How to associate a pre-existing billing account with a new app engine project in Google cloud console? - google-app-engine

I have a pre-existing billing account for an earlier project, that works fine.
How can I associate a new project with that same account?
In the Google Developer Console, if I select the new project and try to enable billing it gives me the forms to create a new billing account. I did not find a way to associate the project's billing to the existing account.
If I look at the existing billing account I can see my earlier project in the list of projects but have found no way add a new project to the account.

If I have enabled billing for one of my applications already, why do I have to do it again for my other apps?
We want to provide developers with fine-grained control over each of
their applications. They may wish to have a separate budget for
different apps, or apps that run entirely on free quota, rather than a
single budget for each.

Try hitting cancel at the end when it asks you to choose a name for the news billing account. After I did that I was able to associate my second project with my primary billing account. I also noticed some weirdness with a billing account that was in trial mode. Once I "upgraded" this billing account I think I could associate other projects with it.
Of course make sure you are an admin for the billing account and all projects you wish to associate with that billing.


SOLUTION: google cloud sdk issue: 'callers must accept terms of service'

Known issue:
Installing google-cloud-sdk (linux package or from tarball) has a quirk where you cannot create projects from the command line before accepting the terms of service.
Steps to reproduce:
Download sdk, untar, move folder to home directory and add google sdk root directory to PATH using
Initialize and login with: $ google init
Create a project from the CL: $ gcloud projects create --set-as-default
This will spit out an error like:
ERROR: (gcloud.projects.create) Operation [cp.5641973328385684887] failed: 9: Callers must accept Terms of Service
I hazard a guess that accepting the terms of service have not been built into the command line initialization yet. Omitting such a fundamental step to an installation process should be illegal, with consequences ranging from death by a thousand key-stokes, to 'build an operating system in headfuck'... but that's just me...
We find the solution in the most unholiest of places: the google cloud control interface (cloud console).
Go to your cloud console
Create a project by selecting 'select a project' (top-left next to "Google Cloud Platform" and then 'create project' (top-right in the popup window).
This will prompt the terms of service agreement and you may carry on after agreeing to the terms of service.
I hope this helps whoever else stumbles upon this most infuriating of errors.
Live long and prosper
Let's not be so dramatic with "death by a thousand key-strokes". This is a security measure that should be implemented. Security is not always convenient but can save your checking/credit account a lot of grief.
Imagine this theoretical scenario. You provide me with a service account that has the roles to create a project. I create a new project. This project is created under your Google Billing Account. I know what I am doing with Google IAM so I remove you from the new project and make myself the Project Owner. Now you have no access to the new project but your credit card is paying the bills for my project. I think you would then be screaming "death by a million key-strokes".
There are two types of projects:
Independent projects not part of an organization.
Projects that are part of an organization.
If you are part of a Google Cloud Organization, you can easily create projects up to your quota limit (default is 5). No prompting, accepting TOS, etc. Using the CLI to create a new project is effortless.
If you are not part of an Google Cloud Organization then you are basically creating a new account, you need to set up account billing, accept terms of service, etc. This means that you should not use the CLI to create a new project as the CLI does not prompt you for the items that a new project requires. Why, the CLI should be using a service account. The service account is not the IAM member that owns the account. This forces you to log into the Google Cloud Console using your User Credentials to create the new project.
For anyone getting this message when trying to create a dialogflow agent:
Go to, login and accept the displayed terms and conditions.
Afterwards it worked for me...

Why Google cloud vision auto create many Computer Engine

My application run normal until now.
But suddenly one service account (used for google cloud vision) create many Computer Engine instances(about 32 instances).
I checked log and see this line.
enter image description here
My billing increase from 10 to 200$/day :(
Anyone help me?
This does not seem normal as the Vision API does not require to create Compute Engine instances to work with. It is possible that your credentials might have been filtered. I suggest you remove the service account that is generating the problem and create a new one. Also you can contact Google Cloud billing support if you need more information on your charges. You can fill this form to get in touch with them.

Using App Engine with a custom domain, without paying for Google Apps?

