Symfony 2 how to call the renderView method in FormHandler? - symfony-2.4

I try to do a contact form with Symfony 2.4.1. My form is a simple contact one without an entity.
The following error happens in my handler :
FatalErrorException: Error: Call to undefined method Symfony\Component\Form\Form::render() in C:\Program Files\wamp\www\sf2\src\Open\OpcBundle\Form\Handler\ContactHandler.php line 75
And the form handler code :
// src/Open/OpcBundle/Form/Handler/Handler.php
namespace Open\OpcBundle\Form\Handler;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Form;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class ContactHandler {
protected $request;
protected $form;
protected $mailer;
public function __construct(Form $form, Request $request, $mailer) {
$this->form = $form;
$this->request = $request;
$this->mailer = $mailer;
public function process() {
if ('POST' == $this->request->getMethod()) {
$data = $this->form->getData();
return true;
return false;
protected function onSuccess($data) {
$message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()
array('ip' => $request->getClientIp(),
'nom' => $data['nom'],
'msg' => $data['msg'])
$request->getSession()->getFlash()->add('success', 'Your email has been sent! Thanks!');
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('contact'));
So the problem is that I don't have an object/instance for the renderView() method to call the template mail with setBody in the function onSuccess()
Which object/instance should I use for ?
PS: sorry for my english, i'm French!

It's Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\TwigEngine class. service name is 'templating'.
BTW, why is you handler is not service?


CakePHP3 - Cookie Value not being kept

I have a problem where the value for the cookie I set is not being kept if switching to a different section (controller) with CakePHP3.
I establish the original cookie in the AppController so it is sitewide:
namespace App\Controller;
use Cake\Controller\Controller;
use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\Http\Cookie\Cookie;
use Cake\Http\Cookie\CookieCollection;
class AppController extends Controller
public function initialize()
//set up initial cart cookie
$this->response = $this->response->withCookie(
(new Cookie('cart'))
->withExpiry(new \DateTime('+1 month'))
I then have it set up in the CartController to add selected items to the cart cookie:
// src/Controller/CartController.php
namespace App\Controller;
use Cake\I18n\Time;
use Cake\Http\Cookie\Cookie;
use Cake\Http\Cookie\CookieCollection;
class CartController extends AppController
public function index()
$cart = json_decode($this->request->getCookie('cart'));
$add_cart = ($this->request->getQuery('add') == null ? [] : $this->request->getQuery('add'));
if (count($add_cart) > 0) {
foreach($add_cart as $ac) {
if(!in_array($ac, $cart)) {
$cart[] = $ac;
//replace cookie
$this->response = $this->response->withCookie(
(new Cookie('cart'))
->withExpiry(new \DateTime('+1 month'))
$cart_items = [];
foreach($cart as $cartp) { //'contain' => ['BookTypes'],
$book = $this->Books->get($cartp, ['fields' => array('id','name','description')]);
$cart_items[] = $book;
If I stay within "Cart", the cookie keeps the value. However, as soon as I move to any other page (home page or browsing books), the cookie value is reset to empty (an empty array).
What is causing this?
I found my problem.
Had to move the initial cookie from the initialize() to beforeFilter() in AppController.php and now it seems to be working.

