Cakephp mssql Store Procedure with parameters (Invalid cursor state) - sql-server

I use CakePhp for a little application. In this application I store some store procedures (I use mssql). Now I want to execute theses store procedures and want to use the result set.
If I call a store procedure without any parameters i get want I want without any problems. But when i call another store procedure with parameters i get the error "Invalid cursor state"). I did some research and i understood that there it seemed to be that i execute multiple select because of the result-state.
In CakePhp i call:
This is running without any problems
$res = $db->query("Exec storeProcedureWithoutParams");
Here I get the error with the cursor
$res = $db->query("Exec storeProcedureWithParams 'param1'");
The store procedures are very simple:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[storeProcedureWithoutParams]
FROM [testdb].[dbo].[test]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[storeProcedureWithParams]
#test nvarchar(50)
FROM [testdb].[dbo].[test]
where [u6] <> #test
If I execute the both queries directly at the database I get two return. The first one is the result of the select-statement and the second one is the result-set. If I understood it right, is this the problem because i get two results (thats why the cursor-error). BUT I don't know how to solve it and I don't know how to get only the result of the select-statement without the return-state?
Can anybody help me?
Thank you very much!

Sorry for the late answer, but I'll add it here for testing purposes, as there aren't any full answers for this question.
Not sure 100%, but seems that when there is some kind of message output along the query results, it gives the "invalid cursor state". Adding SET NOCOUNT ON it solved to me.


SSIS Execute SQL Task - Input String in wrong format

I have an Execute SQL Task which tries to execute a stored procedure, like this:
EXEC usp_stored_proc ?, ?, ? OUTPUT, ? OUTPUT;
I have 4 variables mapped to parameters. Ignoring the output parameters, these are both strings mapped to NVARCHAR params (as expected by the stored procedure).
When I run the package, an error tells me that execution failed with the message input string is not in the correct format. However, when I use a breakpoint to find the runtime values of the input parameters (or at least the variables mapped to them) and execute the same line of SQL in SSMS using the runtime values, it works fine.
Can anyone help? I'm at the end of my tether with this. I can't even find out the exact parameter causing the issue although it's probably both as the values follow the same format.
More details:
Connection type: OLE DB
Input Variable: String = schema.table
Mapped Param: NVARCHAR, ParamName = 0, ParamSize = -1
Solved the issue by making a new execute sql component that calls a stripped down procedure. I then slowly added lines of code to the procedure and additional parameters until arriving at the same component I started with and now it works. Comparing the original and rebuilt tasks, I see absolutely no differences (same with the procedure), so I don't know why this issue was occuring.
Try changing the parameter size (ParamSize) to match the parameter size within the stored procedure; if nvarchar(50) then set it to 50.
Solved the issue by making a new execute sql component that calls a stripped down procedure. I then slowly added lines of code to the procedure and additional parameters until arriving at the same component I started with and now it works. Comparing the original and rebuilt tasks, I see absolutely no differences (same with the procedure), so I don't know why this issue was occurring.

Procedure not running in toad asking for the variable

I'm using TOAD for Oracle. I'm trying to execute a stored procedure with two parameters - one IN and one OUT. It looks like this:
PROCEDURE get_stuff (
parm_1 IN VARCHAR2,
parm_2 OUT currefcursor)
In the SQL Editor window in TOAD, I've tried various things to no avail. I'm sure this is something simple that I'm missing, 'cause I've tried all sorts of things I've seen in other solutions here at Experts Exchange, but can't get past various errors. Here's what I think should work from what I've seen here:
var p1 VARCHAR2 := 'some text';
var p2 currefcursor;
EXEC get_stuff( :p1, :p2 );
When I run this, though, the SQL Editor pops up a window titled 'Variables' that appears to be looking for a value. No matter whether I put something in the 'Value' textbox or not, when I click OK, it says:
ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
and highlights the 'var' in front of p1.
Please tell me what I'm missing!
Status Solved Priority Medium Security Public Views 21999
As the second parameter is OUT, you have to declare the variable which will accept that value. Here's how; I don't know what currefcursor type is - I guess you do.
l_out currefcursor;
get_stuff(:p1, l_out);
A simple option to view the result would be this: put this code into the editor and run it as a script; the result will be displayed in the Script Output tab.
variable l_out currefcursor
exec get_stuff(:p1, :l_out);
print l_out
Or, you could even create a wrapper function which returns cursor, and then select from it:
create or replace function f_get_stuff(p1 in number)
return currefcursor
l_out currefcursor;
get_stuff(p1, l_out);
return l_out;
select f_get_stuff(:p1) from dual;
You can use Toad to execute without writing the execution harness yourself as well. Here is one method using the Schema Browser. Select your object and right-click > Execute.
You are presented with a dialog asking for your input parameters. Set your inputs and you can see the generated execution harness below. You can also use this generated code as an educational guide to see one method of writing the code yourself.
Click OK and your function/procedure is executed and results are shown.

