Data error in dynamic object array in arduino - arrays

Currently I'm using Arduino for my project and what I want is to have an array that stores an array of sensors. I do understand that there's limited resource to be used for a dynamic array. But by limiting the number of items in the array and uses struct data instead of creating a class, I managed to cut the SRAM cost. So without further ado, here's my code :
#define MAX_SENSOR 6
namespace Sensors
typedef struct
byte SlavePin;
byte LDRPin;
byte RedPin;
byte BluePin;
} Sensor;
Sensor _sensors[MAX_SENSOR];
byte _len = 0;
void Add(Sensor s)
if (_len > MAX_SENSOR)
_sensors[_len] = s;
Sensor Get(byte index)
return _sensors[index];
And here's how I use it.
#include "Sensors.h"
void setup()
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
Sensors::Sensor sen;
sen.SlavePin = 0;
Serial.print("Length = ");
for (int j = 0; j < Sensors::_len; j++)
Serial.print(" = ");
void loop() { //Nothing goes here }
This code works and it compiles successfully. But when I run it, the serial window shows this :
Length : 6
Sensor 0:0
Sensor 1:0
Sensor 2:1
Sensor 3:2
Sensor 4:3
Sensor 5:4
Apparently, the first and the second item in the array has the same value and honestly, I don't know why.
Here's the output that I'm expecting :
Length : 6
Sensor 0:0
Sensor 1:1
Sensor 2:2
Sensor 3:3
Sensor 4:4
Sensor 5:5
Any help would be very appreciated. And BTW, I'm sorry if this kind of thread had already existed.

The first call to Add() places the structure at index 1:
byte _len = 0;
void Add(Sensor s)
if (_len > MAX_SENSOR)
// On first call _len will be 1
_sensors[_len] = s;
I understand the design intent of this code, but consider that this is a wasteful approach for a microcontroller.
Implementing Add() increases the code size. A library for a desktop computer would surely rate the code size a fair trade off for safety. A library for a microcontroller is harder to rate as good use of scarce memory.
Implementing Get() increases code size and execution time. Again, this seems like a good design for typical desktop environment and a library that you want to be safe. On a microcontroller, this is wrong.
The factor I see as key decider of good or bad is the permanent cost versus a one time savings. The safe version of Sensor costs code space and execution time on every system deployed and every second the program is running. The benefit is only the first day you are run and debug the program.


Big latency in bluetooth communication

I have tried to write wireless servo control using two arduino nano v3 boards and two bluetooth 4.0 modules. First code is transmitter. It's very simple. It reads PPM signals and transform to separates PWM values for each channel. I use hardware serial port.
#include <PPMReader.h>
#include <InterruptHandler.h>
int ppmInputPin = 3;
int channelAmount = 2;
PPMReader ppm(ppmInputPin, channelAmount);
void setup()
void loop()
unsigned long value1 = ppm.latestValidChannelValue(1, 0);
Receiver is simple too. It reads values from bluetooth and parse into integer value and sends to servo by 7th pin. Again I have used hardware serial port.
#include <Servo.h>
int PWM_OUTPUT = 7;
Servo servo;
void setup() {
void loop() {
int pwmValue = Serial.parseInt();
if (Serial.available()) {
if(pwmValue > 900 && pwmValue < 2001) {
All it works. But it has delay around 2-3 seconds. Can be problem in "spamming" serial port?
The first thing you need to ask yourself when implementing a device-to-device communication is how fast should I be sending? and if I send at that rate: is the receiver going to be able to keep pace (reading, doing processing or whatever it needs to do and answer back)?
This is obviously not about the baud rate but about what your loops are doing. You are using two different libraries: PPMReader and Servo. Now, pay attention to what each device is doing in their respective loops:
void loop() {
unsigned long value1 = ppm.latestValidChannelValue(1, 0);
void loop() {
int pwmValue = Serial.parseInt();
if(pwmValue > 900 && pwmValue < 2001) {
I don't really know how long it takes to execute each line of code (take a look here for some comments on that) but you cannot seriously expect both loops to magically synchronize themselves. Considering they are doing very different things (leaving out the serial part) dealing with different hardware, I would expect one of them to take significantly longer than the other. Think about what happens if that's the case.
As I said, I have no idea how long it takes to call ppm.latestValidChannelValue(1, 0) but for the sake of my argument let's say it takes 0.1 milliseconds. To have an estimate of the time it takes to complete one iteration around the loop you need to add the time it takes to print one (or two) bytes to the port with Serial.println(value1) but that's easier, maybe around 20-100 microseconds is a good ballpark figure. With these estimates, you end up reading 5000 times per second. If you are not happy or you don't trust my estimates I would suggest you do your own tests with a counter or a timer. If you do the same exercise for the other side of the link and let's say you get it's twice as fast, it runs 10000 times per second, how do you think it would happen with the communication? Yes, that's right: it will get clogged and run at snail pace.
Here you should carefully consider if you really need that many readings (you did not elaborate on what you're actually doing so I have no idea, but I lean on thinking you don't). If you don't, just add a delay on the sender's side to slow it down to a reasonable (maybe 10-20 iterations per second) speed.
There are other things to improve on your code: you should check you have received data in the buffer before reading it (not after). And you need to be careful with Serial.parseInt(), which sometimes leads to unexpected results but this answer is already too long and I don't want to extend it even more.
I found problem. It was in serial port spamming. I have added check if current value is not equal with previous value and it have started work and next small issue was in receiver. I read value before it was available.
#include <PPMReader.h>
#include <InterruptHandler.h>
int ppmInputPin = 3;
int channelAmount = 2;
PPMReader ppm(ppmInputPin, channelAmount);
volatile unsigned long previousValue1 = 0;
void setup()
Serial.println("Transmitter started");
void loop()
unsigned long value1 = ppm.latestValidChannelValue(1, 0);
if(previousValue1 != value1) {
previousValue1 = value1;

