Accessing the Index of an array in LISP - arrays

I am working on LISP programming , where I have to find the MAX from an array.
I have written some initial code but stuck there. I have seen many online tutorials but there was not enough help which I could understand.
Here is my code. Up till Now I have created an array of size 5 .I got this method from an online tutorial .
(make-array 5)
#(nil nil nil nil nil)
Now what I want is to set values on these array indexes and then how I can access those indexes.
Thanks in advance.

You need to store it some place where you can use it. Eg.
(let ((my-array (make-array 11 :initial-element 7)))
(aref my-array 5) ;; ==> 7
(setf (aref my-array 3) 2);; ==> 2
my-array) ;; ==> #(7 7 7 2 7 ...)
It can be lexical as in my example, but you can make it as package variable as well (global).


Printing each number in new line in Scheme

I need a help to convert this Pascal code to Scheme code:
program reverseorder;
arraytype = array [1..5] of integer;
for i:=1 to 5 do
for i:=5 downto 1 do
I want to accesses to a specific atom and its seems there aren't iteration method in Scheme.
There are many ways to tackle this problem. With the online interpreter you're using you'll be limited to vanilla Scheme, and the solution will be more verbose than needed, using recursion:
(define lst '(1 2 3 4 5))
(let loop ((rev (reverse lst)))
(when (not (null? rev))
(display (car rev))
(loop (cdr rev))))
With Racket, which is aimed at beginners, you can write a much simpler (albeit non-standard) solution:
(define lst (range 1 6))
(for ([e (reverse lst)])
(displayln e))
Either way, notice that the procedure for reversing a list is already built in the language, and you don't need to reimplement it - naturally, it's called reverse. And if it wasn't obvious already, in Scheme we prefer to use lists, not arrays to represent a sequence of elements - it's recommended to stop thinking in terms of indexes, array lengths, etc. because that's not how things are done in Scheme.
If you don't care about returned value (it's #<undef>) and just want to produce output, you can use for-each:
(for-each print (reverse (list 1 2 3 4 5)))
Not idiomatic Scheme, but a literal translation of the Pascal code would be:
(let ([arr (make-vector 5)])
(do ([i 0 (+ i 1)]) ((= i 5)) (vector-set! arr i i))
(do ([i 4 (- i 1)]) ((negative? i))
(display (vector-ref arr i))

Take an array of numbers from standard input in Common Lisp

I realise this is a pretty basic question, but I'm just starting out in CL and I was wondering how to take input from standard input like:
1 2 3 4 5
And store it in an array.
I tried this:
(setq array (read-line))
Then checking the type gives cons.
I also tried constructing an array first like this:
(setf array (make-array n :element-type 'number))
Where n is the number of values I'll enter as input, but I'm lost after this. Do I need to use a loop or is there a way to do this without one?
You need to do these steps:
read the line
split into numbers
parse the numbers
It could look like this:
(defun read-array (stream)
(let* ((line (read-line stream))
(items (split-sequence #\Space line))
(numbers (map 'vector #'parse-integer items)))
(Split-sequence is from the library of the same name.)
This is just the basic implementation, you likely want to sanitize your input, and split on any run of whitespace.
I advise against using read for reading user input, in any way, because the reader can do much more and you need to be very careful with user input.
The predefined function read-line returns a string (see the manual).
A simple way of obtaining from that string an array (assuming that the numbers are on a single line) is for instance to manipulate the returned string by adding the necessary syntax for reading it as a literal array through the function read-from-string. Here is a simple function adapted from one presented for lists in the excellent On Lisp book by Paul Graham:
CL-USER> (defun readarray (&rest args)
(values (read-from-string
(concatenate 'string "#("
(apply #'read-line args)
CL-USER> (readarray)
1 2 3 4
#(1 2 3 4)
CL-USER> (type-of *)
Of course if the numbers are on multiple lines some kind of iteration is required.
One can read from a string, by using a stream. Then one calls read as long as there are numbers, collects it into a list and converts the list to a vector.
CL-USER 36 > (coerce (with-input-from-string (stream "1 2 3 4 5")
(loop for n = (read stream nil nil)
while (numberp n)
collect n))
#(1 2 3 4 5)
or: one creates a vector, which can grow - in Common Lisp the vector should be adjustable (when the size is unknown) and have a fill pointer. Then read from the string stream and push the numbers onto the vector.
CL-USER 40 > (let ((vector (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)))
(with-input-from-string (stream "1 2 3 4 5")
(loop for n = (read stream nil nil)
while (numberp n)
do (vector-push-extend n vector)))
#(1 2 3 4 5)
The syntax for a literal array in Common Lisp like the one you're describing is #(1 2 3 4 5). You can simply type that instead of 1 2 3 4 5, and read it in:
CL-USER> (read)
; type "#(1 2 3 4 5)" (no quotes)
#(1 2 3 4 5) ; return value
CL-USER> (let ((array (read)))
(type-of array))
; type "#(1 2 3)" (no quotes)

