C expression that sets the last n bits of int variable to zero - c

In other words, sets the last 5 bits of integer variable x to zero, also it must be in a portable form.
I was trying to do it with the << operator but that only moves the bits to the left, rather than changing the last 5 bits to zero.
11001011 should be changed to 11000000

Create a mask that blanks out that last n integers if it is bitwise-ANDed with your int:
x &= ~ ((1 << n) - 1);
The expression 1 << n shifts 1 by n places and is effectively two to the power of n. So for 5, you get 32 or 0x00000020. Subtract one and you get a number that as the n lowest bits set, in your case 0x0000001F. Negate the bits with ~ and you get 0xFFFFFFE0, the mask others have posted, too. A bitwise AND with your integer will keep only the bits that the mask and your number have in common, which can only bet bits from the sixth bit on.

For 32-bit integers, you should be able to mask off those bits using the & (bitwise and) operator.
x & 0xFFFFFFE0.

You can use bitwise and & for this
int x = 0x00cb;
x = x & 0xffe0;
This keeps the higher bits and sets the lower bits to zero.


Rotate bits in cryptography

I need explanation what exaclty means this operation in C language.
I know this is doing a bit shift to left by n, but I don't understand this code:
| (a >> (32 - n)).
This is full code below:
uint32_t rot_l(uint32_t a, uint8_t n)
return (a << n) | (a >> (32 - n));
Please help me understand this.
Given a sample 32 bit integer a:
a << n will shift the entire sequence to the left by n bits. Any bits that are shifted to the left of the first bit are removed. Any new bits added on the right are 0. So, say we shift this by n = 3, we'll get:
Then, a >> (32 - n) will shift a to the right by 32 - n. Note that 32 is the size in bits of a, so 32 - n will shift all the bits that didn't get truncated to the right. For n = 3 again, we'll get:
(the 110 is the first 3 most significant bits of n)
Finally, the | is the bitwise or operator, and this will compute the result of every using or on every bit in the two results.
================================ |
So what happens is, first the bits of a are shifted to the left by n. This results in the n most significant bits being truncated. Then these n most signifcant bits are shifted all the way to the right, to fill up the space that was originally filled with 0 from the left shift.
The result is then combined using the |. This simulates the entire string of bits in the integer being rotated to the left. This makes sense given the name of the function is rot_l :)

Right shift with bitwise AND

A solution from a top answer is
To check a bit, shift the number x to the right, then bitwise AND it:
bit = (number >> x) & 1;
That will put the value of bit x into the variable bit.
What confuses me is this, when assuming the following:
unsigned number = 5; //0101
int x = 2; //
After a shift (number >> x) we get 0001. But we shifted off bits 1 and 2 and so when we do the bitwise AND, aren't we doing it against the third bit and not the second, where x = 2? Doesn't this mean that if I want to check if bit x is set, shouldn't I do:
bit = (number >> (x - 1)) & 1);
Yes, you are doing the bitwise AND against the third bit. Consider x to be zero-indexed, i.e. the first bit is bit 0.
You said:
After a shift (number >> x) we get 0001. But we shifted off bits 1 and 2 and so when we do the bitwise AND, aren't we doing it against the third bit and not the second, where x = 2? Doesn't this mean that if I want to check if bit x is set, shouldn't I do:
bit = (number >> (x - 1)) & 1);
To get the value of the 1st least significant bit, you need (number >> 0) & 1.
To get the value of the 2nd least significant bit, you need (number >> 1) & 1.
To get the value of the 3rd least significant bit, you need (number >> 2) & 1.
In other words,
1st implies 0 bits to shift
2nd implies 1 bits to shift
3rd implies 2 bits to shift
Nth implies N-1 bits to shift
I hope that makes it a little bit clearer for you.
The bit number represents the power of two. Thus when x is two, you are talking about bit 2 = 2**2 = 4.
The least-significant bit (or 'right most' bit if you prefer it bit 0, not bit 1.
Also, there is no reason to actually do the bit shift unless your 'bit number' is in a variable.
For example, to test bit 5 of a value, simply do
if (variable & 0x20)
Here 0x20 is simply 2**5, (or 1 << 5)