Uart receives correct Bytes but in chaotic order

Using Atmel studio 7, with STK600 and 32UC3C MCU
I'm pulling my hair over this.
I'm sending strings of a variable size over UART once every 5 seconds. The String consists of one letter as opcode, then two chars are following that tell the lenght of the following datastring (without the zero, there is never a zero at the end of any of those strings). In most cases the string will be 3 chars in size, because it has no data ("p00").
After investigation I found out that what supposed to be "p00" was in fact "0p0" or "00p" or (only at first try after restarting the micro "p00"). I looked it up in the memory view of the debugger. Then I started hTerm and confirmed that the data was in fact "p00". So after a while hTerm showed me "p00p00p00p00p00p00p00..." while the memory of my circular uart buffer reads "p000p000p0p000p0p000p0p0..."
edit: Actually "0p0" and "00p" are alternating.
The baud rate is 9600. In the past I was only sending single letters. So everything was running well.
This is the code of the Receiver Interrupt:
I tried different variations in code that were all doing the same in a different way. But all of them showed the exact same behavior.
lastWebCMDWritePtr is a uint8_t* type and so is lastWebCMDRingstartPtr.
lastWebCMDRingRXLen is a uint8_t type.
void UartISR_forWebserver()
*(lastWebCMDWritePtr++) = (uint8_t)((&AVR32_USART0)->rhr & 0x1ff);
if(lastWebCMDWritePtr - lastWebCMDRingstartPtr > lastWebCMDRingBufferSIZE)
lastWebCMDWritePtr = lastWebCMDRingstartPtr;
// Variation 2:
// advanceFifo((uint8_t)((&AVR32_USART0)->rhr & 0x1ff));
// Variation 3:
// if(usart_read_char(&AVR32_USART0, getReadPointer()) == USART_RX_ERROR)
// {
// usart_reset_status(&AVR32_USART0);
// }
I welcome any of your ideas and advices.
Regarts Someo
P.S. I put the Atmel studio tag in case this has something to do with the myriad of debugger bugs of AS.
For a complete picture you would have to show where and how lastWebCMDWritePtr, lastWebCMDRingRXLen, lastWebCMDRingstartPtr and lastWebCMDRingBufferSIZE are used elsewhere (on the consuming side)
Also I would first try a simpler ISR with no dependencies to other software modules to exclude a hardware resp. register handling problem.
#define DEBUG_BUF_SIZE 30
void UartISR_forWebserver()
uint8_t rec_byte;
static volatile uint8_t usart_debug_buf[DEBUG_BUF_SIZE]; //circular buffer for debugging
static volatile int usart_debug_buf_index = 0;
rec_byte = (uint8_t)((&AVR32_USART0)->rhr & 0x1ff);
usart_debug_buf_index = usart_debug_buf_index % DEBUG_BUF_SIZE;
usart_debug_buf[usart_debug_buf_index] = rec_byte;
if (!(usart_debug_buf_index < DEBUG_BUF_SIZE)) {
usart_debug_buf_index = 0; //candidate for a breakpoint to see what happened in the past

Does Arduino Uno/OSEPP Uno have enough memory to create a servo array?