Can you use Google App Engine with your own custom domain, without paying for the whole Google Apps business package?
The setup instructions suggests this is not possible. Has anyone found a work around?
You no longer need google apps for using custom domain with GAE. you can use custom domains without signing up for Google Apps for Business.
go to and click on your
project and select appengine then click on settings
there you can add and verify your domain using Google Webmaster central
Once you're done verifying you're all set to go !
IF one has had a free Google Apps account prior to the December 2012 deadline, there does seem to be an easy solution to mapping a new GAE app to a newly registered domain. I happen to still have such prior account for which I do not have to pay (yet?), I believe. I suspect other long-term GAE developers are in a similar situations. So, I am adding quick instructions I found and translated from here. (There are many related threads on the topic on stackoverflow. This question seems the most relevant for adding these notes.)
Login to your existing Google Apps account
Go to "Domains" and hit "add a domain or a domain alias"
Keep "Add a domain alias of ..." selected and enter the new domain name in the field
Go through the required domain verification process
Now back on the main admin screen, hit "Google Apps" and click "add Services" (a box icon on the top right)
Under "Other Services" enter your GAE app ID
On the "Settings for " page coming up, hit "Add new URL"
Select the domain name added in Step 1+, adding a prefix such as "www" in front
Confirm and be done with it
Just done and verified. Works for me and I suspect the same procedure would work for any further domains the same way.
DISCLAIMER: Again, this is for people with a prior Google Apps account. However, it should also be relevant for people that paid for a single such account. This single account should then be sufficient to map multiple GAE apps to multiple domains, if you don't need an independent copy of the other Google apps goodies every time.
Starting June 15 and for a limited time, Google will offer a USD $50.00 App Engine credit for Google App Engine developers who have recently purchased a new Google Apps for Business domain account for their App Engine application.
To review the terms and conditions for this site and request a credit for an eligible application, please visit this site.
Here is the google groups discussion :!topic/google-appengine/jC_K-YlmXhM
Quoting from the link above:
We are working on a solution that will make this process simpler for
developers and not require a paid subscription for Google Apps for
In the meantime, starting from June 15, we will offer a $50 App Engine
credit for developers who need to purchase a new Google Apps for
Business domain in order to associate a domain with an App Engine
Actually there is one free solution, for people that don't have Google Apps account yet.
Go to AppEngine -> Application Settings -> Add domain -> Sign up for Google Apps
Start a free 30 day trial - Do not add the billing options
Setup your domain
Add the domain to your app engine project
When the 30 day trial expire the domain will still work.

Is it possible to develop a plugin without an account?

We want to develop a plugin for NewRelic, but we'd like to do it separately from the company we work for (which is who owns the NewRelic commercial account)
Is it possible to develop it without an account (and thus, independently from a company) or is it 100% required to have the plugin belong to a company with a NewRelic account?
Any New Relic account can consume, author, and publish plugins.
If you don't have an account, or want to publish from an account that is different from your primary or work account, simply signup for a new account - and if you do so via any of the plugin detail pages here you'll get New Relic Standard for free, forever! (otherwise Standard is a paid tier, and Lite is free forever)

How to add more Applications on a single App Engine user account

I have alot of small application back ends and websites running on app engine. I have reached the maximum of 12 apps. I was wondering if there is a way to add more to a single user? Why is the limit 12? Is there a future version of GAE which lets user create more applications? Can i pay to have more on a single user account?
While I'm not sure if you can pay to get more, you can have 10 more from your Google Apps account if you have one. You can then add your personal account in the admins of that app and continue normally.
While this smells like a workaround, it actually make sense, since eventually you are going to deploy your app on it's own domain and you will need to have a Google Apps account in order to achieve that. From there if you have more users for a particular domain, each of them can start up to 10 apps, which of course you (they) can share with more people, so in theory there is no limit :)
You can create a Google Apps account by starting a free trial and after 30 days you can downgrade to a free version if you have only one user. If you have more then you will have to start paying for it (unfortunatelly that was changed recently).
