extjs - the buttons of mapPanel doesn't deactivate - extjs

I use extjs 3.4.0 and i have a problem with the buttons in the method deactivate.
I create the menu with GeoExt which i put the buttons.
var mapPanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
border: true,
region: "center",
// we do not want all overlays, to try the OverlayLayerContainer
map: mapa,
tbar: toolbar,
zoom: 3
In this example I put just 2 buttons, the fist is to move and de last is for calculate length. The controls for calculate length is working correctly.
var toggleGroup = "measure controls";
var buttonMover = new Ext.Button({
iconCls: 'mover',
cls: 'margenBoton',
enableToggle: true,
toggleGroup: toggleGroup
this is the button for length.
var buttonLong = new Ext.Button({
iconCls: 'regla',
cls: 'margenBoton',
enableToggle: true,
toggleGroup: toggleGroup,
handler: function (toggled){
if (toggled) {
} else {
here I incorporate my buttons in the panel.
The problem is when I choose the length button, I calculate length correctly but I want choose another button or I deactivate this button it doesn't deactivate.


Want to reload ExtJs tab panel each time it is rendered

I'm creating a set of ExtJs Panels & TabPanel in a jsp page as:
//left panel
var leftpanel = new Ext.Panel({
id :'leftpane',
width: leftPaneDefaultWidth,
layout : 'fit',
header : false,
//right tabpanel
var rightpaneltab = new Ext.TabPanel({
enableTabScroll: true,
//parent panel
var toppanel = new Ext.Panel({
id : 'main',
renderTo : 'parentDiv',
items: [ leftpanel , rightpaneltab ]
Owing to a business requirement, I need to refresh/reload the contents within the rightpaneltab defined above.
Could someone pls suggest an optimal away of achieving this?
You can listen to events like painted, show, initialize and some others.
Check the documentation here: https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.7.0/modern/Ext.tab.Panel.html#event-initialize
initialize - Fires when the component has been initialized
painted - Fires whenever this Element actually becomes visible (painted) on the screen. This is useful when you need to perform 'read' operations on the DOM element, i.e: calculating natural sizes and positioning.
show - Fires whenever the Component is shown
//left panel
var leftpanel = new Ext.Panel({
id :'leftpane',
width: leftPaneDefaultWidth,
layout : 'fit',
header : false,
//right tabpanel
var rightpaneltab = new Ext.TabPanel({
enableTabScroll: true,
listeners: {
painted: function () {
// reload the content here
//parent panel
var toppanel = new Ext.Panel({
id : 'main',
renderTo : 'parentDiv',
items: [ leftpanel , rightpaneltab ]

ExtJS Pop-up Window Form data loading

I use Grid panel. When I select the row in the grid I get the following results:
If I render the Form in 'document.body' everything is OK, and form
fields are filled.
If I, same Form start in Window panel, Form fields are empty.
When I use both, Form which is rendered in the 'document.body' is
closed, and Form fields in Window are filled.
Where I make mistake.
// Grip panel part
sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
singleSelect: true,
listeners: {
rowselect: function(sm, index, record) {deleteWindow.show();}
// End Grid panel part
var myForm = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
title:"Basic Form",
items: [
new Ext.form.TextField({
blankText:"Please enter a to address",
readOnly: true
new Ext.form.TextField({
blankText:"Please enter a subject address",
readOnly: true
buttons: [
var deleteWindow = new Ext.Window({
id: 'id_deleteWindow',
title: 'Delete',
width: 750,
height: 380,
layout: 'fit',
items: myForm
var id_test = 2; // This is only for this problem
//myForm.render(document.body); // When using this code everything is ok, and form fields are filled
id: id_test
JSON data
I would suggest the following changes to the code:
In place of using the id property on the TextField (say, id: 'subject'), use name property (name: 'subject')
Just curious....since you are handling the rowselect event on the grid, you might want to load the selected record in the form panel rather than loading it again. If this is the case, then you may call the loadRecord() method on the form panel and pass the record object to it and then call the show() method on the window
I figured out that when load is called on form, ExtJS tries to access form dom element to determine form method. I've found 2 solutions:
Add method to the form config
Load data to form after window is showed
Here is code for second solution:
var deleteWindow = new Ext.Window({
id: 'id_deleteWindow',
title: 'Delete',
width: 750,
height: 380,
layout: 'fit',
items: myForm,
listeners: {
show: function() {
var form = this.items.get(0);
id: id_test

Can't redraw Panel in ExtJS

I made the sufficient investigation of this problem. But unfortunately didn't find any solution, even in stackoverflow questions, that look like this one.
I need to redraw(refresh, re-render) a panel, that contains a tabPanel with different tabs, that are rebuilding each time when I open the panel. Here is the code below to build tabs
//the first tab
categoryTpl: function(){
var categoriesTab = new Ext.Panel({
id: '_Categories',
title: 'X-Axis',
layout: 'form',
padding: 10,
labelWidth: 101,
items: [...]
Here is code to build the TabPanel
setAxesInfo: function(){
var categoryTab = this.categoryTpl();
//initialize the controls in the first tab
FC.Var.CM.initAxis(categoryTab, undefined);
delete this.axesTabPan;
this.axesTabPan = new Ext.TabPanel({
activeTab: 0,
plain: true,
enableTabScroll: true,
autoScroll: false,
defaults: { autoScroll: true },
items: [categoryTab]
This is the code to build Panel
create: function(){
this.axes = new Ext.Panel({
layout: 'fit',
border: false,
items: this.axesTabPan
return {
id: 'axesStep',
title: 'Series Customization',
items: this.axes
So, I make changes in tab controls and then I want to rebuild(refresh, re-render) my panel I click the button, which have the next handler
refreshAxes: function() {
So, in debugger I can see, that all my controls in the tab have default initial values (they were rebuilt as I see). But in the browser I see only the previous changed values. It's notable, that if I change the focus of my panel (for example switch to another panel) and then return to this panel all data have the default values. Why I don't see the default values without loosing focus?
I am using the Ext Js 3.4 (this version is the requirement). I'll appreciate any help. Thank you.
Try doing a doLayout() on the Panel.

