Unable to get instance of RenderingContext - websphere-portal

I am facing problem in fetching the Rendering Context in Portal Theme of WPS 8. The following is the code snippet, that I used:
RenderingContext rc = (RenderingContext) request.getAttribute(Workspace.WCM_RENDERINGCONTEXT_KEY);
When I am using the above code snippet I am getting Rendering Context as null. I want to get the Current WCM path from the browser URL, but I am getting null. Please help me in this regard.

Use the below steps to create a rendering context.
repository = WCM_API.getRepository();
Workspace workspace = repository.getWorkspace(User, Pass);
// Create the rendering context
RenderingContext renderingContext =
workspace.createRenderingContext(request, response, new
Also, should set a render content as shown below. Then, only the render path will get displayed :
System.out.println("getPath: " + renderingContext.getPath(true));


I am using AutoJsContext in geckobrowser with that I am using evaluate scrpit. But now i am using webview2 is there a how can i get this

I am using AutoJsContext in geckobrowser with that I am using evaluate scrpit and asble to get data. But now i am using webview2 is there a how can i get this.
Gecko browser:
using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(browser.Window))
var userIdResult = context
.EvaluateScript("userId", (nsIDOMWindow)browser.Window.DomWindow);
Above is the code I use in gecko browser. now i need to get user id from webview2. Please help me in this issue
I am not able to get any alternative
You can use CoreWebView2.ExecuteScriptAsync to inject script into the current top-level document of the WebView2 and receive the result as a JSON string. The method doesn't have a way to specify an execution context. Script is executed in the global context of the top-level document similar to running script in the console of DevTools in the browser.
For example something like the following:
var resultAsJSON = await coreWebView2.ExecuteScriptAsync('window.userId');

Pdf Tron error " Exception error: Pdf error not found" (React App)

I'm trying to embed Pdf tron to my React application. I'm receiving this error when I'm clicking on the tab I want to filter to find the relative pdf file.
const handleFilteredDocs = (id)=>{
const filteredDoc = props.location.documents && props.location.documents.filter(doc=>{
return doc.controlId === id
path: 'lib',
initialDoc: `lib/pdf/${pdfPath}`,
extension: "pdf"
).then((instance) => {
const { docViewer, Annotations } = instance;
const annotManager = docViewer.getAnnotationManager();
docViewer.on('documentLoaded', () => {
const rectangleAnnot = new Annotations.RectangleAnnotation();
rectangleAnnot.PageNumber = 1;
// values are in page coordinates with (0, 0) in the top left
rectangleAnnot.X = 100;
rectangleAnnot.Y = 150;
rectangleAnnot.Width = 200;
rectangleAnnot.Height = 50;
rectangleAnnot.Author = annotManager.getCurrentUser();
// need to draw the annotation otherwise it won't show up until the page is refreshed
I'm thinking is because the ref component didn't receive in time the pdfPath state and then throw the error. I've tried to place a separate button to load the pdf with the pdfPath correctly updated and in that case worked. What can i do make it render correctly there?
this is the error I get from the console:
UI version "7.3.0"
Core version "7.3.0"
Build "Mi8yMi8yMDIxfDZmZmNhOTdmMQ=="
WebViewer Server false
Full API false
CoreControls.js:189 Could not use incremental download for url /lib/pdf/. Reason: The file is not linearized.
{message: "The file is not linearized."}
CoreControls.js:189 There may be some degradation of performance. Your server has not been configured to serve .gz. and .br. files with the expected Content-Encoding. See http://www.pdftron.com/kb_content_encoding for instructions on how to resolve this.
CoreControls.js:189 There may be some degradation of performance. Your server has not been configured to serve .gz. and .br. files with the expected Content-Encoding. See http://www.pdftron.com/kb_content_encoding for instructions on how to resolve this.
CoreControls.js:189 There may be some degradation of performance. Your server has not been configured to serve .gz. and .br. files with the expected Content-Encoding. See http://www.pdftron.com/kb_content_encoding for instructions on how to resolve this.
81150ece-4c18-41b0-b551-b92f332bd17f:1 PDFNet is running in demo mode.
81150ece-4c18-41b0-b551-b92f332bd17f:1 Permission: read
CoreControls.js:922 Uncaught (in promise)
{message: "Exception: ↵ Message: PDF header not found. The f… Function : SkipHeader↵ Linenumber : 1139↵", type: "InvalidPDF"}
Thank you guys for any help I will get on this!
The value of "pdfPath" isn't set to "filteredDoc[0].filePath" yet after you call "setPdfPath" (it'll still be the initial state till the next render). One thing you can do is pass a callback function when using "setState" to call "WebViewer()" after "pdfPath" has been updated
Also there is a guide on how to add PDFtron to a React project in the following link
One thing to note, is it's does the following
useEffect(() => {
// will only run once
}, [])
By doing the above, "WebViewer" is only initialized once. It might be a good idea to do something similar and use "loadDocument" (https://www.pdftron.com/documentation/web/guides/best-practices/#loading-documents-with-loaddocument) when switching between documents instead of reinitializing WebViewer each time the state changes

