table[index];
hashtable->table[index] = ke;
return ke;
I know I haven't added yet all the tests (if malloc failed and such) just trying to debug this particular problem...
I'm allocating my table as such:
struct hashtable* hashtable_malloc(unsigned size)
struct hashtable *new_ht = malloc(sizeof(struct hashtable));
new_ht->size = size;
new_ht->table = malloc(sizeof(struct kv) * size);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++)
new_ht->table[i] = NULL;
return new_ht;
Any sort of help will greatly be appreciated. I'm only starting to learn.
The first issue is a memory leak, e.g. - you allocate memory using malloc, but than loses the reference to it, as you override the pointer:
// allocate memory
struct kv* ke = malloc(sizeof (struct kv));
// lose the reference
for (ke = hashtable->table[index]; ke != NULL; ke = ke->next)
The second issue, which probably causes the segfault, is that you try to de-reference a null pointer:
if (ke == NULL)
// ke is NULL, you can't de-reference it
ke->key = word;
ke->val = value;
ke->next = hashtable->table[index];
hashtable->table[index] = ke;
The solution will be, IMHO, to allocate and put the new element, only upon failure to find it:
struct kv* ht_find_or_put(char* word, unsigned value, struct hashtablet* hashtable, unsigned (*hash)(char*))
unsigned index = hash(word) % hashtable->size;
struct kv* ke;
// first we try to find the node
for (ke = hashtable->table[index]; ke != NULL; ke = ke->next)
if (strcmp(ke->key, word) == 0)
return ke;
// didn't find it - lets create and put a new one.
if (ke == NULL)
ke = malloc(sizeof (struct kv));
// later add a check if the allocation succeded...
ke->key = word;
ke->val = value;
ke->next = hashtable->table[index];
hashtable->table[index] = ke;
return ke;
Since I didn't want to introduce entirely new code, that would just confuse you, I made the minimal changes to the original code.
I'm trying to get my head around Linked Lists in C, and have ended up confusing myself.
My question is: Is this correctly inserting the different people at the end of the list? Or is it simply inserting them at the beginning?
At the moment I'm trying to insert a new person at the end of my linked list. My struct is defined as follows:
struct person {
char *name;
int age;
struct person *next;
I'm accessing the data from pre allocated arrays:
#define HOW_MANY 7
char *names[HOW_MANY]= {"Simon", "Suzie", "Alfred", "Chip", "John","Tim","Harriet"};
int ages[HOW_MANY]= {22, 24, 106, 6, 18, 32, 24};
Here is my insert at the end function:
static struct person * insert_end(struct person *people, char *name, int age)
struct person *newPeople = (struct person*)malloc(sizeof(struct person));
if (newPeople == NULL)
perror("Memory allocation failed");
newPeople->name = name;
newPeople->age = age;
if (people == NULL)
newPeople->next = people;
people = newPeople;
return people;
else {
while(newPeople->next != NULL)
newPeople->next = people;
people = newPeople;
return people;
I think that the while loop within the function is not being executed, and I can't figure out why.
You are indeed putting the new record at the beginning of the list. You must realize that newPeople->next will always be null as it is freshly allocated. You need to iterate through people until people->next is NULL and then asign newPeople.
newPeople->next is not given a value before it is read leading to undefined behavior. So code was not properly inserting at the end nor beginning.
while(newPeople->next != NULL) // undefined behavior
The following does not initialize the objected pointed to by newPeople.
struct person *newPeople = (struct person*)malloc(sizeof(struct person));
Code appears to be making a circular linked-list with the following.
if (people == NULL) {
newPeople->next = people;
Although that is OK, it is more common to form a NULL terminated list and I'll assume that is your goal.
static struct person * insert_end(struct person *people, char *name, int age) {
// struct person *newPeople = (struct person*)malloc(sizeof(struct person));
// No need for cast. Recommend sizeof object rather than sizeof type
struct person *newPeople = malloc(sizeof *newPeople);
if (newPeople == NULL) {
// Best to initial all fields.
newPeople->name = name;
newPeople->age = age;
newPeople->next = NULL;
if (people == NULL) {
return newPeople; // New head node
// else not needed
// else {
// Code was attempting to march down wrong list.
// Create `walker` instead.
struct person *walker = people;
while(walker->next != NULL) {
walker = walker->next;
walker->next = newPeople;
return people;
Doubly linked list nodes are created at the main function. Ender and header defined. Breaks at the delete node function- ender is null.
What's the best way to free the memory of the last and first input, i.e.: delete: 233,A and 888,F?
#include <stdafx.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
typedef struct record {
int idnumber;
char initial;
struct record *prevStudent;
struct record *nextStudent;
STUDENT *header = NULL; //pointer to the start of linked list
STUDENT *ender = NULL; //pointer to the end of the linked list
void Makenode(int x, char y);
void deletenode();
int main() {
Makenode(233, 'A');
Makenode(456, 'H');
Makenode(746, 'G');
Makenode(888, 'F');
return 0;
void Makenode(int x, char y) {
ptr = (STUDENT *)malloc(sizeof(STUDENT));
if (ptr != NULL) {
ptr->idnumber = x;
ptr->initial = y;
ptr->nextStudent = header;
ptr->prevStudent = NULL;
if (header == NULL)
ender = ptr;
header->prevStudent = ptr;
header = ptr;
} else {
printf("Memory not allocated\n");
void deletenode() {
//delete the first and the last node of the linked list
STUDENT *p = header, *q = ender;
char c;
printf("Are you sure you want to delete Y/N:\n");
fflush(stdin); c=getchar();
while (c == 'Y' || c == 'y') {
free(p); free(q);
Your delete function leaves the linked list in an ilegal state. At all times (except temporarily inside your insert and delete functions), the following must be true:
If the header is null, the ender must also be null and the list is empty.
If a node p has a non-null link to p->next, then p->next->prev == p.
Likewise, if a node p has a non-null link to p->prev, then p->prev->next == p.
The header has no previous node; the ender has no next node.
These are the invariants of your linked list.
If you check your code for deleting:
void deletenode()
STUDENT *p = header, *q = ender;
free(p); free(q);
you can see that you just set the header and ender to NULL, because that's what ender->nextStudent and header->prevStudent are. But even reversing that won't help, because you must update the adjacent nodes' links.
Here are two functions - one for each task - that work:
void delete_first()
STUDENT *p = header;
if (p) {
if (p->nextStudent == NULL) {
header = ender = NULL;
} else {
p->nextStudent->prevStudent = NULL;
header = p->nextStudent;
void delete_last()
STUDENT *p = ender;
if (p) {
if (p->prevStudent == NULL) {
header = ender = NULL;
} else {
p->prevStudent->nextStudent = NULL;
ender = p->prevStudent;