I'm pretty bad at coding (I know the basics), and I'm trying to create an array of servos in Arduino to control via Serial with Processing. I vaguely remember something about Arduino microcontrollers having really limited memory, so I'm not sure if creating an array of Servo objects would work. Here's the code I have so far:
#include <Servo.h>
Servo[] servos = new Servo[6]; //holds the servo objects
int[] servoPos = {90,112,149,45,75,8}; //holds the current position of each servo
char serialVal; //store the serialValue received from serial
void setup()
for(int i = 0; i < servos.length; i++) //attach servos to pins
Serial.begin(115200); //initialize serial
Would an Arduino Uno board be able to support this array and utilize it like in Java? Before now, I've been creating each object separately, which was very inefficient and time-consuming to type and read.
Also, if there's anything that would stop this code from executing, please tell me. I appreciate your help.
My advice is to fire up your Arduino IDE and give it a try. First off you're going to find that you have some problems in your code:
Your array syntax is incorrect. For example:
int[] servoPos = {90,112,149,45,75,8}; //holds the current position of each servo
should be written:
int servoPos[] = {90,112,149,45,75,8}; //holds the current position of each servo
I guess this servos.length is a Java thing? Instead you should determine that value by:
sizeof(servos) / sizeof(servos[0])
After you get it to compile you'll see a message in the black console window at the bottom of the Arduino IDE window:
Sketch uses 2408 bytes (7%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes.
Global variables use 242 bytes (11%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1806 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.
So that will give you some idea of the memory usage. To check free memory at run time I use this library:

Detect audio peak using gstreamer plugin

I'm developing a plugin in C that detects audio peaks using gstreamer-1.0. I don't really have any knowledge about audio programming and so far, my plugin can only detect sound impulsion (if there is no audio, nothing happens, if there is sound, I print the energy).
Here is the sample code of my (really simple) algorithm.
gfloat energy_of_sample(guint8 array[], int num_elements, gfloat *p)
gfloat energy=0.f;
for(int i=0 ; i<num_elements ; i++)
energy += array[i]*array[i]/4096;
if (*p < (array[i]*array[i]/4096)) *p = array[i]*array[i]/4096;
return energy/num_elements;
static void
audio_process(GstBPMdetect *filter, GstBuffer *music)
GstMapInfo info;
gint threshold = 6;
// gets the information of the buffer and put it in "info"
gst_buffer_map (music, &info, GST_MAP_READ);
// calculate the average of the buffer data
gfloat energy = 0;
gfloat peak = 0;
energy = energy_of_sample(, info.size, &peak);
if (energy >= threshold )g_print("energy : %f , peak : %f \n", energy,peak);
If the audio source is, for exemple, a simple hand clap or kick drum only, my plugin detects the audio peak just fine. But when the audio source is a song, my plugin is constantly detecting sound impulsion (always over the threshold).
My solution for that issue was to add a low-pass filter so only bass sound would be detected. By doing that, I'm cutting every part of the song containing high frequencies only and this is not what I want (will not work for high frequency beats).
So my question is : Does anyone have an idea on how to detect beats (audio impulsion) without cutting the high frequencies ? Tanks to everyone and hope that my question is clear !
You should measure energy not peak. There is a great method to calculate energy. Use variance formula from statistics. You need count square of sum and sum of squares for all points within an interval of 20 - 50 milliseconds. Using the variance formula you get the energy. The formula is here
As an alternative you may use the existing plugin level in the set of good plugins.