ReactJs in CEFSharp save state and restore at startup

I am currently writing a ReactJS UI for my c# Project. It will run in a CEFSharp control.
Now I try to save the state of a Reacj object whenever the state is changed.
When the c# programm is (re-)started the saved state should be restored in the page.
What is working so far:
Transmitting the state and saving it in c# is working:
if(navigator.userAgent === 'CEF')
let jsonstate = JSON.stringify(this.state.Fenster);
Fenster is an array of an own defined object.
To be able to push the saved state back to the react component I have created an ref:
<Kontrolle ref={(kont) => {window.Kontrolle = kont}} />
So I can call the procedures of component Kontrolle via a javascript call in CEFSharp.
To restore the state I call this procedure:
var fen = jsonstring;
let fenster = this.state.Fenster;
for (var i=0; i<fen.length;i++) {
var f = fen[i];
let index = fenster.findIndex(x => x.id === f.id);
fenster[index].colum = f.colum;
fenster[index].offen = f.offen;
fenster[index].sort = f.sort;
this.setState({Fenster: fenster});
It looks like working perfecly.
The state is updated correctly.
Also when I check the state in the debug console of CEFSharp it looks correctly.
There is also no error displayed in the console.
What is not working:
The state has influence to the page.
After calling the procedure the page is not rendered newly.
So the state and page are not in line.
I already have tried to force a render.
Without success.
Where is my mistake?
Can someone give me a hint?
Found the reason by myself.
I did implement the component Kontrolle twice.
One with ref one without ref.
I checked the rendered UI on the wrong implementation.
So, my own mistake.
The code I have posted work fine.
Thanks to all.

HostListener and Angular Universal

I'm trying to listen to a MessageEvent sent with postMessage in my Angular 2 component.
My first attempt was simply doing:
window.addEventListener("message", this.handlePostMessage.bind(this));
And then in ngOnDestroy:
window.removeEventListener("message", this.handlePostMessage.bind(this));
However this didn't work as expected. If I navigated to another route and back, there would be two event listeners registered.
So instead I've been trying to decorate the method with HostListener, but I can't get this working when using prerendering (Angular Universal with .NET Core using the asp-prerender-module).
#HostListener('window:message', ['$event'])
private handlePostMessage(msg: MessageEvent) {
That gives me the following error on page load:
Exception: Call to Node module failed with error: Prerendering failed because of error: ReferenceError: MessageEvent is not defined
Is there a workaround for this?
You're getting this error because MessageEvent is not defined. You must import whatever file defines this.
My #HostListeners look like this:
#HostListener("window:savePDF", ["$event"]) savePDF(event) {
and you can read more about them here:
However, I'm currently experiencing the same issue you are -- that if I navigate to another route and back, I now receive two events. And that is using #HostListener. :-( However I haven't upgraded Angular in a while (currently using 4.4.6), so maybe they've fixed it since that release.
**Edit: Just upgraded to Angular 5.1.0. The 'duplicate events' #HostListener issue remains. :-(
Edit #2: I tried also using window.addEventListener like you tried, and also had the same issue, despite using window.removeEventListener in ngOnDestroy().
This lead me to dig a little deeper, where I found some code I had added to listen to messages from a child iFrame. Any chance you have something similar in your code?
var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";
var eventer = window[eventMethod];
var messageEvent = eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message";
// Listen to messages from child window ("unsign" and "savePDF") and pass those along as events to Angular can pick them up in its context
eventer(messageEvent,function(e) {
window.dispatchEvent( new Event( e.data ) );
This had been in my page's constructor. I protected it so it only executed the first time the page was constructor, and now all is well.

window, document and local Storage in React server side rendering

In my React application, I am using window object , document object and localStorage.
To avoid errors, I have set it up like:
var jsdom = require("jsdom");
var doc = jsdom.jsdom("");
if (typeof localStorage === "undefined" || localStorage === null) {
var LocalStorage = require('node-localstorage').LocalStorage;
localStorage = new LocalStorage('./scratch');
global.localStorage = localStorage;
var win = doc.defaultView
console.log("document default viewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww", doc);
global.document = doc
global.window = win
function propagateToGlobal (window) {
for (let key in window) {
if (!window.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue
if (key in global) continue
global[key] = window[key]
But in my application, I want real window, ,real localStorage and real document to be used instead of what I have set up above.
localStorage created this directory scratch.Does that mean browser localStorage would not be used now?
Also, the console statement gives this if I try to console doc variable and is being used in place of document variable which is creating problem:
Document { location: [Getter/Setter] }
This is the script I have :
<script dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:(function(w,d,s,l,i){
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});
var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
j.src= '//www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;
console.log("f is",f);
f.parentNode ? f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f) : false;
Here getElementByTagName returns undefined and not an element as it should. How do I fix this?
basically, JSDom and the such should only be used if you would like to fake the window and document of the browser inside NodeJS. This is valid when running tests. I've not seen node-localstorage before, but i suspect the same is true of this package also.
You certainly do not want any of those packages to run within your app when on the client (in the browser).
You haven't specified which errors you have but I can only guess you are trying to run your app in node?
I would recommend removing all of them from your app completely and seeing where you get the errors. Then tackle the errors one by one. To start with ensure you only run that code on the client by using componentDidMount or something similar.
Once the app is working on the client and on the server, you could then look at how to improve / increase the amount the is rendered on the server.