Separating the Nybbles in a Byte with Bitwise Operators in C

If we have a decimal value: 123
and its binary version: 01111011
How can I get four leftmost and the four rightmost bits from this byte into 2 separate int variables?
I mean:
int a = 7; // 0111 (the first four bits from the left)
int b = 11; // 1011 (the first four bits from the right)
Much appreciated!
int x = 123;
int low = x & 0x0F;
int high = (x & 0xF0) >> 4;
This is called masking and shifting. By ANDing with 0xF (which is binary 00001111) we remove the higher four bits. ANDing with 0xF0 (which is binary 11110000) removes the lower four bits. Then (in the latter case), we shift to the right by 4 bits, in effect, pushing away the lower 4 bits and leaving only what were the upper 4 bits.
As #owlstead says in the comments below, there's another way to get the higher bits. Instead of masking the lower bits then shifting, we can just shift.
int high = x >> 4;
Note that we don't need to mask the lower bits since whatever they were, they're gone (we've pushed them out). The above example is clearer since we explicitly zero them out first, but there's no need to do so for this particular example.
But to deal with numbers bigger than 16 bits (int is usually 32 bits), we still need to mask, because we can have the even higher sixteen bits getting in the way!
int high = (x >> 4) & 0x0F;

What does >> and 0xfffffff8 mean?

I was told that (i >> 3) is faster than (i/8) but I can't find any information on what >> is. Can anyone point me to a link that explains it?
The same person told me "int k = i/8, followed by k*8 is better accomplished by (i&0xfffffff8);" but again Google didn't help m...
Thanks for any links!
As explained here the >> operator is simply a bitwise shift of the bits of i. So shifting i 1 bit to the right results in an integer-division by 2 and shifting by 3 bits results in a division by 2^3=8.
But nowadays this optimization for division by a power of two should not really be done anymore, as compilers should be smart enough to do this themselves.
Similarly a bitwise AND with 0xFFFFFFF8 (1...1000, last 3 bits 0) is equal to rounding down i to the nearest multiple of 8 (like (i/8)*8 does), as it will zero the last 3 bits of i.
Bitwise shift right.
i >> 3 moves the i integer 3 places to the right [binary-way] - aka, divide by 2^3.
int x = i / 8 * 8:
1) i / 8, can be replaced with i >> 3 - bitwise shift to the right on to 3 digits (8 = 2^3)
2) i & xfffffff8 comparison with mask
For example you have:
i = 11111111
k (i/8) would be: 00011111
x (k * 8) would be: 11111000
Therefore the operation just resets last 3 bits:
And comparable time cost multiplication and division operation can be rewritten simple with
i & xfffffff8 - comparison with (... 11111000 mask)
They are Bitwise Operations
The >> operator is the bit shift operator. It takes the bit represented by the value and shifts them over a set number of slots to the right.
Regarding the first half:
>> is a bit-wise shift to the right.
So shifting a numeric value 3 bits to the right is the same as dividing by 8 and inting the result.
Here's a good reference for operators and their precedence: http://web.cs.mun.ca/~michael/c/op.html
The second part of your question involves the & operator, which is a bit-wise AND. The example is ANDing i and a number that leaves all bits set except for the 3 least significant ones. That is essentially the same thing happening when you have a number, divide it by 8, store the result as an integer, then multiply that result by 8.
The reason this is so is that dividing by 8 and storing as an integer is the same as bit-shifting to the right 3 places, and multiplying by 8 and storing the result in an int is the same as bit-shifting to the left 3 places.
So, if you're multiplying or dividing by a power of 2, such as 8, and you're going to accept the truncating of bits that happens when you store that result in an int, bit-shifting is faster, operationally. This is because the processor can skip the multiply/divide algorithm and just go straight to shifting bits, which involves few steps.
Bitwise shifting.
Suppose I have an 8 -bit integer, in binary
If I left shift (>> operator) 1 the result is
If I then right shift (<< operator) 1, I clearly get back to wear I started
It turns out that because the first binary integer is equivelant to
0*2^7 + 1*2^6 + 0*2^5 + 0*2^4 + 0*2^3 + 1*2^2 + 0*2^1 + 0*2^0
or simply 2^6 or 64
When we right shift 1 we get the following
0*2^7 + 0*2^6 + 1*2^5 + 0*2^4 + 0*2^3 + 1*2^2 + 0*2^1 + 0*2^0
or simply 2^5 or 32
Which means
i >> 1
is the same as
i / 2
If we shift once more (i >> 2), we effectively divide by 2 once again and get
i / 2 / 2
Which is really
i / 4
Not quite a mathematical proof, but you can see the following holds true
i >> n == i / (2^n)
That's called bit shifting, it's an operation on bits, for example, if you have a number on a binary base, let's say 8, it will be 1000, so
x = 1000;
y = x >> 1; //y = 100 = 4
z = x >> 3; //z = 1
Your shifting the bits in binary so for example:
1000 == 8
0100 == 4 (>> 1)
0010 == 2 (>> 2)
0001 == 1 (>> 3)
Being as you're using a base two system, you can take advantage with certain divisors (integers only!) and just bit-shift. On top of that, I believe most compilers know this and will do this for you.
As for the second part:
Say i = 16
0x00000010 & 0xfffffff8 == 16
(16 / 8) * 8 == 16
Again taking advantage of logical operators on binary. Investigate how logical operators work on binary a bit more for really clear understanding of what is going on at the bit level (and how to read hex).
>> is right shift operation.
If you have a number 8, which is represented in binary as 00001000, shifting bits to the right by 3 positions will give you 00000001, which is decimal 1. This is equivalent to dividing by 2 three times.
Division and multiplication by the same number means that you set some bits at the right to zero. The same can be done if you apply a mask. Say, 0xF8 is 11111000 bitwise and if you AND it to a number, it will set its last three bits to zero, and other bits will be left as they are. E.g., 10 & 0xF8 would be 00001010 & 11111000, which equals 00001000, or 8 in decimal.
Of course if you use 32-bit variables, you should have a mask fitting this size, so it will have all the bits set to 1, except for the three bits at the right, giving you your number - 0xFFffFFf8.
>> shifts the number to the right. Consider a binary number 0001000 which represents 8 in the decimal notation. Shifting it 3 bits to the right would give 0000001 which is the number 1 in decimal notation. Thus you see that every 1 bit shift to the right is in fact a division by 2. Note here that the operator truncates the float part of the result.
Therefore i >> n implies i/2^n.
This might be fast depending on the implementation of the compiler. But it generally takes place right in the registers and therefore is very fast as compared to traditional divide and multiply.
The answer to the second part is contained in the first one itself. Since division also truncates all the float part of the result, the division by 8 will in theory shift your number 3 bits to the right, thereby losing all the information about the rightmost 3 bits. Now when you again multiply it by 8 (which in theory means shifting left by 3 bits), you are padding the righmost 3 bits by zero after shifting the result left by 3 bits. Therefore, the complete operation can be considered as one "&" operation with 0xfffffff8 which means that the number has all bits 1 except the rightmost 4 bits which are 1000.