Pipelining 1D Convolution algorithm using C on DSP development board

The DSP board I am currently using is DSK6416 from Spectrum Digital, and I am implementing a convolution algorithm in C to convolve input voice samples with a pre-recorded impulse response array. The objective is to speak into the microphone, and output the processed effect so we sound like we are speaking in that environment where the impulse response array is obtained.
The challenge I am facing now is doing the convolution live and keep up the pace of the input and output speed of the interrupt function at 8 kHz.
Here is my brain storming idea:
My current inefficient implementation that does not work is as follows:
The interrupt will stop the convolution process, output the index, and resume convolution at 8 kHz, or 1/8kHz seconds.
However, a complete iteration of convolution runs much slower than 1/8kHz seconds. So when the interrupt wants to output the data from the output array, the data is not ready yet.
My ideal implementation for fast pipelining convolution algorithm:
We would have many convolution processes running in the background while outputting the completed ones as time goes on. There will be many pipes running in parallel.
If I use the pipelining approach, we would need to have N = 10000 pipeline processes running in the background...
Now I have the idea down (at least I think I do, I might be wrong), I have no clue how to implement this on the DSK board using C programming language because C does not support object orientation.
The following is the pseudo-code for our C implementation:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "DSK6416_AIC23.h"
Uint32 fs=DSK6416_AIC23_FREQ_48KHZ; //set sampling rate
#define DSK6416_AIC23_INPUT_MIC 0x0015
#define DSK6416_AIC23_INPUT_LINE 0x0011
Uint16 inputsource=DSK6416_AIC23_INPUT_MIC; // select input
//input & output parameters declaration
#define MAX_SIZE 10000
Uint32 curr_input;
Int16 curr_input2;
short input[1];
short impulse[MAX_SIZE ];
short output[MAX_SIZE ];
Int16 curr_output;
//counters declaration
Uint32 a, b, c, d; //dip switch counters
int i, j, k; //convolution iterations
int x; //counter for initializing output;
interrupt void c_int11() //interrupt running at 8 kHz
//Reads Input
//Start new pipe
//Outputs output to speaker
void main()
//Read Impulse.txt into impulse array
if (DIP switch pressed)
//convolution here (our current inefficient convolution algorithm)
//Need to run multiple of the same process in the background in parallel.
for (int k = 0; k < MAX_SIZE; k++)
if (k==MAX_SIZE-1 && i == 0) // special condition overwriting element at i = MAX_SIZE -1
output[k] = (impulse[k]*input[0]);
else if (k+i < MAX_SIZE) // convolution from i to MAX_SIZE
output[k+i] += (impulse[k]*input[0]);
else if (k+i-MAX_SIZE != i-1) // convolution from 0 to i-2
output[k+i-MAX_SIZE] += (impulse[k]*input[0]);
else // overwrite element at i-1
output[i-1] = (impulse[k]*input[0]);
else //if DIP switch is not pressed
j = 0;
curr_output = input[1];
output_sample(curr_output); //outputs unprocessed dry voice
} //end of while
Is there a way to implement pipeline in C code to compile on the hardware DSP board so we can run multiple convolution iterations in the background all at the same time?
I drew some pictures, but I am new to this board so I can't post images.
Please let me know if you need my pictorial ideas to help you help me~
Any help on how to implement this code is very much appreciated !!
You probably need to process data in chunks of some N samples. While one chunk is being I/O'd in an DAC/ADC interrupt handler, another one is being processed somewhere in main(). The main thing here is to make sure your processing of a chunk of N samples takes less time than receiving/transmitting N samples.
Here's what it may look like in time (all things in every step (except step 1) happen "in parallel"):
buf1=buf3=zeroes, buf2=anything
ISR: DAC sends buf1, ADC receives buf2; main(): processes buf3
ISR: DAC sends buf3, ADC receives buf1; main(): processes buf2
ISR: DAC sends buf2, ADC receives buf3; main(): processes buf1
Repeat indefinitely from step 2.
Also, you may want to implement your convolution in assembly for extra speed. I'd look at some TI app notes or what not for an implementation. Perhaps it's available in some library too.
You may also consider doing convolution via Fast Fourier Transform.
Your DSP only has so many CPU cycles available per second. You need to analyze your algorithm to determine how many CPU cycles it takes to process each sample on average. That needs to be less that the number of CPU cycles between samples. No amount of pipelining or object orientation will help if you don't have an algorithm that completes in a small enough number of cycles per sample on average.