Clojure loop inside let (global v local variable)

I was writing the code that does same thing as 'reduce' function in clojure
ex) (reduce + [1 2 3 4]) = (+ (+ (+ 1 2) 3) 4).
(defn new-reduce [fn coll]
(def answer (get coll 0))
(loop [i 1]
(when (< i (count coll))
(def answer (fn answer (get coll i)))
(recur (inc i))))
In my code I used the global variable, and for me it was easier for me to understand that way. Apparently, people saying it is better to change the global variable to local variable such as let. So I tried..
(defn new-reduce [fn coll]
(let [answer (get coll 0)]
(loop [i 1]
(when (< i (count coll))
(fn answer (get coll i))
(recur (inc i))))))
To be honest, I am not really familiar with let function and even though I try really simple code, it did not work. Can somebody help me to fix this code and help me to understand how the let (local variables) really work ? Thank you. (p.s. really simple code that has loop inside let function will be great also).
Let does not create local "variables", it gives names to values, and does not let you change them after giving them the name. So introducing a let is more like defining a local constant.
First I'll just add another item into the loop expression to store the value so far. Each time through the loop we will update this to incorporate the new information. This pattern is very common. I also needed to add a new argument to the function to hold the initial state (reduce as a concept needs this)
user> (defn new-reduce [function initial-value coll]
(loop [i 0
answer-so-far initial-value]
(if (< i (count coll))
(recur (inc i) (function answer-so-far (get coll i)))
user> (new-reduce + 0 [1 2 3])
This moves the "global variable" into a name that is local to the loop expression can be updated once per loop at the time you jump back up to the top. Once it reaches the end of the loop it will return the answer thus far as the return value of the function rather than recurring again. Building your own reduce function is a great way to build understanding on how to use reduce effectively.
There is a function that introduces true local variables, though it is very nearly never used in Clojure code. It's only really used in the runtime bootstap code. If you are really curious read up on binding very carefully.
Here's a simple, functional solution that replicates the behavior of the standard reduce:
(defn reduce
([f [head & tail :as coll]]
(if (empty? coll)
(reduce f head tail)))
([f init [head & tail :as coll]]
(reduced? init) #init
(empty? coll) init
:else (recur f (f init head) tail))))
There is no loop here, because the function itself serves as the recursion point. I personally find it easier to think about this recursively, but since we're using tail recursion with recur, you can think about it imperatively/iteratively as well:
If init is a signal to return early then return its value, otherwise go to step 2
If coll is empty then return init, otherwise go to step 3
Set init to the result of calling f with init and the first item of coll as arguments
Set coll to a sequence of all items in coll except the first one
Go to step 1
Actually, under the hood (with tail-call optimization and such), that's essentially what's really going on. I'd encourage you to compare these two expressions of the same solution to get a better idea of how to go about solving these sorts of problems in Clojure.

Clojure: How do I have a for loop stop when the value of the current variable matches that of my input?