How do I get the lower 8 bits of an int?

Lets say I have an int variable n = 8. On most machines this will be a 32 bit value. How can I only get the lower 8 bits (lowest byte) of this in binary? Also how can I access each bit to find out what it is?
unsigned n = 8;
unsigned low8bits = n & 0xFF;
Note a few things:
For bitwise operations, always use the unsigned types
Bits can be extracted from numbers using binary masking with the & operator
To access the low 8 bits the mask is 0xFF because in binary it has its low 8 bits turned on and the rest 0
The low 8 bits of the number 8 are... 8 (think about it for a moment)
To access a certain bit of a number, say the kth bit:
unsigned n = ...;
unsigned kthbit = (1 << k) & n;
Now, kthbit will be 0 if the kth bit of n is 0, and some positive number (2**k) if the kth bit of n is 1.
Use bitwise arithmetic to mask off the lowest 8 bits:
unsigned char c = (x & 0xFF);
To access the nth lowest bit, the equation is (x & (1 << n)) (n of zero indicates the least significant bit). A result of zero indicates the bit is clear, and non-zero indicates the bit is set.
The best way is to use the bit logical operator & with the proper value.
So for the lower 8 bits:
n & 0xFF; /* 0xFF == all the lower 8 bits set */
Or as a general rule:
n & ((1<<8)-1) /* generate 0x100 then subtract 1, thus 0xFF */
You can combine with the bit shift operator to get a specific bit:
(n & (1<<3))>>3;
/* will give the value of the 3rd bit - note the >>3 is just to make the value either 0, or 1, not 0 or non-0 */
You can test if a particular bit is set in a number using << and &, ie:
if (num & (1<<3)) ...
will test if the fourth bit is set or not.
Similarly, you can extract just the lowest 8 bits (as an integer) by using & with a number which only has the lowest 8 bits set, ie num & 255 or num & 0xFF (in hexadecimal).