Codeigniter autocheck db depending on session value

I'm trying to force my app to check every time it loads a model or controller depending on which is my session value.
This is actually running, but just when I get throw this model.
class News_model extends CI_Model {
public function __construct()
$this->db=$this->load->database('db1', TRUE);
$this->db=$this->load->database('db2', TRUE);
public function get_news($slug = FALSE)
if ($slug === FALSE)
$query = $this->db->get('news');
return $query->result_array();
$query = $this->db->get_where('news', array('slug' => $slug));
return $query->row_array();
But I do not war to include that __construct code to all my models or controllers.
I've tried to add on my autoload.php
$autoload['model'] = array('General');
Where my General code is something like this.
class General extends CI_Model {
function __construct()
$this->db=$this->load->database('db1', TRUE);
$this->db=$this->load->database('db2', TRUE);
How can I do it?
You can do it by creating a base model which will be extended by your models that require the database check.
I have simplified the checking and loading code. A simple ternary determines the string to use and stores it in the variable $dbname. That variable is used to load the database, i.e. $this->load->database($dbname);.
I don't believe you need the second argument to load::database() which means you don't need to set $this->db explicitly. If I'm wrong, use
$this->db = $this->load->database($dbname, TRUE);
Below is the "base" model. The prefix of the file name is determined in config.php with the setting $config['subclass_prefix'] = 'MY_'; Adjust your base model's file and class name to match the 'subclass_prefix' you use.
class MY_Model extends CI_Model
public function __construct()
$dbname = $this->session->dbname == 'db1' ? 'db1' : 'db2';
Use the above to create other models like so...
class News_model extends MY_Model
public function get_news($slug = FALSE)
if ($slug === FALSE)
$query = $this->db->get('news');
return $query->result_array();
$query = $this->db->get_where('news', array('slug' => $slug));
return $query->row_array();

associated data in Mailer in CakePHP 3

I'm working on CakePHP 3.4
I have a contact_messages table to save message via form on website.
I want to send user an email whenever a new message is saved.
For that, I have created mailer class like
namespace App\Mailer;
use Cake\Mailer\Mailer;
use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface;
class ContactMessageMailer extends Mailer
public function newMessage($message)
->setTo($user->email) // user email
->setSubject('Verify Account')
->setViewVars(['name' => $user->first_name, 'email' => $user->email, 'message' => $message->body]);
public function implementedEvents()
return [
'Model.afterSave' => 'alertMessage'
public function alertMessage(Event $event, EntityInterface $entity, \ArrayObject $options)
if ($entity->isNew()) {
$this->send('newMessage', [$entity]);
and registering event in ContactMessagesTable.php
$mailer = new UserMailer(); //use App\Mailer\UserMailer;
ContactMessages belongsTo Users and Users is having email of user whom to send the email.
How can I get users information in Mailer?
Will probably do this;
In the User table;
public function processUser($user)
$event = new Event('Model.afterSave', $this, [$entity = $user])
return true;
return false;
In ContactMessage Table ;
public function initialize()
$mailer = new UserMailer(); //use App\Mailer\UserMailer;
$this->Users->eventManager()->on($mailer); //ContactMessage has to be related to User table
Hope I was able to communicate.

CakePHP Custom Helper not working

MY first time creating a custom helper. I'm getting an error in my Controller Code that I"m calling a a method on a non existed object (helper). Yet i believe my helper "BM" is being loaded successfully because i'm not getting any errors on loading helpers.
Error: Call to a member function mcpGetActiveMerchantID() on a non-object
File: C:\wamp\www\bm\app\Controller\MCPController.php
Line: 412
I have placed BMHelper.php into my View\Helper\ directory.
class BMHelper extends AppHelper{
public function mcpGetActiveMerchant(){
return $this->Session->read('Auth.ActiveMerchant');
public function mcpGetActiveMerchantID() {
$activemerchant = $this->Session->read('Auth.ActiveMerchant');
foreach($activemerchant as $key => $value) {
$merchant_id = $key;
return $merchant_id;
Then in my Controller I have this:
class MCPController extends AppController {
public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Session','BM','Js' => array('Jquery'));
public function walkinadd() {
$test = $this->BM->mcpGetActiveMerchantID(); //Line 412
HEre is the error again (same as the error I pasted at the top)
Error: Call to a member function mcpGetActiveMerchantID() on a non-object
File: C:\wamp\www\bm\app\Controller\MCPController.php
Line: 412
Anyone know what is wrong?
Helpers are to be used in Views not Controllers, though you could do:
public function walkinadd() {
$view = new View($this);
$bm = $view->loadHelper('BM');
$test = $bm->mcpGetActiveMerchantID();