Using Parameters in SSRS with LIKE operator

I am trying to create a report that has a list of various product groups as parameters. When selecting each group, a list of those related products should appear. I am currently getting a blank table.
The results for this product group display when i execute the query.
I have the list of parameters and values as follows:
i'm struggling to see where I have gone wrong, when i preview the report, I can select each parameter, but get an empty table in the report. I expect the way I have given each parameter a value may be the problem, but cannot figure it out.
This is the query in the report.
DECLARE #ProductCode VARCHAR(12)
I am using Visual Studio Data Tools 2012 to build the report.
If anyone could give me a clue, that would be greatly appreciated.
It doesn't work without the quotes. I thought the quotes and wildcard
would be necessary to allow the LIKE operator to work.
First of all you don't need to use quotes, I tried to reproduce it right now and it works without quotes:
Second, the query that SSRS sends to server looks like this:
exec sp_executesql N'select model
from [dbo].[cars]
where model like #car',N'#car nvarchar(3)',#car=N'ca%'
So the only thing it changes respect to your code is parameter type, it always declares it as unicode, i.e. nvarchar(...), so maybe it make sense to try in SSMS your code with parameter type changed to nvarchar(12):
declare ProductCode nvarchar(5) = N'PA.A%'
Try to execute it in SSMS and see if it returns smth or not

ColdFusion 10 error with Stored Procedures

In a .CFC file, within a CFfunction and with CFargument tags.
var sp=new storedproc();
//writeDump(sp);break; //This dump is reached
var spObj=sp.execute(); //blows up here; this is never reached
writeDump(spObj);break; //This is never reached, either.
var spResults=spObj.getProcResultSets().results;
A shiny nickle to anyone who can tell me why the sp.execute() is blowing up with message
"Cannot find results key in structure.
The specified key, results, does not exist in the structure."
I've used this psuedo-code many, may times in the past, and never had it do this. I'm connected to a MSSQL Server 2012 DB, everything's cricket in CF Admin, and other SPs are working properly. The stack trace doesn't even include any of MY code at all o_O
The error occurred in C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/CustomTags/com/adobe/coldfusion/base.cfc: line 491
Called from C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/CustomTags/com/adobe/coldfusion/storedproc.cfc: line 142
Called from //hq-devfs/development$/websites/myProject/cfc/mySOAPWSDLs.cfc: line 123
And SO is blowing up if I try and paste anymore of that. Google has...not been helpful ._.
Short answer: The error means you are trying to retrieve a resultset from the stored procedure, when it does not actually return one. A simple solution is to add a SELECT to the end of your procedure, so it returns a resultset containing the data you need. Then your original code will work:
Longer answer:
The method you are using, addProcResult(), is the equivalent of <cfprocresult>. It is intended to capture a resultset returned from a stored procedure. (Due to CF's poor choice of attribute names, a lot of people think "resultset" means the storedproc "result" structure, but they are two totally different things). A "resultset" is a query object", in CF parlance.
While all four (4) of the primary sql statements return some result, not all of them return a "query object"
Only SELECT statements generate a "query object"
INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements simply return the number of rows affected. They do not generate a "query object".
Since your stored procedure performs an INSERT, it does not generate a "query object". Hence the error when you try and grab the non-existent query here:
The simple solution is to add a SELECT statement to the end of your stored procedure, so that it does return a query object. Then your code will work as expected.
As an aside, I suspect you were actually trying to grab the "result" structure, but used the wrong method. The equivalent of <cfstoredproc result=".."> is getPrefix(). Though that would not work here anyway. According to the docs, it does not contain the number of rows affected. Probably because stored procedures can execute multiple statements, each one potentially returning a row count, so there is not just a single value to return.

EF generate result objects for SQL OUTPUT clause

What can I do so that EF becomes aware of the output clause in SPs and generates the result object accordingly?
INSERT INTO goodtable
ip, long_ip,
#ip, #long_ip,
What I currently do to circumvent this is writing a dummy select, generate the objects and the comment out the dummy select leaving the output. This is not a good solution for a long term run.
Please do not suggest changing the SQL.
Have you tried. when importing the stored procedure into EF, using function import, to add the returns a collection of option.
I've never tried it, but can't see a reason for it not to work.