ExtJS: add button to htmleditor

I am using ExtJS and I have a htmleditor in my form. I would like to add a custom button to that element (for example after all other buttons like alignments, font weights, ...). This button should basically insert a standard template in the htmlfield. Being this template html, the behaviour of the button should be like this
Switch to HTML mode (like when pressing Source button)
Insert something
Switch back to WYSIWYG mode (like when pressing the Source button again)
Thanks for your attention
You don't need to switch to HTML mode. Just use the insertAtCursor function with the HTML template.
I made this easy example of how to add button which inserts a horizontal ruler (<hr> tag):
Ext.ux.form.HtmlEditor.HR = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
init: function(cmp){
this.cmp = cmp;
this.cmp.on('render', this.onRender, this);
onRender: function(){
iconCls: 'x-edit-bold', //your iconCls here
handler: function(){
scope: this,
tooltip: 'horizontal ruler',
overflowText: 'horizontal ruler'
Ext.preg('ux-htmleditor-hr', Ext.ux.form.HtmlEditor.HR);
new Ext.Viewport({
layout: 'fit',
items: [{
xtype: 'htmleditor',
plugins: [new Ext.ux.form.HtmlEditor.HR()]
You can see it running at: jsfiddle.net/protron/DCGRg/183/
But I really recommend you to check out HtmlEditor.Plugins (or ateodorescu/mzExt for ExtJS 4). There you can find a lot more about adding custom buttons, for instance, how to enable/disable the buttons when something is selected, put separators, etc.
You also can use ExtJS.ux.HtmlEditor.Plugins : https://github.com/VinylFox/ExtJS.ux.HtmlEditor.Plugins
In addition to #proton great answer above, there's another way to insert buttons to the toolbar, different from adding them to the end.
In my answer i'll write it as a new control named 'RichTextBox' (and not as a plugin) but this can be done in any other way:
Ext.define('Ext.ux.form.RichTextBox', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.HtmlEditor',
xtype: 'richtextbox',
enableSourceEdit: false, // i choose to hide the option that shows html
initComponent: function () {
this.on('render', this.onRender, this);
* Insert buttons listed below to the html-editor at specific position.
* handler is implemented using 'execCommand':
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/execCommand
onRender: function () {
var me = this;
var tb = me.getToolbar();
var btns = {
StrikeThrough: {
//xtype: 'button', // button is default item for this toolbar
itemId: 'btnStrikeThrough',
iconCls: 'x-toolbar-strikethrough ', //choose icon with css class
enableOnSelection: true,
overflowText: 'StrikeThrough',
tooltip: {
title: 'StrikeThrough',
text: 'Toggles strikethrough on/off for the selection or at the insertion point'
handler: function () {
this.getDoc().execCommand('strikeThrough', false, null);
scope: this,
/** Seperator */
sep: "-"
tb.insert(5, btns.StrikeThrough); // insert button to the toolbar
//tb.insert(10, btns.sep); // add seperator
//tb.remove(26); // remove button, seperator, etc.
this.callParent(); //important: call regular 'onRender' here or at the start of the foo

Building a TriggerField with PopUp Window

I built a triggerField and when i press at it, i want to have a popup, that is appended to the button in the triggerfield(so when i click anywhere else it shall disappear and it shall pop out up to the button when i click at the button just like a datepicker-popup)
I somehow managed to do something like that with an Ext.window but the offset and postion doesnt match.
This all should be contained in a row editor.
my Code:
new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: Store,
plugins:[new Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor()],
tbar: [{
iconCls: 'icon-user-add',
text: ' hinzufügen',
handler: function(){
ref: '../removeBtn',
iconCls: 'icon-user-delete',
text: 'löschen',
disabled: true,
handler: function(){
var s = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelections();
for(var i = 0, r; r = s[i]; i++){
columns: [{
header: 'Monate',
dataIndex: 'MONAT',
width: 50,
sortable: true,
new Ext.form.TriggerField({"id":"EditorMonate",items:[],
var monate=new Ext.Window({"x":Ext.getCmp("EditorMonate").x,closeAction:"hide",width:275,id:"autoWMonate",layout:"table",layoutConfig: {columns: 10}});
var text;
for(var mon=1;mon<13;mon++){
new Ext.Button({cls:"x-btn",value:parseInt(text),selected:true,"text":text,id:text
} Ext.getCmp("autoWMonate").hidden?Ext.getCmp("autoWMonate").show():Ext.getCmp("autoWMonate").hide();
Problem sovled with:
header: 'WochenTage',
dataIndex: 'WOCHE',
width: 100,
sortable: true,
editor: new Ext.form.TriggerField({
onTriggerClick: function(e) {
if (!this.menu) {
this.menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
// the items should have event listeners that set the field value accordingly
// here you would want to sync the items in the menu with the field value (this.getValue())
// before you show the menu -- keep in mind that the menu and its children might not be rendered yet
this.menu.showAt(e.getXY()); // or this.menu.show(this.getEl(), 'tl-bl?');
I did something like this by looking at the code of the date picker and generalizing the idea there - use a menu component for the popup behavior, and put whatever you like as a single component contained by the menu.
