I have included a third party script in my angularJS app, which appends some HTML to the body
document.body.innerHTML += thirdPartyHTML;
Whenever that is done it seems like my ng-click events won't fire. Is the HTML by the third party script appending the HTML in the wrong way, or should I somehow refresh AngularJS view on the DOM ($scope.$apply)?
Update: It seems like I can reproduce the error, with just calling document.body.innerHTML += ''; myself. It apparently hasn't anything to do with the onclick event. If you have your own AngularJS app, you can try to call document.body.innerHTML += ''; after the document has loaded, and none of the ng-click events work.
Whenever innerHTML is changed the browser has to recreate the DOM tree. That means that all information associated with the existing DOM elements is lost.
This does not only include event listeners. Angular stores scopes and controllers on DOM elements. So basically the application is gone.
If the third party app really changes the innerHTMLof the body element, then you better let it run before angular.
As an alternative you can initialize the application manually and don't use the ng-app. The details can be found in here
I'm currently trying to integrate some angular into our MVC application. This is requiring some slightly more in-depth knowledge of how angular compiles the DOM, but it doesn't seem unachievable.
Here's a link to the CodePen
Essentially, I have a bunch of code (that I can't touch) which controls the page being loaded into DOM. This uses JQuery.
What I have is an ng-include that loads in a template, which gives me my 'angularised' DOM. Because this element is loaded in via AJAX, I'm having to manually $compile it when its inserted.
This is works okay until I switch to a different view, and then back again. The controller is instantiated again (as expected), but the previous one is still responding to the event.
I think I need to $destroy the old controller and all its child scopes, but how do I obtain them?
What you were missing is destroying the event listener $scope.$on(notifyRefreshEvent, ... and you do that by doing something like this. Here's your EventService snippet which solves this issue:
app.service('EventService', function($rootScope){
var notifyRefreshEvent = "contact::refresh";
var eventListenerDestroy;
return {
function onContactRefresh($scope, handler) {
eventListenerDestroy = $scope.$on(notifyRefreshEvent, function (e, data) {
eventListenerDestroy(); // this guy destroys it
Also, here's the forked codepen solution
I'm learning Angular I tried to init a controller after create a new content by ajax (with jQuery, maybe it's not a good idea but just I'm starting to learning step by step.)
this is my code.
$scope.products = [{
'code': 'A-1',
'name': 'Product 01'
$scope.clickTest = function(){
var scope = $('#content').scope();
In my html I use ng-repeat but not load nothing, however when I click in
ng-click="clickTest" it works! and ng-repeat is loaded. this is my problem I need that the ng-repeat load when I load for first time.
Sorry for my bad english.
with jQuery, maybe it's not a good idea
Yes spot on
Now getting into your issue:- When you click on element with ng-click on the html, it works because it then runs a digest cycle and refreshes the DOM and your repeat renders. $Compile has already instantiated the controller and methods are available and attached to DOM. But there is one digest cycle that runs in angular after controller initialization, which renders data in DOM, and that does not happen in your case since you are outside angular.
You could do a scope.$digest() after compile to make sure element is rendered and digest cycle is run.
Also probably one more better thing would be to wrap it inside angularRootElement.ready function, just to make sure before the injector is accessed the element is ready, in your case enclosing it inside ajax callback saves you (the time for it to be ready) but better to have it.
var rootElement = angular.element(document);
var $content = $('#content'),
scope = $content.scope();
Sample Demo
Demo - Controller on dynamic html
Instead of getting html from the server you could create partials and templates, use routing , use angular ajax wrapper with $http etc... Well i would not suggest doing this method though - however based on your question you understand that already. There was a similar question that i answered last day
If you are not looking for a better way to do what you are doing, ignore the following.
The beauty of using frameworks like AngularJS and KnockoutJS (or many more) is that we don't have to worry about the timing of when the data loads. You just set up the bindings between the controller and the UI and once the data is loaded into the respective properties, these frameworks will take care of updating the UI for you.
I am not sure why you are trying to set up the UI using JQuery and waiting for the data to loaded first to do so but normally you will not have to do all that.
You can create a UI with ng-repeat and click bindings ,etc and make an ajax call to get the data from anywhere. Once the data is loaded, in the callback, just push the necessary data into the collection bound to the ng-repeat directive. That is all you will have to do.
Part of the code in my controller deletes a DOM element:
MetrofficeApp.controller('EmployeesCtrl', function($scope) {
When I navigate away from this page using angular, and then come back to the same page where the deleted element is - the element is visible again.
What must I do besides $scope.$apply() to make the changes permanent (save DOM changes) between navigating pages?
I feel like you have a fundamental misunderstanding about the DOM. Every time you navigate back to a page, all code is re-invoked and templates are recreated. So, it is correct behavior that the DOM is created again.
My guess is that you have some underlying model that is visualized by the DOM. Rather than deleting components of the DOM, you should be deleting the part of the model that is visualized by the DOM (and pushing that change to the server). This way, the next time you navigate to the DOM, the model is consistent and the deleted item is no longer shown.
And a smaller point, but still important: controllers should not be manipulating the DOM directly. You should be creating directives for that.
You need to set some flag on the scope object which the angular js template can use to determine whether the show the dom element in question.
// controller code
scope.shouldShowElement = some.flag;
// angular template
<div ng-show="shouldShowElement">...</div>
Angular templates have access to all the variables on the scope - if, at a later point, you do:
// controller code
scope.shouldShowElement = true;
Your template will update to reflect that change
I'm currently using jQuery to display modal windows, the function basically builds some HTML and then does $('#myElement').append(modalHtml);
Inside that modal HTML I have <div ng-controller="MyController">...</div> however when the modal is displayed the controller doesn't seem to get initialized. Is this because it's being added to the DOM outside of angular's scope? If so is there anyway when I run that code I could notify angular to look out for changes?
The breakdown of how it is at the moment is Angular runs loadModal() through an ng-click on an element. loadModal() calls modal(), and modal() builds the html and adds it to the DOM. Modal is in a script of just standalone helper functions.
The modal controller won't be called because you're not parsing or compiling the appended DOM code with Angular. Hence, Angular will not 'notice' this change and as a result it will not run any controllers or directives in the added DOM. The best way to solve this kind of problems is by adding a custom directive.
As you're trying to make a modal work, you could also take a look at existing modal adaptations for Angular, such as the one in AngularUI.
I have the following action
ng-click in my view -> which inturn calls a jQuery ajax function that displays jQuery Qtip -> In the Qtip popup I have an ng-click on an element -> which performs a $http post and has some callbacks to update $scope values.
So all these things are happening properly. But the updates are not getting reflected in the view as per the changes made in the callback in the final stage.
I have a function for "ng-mousemove" in my view. So whenever I move my mouse, the updates in the view are getting reflected.
What am I doing wrong here? Is the because of transitioning between angular and non-angular? Can anyone help me how to solve this?
As the docs explains:
$apply() is used to execute an expression in angular from outside of
the angular framework. (For example from browser DOM events,
setTimeout, XHR or third party libraries). Because we are calling into
the angular framework we need to perform proper scope life-cycle of
exception handling, executing watches.
So if you have a jQuery code like
$('#myDiv').on('click', function() {
// do stuff
You have to tell angular Js something has changed with $scope.$apply().
Here is a nice blog on why: http://www.yearofmoo.com/2012/10/more-angularjs-magic-to-supercharge-your-webapp.html#apply-digest-and-phase