isAuthorized redirect URL cakephp

When isAuthorized = false the user is redirected to '/' is there a way to change this. I want to redirect to the user dashboard (/users/dashboard) with a flash message saying 'Access prohibited' or something like that.
public function isAuthorized($user) {
if (isset($user['role']) && $user['role'] === 'admin') {
return true; //Admin can access every action
return false; // The rest don't
If your isAuthorised variable is being evaluated in your controller.
You can call the redirect function.
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'dashboard'));
If you are actually inside the users controller allready, just call
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'dashboard'));
If not, where are you checking the isAuthorised value?
This is not an ideal solution. However it seems that there is no way to do this with the current built in AuthComponent
Edit: Added code as an example.
public function isAuthorized($user) {
if (parent::isAuthorized($user)) {
return true;
// Authorised actions
if (in_array($this->action, array('dashboard'))) {
return true;
// Will break out on this call
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'dashboard'));
return false;
I think the best way is to use exception and extends like that :
public function isAuthorized($user) {
throw new ForbiddenException(__('You are not authorized to access.'));
public function isAuthorized($user) {
if (isset($user['role']) && $user['role'] === 'admin') {
return true;
return parent::isAuthorized($user);
With this code you are able to manage the roles and the error.
If they are being logged out you can send them where you want with:
I would personally use:
$this->Auth->authError = "You are not authorized to access.";
In order to redirect them to root with a flash message notifying them of the error.
Is a wrong behavior of AuthComponent.
In a nutshell: if the url is visited by a link, the framework is able to reconstruct the path and then redirect to the referring page. Otherwise (by direct entry into a url bar) it fails and it redirects to the home page.
The "bug" is documented and it will be corrected in a future release.
I do a little better than #deep55.
isAuthorized() method can throw an exception no problem, but i think that the inheritance of the Controllers would permit us to improve authorization algorithm using first AppController.isAuthorized(), not last.
So, here is my solution, assuming that I use a user model called Utilisateur, and a role model called Role.
AppController :
* Parent method
public function isAuthorized($user){
$User = new Utilisateur();
$isAdmin = $User->hasRole(10,$user['id']);
if ($isAdmin) {
return true;
* Reject unauthorized actions
public function rejectRequest(){
$errorMessage = __("Sorry, you can't do this.");
if ($this->isRest()) {
throw new ForbiddenException($errorMessage);
} else {
$this->Auth->authError = $errorMessage;
$this->Auth->flash['params']['class'] = 'alert-danger';
return false ;
Utilisateur model :
* hasRole method return true if the user belongs to the correct role group
public function hasRole($role_id, $user_id){
if (!isset($user_id)) {
if (!empty($this->id)) {
$user_id = $this->id ;
} else throw new Exception("Error, parameter $user_id is missing", 1);
$user = $this->find('first',array(
'conditions' => array('' => $user_id),
'fields' => array('id'),
'contain' => array('')
$roles = $user['Role'];
foreach ($roles as $r) {
if ($role_id == $r['id']) {
return true;
And last, in a specific controller :
* Child method
public function isAuthorized($user){
if (parent::isAuthorized($user)) {
return true;
if ( false ) {
return true ;
if ( false ) {
return true ;
return $this->rejectRequest() ;
For Cake version 2, as written in documentation for AuthComponent:
Controls handling of unauthorized access. By default unauthorized user is redirected to the referrer URL or AuthComponent::$loginRedirect or ‘/’. If set to false a ForbiddenException exception is thrown instead of redirecting.
you can configure AuthComponent to redirect you to custom page in one place using unauthorizedRedirect property.
Just set it in the place where you configure Auth as a component
'Auth' => array(
... other settings...,
'unauthorizedRedirect' => '/users/dashboard'
After being redirected, you can print error message defined by authError property
echo $this->Session->flash();
echo $this->Session->flash('auth');
but it will be the same message for any authentication or authorization error.