Firstly, I'm new to Clojure and programming, so I thought I'd try to create a function that solves a non-trivial equation using my natural instincts. What resulted is the desire to find a square root.
The question
What's the most efficient way to stop my square-n-map-maker function from iterating past a certain point? I'd like to fix square-n-map-maker so that I can comment out the square-maker function which provides me with the results and format I currently want to see but not the ability to recall the square-root answer (insofar as I know).
I.e. I want it to stop when it is greater than or equal to my input value
My initial thought was that instead of a keyword list, I would want it to be a map. But I'm having a very difficult time getting my function to give me a map. The whole reason I wanted a map where one member of a pair is n and another is n^2 so that I could extract the actual square root from it and it give it back to the user as the answer.
Any ideas on the best way to accomplish this? (below is the function I want to fix)
;; attempting to make a map so that I can comb over the
;; map later and recall a value that meets
;; my criteria to terminate and return result if (<= temp-var input)
(defn square-n-map-maker [input] (for [temp-var {remainder-culler input}]
(map list(temp-var) (* temp-var temp-var))
(square-n-map-maker 100) => clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (0) passed to: MapEntry clojure.lang.AFn.throwArity clojure.lang.AFn.invoke
/Users/dbennett/Dropbox/Clojure Files/SquareRoot.clj:40 sqrt-range-high-end/square-n-map-maker[fn]
The following is the rest of my code
;; My idea on the best way to find a square root is simple.
;; If I want to find the square root of n, divide n in half
;; Then find all numbers in 0...n that return only a remainder of 0.
;; Then find the number that can divide by itself with a result of 1.
;; First I'll develop a function that works with evens and then odds
(defn sqrt-range-high-end [input] (/ input 2))
(sqrt-range-high-end 100) => 50
(defn make-sqrt-range [input] (range (sqrt-range-high-end (+ 1 input))))
(make-sqrt-range 100) =>(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 50)
(defn zero-culler [input] (remove zero? (make-sqrt-range input)))
(zero-culler 100) =>(1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 50)
(defn odd-culler [input] (remove odd? (zero-culler input)))
(odd-culler 100) => (2 4 6 8 10...50)
(defn even-culler [input] (remove even? (zero-culler input)))
(even-culler 100) => (1 3 5 7...49)
(defn remainder-culler [input] (filter #(zero? (rem input %)) (odd-culler input)))
(remainder-culler 100) => (2 4 6 12 18)
(defn square-maker [input] (for [temp-var (remainder-culler input)]
(list (keyword (str
temp-var" "
(* temp-var temp-var)
(square-maker 100) => ((:2 4) (:4 16) (:10 100) (:20 400) (:50 2500))
Read the Error Messages!
You're getting a little ahead of yourself! Your bug has nothing to do with getting for to stop "looping."
(defn square-n-map-maker [input] (for [temp-var {remainder-culler input}]
(map list(temp-var) (* temp-var temp-var))))
(square-n-map-maker 100) => clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (0) passed to: MapEntry clojure.lang.AFn.throwArity clojure.lang.AFn.invoke
Pay attention to error messages. They are your friend. In this case, it's telling you that you are passing the wrong number of arguments to MapEntry (search for IPersistentMap). What is that?
{} creates a map literal. {:key :value :key2 :value2} is a map. Maps can be used as if they were functions:
> ({:key :value} :key)
That accesses the entry in the map associated with key. Now, you created a map in your first line: {remainder-culler input}. You just mapped the function remainder-culler to the input. If you grab an item out of the map, it's a MapEntry. Every MapEntry can be used as a function, accepting an index as an argument, just like a Vector:
> ([:a :b :c :d] 2)
Your for is iterating over all MapEntries in {remainder-culler input}, but there's only one: [remainder-culler input]. This MapEntry gets assigned to temp-var.
Then in the next line, you wrapped this map in parentheses: (temp-var). This forms an S-expression, and expressions are evaluated assuming that the first item in the expression is a function/procedure. So it expects an index (valid indices here would be 0 and 1). But you pass no arguments to temp-var. Therefore: clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args.
Also, note that map is not a constructor for a Map.
Constructing a map
Now, on to your problem. Your square-maker is returning a list nicely formatted for a map, but it's made up of nested lists.
Try this:
(apply hash-map (flatten (square-maker 100)))
Read this page and this page to see how it works.
If you don't mind switching the order of the keys and values, you can use the group-by that I mentioned before:
(defn square-maker [input]
(group-by #(* % %) (remainder-culler input)))
(square-maker 100) => {4 [2], 16 [4], 100 [10], 400 [20], 2500 [50]}
Then you can snag the value you need like so: (first ((square-maker 100) 100)). This uses the map-as-function feature I mentioned above.
If you really want to stick with the intuitive looping concept, I would use loop, not for. for is lazy, which means that there is neither means nor reason (if you use it correctly) to "stop" it -- it doesn't actually do any work unless you ask for a value from it, and it only does the work it must to give you the value you asked for.
(defn square-root [input]
(let [candidates (remainder-culler input)]
(loop [i 0]
(if (= input (#(* % %) (nth candidates i)))
(nth candidates i)
(recur (inc i))))))
The embedded if determines when the looping will cease.
But notice that loop only returns its final value (acquaint yourself with loop's documentation if that sentence doesn't make sense to you). If you want to build up a hash-map for later analysis, you'd have to do something like (loop [i 0, mymap {}] .... But why analyze later if it can be done right away? :-)
Now, that's a pretty fragile square-root function, and it wouldn't be too hard to get it caught in an infinite loop (feed it 101). I leave it as an exercise to you to fix it (this is all an academic exercise anyway, right?).
I hope that helps you along your way, once again. I think this is a great problem for learning a new language. I should say, for the record, though, that once you are feeling comfortable with your solution, you should search for other Clojure solutions to the problem and see if you can understand how they work -- this one may be "intuitive," but it is not well-suited to Clojure's tools and capabilities. Looking at other solutions will help you grasp Clojure's world a bit better.
For more reading:
Imperative looping with side-effects.
How to position recur with loop
The handy into
Finally, this "not constructive" list of common Clojure mistakes
for is not a loop, and it's not iterating. It lazily creates a list comprehension, and it only realizes values when required (in this case, when the repl tries to print the result of the evaluation). There are two usual ways to do what you want: one is to wrap square-maker in
(first (filter some-predicate (square-maker number))) to obtain the first element in the sequence that complies with some-predicate. E.g.
(first (filter #(and (odd? %) (< 50 %)) (range)))
=> 51
The above won't realize the infinite range, obviously.
The other one is not to use a list comprehension and do it in a more imperative way: run an actual loop with a termination condition (see loop and recur).
(loop [x 0]
(if (and (odd? x) (> x 50))
(recur (inc x))))

Stuck in a Clojure loop, need some guidance

I am stuck in a Clojure loop and need help to get out.
I first want to define a vector
(def lawl [1 2 3 4 5])
I do
(get lawl 0)
And get "1" in return. Now, I want a loop that get each number in the vector, so I do:
(loop [i 0]
(if (< i (count lawl))
(get lawl i)
(recur (inc i))))
In my mind this is supposed to set the value of i to nil, then if i is lower then the count of the lawl vector, it should get each lawl value and then increase the i variable with 1 and try again, getting the next value in the vector.
However, this does not work and I have spent some time trying to get it working and are totally stuck, would appreciate some help. I have also tried changing "if" to "when" with the same result, it doesn't provide any data the REPL just enters a new line and blink.
EDIT: Fixed the recur.
You need to consider what is "to get each lawl value" supposed to mean. Your get call does indeed "get" the appropriate value, but since you never do anything with it, it is simply discarded; Bozhidar's suggestion to add a println is a good one and will allow you to see that the loop does indeed access all the elements of lawl (just replace (get ...) with (println (get ...)), after fixing the (inc) => (inc i) thing Bozhidar mentioned also).
That said, if you simply want to do something with each number in turn, loop / recur is not a good way to go about it at all. Here are some others:
;;; do some side-effecty thing to each number in turn:
(dotimes [i (count lawl)]
(println (str i ": " (lawl i)))) ; you don't really need the get either
;; doseq is more general than dotimes, but doesn't give you equally immediate
;; acess to the index
(doseq [n lawl]
(println n))
;;; transform the lawl vector somehow and return the result:
; produce a seq of the elements of lawl transformed by some function
(map inc lawl)
; or if you want the result to be a vector too...
(vec (map inc lawl))
; produce a seq of the even members of lawl multiplied by 3
(for [n lawl
:when (even? n)]
(* n 3))
This is just the beginning. For a good tour around Clojure's standard library, see the Clojure -- Functional Programming for the JVM article by Mark Volkmann.
(recur (inc)) should be (recur (inc i))
Even so this code will just return 1 in the end, if you want a listing of the number you might add a print expression :-) Btw index based loops are not needed at all in scenarios such as this.
(loop [list [1 2 3 4 5] ]
(if (empty? list)
(println "done")
(println (first list))
(recur (rest list)))))
OK, I'm about 10-1/2 years too late on this, but here goes:
The problem here is a pretty common misunderstanding of how the arguments to the if function are used. if takes three arguments - the condition/predicate, the code to be executed if the predicate is true, and the code to be executed if the predicate is false. In this case both of the true and false cases are supplied. Perhaps if we fix the indentation and add some appropriate comments we'll be able to see what's happening more easily:
(loop [i 0]
(if (< i (count lawl))
(get lawl i) ; then
(recur (inc i)))) ; else
So the problem is not that the code gets "stuck" in the loop - the problem is that the recur form is never executed. Here's how the execution flows:
The loop form is entered; i is set to 0.
The if form is entered.
The predicate form is executed and found to be true.
The code for the then branch of the if is executed, returning 1.
Execution then falls out the bottom of the loop form.
Right now I hear people screaming "Wait! WHAT?!?". Yep - in an if form you can only have a single form in the "then" and "else" branches. "But...THAT'S STUPID!" I hear you say. Well...not really. You just need to know how to work with it. There's a way to group multiple forms together in Clojure into a single form, and that's done by using do. If we want to group (get lawl i) and (recur... together we could write it as
(loop [i 0]
(if (< i (count lawl))
(get lawl i) ; then
(recur (inc i))
As you can see, we have no "else" branch on this if form - instead, the (get... and (recur... forms are grouped together by the (do, so they execute one after the other. So after recurring its way through the lawl vector the above snippet returns nil, which is kind of ugly. So let's have it return something more informative:
(loop [i 0]
(if (< i (count lawl))
(get lawl i) ; then
(recur (inc i)))
(str "All done i=" i) ; else
Now our else branch returns "All done i=5".
